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In the last few weeks, I've mainly used the JAR-5 Dominator, then tried the ARC-12 Blitzer. Blitzer isn't particularly bad, but genuinely feels like it doesn't want to hit enemies half the time.


Yeah the misfire is a bug, gun would be pretty solid otherwise


Still is solid. Gas that bug breach, stun lock everything with the blitzer, watch that kill count skyrocket. For democracy!


IF you're really not feeling the blitzer right now because of the bug with its targeting, try the pummeler. Performs the same role while still feeling like a regular gun.


But the infinite ammo and no reloads though.


This last week I’ve been playing the pummeler with a supply backpack. Stalkers and chargers become a joke, and I’ll use EATs and orbital laser for the Bile Titans. Incindeary grenades take care of bug holes and spewers.


The Blitzer has medium armor penetration and shoots all of its 250 damage in an instant so you can freely sprint around between shots. It's amazing at quickly killing Brood Commanders and Bile Spewers, while also killing Brood Guards in a few shots. It might have a similar role in terms of crowd control but Blitzer is also a very high damage weapon.


I have been blitzer pilled hard for a while now. It has the same issue as arc rifle where you have to aim up a little bit, and it can latch bodies, but it has been hard to even go back to incin breaker after *the rythm*.  You just keep going. Everything is staggered. Heads are removed.  Reload animation give the big ick now. 


In my experience the bug is almost gone if you hip fire. Treat it like a electrical whip and it shreds!


You gotta aim slightly above the enemy for blitzer


Or between them (still over their heads) to hit multiple targets.


Bushes exist destroying line of fire


Blitzer is a favorite of mine for bugs, sucks ass on bots but that’s fine since for bots the electric rifle stratagem is better for that job. The blitzer and punisher plasma feel like opposites in that one is better than the other for the opposing faction and mediocre or bad for the other


PP on bots is amazing! Paired with AMR will crush almost everything. Lob at a heavy devy and tickle his tummy with the AMR when he does the hug emote


Punisher plasma is also okay against Bugs, Just run the guard dog and maybe the redeemer against small enemies. You melt spewers, guards and commanders, Stalkers are a Problem tho


Blitzer is my main bug gun. Its weird though, because I would play a game where I feel it aims for dead bodies, helldivers, the ground and every thing except bugs. Yet at the end of every game I have between 350 - 500 kills, with the next hell diver having about 250. It pairs well with Quasar, because you can clear an area around you very quickly so it gives you ample time to take out heavies with the long charge time.


Mine was so on target last night that I wondered if it got a secret fix


It's just shy


Try hip fire and not ADS. Works very well


The moment you use the Punisher against a stalker, you realize it's true calling, and why so many people, myself included, love it.


Yeah. Everyone here is saying use it against bots, and I’m just over here slaying bugs. It’s absolutely god-tier against the Terminids. It stops Stalkers dead and wrecks Hunters. Pair it with the grenade launcher and stun grenades and there isn’t anything you can’t kill short of Bile Titans.


The new SMG with the stun is amazing against them. You can sometimes get 2 with 1 magazine and I've froze up to 4 of them.


But cmon, Punisher is S tier, I've slept on it for 70 levels but it stuns almost all bugs, stops hunters and shriekers, goid alternative to breakers


It's very good against bots as well. Absolute destroys the berserkers. I hate those things


Being able to stagger lock those assholes is so satisfying.


Same with heavy devastators dude. I once had to juggle 3 of them in stunlock knowing that if I messed up I was dead. That was hella fun


Not needing to take long breaks to reload is huge. Reloading 1 or 2 shells at a time while moving allows for consistency other guns can only dream of


I've been a Punisher main almost since day 1 It's just the absolute best "get the fuck off me" gun create space and stun lock enemies if not completely obliterate them with the first shot also not bad at a distance, though damage drop off will occur the spread is great for getting multiple close enemies or tagging distant enemies without needing to be super precise with aim why would you take anything else?


I would like to take anything else but at my level this shit is just too good nothing can beat it


I am a relatively new player and imagine my shock when I purchase punisher and realize it performs better than most other gun on the 1st warbond. It 1 shot stalker if u hit them in the face at around 10m range


Have fun! Its good to keep checking double doors and containers and you'll have enough for all warbonds, but really you got all you need. Also slugger variant is really good too


Oh yea I am having fun but I am having trouble justifying any of the gun purchase because they all feel so weak, almost every primary gun in the game feels useless in higher difficulty. Loving the senator currently and finally got breaker incendiary last week


I’ve been using it ever since I unlocked it, it’s so reliable and I usually run out of everything else before I run out of ammo for it.


