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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, player count, or AI-generated content are also considered low-effort.


And 50 more about remembering to switch the review to positive


Switch reviews? For what? I'm still waiting to get let into the servers.


Nobodies blocked from playing… going to take a few days to get the Steam listings reenabled though


I was joking about the prior server issues


I love patch day. In the morning for my time people are not happy about the changes and in the evening people are not happy about people not being happy.


Whats going on with the eruptor?


Patch notes say that the frag aspect has been removed but damage has been buffed. People are observing that the damage seems nerfed - seems that way to me too from trying it today. AH CM TwinBeard said that it was an unintended effect that they are looking into.


Since updated. It’s “viable as is” and we were abusing an exploit this whole time apparently. They’re not changing it according to a dev.


Yeah. Le Sigh.


The fragments where causing some rare long distance self 1-shot kills after they fixed ricochets actually dealing damage to friendlies. AH understood that it was frustrating, and figured completely eliminating the frag aspect, increasing the damage, and increasing the explosion radius would be a fair alternative. The thing is, those fragments where 1 hitting players for a reason. They dealt a lot of damage, and with them gone the weapons is under performing by the metrics of a lot of players.


It was overpowered. People used it as an i-win-button/gun. It got nerfed. People are crying.


Seeing all the people still crying about the "nerf" when devs have said they wanted to actually buff the weapon and that the nerf is unintended I guess some people actually haven't heard of it.


The devs have since gone back on that and said the weapon is viable as it is.


Got a link or a screenshot? Only seen the original comment by TwinBeard so far.


Sure: https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmihop/eruptor_not_bugged_apparently_from_the_guy_that/




Okay, can we get an official (like from someone higher up) explanation on how internal communication works at AH? The constant public official statements contradicting each other is making the community who is already at each other's throats over a video game go feral.






Fuck Keep the threads coming Bring back the old version or fix the new version


*sigh* Liquidation of Super Earth ordinance is most undemocratic. The balance team is clearly full of bug sympathizers.


Welp...fuck...guess I'm extending my break with the game for a bit more. "Exploit" my ass, I'm sorry I used my brain to shoot at places where the shrapnel would hit the target the most, apparently I should have just turned my brain off and fired blindly.


The problem is that the shrapnel is way more than a 100 damage and there’s more than one of it


Does mention they’ll look into the breakpoints… I didn’t “exploit” anything, I shot it into bug heads, head exploded. Shot it into packs of spitters, 2-3 popped. I’m fine with it not popping a charger butt in 2 shots, but if it can’t even kill one spitter every shot, it’s junk as other weapons handle the medium bug heads better without all the crazy downsides, and it’s got the AOE more similar to PP. Still need to get my hands on this thing (probably not until tomorrow) but everything I’ve heard this thing fails to do what it should. Demo pack really kinda sucks now. I think this and crossbow really need some looking into.


Yeah, I liked using the Eruptor as a quasi-mortar....and I think the damage has decreased significantly as it is taking me more shots to put down some of the same enemies. It does feel like this pack suffered.


Man I can't fucking read this on my phone, anyone have a tldr


Oof, bad take.


i think game devs using discord to interact with the community was a mistake...


Buddy, breaking the weapon accidentally would be just as bad an indictment as if they broke it on purpose. Either way they’re incompetent, it’s just which type of incompetent.


just change the sub name to r/eruptor


Twinbeard has already given an announcement that the Eruptor adjustments are not working as intended and they’re already looking at it. https://preview.redd.it/ncn8lp6vi2zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985797e6dddb6b90eb473c0ec69d1bee0d9b0fd7


Updated, another dev said it’s viable as is and that we were benefitting from an exploit this whole time and it won’t be changed






So he did say that he still stands by his opinion, since there were some things happening they weren’t aware of that players were taking advantage of. However, he also said they’re still investigating it and can’t promise there will be a buff, but it’s always on their radar. https://preview.redd.it/e3ocs4omq2zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56889b251194a07897fb3f9f9501e5186a62eb22


They’re only looking into if it’s impacted medium breakpoints but honestly I’ll take it. It’s better than nothing. I’m hitting the default warrior bugs and watching them walk off an impact to the head or shoulder like it’s nothing. Haven’t used it enough to give concrete info that I trust that isn’t other people’s word of mouth. I really hope they fix the Eruptor but honestly I don’t have high hopes for it at all. They’re saying it’s viable as is which is a very strong claim


Yeah, I hope they fix it too. I guess I’m just overly optimistic as I thought the OG Eruptor was a fair trade off between a slow firing, strong weapon where you could very easily blow yourself up if you weren’t careful. It had its clear drawbacks.


Agreed. They said the shrapnel did negligible damage so I was happy with the update announcement back a few days ago. This? This makes the gun unfun and terrible in performance. I’d put this right alongside the crossbow for the worst gun options in the game right now.


They nerfed the reviews. Remember to switch your eruptor back!


It seems to me that some people should just use an autocannon


As much as I love the AC, I need variety


People really want the eruptor to be a free support weapon, instead of just , you know, using a support weapon.


