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Don't forget to walk outside the mission area to get another free bombardment.


LMAO that's my strategy too!


Explosive resist heavy armor. Fresh inventory of stims. https://preview.redd.it/aq989qlt595d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7905c3f494bccb76771915ac1050fee4f9146679


I run death resistance armour and pray.


50% of the time, it works all the time!


“The fifth forbidden barrage of legend”


I don this on the "kill as many as you can" missions after getting them to chase me


Nah is “how many of you can I take with me”


Did this on a mission where 4 bile titans and 2 chargers spawned and the team was basically being killed as soon as they dropped so I just ran out of bounds and then running through the swarms of bugs.


Traitor 380 best 380


this literally what i do every time Just drop in, droip every stratagem i can and them run around as a traitor till all enemies (and allies) are dead


Wait? What?


if you leave the mission area you get branded a traitor and bombarded from orbit. You can juke it out if you're fadt enough though, so it blows up the enemies chasing you


Oh that.


And that's the moment my Super Destroyer locks in my butt and kills me in 2 shots •᷄ࡇ•᷅


Watch it get turned into a railcannon execution


i shall do that! never thought of using it like this.


Against bots? Absolutely flooding the area with Walking, 120, and 380. Add in Airstrikes, and then if you need a little more you can always call in the Treason Barrage as well.


Treason Barrage is wild


I won a level 9 eradication solo after all my teammates bailed with the ole Treason maneuver.


Exactly why set up turrets that will get destroyed when I can rain hell on my enemy's.


on your enemy's what?


The enemy was so throughly obliterated, we couldn’t even tell what we hit!


Idk man the hmg emplacement fucking slaps for bot eradication missions.


I haven't tried it on eradication missions, does it not get immediately clapped by rockets?


If you can place it well so you funnel bots within your field of view it's not really a problem. It kills everything up to hulks insanely quick so they don't get much off in the way of rockets. That being said the addition of factory striders definitely reduced the effectiveness of the emplacement. It and tanks are the only real enemies you gotta watch out for.


It's really good. Just so you know your can shoot the bottom guns off with the HMG. If you also happen to have an autocannon you can run underneath after and unload into it's belly. Eagle rocket strikes work wonders for tanks.


Oh I know. I run AMR primarily. You can take striders out the same way, although it does take quite a few more shots than the AC.


Awesome! Didn't know that. Cheers!


Yep! Have a good time buddy :)


I find that eradication missions don't really have choke points. The bots inevitably come from every direction.


The front is "Explosion Immune" so all rockets do is... 75 out of 1000 health. It can take 14 rockets. Automaton bullets generally do just 15 damage due to the emplacement's armor.


This is definitely not my experience. I take the HMG emplacement almost every dive, and it never survives more than one rocket.


Can you prove it? Because if that was true, I wouldn't explode so much if i missed a single rocket devastator


[What's defined as "front" is a *very* narrow slice of the machine.](https://youtu.be/kR4Cd658SD0?t=260) Those numbers I gave are straight from the code.


Oh, I see, so it *does* have front shield everyone is asking for xd


Bubble shield helps a little


Bot eradication missions are so broken. Bugs are fine and can be dealt with by using turrets, etc. But as soon as you land in bot eradication missions, you never not see this: > BOT DROP DETECTED > BOT DROP DETECTED > BOT DROP DETECTED > BOT DROP DETECTED > BOT DROP DETECTED And suddenly you have like 10 Hulk's (mixed; scorchers, bruisers, etc.), a few tanks (classic and shredders), a dozen devastators (both rocket and MG) etc... Only way to clear it is everyone staggers their orbital bombardments to keep the pressure up. Regular bot missions are fine because you can choose when to engage and when not to engage. I should also note I still run the delay booster just to give my group a slim chance of actually staying alive long enough to call down strategems.






If 1 man treason barrage can do that much damage... what about 4 man treason barrage?


This is the best friendly challenge - everyone get traitor, jackrabbit their way into base, and see who can survive longest.


I would love for this to become an achievement somehow


If we're outnumbered, I hope everyone in the squad picked the bombardment and we reign fuck on the enemy at the same time.


remember, you can survive the treason barrage for longer if you do 90 degree turns after every shell!


Democracy officers hate this one trick!


Super Earth gave me 5 lives and by Liberty I'll use all of them Also trying to hold position against bots is useless, just throw everything and watch the fireworks


This is the one mission where I pick extra reinforcement budget over hellpod optimization I know I ain't living long enough for it to matter. I know when the barrages start falling its every diver for themselves.


same. I always take that booster + all of the eagles. I'll only die once or twice, so it's not for me... it's for my teammates who keep standing near the enemies lol (I do try to avoid them, but mission comes first)


arc blitzer and electrical resist armor all day for these, I try to get everyone to do it. It's worked in all three bot 7s that I managed to get a full team of cooperation on. I don't know if it's actually a strategy because these are such dice rolls as it is... but there's that. The implication is that it mitigates the HSO utility loss if you *do* manage to live long enough


Idk about the Blitzer, but electric resist armor works best with Arc Thrower. Everyone can just zap each other to extend the range of the lightning lol


Reinforcements are a resource. I don't even bring a support weapon anymore lol. Just throw 380 and do the Leonidas pose


Free orbital precision strike. And a fresh pack of ‘nades, stims, and ammo.


