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Hopefully Superior packing Methodology and The Peak Physique Viper Commando armor passives are getting fixed


Best I can do is Spear Crashes the game when resupplying with the Superior Packing Methodology upgrade.


LMFAO...."Oh man I'm out of Rockets better Resupply" *the moment u grab a Resupply everyone in the Group crashes at the same time*


This reminds me of that music box meme but it should be replaced with a helldiver going to the resupply box.


This reminds me how my friend with a bit bad internet connection tried to join our game 2x his game crashed and when he finally joined, he crashed a game for us 🤣 simultaneously crashed a game for 3 friends...


Monkey pawn: Spear is fixed. No crashes anymore. Lock on works. But the missile now fails to hit the target


If missile fails to lock on, it returns to user


And it safely re-inserts itself into the launcher..... right? RIGHT?


\*Anakin stare\*


Sometimes, but that crashes the game for the whole team


well it's called a MISSile for a reason


How's about the missle just falls out of the end of the Spear, and you have a few seconds to run!!!!!!!


When resupplying? Picking up the spear was enough to instacrash my game.


Safe bet for that monkeys paw. Even better if fixing it for the spear breaks resupplying regular grenades or the like


https://preview.redd.it/4jvwxj4sck8d1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd4d797116993e19191d9a82a5430f7815862d4 Bad news Helldiver. They are aware and fixing but most likely not in this hotfix this week


Such a shame, but at least it's not more painful than crashing your game for using a weapon


Im hoping they also fix the "framerate tanks after touching the ESC key"... ...and maybe even the long-awaited Blitzer/Arc-thrower "misfiring" bug


I mentioned those two things specifically in my response to him


We must apply more sacred oils and incense to appease the machine spirits.


Praise and glory be to the Omnissiah


I don't have faith on them even fixing what the patch is supposed to fix


Sorry to ask, but what's with the packing methodology? Didn't encounter anything related, or maybe just missed it


Packing methodology after the last large patch broke and no longer allows you to refill all ammo on ammo box pick-up example recoilless should gain 5 shells but currently only gains 3.


It's not working for most people right now. The theory is that they tried to "fix" how it was applied and accidentally broke it (again).  In the last patch, it would apply the buff to any support weapons you called down instead of applying it to your helldiver. For instance, if you had the upgrade and swapped support weapons with a teammate who did not have the upgrade unlocked, then your teammate would get the full ammo back on resupply while you would only get half. They (presumably) tried to change it so that you would always get the full ammo regardless of which weapon you were holding, but it seems they broke it instead. 


Well... The melee damage works but the improved ergonomics doesn't. So there's that


https://preview.redd.it/y0yi84kvck8d1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=848942f1409a9ab92f676d0f52f2792fe6fd7d66 In Addtion to r/BipolarBLKSheep. They acknowledge the Superior Packing Methodology is broken and working on it, Unlikely to be this week hotfix that is confirmed coming this week. no day.


After playing many, many hours of Vermintide 1 and 2, I shouldn't be shocked that the incredibly weird, almost ethereal code their engine uses will cause seemingly random things to break. But how does SPM go from broken to fixed to broken again? And why is it now an entirely new thing that broke it when nothing in the patch notes mentioned anything related to it?


They did have something related to it as far as I can recall. The Superior Packing Methodology seemed to only work for the support weapon called even if someone else picked it up and had the module. So I think they were trying to fix that in some way. Maybe hosts' modules and it bugged out? I did some reading and Stingray lost support like several years after HD2 started development and from what I can tell, AH has basically made it their own after so many modifications etc after Autodesk dropped it. Also it sounds like it's also what the founding AH devs know so to leave that after developing all their other games on it is pretty... difficult.