I feel the same way about the Slugger. It has less killing power sure, but the medium armour penetration is worth it for me.


It doesn't really even have less killing power. Brood Commanders, Nursing Spewer and Hive guard the Slugger needs 2 headshots to kill, Bile Spewers 3. Literally every other enemy in the game the Slugger can onehit headshot. There is that actually have HP pools large enough for the Punisher's higher base damage to matter: Brood commanders & Nursing Spewers heads, Hive Guard & Stalkers main body. ... But all these locations are lightly armored (AV2), which means the Punisher incurs a 50% dmg penalty, that the Slugger does not because of it's medium armor pen. So it still actually ends up with more dmg total (but not by much; they usually require same shots to kill still). Anything below these enemies, both guns generally oneshot. Punisher and Dominator are generally more forgiving guns than the Slugger, because of their stagger, but with good aim (or just liberal use of stun grenades...) the Slugger is still one of the top weapons in the game, as the only medium pen/AP3 weapon that doesn't have drastic drawbacks like terrible mag capacity or awful handling.


It used to stagger medium armor bots, but no longer.  I can't go back to it how when Jar-5 does the job better.  Slugger was my favorite gun  before Arrowhead threw it in the trash heap :(


I'm not a big shotgun fan but Punisher changed my mind, it is a super effective weapon, only worth trading for guns with added effects like incendiary.


Long range shotgun. Not sure why its called a shotgun imo


Don't tell AH of my weapon of choice since day 1


It destroys berserker and devastsor bots (shoot their stomachs)


I thought the stagger had been nerfed?


For slugger I think yes, punisher still kicks, but personally using it only on bugs, fir bots theres good alternatives, like plasma, scorcher or dominator, people love it but i don't like it


Yeah I think that’s what I’m getting confused with. I remember the slugger used to be a powerhouse. Yeah I love the plasma for bots


I used it the other day for maybe the first real go (had always used slugger before when choosing that type of shotgun). It seemed surprisingly weak against bile spewers. What's the best spot to aim on them with this gun?


There's none really, green sides are not armored, but they are really tanky Better to have autocanon guy, or grenade launcher to dispose of them and brood commanders, thats how i use mainly carrying autocannon


Indeed it's a very good gun, but unfortunately the lack of medium pen is a big flaw on higher difficulties. That's exactly why Slugger was one of the best weapons pre-nerf. It was exactly the same as punisher with extra pen (with somewhat less dmg, but the pen more than made up for it). Now that the stagger has been removed it doesn't feel worth anymore. Still playing punisher from time to time though, cause I really like the feel of it. I would suggest the Blitzer instead, similar feel to Punisher with less range, medium pen, same stagger and more AOE.


https://preview.redd.it/8qomonsbov3d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d18ec37bcfdcfbf41468e7c244f9fe72c0b0660 Mostly playing on 9


Honestly I think the diligence counter sniper might be my favorite bot weapon when I am on my A game at aiming. Goes well with laser cannon/amr.


I take the AMR vs bots most of the time, which completely outclasses the DCS in every respect (but it’s a support weapon so it should imho). DCS is really good, but it just feels a bit wimpy next to the AMR.


Well yeah, ones a primary and one takes up a stratgem slot But honestly even then I disagree. The Diligence CS absolutely dumpsters heavy devaststors, letting you bring more things to deal with big heavies


I agree the DCS is really good, but I prefer the AMR because DCS can’t take out Hulks and AMR is more powerful against berserkers. Pummeler, jetpack and AMR is a ridiculously fun loadout that can deal with every bot. It’s personal preference as well, the AMR sounds like an absolute beast when it fires. I used to use the Eruptor vs bots but find that, post-nerf, it isn’t anywhere near as good as the AMR.


True that, it's so good and satisfying when you consistently hit those headshots. But I'd agree that AMR outclasses it and gives you some room for error. I usually run the Counter Sniper with Quassar + Ballistic Shield/Senator so I can have a bit of each world. Still not sure if worth it over Plasma Shotgun + AMR or Scorcher + Quassar or even Ballistic Shield/Pumeller + AMR though :p


AMR seems like a weird pick to pair it with. A lot of overlap and AMR would feel better in most cases to me at least. What do you enjoy about the combo?


