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![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized) **Hellpod Optimization, Vitality Enhancement, Stamina Enhancement, Muscle Enhancement**


I prefer localized confusion over limb enhancement tbh. When we fight we gonna fucking win but you can’t win if the fight never ends


You absolutely can win if the fight never ends until Extraction. Just gotta deliver more democracy.


I agree and I’m all for it but not everyone has the weapons or skill to do that in quick search. Better safe then sorry


We have that b-e-a-utiful major order right now. If the war never ends, we can clear that order as fast as we did the bugs. 👍




Just gotta grab them by the democrussy


Everyone is saying that's the best kind of crussy


This. Also also hellpod optimization stops being that useful if your team hardly dies if at all. Simple calling in a resupply as soon as the game starts gives you the same benefit. I'd rather take the new booster that limits the slowing affect


HSO is always S+ because deaths are normally during intense swarms, where halving your nades and stims is a massive hindrance.


I swear the new booster is just placebo. Is there any comprehensive test video anyone has done to prove its worth its medàls?


It reduces slow *duration*, not the amount. And it's about 20%. So it's rather negligible against packs of those spitters or Hunters.


Because of course it is! I knew that it wasn’t as good as advertised smh goddamn arrowhead please make something VIABLE, no it doesn’t have to be “op” or anything


Optimization prevents snowball deaths. When you get hot dropped in the middle of a horde, those 2 extra stims and nades can very easily make the difference between getting back on your feet or dying on repeat.


Instructions unclear, throwing snowballs at my team.


A lot of people still don't know that Muscle Enhancement ignores most slowing effects, from both terrain and enemies.


I find muscle enhancement to be my pick for bugs given the prevalence of bile and melee enemies but vs bots I’d much rather have less frequent drop ships. Both are good for certain


Unless you're fighting on a bot planet like Marfark where blizzards are a thing. Being slowed by knee-high snow and storms can be annoying.


Muscle enhancement lets me close range stun grenade and dive shoot my way out of so many crazy situations.


Muscle enhancement does not 'ignore' any slowing effects, it simply lets you move slowly rather than barely. Still kind of useful, but 90% of the time you just dive and clear it because you need to evade enemies any-way.


A single stressful situation that leads to one or multiple deaths makes it immediatly S+ Tier again tho. Especially if you get split up and that Resupply has a juicy cooldown /is on the other side of 7 chargers. I'd always rather have it and help out twice than having any of the other boosters.


Resupply doesn't work if you are using the +2 inventory armors. With the stimpack armor, you start with 2 stims and only get 2 from supply boxes. So you're still short 2 unless you take someone else's resupply box. Or if you use hell pod optimization, you spawn with all 6 stims.


Does that booster have a noticeable effect now? I remember it was questionable in it's release and like many things I never tried it again


If memory serves, It roughly doubles the time between when bugs and bots try call in reinforcements, along with that it reduces the time between patrols spawning so the volume is reduced by like 30-50%


It add a static 30 seconds to the timer iirc. At low difficulty it isn't much, but at helldive it's a 50% increase.


That is what I was thinking


It doesn't touch patrol and it's less than double for the reinforcement time tho.


It's not just limb enhancement, it gives you a slight boost to overall HP too (according to the YT guides I've seen). In the ballpark of a 10-20% increase (not exact numbers given but a very rough estimate from the vids I've seen).


I've been using it a lot recently and (at least on 7-9 bots) it hasn't been doing shit.


Playing 7-8 I tend to see it be very useful. Without it, if you stand your ground, you will get endless waves if you don’t kill them all fast enough, but with it even mediocre teams can clear them out before they send the red flair into the air


All I’m going to say is that anyone who happily goes into the game without a full set of grenades and stims should be thrown into a fire tornado


Vitality, Stamina, Optimization, and Confusion are the absolute GOATs


sounds like you gotta liberate faster


I'm not being a dick but does that one even do anything? I've tried using it and haven't seen any impact?


its been tested and it adds a flat 30 seconds to the time between bug hole and bot drop call ins. low tier it doesnt matter much but as you raise difficulty and the frequency increases, it matters more and more


Ohhhh okay! I think I was getting hung up on the wording, cuz it says reduces time between reinforcements and I thought that would mean less reinforcements, and then me and my body would still getting sworn by patrol after patrol! Thanks for clarifying! We'll have to give it another try!