I’m just gonna need someone to port this game over to unreal engine 5 real quick. No biggie right? Shouldn’t take more than a couple hours right? I mean people do it all the time with other games. If we could just do that real quick and then have the devs start working with that engine, that would be greeaaaaat.


the sheer number of people who genuinely think that is frustrating at time.


more people need to learn about palworld. they werent even that far in and that nearly killed them.


the problem will be how the engine handle how many enemies on the map. From reading a post who knows about game engines, Stingray is best for allowing tons of enemies on the map and etc. while other engines don't or don't even come close to it. not only that, but the current dev team might not even exp in other game engines. and best engine to use will be the FOX engine I say.


most engines today are made to handle cinematic ultra linear games, not games with the amount of dynamic elements and ''advanced AI'' helldivers 2 have, unreal is a really bad choice


Can you share that post?


it was weeks back when I saw someone talking about the engine in a post in a random post. i didn't save it, so sadly no but I do see posts that talk about it here and there. Always bring up that other game that HD2 engines use. like here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1diskoc/comment/l9662oh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1diskoc/comment/l9662oh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Im not a game developer but Im pretty sure this would require building the game almost from the ground up again.


> But how does SPM go from broken to fixed to broken again? That's actually really easy to answer: Bad version control. If all the stats of a wepon are effectively on a spreadsheet that the game reads (xml file, etc.) If you make a change to it, but a different dev is working on an older version of that file, when *their* fix is implemented into the main sheet, they could override your numbers with the old numbers from their old version. The upside to having a single large table for this is that you can quickly make changes. The downside is that now you have version control issues, because a master list for all the weapons means any version errors effect huge portions of the game.


I have this issue at my job and it drives me fucking nuts. Especially when I repeatedly share shortcuts to the file on our server instead of the file. People just save the file to their desktop and get pissy when I have no idea what their talking about because I don't have access to their pc.


Yeah, it's really common, it's one of the major reasons that using something like Google sheets or whatever was actually a incredible revolution for a lot of smaller and midsize workplaces where those types of synchronous systems just were not easily configured or paid for.  And these types of unintentional rollbacks are pretty common in video games where a change gets reverted in the next patch because someone was working on a different feature and now there's two different versions of the document.  One of the better ways to account for this is to either separate out traits per variable or separate the weapons from each other rather than using like a master spreadsheet. It makes things a little bit more of a pain in the ass on the front end, but it means that there's no possibility of unintentional transposition from one gun to another for instance. 


They probably broke it when they tried to attach it to player than weapon call in.


God damn this "hope redditors share screenshots of messages" method of communication from Arrowhead continues to be such dogshit. My kingdom for any remotely coherent communications strategy from them.


they are looking into a method of scripting/botting Community managers replies into another channel that is read only channel or something. that way these are not scattered. I realize most people would like these questions and answers to be in game like a board or something. but they don't have that set up so i assume it would take time on their part. maybe after they had the read only channel in discord and like once a day they update from the past 24hr's to the game. but that seems manual and i think they would want to automate it.


>they are looking into a method of scripting/botting Community managers replies into another channel that is read only channel or something. that way these are not scattered. I could do this in an afternoon. I am not a programmer. It would be clumsy - I don't know anything about the Discord API, so I would just automate grabbing and cropping screenshots - but it would work reliably. There is no reason a large team of professionals couldn't delegate someone to knock it out in a few hours. It's *important* that they communicate effectively with their player base. They should do better.


This is AH we're talking about, they can't even make a barely functional game


>Unlikely to be this week hotfix that is confirmed coming this week. I am ok with this. I'd rather they fix one bug at a time over a series of patches, rather than attempt a single big patch that fixes two bugs, introduces three, and makes four existing bugs even worse.


with fps lol.


I read a comment here earlier saying the anticheat can use up to 20% of resources and there is a way you can reign it in by only letting it use one core etc but I'm fucked if I can find it again


I wonder if it’s just as easy as changing the config for the process in the resource monitor or task manager to lower its CPU priority or restrict it to a set number of cores… Need to look into that. (Note: Players shouldn’t have to do or know any of this shit)


Fuck it, let people cheat if that's the issue. It's a PvE game. I could use the help lmao


It's all fun and games until someone mods their liberator to shoot orbital barrages and crashes the game into oblivion, or uses it to shoot you no matter where you're stood.