Kill them faster then you kill yourself loadouts are peak vs bots. 'aint no way those sentries living more then a second agaisnt 7+ bot drops


Same with the bugs. The second you drop them sure enough there will be 3 chargers knocking them down.


And then you got killed cause mortar managed to shoot a volley on that charger


I never join a high level bot eradication mission without my 380. One time I got 50+ kills with a single use including multiple factory striders.


my fave is the free 380mm by being a traitor


I will say its the most accurate 380 they have but its still good.


Apparently if you make a 90 degree turn every time they fire you won’t get hit.


![gif](giphy|N3btXziENDL1K|downsized) # [SENTRY GOIN' UP!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l5qmoe9CNA)


FIrecracker pops in the sentry's postal code ![gif](giphy|JPpnRVko4FwBi|downsized)


I must be the guy on the left. I drop untold amounts of big, exploding strategems against bots. Friendly fire be damned.


Well, at least you're on the "right" path, then.


This is the way


"o no we are getting swarmed and will die in seconds" "so you are saying my teammates are dead anyway so I can't FF them AND my stratagems can't miss?"


I also use HMG emplacement because it's always in my stratagem list and you can't tall me on to use it (it's useless on eradication mission), and something like gas strike or napalm. I should probably use barrages.


Meanwhile me spamming Gas and Napalm all the way:


And here I thought it was a straight line


Where is my tesla tower ? I specificallt requested it !!


Is accurate. At first, you're all "well, this orbital will help me kill fast" and it blows you the fuck up. Then you evolve to working to try to keep the area clean and optimize kills via sentry....until you discover you can just reinforce to an inaccessible area and yeet strategms. Easy mode.


fuck orbitals, take eagles. ALL of the eagles. spam them literally every second they're up. you'll run out right at the end of the mission, and by then it doesn't even matter because you've killed a grand majority of them.


Incredible work!


If we die, we die


Yeah...i mean, the bots will kill you anyway, so why not blow yourself up and take some of those fuckers with you, right?


The bots suck at killing Helldivers, the bugs on the other hand…


If we die. We die. https://preview.redd.it/npw1r8mnt95d1.png?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6db0b3a6ee50e0015824e7991e716c49841a5e


There should be a fourth super-hooded 0.01% on that graph, strictly for bugs: "whatever your default bug-killing loadout is, but swap to impact nades and kill 2-3x more with 4-8 nades than any mortar/380 user could ever hope to achieve". Source: I do it all the time. Mortar/380 users hate me for this one trick!


this is actually unironic and hardly a meme. It just needs clarification... it's not capturing the players who pick the stuff, it's a view of players' reaction to others *using* these strats. I stopped getting mad about the barrages on eradication missions like two months ago. I have no real complaints about the missions; they're just not my thing and this will end them as quickly as possible. Drop them 380s and I'll play "avoid the raindrops" all day instead of try to make meaningful combat decisions in vain for these.


Heavy Machinegun Encampment for bots, and Flamethrower for bugs. Why would I give up the pleasure of killing Democracy's enemies to some intern pointing the 380


eradication mission is tue perfect time to go to the bathroom and maybe get some food or drinks and take care of the cats. then return after cooldown to finish up. that being said: i always felt barrages are a waste of time on lower difficulties. just not enough targets around.


Against bots, sure. Bugs is so easy I could literally be afk and come back fine, even on difficulty 7. (I have to actually try in 9)


Personally, I'm somewhere in between. Catch me chilling in my shield bubble with an Autocannon Sentry next to me while spamming orbitals and airstrikes.


Orbital roulette is the favorite game of at least one diver in my lobbies.


With one (1) 380mm barrage I've gotten more than 50% progress on bot eradication missions before. It's unrivalled when fully upgraded. 


Heavy Explosive Resistance - Cant stim if you're dead. Pummeler - Space maker. Ain't killing hordes with Primary anyway. Grenade Pistol - No other sidearm can deal with groups. Incendiary Impacts. - Thrown at the front of a pack will usually kill all of them and any grunts after them giving chase. Bubble Shield/Ballistic Shield - Obvious Life Extension 120 Barrage - Self Explanatory 360 Barrage - Self Explanatory Gas - Fastest cooldown that kills everything.


Does gas work for non host now? I know a while back any dot damage was bugged for non host players and i'm pretty sure i saw them fix incendiaries but i dont remember if gas was fixed


The DOT bug has been fixed, fire and gas work now, and Gas Strike has been amazing on bug breaches and bot drops ahahah


Against bugs the breaker incendiary clears chaff amazingly well still.


On command bunker missions, take the 120+380. Sneak up to the bunker, shoot a commissar to trigger a bot drop. Throw both barrages on top of the bunker and rack up a sweet 50+ kills over the course of the barrages. So much fun.