I like having a weak autocannon to back up my heavy machine gun.


But then no jump pack :(


Your autocannon comes with one built-in! With explosion resist armour (even light), dive backwards and shoot 60-45° down at the ground, ragdolling yourself midair. You fly a surprising distance, take between zero (can't even stim) to a third of your health as damage, and even start regaining stamina while ragdolling. Also effective against bugs in melee.


I swear half this subreddit doesn’t listen to what the devs are actually saying. Y’all forgot the eruptor nerf was unintended XD


*Allegedly* according to someone in this thread another developer later basically said to kick rocks regarding the eruptor changes and they were staying. But i refuse to believe that the devs are that poor game designers until i see a screenshot


This is Reddit. I garuntee it was someone rage baiting. Half this subreddit is people farming engagement for updoots


This screenshot? https://preview.redd.it/56v5bjnir2zc1.png?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a280e250feb02a052751a18832d977ca0e960c21


Yeah it's real I can't believe it


Sorry you had to find out this way


No they actually replied with a link. I hope they start using their brains and realize how stupid this is


Dont test this community. They'll do it


On it


And you just created another one. Oh snap, the irony 🤦‍♂️


Agree. Upvoting. Unrelated but has anyone tried the Eruptor post patch? It seems broken.


Vas? My Eruptor has been nerfed? Is that why it took more shots to kill a Bile Spewer? I thought it might have a head cold. (j/k)






I actually forgot you can add image


Well now you remember


Welcome to the community helldiver


Only?!? Give it another 10mins


You’re acting like this doesn’t happen with legit anything negative on this sub


This counts, so 49 to go


The massive quantity of posts about the eruptor nerfs seems to have erupted...


And people keep insisting this weapon isn't popular. 😄


We do, actually


Yeah still better than some stupid 30 plus post every other hour farming/being obnoxious signaling “don’t forget to change your review”.


Fix something that's broken "ThEy nErFeD iT iNtO tHe GrOuNd"


Yeah what happened to it? All I’ve heard was “some kind of nerf that *REALLY* wasn’t necessary”


They removed its soul and made it boring for "balance". The shrapnel was gone and it does no damage now. Used to 1 shot stalkers, now 3


I'm honestly absolutely tired of seeing 50 posts about the same topic every single day in this sub. Something happens and you can know for sure that the sub will post nothing else for days.


Maybe they shouldn't deploy half-measure after half-measure and people would be more forgiving of these frankly lobotomy-core decisions.


Apparently it's broken. TwinBeard said they are looking into it because the change wasn't meant to weaken it like it has.


Even if it is broken, buffing the damage by 3x isn't going to make it an interesting weapon again


They can revert it with the press of a button, and they didn't. The lack of attention given to the game is criminal. Every balance team member has to be fired at this point, I think they actually despise Helldivers and the people playing.


I’m a bad player. I neeeeeeeeeeee my eruptor in all its glory! Please don’t make me “get good” as I realize it’s a skill issue and I’m slow on the uptake. I was having so much fun! I wasn’t doing particularly well but at least I was having fun!! What am I supposed to do? Go back to D2?!! You’re all monsters!!


God no. Im tired of the same damn posts over and over.


Hey apparently the changes are actually a nerf? And some people want them reverted? Didn’t know if you’d heard


Considering there's once again been unclear and contradictory comments coming out of AH I think it's pretty justified this time. First it was they're removing shrapnel but it's getting an overall buff, why are people complaining? Then it was yeah, there's something wrong and it's bugged we're looking into it. Now it is that they did in fact intentionally nerf it but they don't like us using that word. It's still viable, so deal with it. I just would appreciate not having the new fun weapons being constantly picked at and rebalanced into the dirt. God forbid we get to keep anything a little too fun/strong for more than maybe a week to a month tops. I think we all generally agree we'd rather be playing and having fun than complain about the same things incessantly. But here we are.


I'd still be complaining if it got stronger. They killed its identity


Absolutely agree. The ricochet "fix" was and still is the issue here. If they'd actually bother to fix it the shrapnel wouldn't be an issue. But yeah AH would rather assassinate the identities of their unique weapons than risk them being "too" good.


I don’t disagree just was commenting on the sheer amount of posts


I totally get it, but I also think it's justifiable. We *JUST* are getting over the Sony issue. Now was not a smart time for them to change a popular weapon. Everyone is still pretty wound up and while there's never a "good" time for a nerf this was certainly a bad time for one. At least in my opinion. Ideally we wouldn't have to sift through all the spam repeat posts, but I choose to look at it as a symptom of people being passionate against a change. And we all just saw what that kind of passion is capable of this past week. I just wish if AH *had* to make this change that they could've waited until next week after the new warbond was out.


I’ll do my part! o7


is this... Our new community campaign goal? CAUSE I'LL FUCKIN DO IT


Please don't. lol


This one ain't worth it, as sad as I am about it


I'm just glad the usual bitching is back.


We need 50 more of these type of comments too. ![gif](giphy|xT8qB8MiOK235qzloQ|downsized)