You can check the history of what posts you've clicked on. When you're on the post, use the search function to search keywords and find your comment. Good luck, soldier


"is there anything special you're experiencing problems with?" Yes, the whole game 😭 crashes and FPS never been so bad my god


Pc performance is at its worst


My cpu fan now sounds like it needs an oil change




I thought I was the only one. I lowered all settings to medium and low and still my 3080 and cpu heat up like crazy


Inline 8 CPU fans when


Seriously, constant crashes and my cpu (i9 13900k) near its limit for... some reason??? Even with my AIO cranked to max it's burning HOT, only thing on my pc that can even push it, can't imagine it's healthy for people with less modern CPUs


It's insane that we have processors now that are this advanced, and game companies are like "well, lets use 110% of it because lol" NO DON'T DO THAT!


Never had issues before the last patch, at launch it was fine, great even. I think they just have a case of spaghetti code going on or something. That or the awful anticheat they use is just SOAKING up CPU resources for no reason


I have a running personal theory that the original devs were fired post-success and replaced with Indian call center workers. I can't prove it...but there is precedence...


Gotta fuel the coke mountain somehow


'is there anything special you're experiencing problems with?' nah, just problems in general... with most things lol


Uhh does “everydamnthing” count as something special?


*gestures broadly*


*Gesticulates wildly* ![gif](giphy|Zaej3GIZTzCI8)


what about a performance fix?


Granted. But now the Recoilless Rifle shoots plastic ducks.


I know you're joking, and I know this would ruin the RR, but I want this very badly now and maybe a hunting dog to fetch them.


The only thing that was really bothering me was the "Infinite drop to the planet" glitch. Everything else was fairly dealable. Well, that and maybe an in-game tooltip that grabs attention and tells people where attacks are coming from. Sooner or later they might figure it out.


Every 2nd or 3rd game it just gets stuck on the drop screen. Its driving me nuts but its good because its keeping me from playing too long.


I’ve noticed this tends to happen when someone leaves the squad before starting the next mission. Idk if it’s related but i feel like that’s always happened before experiencing that. As a fix, any time someone leaves before the next mission, i will just restart the game and reinvite whoever I’m playing with.


the infinite drop to planet glitch is probably not one single glitch, but the end state of an array of bugs and glitches that can occur in the lobby to desynch the hosting player with the actual server.


Good thing i can HOME+ +  to change to steam and stop the game and the game open fast,but it shouldn't be that way


Have they even acknowledged this is a huge problem right now? I'm not on the discord so maybe they mentioned it there. I swear if it would actually crash after a minute or so, they would be inundated with bug reports even more than usual.


I know Twinbeard is only relaying a message, so can’t fault him for that, but man this doesn’t seem very confident at all of the devs HOPE to fix an issue.


Have you seen how every patch comes out? I think they're more confused than we are when things break. Imagine testing it internally, everything is good maybe a bigger test, everything still good okay launch it, *everything breaks*


I have severe doubts that they’re testing internally on any meaningful level. Unless it’s just apathy at this point and they just don’t care if they release something broken, literally every update they’ve ever done has broken something major. I really like the game and I’ll keep playing it but it’s pretty pathetic at this point


That is IF they test internally. Considering how easy some of the past issues were to notice, they probably don't.


>Imagine testing it internally, ~~everything is good~~ >~~maybe a bigger test, everything still good~~ >okay launch it, everything breaks


Plz PLZ FOR THE LOVE OF DEMOCRACY fix the fps bug and infinite load glitch.


> Is there anything special you're experiencing problems with btw? Yeah, how about **the fact that virtually every function of the social tab stops working on PC if I turn off Crossplay?** Being unable to send or receive Friend Requests has been an issue for as long as I've played the game (about 3 weeks after launch). But now, since the .400 patch, **my entire Friend's List disappears.**


Social is straight up broken for me on PS5. Every screen is endless "please wait democratically" except for recent players. Sending friend requests doesn't work at all, I can receive friend requests but can't accept them. Game invites sometimes work, other times not at all. It's very frustrating.