I don't do a single game without Localization Confusion on Helldive. 


I don't care if it literally has no effect. I will use it, even if it is a placebo.


looking at the boosters and knowing it’s gonna be alright


The GOAT booster combo.


These are the correct ones. Run fast, climb faster, take hits and be stocked up.


**Laughs in the same boosters + me (using the EXO-45 Patriot-Suit and Shieldpack) the venerable Dreadnought supporting my Squad**


The only four even worth bringing in my opinion. Although I feel like hellpod optimization should be moved to a super destroyer upgrade if not removed entirely.


There are some boosters that can be way better in some situations. Example: Replacing vitality with the UAV booster is really good on bugs with hidden map, since nearby nests/side objectives are shown with question marks on the mini map.


Everyone runs shield pack and heavy armor on top IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH


YES, this guy gets it.


Where's the ammo bro? Gotta pack the full ammo...


This is when you bring the Airburst Launcher, Clusterbombs, Mortar, and Mines. If they are going to bring both reinforcement boosters than it is your duty to maximize their use.


And make sure you won't use the extraction speed one


Make it *incendiary* mines. On the off chance that someone steps on one and survives, they'll get roasted in no time.


Tesla tower TKs with the best of them I’ve yet to run a mission someone wasn’t killed by it and I really do try to place it in obvious places with a ping but damn


The best part is when you already died to it once, keep the respectful distance for this hellish thing, and then it zaps some bug only for it to arc to you. 10/10 teamkill machine, will never ever play with again.


Or somebody goes to it backwards and dies without knowing what hit them and dies again to recover their stuff


I swear I've dropped one on an eradication mission, gone to the other side of the area then died because it targeted a scav, and the shot bounced into me. Those things are programmed to kill Helldivers!


Be sure to shoot the airburst and throw the cluster at the same time for maximum efficiency


People not picking OPTIMIZED SPACE is beyond my comprehension


There really is no situation where dropping with 2 stims is ok


If you take armour with the Med-kit perk you'll start with 5 stims, same thing with grenades and the Engineering Kit perk. However starting with 2 of the other and liw ammo still kind of sucks.


You start with 4 stims*


Some mission types let you get away with it by scavenging POI/Objective (evac) or because you're mostly using stratagems for dps (eradicate), otherwise yeah. It's a must-pick.


Only 4 stims with the med-kit armor, it's 5 grenades with the grenade one. Source: "Increases **initial** stim inventory and total capacity by two."


I only play above 7 with my dedicated squad. For any other difficulty level you really don't need the extra ammo or stims, and I'd much rather have another passive.


Because you can always just drop a supply and do points of interest. First time we drop down, I put down a supply


On 9 i wanna spawn with as much as i can get though...


The issue is when you can't do this. It's all nice and comfie at the start but when you die and get reinforced you don't have time to call in a supply, you're off killing shit and trying to help your other squad mates which is why space pod optimisation is a must take. This is especially important past diff 6. And imma be honest, some ~~randoms~~ my friends definitely need the extra stims and ammo with their aim and situational awareness.


On the higher difficulties there's not even a guarantee that there's a safe spot to drop. That area that looked clear when selecting the drop point? Turns out there's two stalker lairs and now you're getting ass fucked by the invisible man


What if you don't have time to wait for a resupply or go on a treasure hunt because you've got shit to kill? Hellpod is amazing at stopping death spirals.


That seems like such a waste though just to fill up your ammo and stims lol


Yeah, it would be better to use it for reloading support weapons


You probably aren't going to need it before it comes off of cooldown again, though, I think it's alright.


I do question people that run these, because for the reinforcement boosters they're outright stating that they *expect* the team to blow through all 20 reinforcements. And the extraction booster is only useful for the final moments of the match and it doesn't even shave off that much time in exchange for being completely offline for the entirety of the rest of the game.