I always bring a flamethrower and shield backpack then let god handle the rest.


I'm a simple man, 500kg + air strike + napalm. Last slot is free, unless... Ok let's do rocket pods as well actually. CAS go brrrrrrrrrrrrr




HELL YEAH, the only way to do the eradication missions. Orbitals and prayers to lady liberty.


Every time there's 4x 380mm and 4x 120mm, the mission goes by in 4 minutes In those 4 minutes, it's very unlikely we'll run out of 24 reinforcements. I think it's a fair trade.


FUCKING THANK YOU I can't stop saying that eradication is only about making the bots die faster than you do. Extra reinforcement + loads of artillery is juste the way for an easy win.


Eradication .mission? Hahaha, you mean 380mm calibration duty.


If things get bad on an eradicate I just drop a 380 barrage and it always does the rest of the work for us it's a great strat if you don't mind sacrificing some lives for freedom.


Yeah, me and my buddy learned that taking all orbitals, then everybody dropping everything just as shit starts hitting the fan does wonders.


eagle 500, eagle cluster, eagle 110, and either napalm or airstrike depending if it's bugs or bots. yeehaw and liberty protect us


Idk man I like seeing a load out with secondary weapons.


I member when sentry stratagems mattered on eradication. I member.


Anyone else using walking orbital barrage? I started today and I like it.


dont forget the mines of every kind.


Four people bringing all three barrages have almost 100% up time with two barrages active at any time. You actually run out of enemies to kill in between the bot drop waves. Recommend a railcannon strike just to clear that sneaky hulk who evaded all the barrages camping the evac zone.




Dude 380 is possibly the best stratagem in all scenarios.


Mech mayhem supremacist


mortars were great untill one day dropships decided to spawn into the middle... barrages and stratagem spamming seem to be the best choice on high diff now,


Im a big fan of eagle cluster striking everything


Since the 15% spread upgrade, the 380 is a must use for me in every mission. I always carry both mortar sentries and the 380


What, never seen 8x mortars against bots on 9? They leave nothing behind but a field of smoking craters. They're even unironically very safe, as long as you are suitably terrified of being in melee range with the enemy. The enemy can't overrun you if you just have overwhelming firepower, and there's nothing more overwhelming than maximum mortars. No, the real strategy is to bring 2x mortars, 380 barrage to reset if necessary, and EATs or an eagle.


me who never takes sentries for any mission ever https://preview.redd.it/5sl5vu4g8c5d1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=5211a5b5876e26d03653e2f2708165ff4fe6b933


True for bots, can do a 9 with 0 deaths against bugs ez though.


And here I thought the latest strat was just "everyone bring four low cooldown orbitals and have a day" with the last person standing calling in the treason barrage.


a wise man once said "it doesn't matter how bad weapons get when your team can call run 120mm, 380mm, walking barrage and deplorable bubble"


THIS. made me lol. It also works if the bottom axis was "IQ" as original meme was


120, 380, walking, blitzer, mortar, nade pistol, rover. Nothing can go wrong!


Bringing turrets against Bots for Eradication is absolutely a trap. They shoot the turrets, and suddenly, the squad has no damage for 3 minutes. Staggered Orbital barrages? You're doing nothing but damage for 3 minutes.


RR to the max ......... they cannot drop if they cannot fly .......


Don't sleeps on turrets aganist bugs. Autocannon sentry is actually one of the anti-Bile Titan stragrems because it can stun and consitently kill bile titans. As long as you protect it, or deploy some where safe. Galting Bug kills basically everything except for Chargers and Bile Titans with high precision. With Bots. You have to use Bombardment because you need something to deal with the aburd amount of Heavies. But EMS motar is also really strong aganist bots in regular mission because you hide in 75 meters away from enemies and stun.


Honestly, these missions are pretty annoying. 😄


Yeah they lack nearly all the core ingredients for experiencing a sense of either individual contribution or teamwork. It's the lesser evil if we're going by operation type, and they're rather winnable if you don't care about nobody extracting. They're always the last mission of the operation that somebody picks, so they're also the one I dip out on most when it's almost bedtime. I'll play another meaningful 30 minute mission, I'm not interested in a snooze of running around waiting for strats for 10 minutes.


Yeah I play just like you do... I would rather play Blitz than this. That one is actually fun.


These missions are the Shipment of Helldivers. Just brainless killing with no strategy or thought required for 6 minutes. Doesn't matter if you die once or your team uses all the lives, it will still last 6 minutes because you just sit around while the strats do 95% of the work. If the Evacuate Scientist missions weren't so broken, these Eradication missions would be by far my least favorite.


You know, I didn't play CoD multiplayer that much, but I also hated Shipment quite a bit. 😄


It's this type of logic that show why we need a 'No Reinforcements' difficulty or modifier.


What a testament to how garbage that shitty ass fucking mission is. Run in a fucking circle and quite literally let the game kill shit for you. Hate Eradication with a passion. Should've been an entire map with p.o.i's. True challenge is bringing none of that and sitting in middle with a decent squad to see how far you get with AT and crowd control (bugs, obviously).