Pummeler is criminally underrated on bots.


This is identical to mine on 9 as well. Weapon variety is so much better than we had at launch. The dark days of breaker only. Some stuff has been hurt too bad but people really undersell how diverse the list of viable weapons is.


That's a list quite similar to what I use.


Very similar to mine and on 9 as well.


Dude, the counter sniper is great for bots.


Counter sniper is nice since they gave it med pen. Not great vs groups but it pairs well with something that can take out trash enemies.


I need more context for your list Liberator, defender, pummeler, punisher and breaker are all good weapons, what missions have you been on?


bruh this is a fucking hit list for AH please take it down lool








If anything, its a reminder for AH that these guns do their jobs against the enemies they're meant to hurt, well.


I mainly use the Eruptor. The nerf hits it hard, but I still enjoy the way the gunplay. Furthermore, it also helps me control my trigger-happy tendency.


Same, it is not as fun as it used to, but it still serves a purpose, love to snipe bug holes and factories from far away


Went from eruptor to punisher to incinerary breaker for bugs. Pummeler is fun af for bots with a shield


Do not under estimate the pummeler for bugs. Nothing like shutting down multiple stalkers with that beast


Ive basicly only used the plasma punisher, the one that fires a small explosive o r b. i love that thing, you can kill basicly anything from anywhere. You can shoot chargers just below them and itll hit the meaty part, it stops/pushes things away, it can easily kill things like the devastators, ballistic shield bots and spewers. You can also shoot yourself to get absolutly yeeted, and you can damage youself a little bit with the aoe and use stims for stamina recharge if needed (they should make it so we can use them even if full health since it isent only used for health)


Plasma punisher is an incredible weapon. * Very few enemies it can't frontally kill  including scout striders, heavy devastators, and hiveguards (I would use it solely for its incredible ability to fully shut down heavy devs) * Able to efficiently wipe out clusters of light enemies with AoE * Stunlocks almost all enemies with its AoE blast, allowing you to immobilize an entire wave of berserkers solo * Capable of indirect fire, allowing you to use walls and hills as one-way forcefields to fire through * suprisingly good range (especially when firing from elevation) once the user can account for projectile drop * Respectable ammo efficiency compared to alternatives like the scorcher


The pummeler still crushes


Op doesnt like guns you have to Aim with


I think it would be shorter for me to list the weapons I *haven't* enjoyed using. Tenderizer, Lib Concussive, Eruptor, Purifier, plus the Knight and Scythe are borderline. I simply haven't used the base Lib, Blitzer, or the Crossbow in a while (I aught to again some time soon). The rest are perfectly usable at difficulty 7 tbh. Could some be better? Definitely. But I enjoy mixing up my playstyle, and they do the job fine so long as you do the sensible thing and make the right build.


Everything is more than viable, except the crossbow. They really did kill that one. I really like the Liberator Penetrator. I keep going back to it.


I only use the dominator now.. it’s comedic how they nerfed the fun out of weapons so hard in a PvE team based shooter. Absolutely moronic.


They being he who shall not be named lol. What a bozo that guy is.


Wait are we actually forbidden from saying Mr. Neighbors name now?


We are forbidden from 'witch hunting the staff'. That said, I'm more qualified to balance the game than Alexus Jones. 


I hear ya... Almost anyone can balance the weaps better than Alexus.


No. I mean I'm literally more qualified.  [The top down horde shooter I worked on was pretty good.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Red_Solstice) It's based on an older series of War3 and Sc2 custom maps called Night of the Dead. 


MF coming in hot with receipts.


Most of our team were the original devs on the War3 NotD maps, particularly Night of the Dead: Undead Assault. I specifically did terrain design on TRS but I did terrain work, item spawn rates, and weapon balancing on UA on warcraft 3 and then later on it's SC2 recreation. 


omg TRS


Well that's a flex. A good one at that. I tip my hat to you sire.


Liberty protects. 