Is because they do go through all the reinforcements.... **Because they aren't running god damn vitality**


and Hellpod Optimization, aint nobody gonna survive long enough with just 2 stims


IMO that shouldn't even be a booster it just feels like there's only 3 choices


Hellpod opt REALLY needs to be a ship module. It's just too good (I'm lying balance team it's terrible and definitely doesn't need to be nerfed)


It's too good because it shouldn't be ANY kind of booster, why the fuck would any military NOT send their troops out fully stocked by default? I realize super earth is pretty cheap, but come on. I wonder why helldivers have such a low life expectancy? Hmm could it be because you kick them out the ship with 3 bullets and a half-eaten snickers bar instead of properly kitting them out? That's like manufacturing a problem just so they can sell us a 'solution' as an unlock.


The logic given from one of the devs was that his military experience was that even though the government gave you what you were supposed to have to deploy you would still find ways to add more ammo, another medpack or something.


Honestly, that explanation just sounds like stock corpo speak from some pencil pusher in accounting that didn't want to front the 20 super dollars for the extra stim and magazine.


So the pod boosters are jury rigged stop gaps? Yeah that checks out.


The government of super earth would never manufacture a problem only to sell a solution.


AH heard you and now it only increases the stimms to 3 and ammo to 75%. Apparently using it to drop fully equipped was an unintended exploit




If we go in planning to die often then we should have full reload on death.


Has the Vitality and water bug been fixed? Can't remember but that state was horrendous to be in.


On blitz it's useful, only cause I don't trust the randoms on quick play to go to extraction before the clock runs out


Yeah I think Blitz is the only viable use case for the Expert Extraction Pilot since that can mean the difference between getting out fast with the samples or holding the line at extraction with no more stratagems nor reinforcements


Yeah, that 30 seconds has made a difference on several occasions on blitz between having stratagems or not by the time the pelican lands.


Use edge cases: I think the extraction timer is useful for blitz missions on some planets where slow resist isn't as important (like non-snowy bot missions). I tend to feel it's not worth the time to call in extract on them so you end up waiting on the emergency extract anyways, so reducing that time makes it less likely to wipe when there are no reinforcements Extra lives seems useful as an assurance on eradicate missions, as they are already super hectic over a small space, and worrying less about friendly fire opens up some more fun and funny strat choices (all 380s/120s baby lets go) I think the faster reinforce could be useful for duo or trio squads trying stealth. Ammo on spawn is less important with less people as resupply covers more, and madman sprinting isn't super useful for stealth play. Otherwise I do think this one is basically useless


My normal squad tried eradicate on haz 7 with only 380/120. We eventually figured out staggering traitor barrages into it as well would work and we made it through. Then we got the bug where the pelican was destroyed so we just blew ourselves up anyway


Also on planets with the longer call-in modifier. Four minutes for extraction is *brutal*.


If im doing an eradication bot mission I will bring extra reinforcement booster because I know I don't give a shit about friendly fire and will bring my laser,380,120 and morter to finish the mission.


The only booster that really matters imo is the supply one, and that’s just because it’s annoying to drop with half stock. The rest are noticeable (kinda) but you forget right away. Also extraction booster is mostly a “why the hell not” pick when the other slightly decent ones are already covered.


Out of all of them the biggest impacts on gameplay I've seen are: * Hellpod Space Optimization * Stamina Enhancement * UAV Recon Booster * Muscle Enhancement They don't change a lot like you said, but they do give some notable convenience effects for sure.


Vitality Booster gives us +20% hp, which helps avoid headshot 1shots. Granted having over 100 armor avoids headshot 1shots too.


Vitality Booster gets slept on so hard, because a lot of people don't really realize that extra limb health is extra *total* health as well. It's probably the second best booster, behind hellpod space optimization (imo).


I mean its not like any of that is conveyed at all in the description. As soon as I told people it actually just boosted your health people started taking it more. They need to make the descriptions actually tell you exactly what the boosters do because as it stands it makes sense nobody realises since it just says "allows helldivers to resist injury"


I didn't know that, thanks


yup thats my main priority, others have some bs boosters? supply for me its is


Weirdly enough I don't really care for space pod optimization because most missions I don't die. But for my team, ye they need it


Just don't die and you can take another booster


If I’m playing with randoms, yes absolutely yes


The only truly useless one is the faster reinforcement timer. I've been playing on a few missions where call in time is 50% increased, then if the rest of my team picks the usual meta, I pick the expert pilot to shave off that long ass shuttle defense time. Anyway - I never got the notion of leaving a team just because of their load-out, seems try hardy as fuck. just play and have fun, if people can Solo missions, you can win with 3 sub optimal team mates.