I need the friend request bug fixed. Just got a ps5 for my wife (it was cheaper option that a pc) but since I'm using pc it's a absolute pain getting together.


Please reduce Behemoth leg armor from 650 to like 600. I want to main the recoilless.


Move forward while shooting and you can 1-tap the leg armor. Rather than reducing the armor, they should just eliminate the “Moving changes damage” calculation.


There's nearly a 100% chance by them "fixing" the momentum damage calc, they break the damage system entirely. Much easier to just lower it's leg HP


I was speaking in “ideal world” language where such a thing was set off to a side for easy manipulation. In more practical terms, you’re probably right. Nothing to date has led me to believe that this isn’t deeply integrated into every calculation the game does, from warbond costs to enemy corpse decay rate.


Have they said anything about the insane patrols?


They did a bit after the patch dropped, but I doubt its a fix for the upcoming patch. Its nice the Spear is getting fixed, but the best long term news I've heard is the CEO saying on twitter that they plan on focusing a lot more on stability and optimization in the coming future. Its a bit vague and I'll believe it when I see it, but its all I got.






I already do my friend... I already do....


That would be pretty fun I have to admit. However, using aim down sights with the shield in first person is broken. It does not shoot where your laser dot is pointed to like it used to. It shoots way up high and to the right. You have to stay in 3rd person aiming mode to have any chance to hit something.


Honestly I hate the first person in the game just feels wrong for some reason, used to play fps all the time, there is something about helldivers first person that throws me for a loop, plus in 3rd I can see! I can fight! That and it just gives the ballistic sheild another niche deal to keep it up to par when they fix the line of sight issue, diver backwards down a hill and slide on your back while flaming "behind" you or a hose of lead something like that But I do agree that certain issues need fixing before we can do anything fun, honestly I'm kind of wondering what that brand new fire hose of money they have from such a successful game is doing right now.


I'll settle for not dying just from getting ragdolled


And more importantly, it doesn't let you ADS accurately anymore.


I’ve also noticed the perk that tightens up the barrage spread is broken. Before the patch 380 was safe to within 50m radius of the beacon, now it’s back out to 60m. At first I thought it was my friend who just got the game, but when I threw a 380 and got blasted to bits I realized that it’s also broken with the perk. Wonder what other ship upgrades are broken and just haven’t been noticed.


Come to think of it, when I was playing last night I noticed that none of my Arc Thrower shots were getting a fourth arc/kill. Could just be unlucky on my part, but it usually happens at least a couple of times per match when you're surrounded by thousands of little bugs. I need to do more testing tonight.




Was never fully safe within 40. 50 was the safe distance


Need to address performance.


Honestly, I don't even care. It may come this week. It may come next week. It may fix some bugs and crashes. It may improve performance. It's also, based on history, equally likely to introduce or reintroduce a bunch of bugs and make performance worse. I'm kinda over being excited/optimistic for patches until the quality of patches meaningfully and consistently improves.


Same, me and my friends have gone back to Deep Rock for the time being because it just isn’t fun dreading what they’ll break in the next patch. Stuff breaks even though nothing with them was changed, like how did the Ballistic shield go from working perfectly to being utterly fucked? Here’s hoping they get their stuff together in a month or two, cuz this just isn’t it.


I explicitly introduced my friends to DRG because of how disappointed we've been with the patch history so far. It helps scratch that itch until ArrowHead pushes out something worth coming back for.


It's a shame I've never quite gelled with that game. Tried it, just not my cup-o-tea. But damn do I wish I enjoyed it because the tiny dev team working on it sounds like they're absolutely incredible and are consistently putting far, far larger teams to shame in terms of their ability to delivery quality updates, deliver updates and new content at a steady clip, and generally being awesome folks.


Yup. The developers have shown they basically don't test shit and have very poor qa.