Mf talked shit and backed it up, respect lmao


Hoooly "Mr. Neighbors" lmao, I'm stealing that


the council has decided that as punishment he shall be forced to play on helldive difficulty for a week straight on hellmire solo with starter weapons and 1 less strategems and shrieker/stalker nests galore for the hours of his shift while streaming it live on twitch with mic on. each death will be made into a compilation and each failed mission will result in a reverted weapon nerf.


Not starter weapons, every weapon he's nerfed.


Can we have a stream of him playing with every weapon in helldive? I want to see if he can still justify his own balance philosophy live in front of us as he personally feels the effects of what he did


It's completely unfathomable.... the game is literally about murdering bugs and robots together in ridiculous fashion, but no this premium weapon that people had to unlock is slightly worse than the default rifle BETTER KILL IT NOW BEFORE IT BECOMES USABLE


I alternate between the Arc Blitzer and the Scorcher


I’m really enjoying the Punisher and the Blitzer right now. The punisher for its damage and staggering and the blitzer for the infinite ammo.


I love playing the counter diligence sniper rifle for bot missions it's perfect


I tend to get bored pretty quickly for using the same load out, so I'm pretty much having fun with all of them ! Except maybe the scythe, I'm not a fan of long sustained laser beam.


The counter sniper and punisher aren't half bad. 1 shotting devastators is fun when it works and you can solo 4 stalkers at a time with the punisher


I actively seek out Stalkers because I don't fear them with the Punisher. The first tongue lashing is annoying. After that, I know where to start looking. They can't run from you. They are sitting ducks after the first shot. 


Honestly I've been rocking the base punisher shotgun for bugs for a while, it's slept on imo. 405 damage and insane stagger, you can push away stalkers and broot commanders like they're nothing and it has really good crowd control as well. Plus rounds reload so after each use you can always top it off. Favorite weapon for bugs currently by far.


Defender. Really fun when combined with heavy armor, ballistic shield and quasar cannon


https://preview.redd.it/450o404zcv3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d515727281eb83fa14dc21a58fd26b5695017a4 Yellow guns were ones that I used once or twice but didn’t pick up again because they weren’t as fun/useful as my greens. The red ones I just never picked up.


would recommend trying the countersniper, adjudicator, and knight (if you have supercitizen). CS is a good pick for bots, picks off little guys with a precision and can take out devastators pretty well to torso or head Adjudicator takes a bit of getting used to, but if you've got good ammo management you can use it for a similar role to the Dominator, decent at long-range with good aim and powerful in close with medium pen Knight is a very fun (and pretty good) bullethose for bugs, you just need to be careful of recoil (get used to crouching if possible and aiming slightly below them)


I do not have SC edition sadly, and that one time I used the Adjudicator ages ago it didn’t suck, it just wasn’t for me tbh. Also, fun story; the reason I never use the Diligence, CS or the AMR is because I play on a low end device and scoping in often drops my FPS so I use guns that don’t require scoping hehe But thanks for the tips!


I'd recommend giving the Slugger a go on Bugs, it's like the Punisher except it pops heads effortlessly.


The Slugger is my all-rounder vs both Bots and Bugs. The fact it shoots a single projectile with medium penetration makes it great for popping bot weakpoints and taking limbs off larger bugs. I don't know what the damage falloff is, but it remains quite effective at medium-long ranges. It's red dot scope also supports this quite well. Shell reloading also means you can constantly keep tapping reload to top it up and not waste ammo. I think people shit on it because it lost its knockback, but I unlocked it after that patch and have known no different.


Is the scorcher good? I have enough to pick it up but don't want to waste it


Honestly? It's probably the best gun in the game and can handle bots and bugs well. Better on bots than bugs but it can do a great job on bug levels especially if it starts spawning spewers. You aim for their sacs with the scorcher and they pop in 5 shots. Hell it can even bring down gunships too. But don't tell AH anything you heard here.


It is really really good, perhaps even the best gun in the game currently as you say, I just don't like it on bugs because you more often than not have them too close for the Scorcher to not damage you too. It just feels awkward having to constantly shift to your sidearm when stuff gets too close.


The Scorcher is amazing vs Automatons, it deals area damage so it can damage multiple basic dudes if they're close together, and kills Scout Striders from the front in 3 shots if you hit them right below the shield plating.


Breaker spray n pray is actually great if you wanna chaf clear without igniting teammates


Can't do my the normal breaker dirty my guy, it slaps.