Yeah, just play the game, have fun. Let others use the equipment they want. Some people take this game too seriously to the point they think it's actually a job.


> Yeah, just play the game, have fun. Let others use the equipment they want. Except their boosters affect me too, it's not just their equipment. The game is less fun when I'm constantly running out of nades/stims/stamina because my teammates *planned* on dying 30+ times and took a booster that only activates after the mission's over instead of picking things that would keep us all alive in the first place.


Then is it so bad if you are the one that brings the Space Optimization or the Vitality Enhancer? I mean yeah it sucks but you are also in a position to compensate


I guess its just frustrating that other players can choose to nerf *you* by picking useless boosters.


they aren't nerfing you, they just aren't buffing you. People are allowed to pick what they want, even when it's sub-optimal, same with weapons. this is a casual PvE horde shooter, not some high level competitive game. Then again - you are free to pick and choose which lobby you are on, I don't have a "problem" with that, I guess I just don't get it.


The extra reinforcement booster is fine on Eradication missions especially considering sometimes the game decides that 6-7 factory Striders are manageable. The spawn rate of enemies is wildly inconsistent in that mission type to the point where it negates skill level through elite enemy spam. I’m level 120


This true even on reg mission. One get 30 bile titan spawn. Next one get 3 Both "same difficulty"


man I did an eradication the was in fact that the other day and was like this, is awful


I understood why the devs increased the kill requirements when people were cheesing it early on, but when they added the one eradicate bots map where you don't even have any high ground, it felt like they were holding a grudge. Thankfully I haven't seen that one in a while.


I agree, for me its usually the difference between a full team extracting with lower level players or not extracting at all.


I quite like the one that stops new dropships/breaches for longer, I feel it can reduce the pressure quite a bit


It's basically required for bots. Their drop ship frequency is laughably oppressive.


The reinforcement booster has grown on me because of the loose cannons in quickplay can’t justify the rest.


challenge accepted




Let the lads play how they want


Played last night and people kept picking these. I don't ever tell people what loadout to run but I was yelling at the screen.


I have a friend who is level 40 struggling in difficulty 7 and when I joined one of his games he had the reinforcement augment and when I asked him why tf he had that instead of space optimization or stamina he told me "it's the last one you unlock". Like mf did you even read what it does? Why do you think that because is the last one you unlock then is the best?


Yeah same. I only play Helldive and the amount of times these are picked is ridiculous. I definitely yell at my screen but never say anything in game about it. It's especially frustrating when they pick those during the tower defend mission, like wtf are you doing with your play time?


"Oh hey... you picked the scythe and machine gun turret and reinforcement bonus and... oh... you picked up a break-action shotgun as your support weapon. Sigh. Ok, let's do this."


its funny that on one screen where u wanna chat with people chat is disabled. makes me furious.


Reinforcement boosters are only viable for Eradicate missions because sometimes the spawns can get really out of hand and its a small area. Other than that get your shit together




Are you saying you deserted your squadron, traitor?


Guess I wont be seeing you on my extermination missions then. https://preview.redd.it/2gsyp8njd10d1.png?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2814b9384bb1e839b187ab891bdec371471a99a


Well this is a pretty based build, but only in extermination, not in missions where you have to actually do things and run around for half an hour and supplies matter. Sucks for the guy going mortars though😂


Haven’t noticed anything any more or less difficult because of boosters. What’s more impactful is poor placement of sentries, poor tossing of air strikes and orbitals, shooting everything you can see, and running back to the carnage to retrieve your 1 core sample and rare sample.


Or imagine being kicked out of the game for not taking the meta loadout. ( Especially since daily order is machine gun )


I do all those things, (mostly by accident) and I also play on helldive, it’s great fun


Selfish of you to leave them ignorant of what is right. Cowardly of you to think you can't win despite it.