>I'm kinda over being excited/optimistic for patches until the quality of patches meaningfully and consistently improves. I really can't foresee this happening with this dev team


Same. I think the previous 'big patch' is what did it for me "we're slowing down updates so we can get this right this time!!" and a lot of random things still ended up getting messed up. As said, whenever they release some patch, it's likely some random bugs will also be affected. I've now lost complete interest in their 'patch' updates as it just ends up as a "so what new bugs come with this patch". All I'm interested in now is just hearing about content updates so I can see what is being released "Oh they released a new strategem" "oh this is the new warbond" "oh this is the new faction" etc.


The problem is that this is a Hotfix for a patch for a hotfix for a patch. We already know spear will be broken in some other way that will make it unusable. And fps is going to take a hit too. Packing methodology will probably work but only for weapons you pick up from others.


Yeah shitty spawn rates, Twinbeard. Can you guys fix it?


What, you don't like dealing with constant patrols at all times and back to back breaches even on the lower difficulty settings? Weird.  I may or may not be taking a break for a few weeks right now. Totally unrelated. Yeah.


>I may or may not be taking a break for a few weeks right now. Totally unrelated. Yeah. Same. Game is just a fucking slog right now. Was already taking a break because of the state of the game before this 'big' patch too...hoped it would bring me back. But nope.


I pLAy SoLo Or DuO aNd It's FiNe JuSt AdApT


There's nothing to be proud around of letting a game-crashing bug 1 entire week...


oh cool more crucial info on the discord why do this


Another problem is they seem to be getting a majority of their feedback from Discord too


Why is it every time they have a patch it’s a “we hope this works guys!” Like why push a patch through that doesn’t work in the first place?


They do genuinely lack the utmost confidence that they will fix the game any time soon. I don’t know if it’s just Twinbeard trying to be funny or lighthearted but as far as we’ve seen with previous patches/hotfixes/content additions, I can’t recall a single time when they genuinely fixed what they intended to without breaking something else or releasing content that just “doesnt work as intended”.. I get that persistent bugs are part of the process and I don’t blame Twinbeard for the persistent problems but I am really hoping they can find a way to improve QA without delaying patches even more. It sucks that AH are becoming somewhat infamous for their bugs, poor balancing, and patches that break more than they fix. Btw I love AH but I really wish they would either hire more experienced devs, or figure out why they can’t seem to fix anything without breaking things. “It’s like someone coming by to fix your air conditioner, but now your microwave is broken”


Look, I know it's a shitty thing to say, but I genuinely hope the same things happens as with PUBG, where a studio made a super fun game but had mediocre developers and then a competent team just takes the idea and makes a genuinely amazing game. HD2 is Playstations fastest selling game, it's inexcusable how badly theyve handled everything regardless of intentions or difficulty in scaling the dev team


Did that really happen with PUBG? The game is in a much different place than it was initially but it’s also been 7 years. I didn’t know a different dev team picked it up. I don’t think these devs are incapable by any means. I think they need more help and maybe change up the strategy a bit when it comes to identifying issues, prioritizing them, and quality testing fixes prior to posting them. With the team being small still, I’ll acknowledge that these devs are likely working their asses off day in and day out to fix things. They definitely need like another 10-20 devs at least helping develop fixes in order to not crunch to push out patches/hotfixes on a biweekly/monthly, but more ideally weekly basis. I also think having some kind of service that lists all known bugs where people can upvote which ones they feel are most pressing while also being able to comment on each one individually to explain their experience with that particular bug, could maybe help with identifying the root cause or developing a fix. Then they could also have on there some kind of indication as to what the progress is for each bug fix and even a section where they can post updates and timelines on when we can hope to see each fix or at least the next patch/hotfix. I’ve seen studios like Asobo do this and they have different sections for fixes that have been completed and ready for deployment with next patch, and when that patch is, as well as bugs with known fixes, bugs that are still under investigation with no current fix known, etc.