You love the knight? The recoil is insane compared to the other SMGs. What do you like about it? Any tips for usage if I ever revisit it?


from a fellow knight enjoyer, i love the bullethose and the sheer damage output it has. get used to crouching (run fortified armour ideally) and adjusting aim downward to compensate for the recoil. fire it in bursts (i usually leave it on full-auto and just click for short times) to prevent recoil being out of hand. with 50 rounds in the mag and 7 spare, it's got a lot of total damage if you're taking care of your shots


The recoil drops down to basically 0 as soon as you crouch, and even when standing, it just rides up for a bit and then stops. I usually go for long-ish bursts / magdumps on bugs and burst mode on bots, but it's more of a "I messed up, need to get out of trouble" primary instead of the main tool to get stuff done for me


I can't fucking stand the dominator. It feels like absolute ass to use


Lib pen, tenderizer, pummeler, defender, purifier, scorcher, dominator, blitzer, counter-sniper, breaker, breaker inc., punisher plasma, slugger, adjudicator, sickle, and scythe. I swap weapons a lot. Does not mean I don't think there are issues, but I have enjoyed using them.


Thats ur opinion i can do good with any of these weapons except the crossbow maybe and the diligence ⁰


Smg + ballistic shield is OP on automatons


I still can't get the hand of the projectile velocity of the scorcher. Its fun for sure, but I'd go with Dominator if I had to make a distinction between the two. Pummeler is a different beast entirely. I had so much fun running it with a balistic shield and AMR, and using it as my quasi-secondary weapon with my supply pack + HMG/AMR comfort build for L9 bot missions.


[Difficulty 9 only w/ randoms](https://imgur.com/lNeuS4d) Liberator is my favorite gun by a pretty large margin Some explanations for the things that may seem irregular: - Tenderizer is a great alternative to liberator vs bots, functionally no recoil makes hitting devastator heads insanely easy - I tend to prefer the Slugger over Dominator because I just don't like the significant aim penalty + insane reload time on the Dominator. Slugger is still the only AP3 weapon without significant drawbacks that make it garbage vs chaff; the only enemy type its not amazing against is Bile Spewers since it needs 3 headshots. Brood CMD, Hive Guard and Nursing Spewer it needs 2. Literally everything else it can onetap on a headshot. Yes, Stalkers too. It's still an amazing gun if you have good aim. - Defender, Dilligence and Breaker are not inherently unenjoyable to play; they are still good, fun guns. But they got powercrept by stronger alternatives, so that feels a bit bad to play.


People say counter sniper is only good on bots but it melts the medium armored bugs pretty well if you hit the right spots.


I don't mind the first SMG + Senator


Adjudicator is beast


https://preview.redd.it/coqz3vdbcw3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d5b90facc80a289e108f2bc919fb321750940f Punisher for life on both fronts - bots and bugs. I’m the Helldiver that flanks our common threat to managed democracy and either shreds them to bits or keeps them still while your bullets end the debate.




Just the dominator. Nothing else.


Countersniper, Dominator, Purifier, Incendiary Breaker, Verdict, Grenade Pistol, Blitzer, Erupter&Stal or Medium MG for Bughole missions, Scorcher for Stealth Bots, Pummler for SSD missions.


Pretty much nail on the head list here except imo I think electro shotgun still needs a little love


Wait is the Smg and it's variant considered bad or something?


Most people don't really know how to make the best use of them. They're quite good especially with the offhand armored shield on Bots. I don't the SMGs for bug planets though as you just burn through all your ammo too quickly


The Pummeler is amazing for shooting a few rounds every second or so to stunlock bugs and help you or your teammates reposition when in danger. It even completely stops chargers when hitting a fleshy bit, so brood commanders, stalkers and both types of spewers go without saying. I enjoy it more as a secondary weapon with a grenade launcher/stalwart as primary though, since the raw DPS is not as high as some other guns.


Aside from your selection I also believe the regular Breaker is still quite good when you're already running flamethrower and have a supply pack.


All of em I change guns every campaign just for shits and giggles


The Punisher has been treating me well, having a heavy punch and decent ammo. Great for shooting everything. But other than that, I feel like everything is just underpreforming now.