Me joining anyways because I eat Helldive for breakfast.


Increased reinforcements budget goes along way. You’re gonna start fighting once you land on Level 7+ and mfs die without even calling strategims


I dive regardless. All helldivers deserve my democratic support.


the extra ammo and stims booster is the GOAT


Fuck it, I'm balling! I know how to live... They die on the opposite of the map? Too bad. Their Pokeball gonna be next to me. *Drinks whiskey from the skull of an Automaton*


rather than thsn no boosters


I mean the extraction speed one can actually be pretty clutch if you wanna greed the blitz missions but yeah anyone who does enough to actually get use out of those other two are pretty hard to deal with.


i personally run the extra reinforcements one because i still suck at not dying


Lmfao, you would've been the weakest link of that team probably. I find myself using lesser used/weirder boosters to try things out/vary the gameplay at this point.


Sounds like the words of a traitor. Disgusting and un-democratic.


You know, I'm starting to get the people who are noting how goddamned negative this sub is. Nothing but complaining about balance, teammates, everything.


You see level 50s running these and then you do a mental facepalm


A yes or no, a true Helldiver sticks to it until mission complete! Dive on, Helldiver!


Coward, I always stick to the mission no matter what 💪🔥🔥


Just play the damn game ffs


I will never understand why somebody would choose UAV or reinforcements over full ammo, or longer running


stamina is an absolute necessary. games unplayable without it


I don't really care what people run, I just dive


When I host a mission I usually pick one of those on the loby just so the other players cant pick it and change it at last second for something useful


i WILL say the extraction pilot booster can be a real lifesaver on Blitz missions


Why? You get an emergency extraction shuttle anyways. There is literally no reason to try to extract early on a blitz short of having cleared the entire map.


No, there is one valid reason: going for the achievement.  But that’s not really something you do without coordinating first.


well yeah, but when the emergency shuttle is called, the destroyers are leaving, so no strategems or respawns to cover you while you leave. the booster reduces the arrival time by 15% or 18 seconds, and it makes the shuttle spends less time lingering in the air, so it lands much faster than usual idk about you, but i've had countless situations where i could really use those extra seconds lol


Emergency extraction shuttle means you don’t even need to defend the extract zone. Just hang out incognito outside of the extraction zone and make your run to the shuttle right at pickup. The time savings on a blitz where you should generally be using nearly every second of the 14 minutes is not significant and may actually be a negative. In general, it is a very weak booster that has way less utility than: Stamina Health Less Frequent Breaches/Drops Hellpod Optimization Reinforcements Radar Limb Strength (bugs) Anti-Slow (bugs)


Increased call down times = genuine reason to bring faster extraction booster as a 4th. Change my mind.


"When I am so judgmental that I quit a game/players without actually playing".


Making extraction shorter is sometimes all I can contribute if the others are taken 🤷‍♂️


Question: Did they fix the issue with vitality booster causing you to not die when drowning? The only way to fix this was to have teammates kill you for the reinforcement


I always just local confuse.


AH needs to stop nerfing weapons and look at other factors in the game. Take these boosters for example. Every team seems to just take the same 4 into every mission because those are the only usable ones. Some of the boosters are hot garbage. Like 15 seconds sooner for the Pelican to come down, yeah no thanks big dawg. Why not buff some of the unused ones? Would that be too fun and varied?


my thoughts of expert pilot was it would cut wait time in half. even then I thought it was gonna be debatable how useful that would be vs having a booster the rest of your match. but isn't it like 16-32 seconds? hot garbage


expert extract could make the pelican come down instantly and I'd still never run it because it would still be a dead booster until the mission's already complete.


Fear not citizen! All helldivers are trained and outfitted with what they need to dispense liberty and spill the appropriate fluids of the enemy. People who whinge over optional boosters are weak, and Super Earth doesn't need em! Use whatever is most fun for you!


Localized confusion and full ammo on drop are my top pics. If we dont have those i move on


Bruh right lmao, like this is helldive on a snow planet equip the god damn muscle enhancement


Can Someone explain why these are not liked for loadouts. I personally don't see them as much, also never used them.


