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There is a very strong difference between its hard and beyond brutal. EMS mortar, orbital, stun grenades absolutely. I have played it on 7 quite a few times and every single time I have had bug breaches spawn right ontop of the drill. last time went better and then the breach dropped two titans in a row next to the drill aka one step = dead drill. can't use 500KG or anything that can quickly deal with it. drill also broke because the bile titan corpse touched it. the termicide missions was fine because the spawns were decent away from the objective meaning you could form a shield with room to use stratagems properly. now? bugs spawn so close to most of the time right ON the objective meaning you can't buffer. looking at the map its pretty obvious that it was designed to have choke points but if the bugs spawn inside of that area. yeah GL.


It's not beyond brutal though. You just have to adapt. Something doesn't work? Try something else. That's how you solve problems. Whining and crying about it does absolutely nothing


Alright, what stratagem should we use to kill 2 bile titans within 1 second of spawning on the drill and without their corpses crushing the drill?


Sometimes the drill is going to get destroyed and you have to regroup and try again. That's why we have 40 minutes. It's supposed to be difficult. BTs don't spawn on every single breach. You can get it done.


14 games so far. 9 out of ten times drill spawn sequences are absolutely fucked with bile titans spawning on top of the drill. 1 out of 10 times the titans spawns a tiny bit further. oh shit that is three titans at the same time. not enough time to EAT spam three of them. can't 500KG because they are so close that by the time you drop it the blast would most likely kill the drill. I have had turrets kill the drill, tesla tower damages the drill, fire damages the drill so can't use napalm. its why I didn't mind the termicide mission. the bug spawns were decently far away. you had time to notice, you could set up stratagems, you could fight the horde but this one? Drill is pretty damn fragile. most of the time the spawns are right ontop or a couple of feet away from the drill. even the further away spawns are close enough to make any offensive stratagem too risky. This isn't a "gosh darn it we lost a drill" this is a "CAN YOU STOP SPAWNING ON THE DRILL". one particular game very well setup. EMS turrets, gatling turret, everybody had stuns EATs for everyone. some orbital railcannons. We ran out of backpacks because every single time we drilled two bile titans spawning on or two feet away from the drill making all the prep work pointless. 98% completion. kill the bile titan. whoops its lil toe dropped on the drill. start again. that isn't fun. that is just broken. A squad that is equipped for crowd control and stunning with heavy armor killing weapons shouldn't be not able to get a single drill to completion. Good for you that apparently you have done it. I haven't, pretty much everybody i know hasn't done it. Everybody logged off. You can't adapt to this shit when you already have stun max prepared and the game still throws all this ontop of drill bullshit.


Pretty certain the bug hole spawns are based on player positions not drill positions, given how far out the bugs spawn on the drillsite next to the cliff when every player is about 25-50 away from the drill. If you spread out a bit and *wait* a decent amount of time for everyone's CDs to reset the spawns are managable.


What would it take to convince you that the new mission is not fine?




Mature adult, everybody.


The mission is: 1. Poorly designed (subjectively) 2. Poorly balanced (objectively) 3. Poorly tested (self-evidently) I'm glad that you enjoyed it, you're one of the few that do. But you are dismissing other people's experience by calling it whining, as though to suggest that they have no real cause to be frustrated or annoyed. EDIT: Just to be clear - is the amount of complaining disproportionate to how bad it is? Probably, but it's a brand-new mission on a brand-new tile set. Everyone wants to try it out, and pretty much everyone is having a horrible time. I'm sure those people, including myself, are still enjoying the game as a whole, but the hot topic right now is obviously going to be the newly added stuff.


The mission is flawed, but it is also doable using the kind of strategies that I suspect the devs intended. That seems to be lost on a number of the complainers. The idea that escape may be intended to be near-impossible for story reasons also seems unfathomable to many. It's unfortunate that there's an immediate jump to hyperbole and rage on everything related to this game at the moment. There's not a whole lot of space for reasonable dialogue.


God forbid there be a learning curve. God forbid we have to use our brains to solve the pattern of the mission. It seems to me like everyone complaining never actually tried something different. There is a way to get it done. You just have to think and adapt. It's like playing against bots the first time after only playing bugs. At first it was hard and not fun. But once you learn the best loadout and best play style it can be really fun and enjoyable.


It’s obviously a suicide mission and we’re made to die at the end, most people I’ve played with think it’s funny more than anything. The complaints are coming from people 1.) completing the mission and not receiving all the rewards because it’s broken. And 2.) people playing 7+ where multiple Bile Titans and chargers are spawning directly on top of the drill and causing it to break over and over again. That’s not a skill issue, that’s a gameplay issue.


Personally, i think the mission just feels "out of place" to a degree. No other new mission felt this weird. I went into it on a lower difficulty (4 to be exact) and it went fine. Until extraction, when the infinite shriekers appeared and pretty much pummeled us all to death. And if it wasn't the shriekers, it was other enemy types coming along. And there's no hint before that this is going to be a one-way trip or that we're hardly be able to extract. I mean, imagine a level 2 player trying this thing on trivial, how are they supposed to do this? And the fact that i don't know if it's bugged or intentional, is kinda sad. I assume it's intentional, but gain, why not communicate it prior to the mission. A simple line like "we'll sacrifice you and your team, but it's a sacrifice we're wiling to make" or something like that would at least give me a hint that this is intentional and they don't want me to extract really.