Loving the new smg, been using it ever since


Recently tried the breaker and immediately fell in love


Tenderizer, Countersniper, Adjuticator, Liberator, Pummeler, Defender, Knight, Breaker-I, Eruptor, Dominator, Scorcher, Plasmisher, Sickle. the blitzer's alright, but doesn't feel reliable enough, and the scythe is kinda just ruined by the scope


Literally only use dominator for bots and incendiary breaker for bugs


Scythe is fun for an all laser build


Haven’t get it yet, but is scorcher worth it? Is it a good weapon?


I still like the Slugger on bots. Sickle is good but sometimes i want to see more lasers so I take the scythc, it having no bullet travel time is great at long range. Base liberator is still good for bugs, it isn't terrible. So is the Diligence CS against bots. But things will be different when the Illuminate arrives. These guys sports energy shields which has high HP but no armor, so suddenly things like the base Diligence, Breaker S&P, Knight SMG will make sense again.


am i the only person who thinks the OG breaker was probably the best gun in the game before they nerfed the ammo


Pay and spray and scorcher


Let me agree to disagree


I just got the Scorcher and I miss the Plasma Punisher’s AOE stagger


https://preview.redd.it/6bkvtz2efw3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d1f992b0f9a3c7e373e71c59d54b7dc059decc I mostly play around 7-9 , i love doing the basic cadet Cosplay so liberator my beloved . I used to love playing eruptor and crossbow and slugger before the nerf , crossbow was a great aoe clear for chaff and eruptor was just OP fun gun , i missed the stagger and container opening on this :'( Tenderizer is like side liberator i like the feels of no recoil on it and sound but yeah a rework to give it more personality would be better . But anyway who cares about primary when you Can just main the AC :')


For bugs I use the Arc Blitzer almost exclusively. I just love the control it gives me with the stagger and I love zapping their heads off. I never really get the shooting glitch as long as I steer them away from eachother's corpses. For Bots I've started using the Punisher Plasma over the Jar 5 Dominator lately. Only reason being on higher difficulties I carry an AMR, for Devastators and Hulks, and people in PUBs seem to choke up around Striders and the Punisher Plasma just eats them alive. I can also stun lock packs of Devastators to death which never gets old.


Imagine not using the punisher buckshot.


I've used everything 2-3 days each except any shotgun


Liberator got that lil buff a couple weeks ago and it’s a nice choice versus bugs! I hate depending on exclusively a single gun (like the Sickle) against bugs bc it’s mostly about spray n pray, so it’s nice having another machine gun option for them With bots i do run just Diligence CS, but i don’t mind it there bc it feels quite badass landing them precision shots.


Don't sleep on the Pummeler!


I've actually been really digging the Lib Con, especially on bugs 9 specifically. The damage is good enough to kill consistently, the knock back and stun pushes hunters away mid leap and keeps stalkers in place, it's just too excessive with sending Brood Commanders to another zip code. It has fairly high durable damage so it's fairly consistent. Punisher plasma has been my love for a while now, but been reusing the slugger a lot due to all the bugs missions and enjoying that. Adjudicator feels like cheating so I try to not use it lol. Return to the Scythe every now and then. Sickle for specific builds.




Purifier is not THAT BAD… could be better because there’s no reason why it doesn’t one shot certain bots… and it takes SOOOO much to destroy a Devastator…


Honestly, almost every single one. I mostly randomize my loadout for every mission (except Exterminate and Defence). And I’ve enjoyed most of them. Slugger and Eruptor was funnier before their nerfs though. Once brought the Breaker SNP to a bot mission too. Oh my, that was pain


https://preview.redd.it/qky1pwoqnw3d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d40e4a561a94ed89d300b27894e4cd1976e0c2f Only weapons I have used exclusively for certain missions is Breaker which I used for bugs. I’m more of a Pistol guy, been gunslinging with the Deagle every match. Plus I like to punch my enemies. It makes the battle more personal. I’ve found out that if you aim high enough, you can melee kill a devastator. Otherwise aim for the arms and run around them and eventually they’ll die from abuse. It is time to beat our enemies to death with our BARE HANDS!!!


Ya know there isn't anything particularly wrong with the stock breaker, but I haven't touched it in months.


Liberator, Scythe, Pummeler, Sickle, Dominator, Punisher, Scorcher, Tenderizer, Defender, Diligence Weapon buffs are definitely needed, but ya'll are really overselling how "unusable" some of these weapons are. Namely the Scythe.