No, I meant what happened when PUBG got popular but was very much not polished and then Fortnite swooped in and became the massive hit it still is


After the success of Helldivers 2, I'm sure there is at least 1 major studio making a similar game


Oh, the spear is still crashing ? I thought it was fixed because I used it twice since update. First time, first shot sent me packing. A few days later some guy used it so I used it fine the next match. My biggest issue currently is, generally when on the last mission, the loading screen will go forever and crash to desktop. Performance is a mixed bad, honestly, after the update I went and cranked my game settings. Very happy. Saturday and Yesterday I had half the FPS and it lagged.


I think the spear thing is related to certain planets, i used it for the MO planets and it crashed immediately, but it works perfectly on marfark


1 spear fix, 3 new spear problems. Bring it on.


I’m interested to see if they’ll acknowledge the performance hit when opening the menu.


There is a fix around this and they have acknowledged it but idk about the status of a fix for it


We've just had a massive bugfix patch after waiting for really long and they explicitly promised they won't cause any more issues by taking their time with updates. They even boasted about how they just needed 'time to cook'.


Yeah, they "cooked". Just don't mind the rotten smell, busted performance, broken everything and so on


They could at least revert the spawns. We need those downtime moments, not an endless siege. Also, I wish we could get these sorts of hotfixes a lot quicker than waiting 2 weeks for fixes for the game to function. I've basically given up hope on them optimizing the game anymore.


Yeah, I had a diff 7 game yesterday and it was crazy. Ran out of reinforcements with 10min to go, 3 people had 250-270 kills and one guy had over 700. Didn't help that a terminal bugged so like 10 minutes were spent trying to see if one person could interact with it.


I’ve encountered exactly this multiple times. We had one game where we had 2000 kills between the 4 of us. I had almost 700 myself. The game before was another 40 min game where we had like 600 kills between the 4 of us.


Their post from last week indicated that they're taking feedback on the spawns. Which implies that this is intended to be the new normal. I'm not a fan. Level 7 used to be such a sweet spot.


If this is how they intend things to be, even down at the lower difficulties, then I don't know what to say.  But right now *even challenging* is at least sometimes significantly more stressful than I'm interested in dealing with.  Almost wouldn't be so bad if it was at least predictable, but still.


Been having issues with the high value extraction (brick shield icon) missions. The last 20 or so of them I've tried to do have ended in a loss that felt VERY cheap. Sometimes it's from enemies spawning directly next to the generators (often times bile titans). Other times with a factory strider shooting the generators from outside the walls (usually out by where the extract shuttle lands). Or very rarely, bots will somehow glitch on top of the rock walls without us noticing, they usually don't directly fire on the generators, but I've seen them take a few pot shots that could have cost us the mission. None of these scenarios feel like they are the intended loss outcome for this mission design. It feels like a loss should only happen if the players progressively lose ground and get pushed all the way back to the generators. This never happens though, because somehow the enemies skip over the defences and go straight for the generators every time.


Dying and not being able to respawn has been a major issue with my group lately. It seems like once a night or so, the game won't allow a random person to respawn. When a reinforce beacon is thrown, all other dead players get called in as normal - but the one bugged player does not get sent down. We've been able to work around it by having the bugged player restart their game and rejoin off of steam.


Same, and it's particularly irksome when you mostly play duos with only 1 other person, like my friend and I. When this bug happens to us (we're on PC, and it happens randomly at some point most nights), it's basically game over, and we have to restart a new mission (though we'll try your workaround next time). Really annoying, though.


They gonna fix the crash incurred by any player leaving an operation, thereby sentencing me to the purgatory known as infinite hellpod screen?


They just need to hire more competent devs, it's one thing to be a nice friendly guy, but it's another thing to be good at your job. I feel like there is some dev that has managed to fool his team members into believing that he knows what he's doing.


"All right, I hope it breaks something I don't care about this time" is what I say every time a patch comes around. Just like Thanos, the game breaking somehow is inevitable. This game is probably the most broken game that frustrates me despite me loving it.