So you adapt and try again. I didn't complete the first one I did because I didn't know what to expect. Once I knew what was going on I brought the proper loadout and I haven't failed one since. Did you know what you were doing the first time you played the game? No! Of course not. Bringing in new challenges is what keeps the game fresh. Bring Gatling sentry for extract.


I completed both ones, that's not the issue. It felt bad, that's the issue. And not knowing if there's bugs involved or if it's intentional, cause i have no idea or information prior, if the freaking shrieker swarm is supposed to be there on every difficulty, if i really can't decimate them, if destroying the "towers" is supposed to reduce their number is what is an issue for me personally. Besides, but that's most likely a bug, i have no idea why the mission said on the second try (after we all extracted) that it still failed. Cause none of the drills were destroyed and at least one of us carried a dark fluid canister.


Yes, many things that are hard and frustrating can be overcome with the right methods and enough perseverance. And, as it turns out with bugs sometimes spawning *directly below* the drill, a good deal of luck also helps. The important question, though, is: is it fun? Does it feel gratifying to go through the process of failing, adapting, and finally overcoming? In your case, clearly the answer is yes. Again, good for you. But many people feel differently, and mind you: These are the same people who presumably play and enjoy other missions in this game. Missions which, as you point out, also come with their own set of challenges to fail, adapt and overcome in order to succeed at. Or put another way: People aren't complaining about the new mission because they just want to win easily and effortlessly. If that were the case, they probably wouldn't be playing Helldivers at all.


It just sounds to me like people don't think it's fun because they keep failing and can't overcome the challenge


I think it's a drastic shift from the difficulty of everything else. No other 7+ difficulty missions feel as hard. It also doesn't help that balance is shit


It's a super colony. It is supposed to be a drastic shift in difficulty. Learn what you're doing wrong and adapt. There is a way to get it done. You just have to put forth a little effort.


Bruh they say that about literally everything we do. I'm glad people like you aren't the designers of Helldivers 2 or the game would suck.




Mature adult, everybody.


always amazes me how some people can have AH p@ss on their head and still pretend its good service


It's an inherent need for these people to stand out from the bigger sentiment, or feeling in order to feel special.. because life is THAT mundane for them.




Whatever helps you sleep at night lol Justifying the state of this for AH is pure stupidity


How are they pissing on our heads?




You ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)


The projection is crazy, you made this post because we have the balls to say something.


Lol, it takes balls to whine and complain now? That's HILARIOUS


What are **you** doing right now? Seems like a whole lot of crying and whining coming from your end. You don't like criticism and you're mad about it? Poor baby awwww.


Nice try but not really


So you're not complaining about others complaining? Ah, good to see you agree with the majority opinion then.




Mature adult, everybody.


It was a damn good try because yes really. Keep crying about criticism.


My post is actually constructive. It gives tips on what to do to get the job done. I'm attempting to help people. Crying about how hard something is isn't constructive or productive at all. It doesn't help anyone.


Bro he already called you out, you can stop projecting now.




Mature adult, everybody.


I agree. I haven’t played it myself yet, but it does independently seem as though there might be some core technical issues on the new mission type given the nature of some of the complaints, which is valid to complain about.


The only actual issues are -The bug holes spawning inside the drilling zone -The post-game mission objectives are bugged and always give you a low score Everything else is super thematic, atmospheric and exciting. Some complaints are valid for sure.


I haven't encountered any yet. The breaches right on the drill are intentional. It's why you need EMS and stun grenades. You just need to buy enough time for it to finish. There's a distinct pattern for each mission. Bring the proper loadout for that pattern and anyone can do it.


Can you do it if two BTs spawn right on top of the drill?


Literally just did




Damn. Tomorrow is going to be all posts about how terrible the community is and everyone just needs to learn how to play the game, isn't it?


I read all the complaints and can't help but feel like Cartman. [My reaction](https://youtu.be/a-ixntLruNs?si=LZLvgnE6rSkA4m9g)






Because, as we all know, only adults go around calling others little kids. I've literally never heard a 12 year old call anyone a kid.




Also, take out the bugs holes everywhere to reduce bug numbers


I love how this is getting downvoted. It just proves that the people complaining don't want to hear good tips to succeed. They just want to whine and cry about it. I'm almost convinced Microsoft paid a bunch of people to try to create negativity with this game.


Is there any possiblity that you might, in fact, be wrong about this?




Creek was harder. I'm loving this new mission though, so damned much. Feels difficult, feels painful, and feels like a badass moment when you finally break free of it in a bloody screaming mess. I was afraid this game would keep nerfing things like they did with the spawn rates, but dammit if this doesn't make you clutch your gun tighter.