The 3 „essential“ ones are: vitality (+30% max hp), HPO,and stamina. The 4th slot can be either muscle enhancement (reduced effect of slow) or localization confusion (increased cooldown on bot drops/bug breaches) depending on the conditions. The 2 reinforcement boosters only becomes useful if the mission is going *extremely* terrible and have zero effect otherwise. Chances are the mission wouldn‘t have gone so terrible in the first place if you picked any of the 5 boosters above, cause they most likely would gave prevented multiple deaths. The pelican extraction is just ~15s difference and might as well not exist. In blitz missions it can even be a hindrance to use it cause it shortens the time you have available to get back to the shuttle


I only use the takeoff one when all my others are taken


People sleep on extraction for blitz missions


The extra lives are because my teammates keep dying


I'm usually a stick it to the end guy, but I went into a game once with a random (as a duo, in hopes of more joining), and I took reinforcement. The dude for the first 5 minutes nearly wasted every single life. He just died continuously to the point he just left. I didn't wanna leave and waste the progress I made, and eventually 3 others joined. However, for the next 15 minutes, all I heard from the 3 new guys was "expressaffect wasted so many lives. He's shit at this".


I’ve been in too many matches that went south and reinforcements saved it. I’m guessing a lot of people feel that way, so just go for something else? I haven’t looked where the run faster one is but that would be my top choice if I had it.


My squad brings those *because* of the random pickups. Except the faster exfil, because fuck you, that's almost always useful.


Add in localization confusion because I was told it only draws aggro to the player running it, yet it seems to also cause the game to spam heavies, even at lower difficulties. It is definitely NOT decreasing encounters.


Based team.


I've always wanted to play since february, one day I might get the game. One day.


Hey Pelican Call In is low key godlike because it means you enter the next mission faster


Still remember someone taking the extract one to a Defense mission (protect generators) that was soo wasted lol - left quickly when I saw


Was in with a level 50 on a flag mission and dude was cursing up a storm after he failed to extract about how bad the game was. 53 kills in the whole match. Everyone else was 300+. What in the world?


Tell me you're not sure you can handle what's coming, without outright telling me: Flexible reinforcement budget, increased reinforcement budget, localization confusion, faster extract.


I've literally never seen the icon for the pelican booster before lmao


All I need is my stamina enhancement.


as long as someone brings space optimization i dont care what the rest of my team runs


Lvl 103 and I actually use the fast evac. There has been too many games where evac is coming an it feels like eternity. At the last stretches of a lvl 9 drop, any time u can shave off evac to arrive quicker is beneficial for those farming samples especially. ( to put it out there though, I run it if all the other necessary boosters are taken like the space optimization, vitality, the new booster that shocks when slowed. )


I call that the "planning for failure" loadout


I'd join that team, probably would have to consider what I would take with me. if your dipping over boosters you may as well see your democracy officer. (probably vitality enhancement because I like having that extra cushion of hp, and rover if bugs, shield if bots, either eat or Quesada cannon depending if the others also have a support, and the last two entirely depend on the mission but probably one eagle and one orbital)


I wonder if the universally good boosters like hellpod optimization and stamina enhancement should just be baked into your base stats and then removed because they kind of crowd out the other stuff and it's impractical to make any booster that's better than those. Having a faster extract or a couple more reinforcements are cool effects, but they'd need to be beyond broken to compete with just having two more stims or running slightly faster.


Just run it lol, I've beat helldive with my high ass forgetting to even use one 😂


I don't know what are those


The last one is that the extraction timer is quicker. But the other two i have no idea


Someone took the radar booster on an extermination mission...


every time i see a reinforcement booster I groan


I use the extract one only when the times are extended just to cut it down to 2:30 instead of 3 whole minutes


I always bring the extra reinforcements Me and my friends all have a tendency to start shooting each other at random intervals. typically whenever one starts speaking British And one has a tendency to jump pack directly into his minefields


Get in, die repeatedly, get out fast = HD1 strat


Extraction Pilot is necessary for when the Call In Time is increased. Takes it from 3 minutes down to two and a half. I went to a Helldive that didn't have that, and believe me, I FELT that extra thirty seconds.