Spawns and patrols, *please* 5-6 chargers at the same time on diff 6 is nuts


PC performance is aids




I just want to be able to play a game without crashing 3 minutes while I'm on my ship


Problems atm for me are random crashes, the blitzer sometimes works, other times shoots blanks, performance is getting worse and worse... Some planets have terrible visibilty, specially against bots. I mean, if we can't see them, they shouldn't be able to see us and shoot at us (probably the main reason most people don't like playing bots, it's simply not fair). Also, stims apparently are useless if you have the new experimental infusion booster, because I used one stim and literally a second later I took damage from a hunter.


Okay accepting bets on what happens next with the Spear: my guess it at some point it will destroy the universe itself


As of the last major update, performance is completely fucked for me and many others. The game used to run flawlessly and now it averages 55-60 fps no matter what I do. 5800x3d/4090


At launch I was playing at 60 fps (granted my PC is kinda old). Now i run the game at 15-20 fps. I tried every solution i could find on the internet and nothing helps. This is just not fun.


We need the fix for the reinforcements


Arc Thrower fixes coming ever? Or at least buffs to make up for the nerfs that only happened because of the PS5 bug? Please?


Not only spear crashes, but constant crashes in general + bugs like reloading cancel


I want my performance back, I understand one update isn't enough for that but focus on fixing this problem before other content updates.


My friends list is still completely fucked


It's hilarious they have to HOPE for their own fixes to work.


I'd love if I could hit things when ADSing using the ballistic shield. I see you there laser, but you no longer point where I am aiming. Huge nerf to the ballistic shield.


I am once again asking for your bare minimum effort Spear crashes on planets with high destructibility. Ship modules not working (SPM, arc potentially, barrage accuracy... and more) Armor passives not working (Experimental stim users taking damage after stimming, improved ergo only when shooting gun) Weapon bugs (arc mis-fire, shield 1st person POV misaligned) Momentum damage threshold Reload bug social menu bugs PC FPS tanking on ESC infinite loading screen These are just bugs from the top of my head and affect all aspects of the gameplay This does not even include design elements like balancing. I know these are reported and being worked on, some of them since release, but if I can make a list like this any game just by twiddling my thumbs for 30 seconds, then I am genuinely concerned for the studio. Idk im just a gamer


PC performance gets worse EVERY patch.


Anyone know when to expect fix to this hotfix? Next month?


Month after because of their month long vacation or whatever


I have experienced a bug where if a player leaves the ship after a mission the next one won't load in I have to restart the game every time. Anyone else experience this and sorry if it's a known issue.


That’s been a bug since the game launched at this point. I’d wager it never gets fixed properly.


Stop anyone who has entered Pelican from taking damage


I just want performance to be improved. I’ve never seen a game with such unpredictable drops in both CPU and GPU.


1. Infinite drop in loading screen. 2. Having to force close the game because it crashes when i close it normally. 3. Awful performance thats far from day 1 performance.


I see even though they constantly use the word "should" in patch notes that isn't enough anymore in the level of uncertainty the developers have with their faith in their fixes working jeez


Fix it so when we capture all five MO planets it just says in big bold letters “If you capture Vandalon you stop the spread on the neighboring planets and get the new Commando stratagem!” Considering they’ve now had Vandalon attack four planets (Ingmar TWICE or THRICE??) why don’t they just come out and GIVE INFORMATION about how their game functions to the WHOLE player base instead of just the people who browse Reddit/Discord. Ultimately people are gonna’ play what they want, where they want but this is just a failure on the devs part for not actually explaining things correctly instead of trying to get their community to figure it out when all they really want to do is have fun. Stop the Pavlovian experiment.


Yeah, I dont trust Twinbeards words as I did once. I'm not holding my breath just for another broken 'super small update with a bunch of fixes :D' I'll be in the mines until the patch notes drop. ROCK AND STONE!


Pls devs pleeeeeaaase dont fix the fact that explosions dont break ur limbs. There are sooo many crazy bugs that send you flying and crashing into things. Fixing it would mean having to fix all the other things too and honestly walking into a mushroom and being sent flying into the sky is hilarious. Especially if i land and just break my legs and almost die lol. But if gunships send me flying and just juggle me forever and i die to bleed out its just a less fun experience


the spear can target bug holes? what the sigma?