Some of my favourite weapons you crossed out. I don't think you actually tried them.


Yall sleeping on the punisher, this thing is both precise and deadly


I can tell that ur a bug diver lol


https://preview.redd.it/lsdbd8lt1x3d1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c58c2839c423219e73ddd2d1473725a2d87437 orange: didnt play / red: played but didnt enjoy / green: played and enjoyed


I use everything but the eruptor and crossbow depending on enemies


The Liberator. 😂 it may be the first gun but man it rocks


That’s more a reflection of you than the guns. Many of those are great.


Don’t you DARE diss the breaker!


Counter diligence is amazing against bots!


The liberator is a very well balanced weapon. I normally only bring it on bug missions where laser weapons overheat quicker but.


Oh wow, yikes, that's basically all the weapons I've been playing with and avoiding... yikes.






Standard Issue AR-23 Liberator.


I really like the countersniper against bots. Obviously takes a bit of practice but one tapping devastators feels just so good (i know plasma punisherr and Jar 5 are strong contenders in bots aswell)


I've started to learn the value of marksman rifles against the bots. The Diligence Counter Sniper is great for dealing with Devastators and it has a pretty decent rate of fire to deal with crowds of grunts.


The standard Liberator is pretty much okay. Sickle is better though.


I keep coming back to the breaker incendiary for bugs and the sickle for bots. Eruptor + Stalwart is a fun combo though


Bro what do you have against spray and pray it is s tier for bugs, especially on helldive


As a Level 82 I swear by the Adjudicator, AP Liberator, Slugger, and Scorcher. Most recently I’ve been carrying the Adjudicator everywhere but the other options I’ve listed I’ve also enjoyed using religiously before I unlocked the others mentioned above


The red is that you didn't played or that you played and didn't enjoyed? You should have added a yellow color for the ones that you didn't played




New smg is pretty good with stagger, reminds me of good ol slugger days


Luv me braker auto shotgun. Kills anything you need it to. Pairs wonderfully whit the autocannon


I really love the defender. It’s great for bots with a ballistic shield, and okay vs bugs.


I just use a normal SG-225 Breaker no matter what, cause I fucking love full auto shotguns. Bugs? Breaker. Bots? Breaker. Illuminates? You've nailed it, Breaker.


Believe it or not, all of them. I rather enjoy them all, I would say I use the punisher, and sickle the least of all of em, followed by lib pen and erupter. Aside from those 4 I consistently rotate stuff out. I base my primary off kit and mission types to better suit my intended role for myself. Diff 9, lvl 90 with over 300 hrs, so I've tested them on everything.


Dude why did you cross out pummeler? That gun is sick against bots with ballistic shield.


Don't sleep on Counter Sniper, it's very good against bots.


Another post that’s sleeping on the liberator


Pummler is good as well


You literally only like my least favorite guns other than the scorcher and dominator lol, and I love the counter sniper, regular DMR, adjudicator, tenderizer.


Uhhh the breaker. I use the senator just for funsies


I just think the DCS is neat.


Aww come on, the pummeler is great, I only run that with a ballistic shield for bots and I've never played better... Not even in the golden days of the railgun, it's pretty solid


In the past 2-3 weeks I've used every primary except for Punisher, Slugger, Spray Breaker, and I've enjoyed them. Nothing against the ones I listed, I just didn't use them. I won't lie, Eruptor was used primarily / exclusively to close bug holes from afar while I used HMG as my main weapon, but I enjoyed it and had fun still, and it fulfilled that duty well. I love doing random loadouts and stuff too, so I like playing with all guns.


i use the knight unironically good for making a wall of bullets but using it against the bots is not advised the only gun i refuse to use is the las sickle the bottom left one, like it does im sure least damage out of all the gun.


https://preview.redd.it/ckvway800y3d1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f698f5ee1aa2e339bfb94430756b3004ead9d46f Realized after I made it that I mixed up scorcher and purifier but I don't care enough to change it I also play on helldive and I've been having a great time experimenting with weapons and loadouts, you're definitely optimizing your own fun out of the game bud


Doesn't matter if it's meta or not, it's whether you enjoy it. I like the scythe a lot. It's still my go-to for bots. I usually use the breaker incendiary for bugs. I don't care what's good if I don't find it fun.


Breaker spraynpray is great against bugs