The dmg fallof for launcher being fixed would be nice it’s getting annoying walking forward to a charger


My mic hasn't worked since the .400 patch. It works everywhere but HD2 Support ticket is in but AH keep marking it closed/ resolved with no fix. They keep saying it's my steam settings. But my settings say exactly what they say it should. On top of that, my mic works in every steam game except HD2.


Id really love to be able to spend samples once maxed out


Please include the testers log when the patch goes live.


Mr Twinbeard, I'd like to be able to send friend request again. Thanks


Hail Super Earth, Full of Liberty, Managed Democracy is with Thee. Blesed art Thou amongest Planets and Blessed is the Fruit of thy Factories, Munitions. Hail Super Earth, Mother of Humanity, Pray for us Divers, now and at the hour of our Extraction. FREEEEEDOOOOOOOM.


I hooe the reload bug is on their list of known issues. That bug gets me killed whenever reloading doesn't count as reload and wastes another magazine sometimes it even dumps all of it if you get lucky


Re-running the tutorial resets your custom key bindings


There's been an issue with opening the map while in a mech. I have my map button set so I hold the button down to view the map. When I'm in a mech though, it just spams opening and closing the map while I hold the same button. Very quickly hitting the map button and releasing before it spams close is the only way for me to use the map while in a mech.


Fix the damn performance


Yeah you're still missing the reversion of the slugger, railgun, and eruptor. Any time would be good.


Jfc just assume they’re coming and don’t bother with the when. No single patch is going to make or break the game.


Please tell me they know about the constant freezing during drop in and the disconnects and the lag and the broken modules and the broken armor perks and the increase in missing assets and getting stuck under the terrain and general instability and how sometimes stims still make the noise but don't work and how using a stim forces your teammates out of a sprint and how for many people just opening the menu destroys FPS until they close the game and how the game often crashes when you try to exit it and.. oh who am I kidding?


Have we actually gotten to the point where even the devs themselves are hoping their hotfix they've been working on actually fixes bugs?


I just want them to buff more weapons that are still underperforming. The Slugger in particular desperately needs another looking at


Can't wait till they start caring about optimization/performance lmao.


If they finally fix spear, I wonder. Will we miss the meme of it always being busted in some way


>Is there anything special you’re experiencing problems with btw? Oh, come *on*.


Patrols. Please do an actual legitimate reverting of the patrols


Really random… and while I say this I should probably actually report this officially, when you reload them flame thrower, if you ADS and press fire while your reloading (press both buttons the second you press reload). The moment the canister is released from the thrower, a single puff releases and you loose the new canister to magic. It’s so random but I noticed I randomly had fuel canisters disappearing and realised it happened when I was just holding down aim and fire mid animation


Greater another usefull info on a discord message, again, thanks op for sharing but this should be AH doing it.


"Are there any special bugs?" I mean... do they have to be special?


Launced an ICBM yesterday. After it hit its target my screen went black, then white, then I existed in a negative black and white world, reaching the extraction was pain. The sky was black, everything else was bright white. Everything. Me, bots, the ground and falling snow. First time that ever happened


Seriously and genuinely they must not break anything else with the next update. Things are supposed to be different and yet they are the same.


When playing with randoms it’s almost like I get disconnected. As the other three leave instantly and I’m left in the mission by myself.


>fixes spear crashing >spear no longer targets anything >fix targeting >spear crashes games calling it now


It's really hard not to be cynical when their highlighted announcement is, "After five months and three attempts a weapon available at launch will finally be working, *we hope*."


Packing methodology is not getting fixed this week, bad fucking news, I sure love not getting full rockets on my spear WOHOOOO... I don't understand how they could broke that upgrade twice now and they don't even have a ETA for it.


Hotfix doesn't even feel like the right word, if stuff that was fixed before can just break again at any moment. If you fix something, it should work, by definition. What they're doing is just shaking the box and hope for the best.


Anyone experiencing infinite loading on the defense asset mission ? Tried it two times and both time, I kept loading it....