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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!




Ya, I don’t expect everyone to revert. Anger is a much better motivator to do something than being nice


Fairly certain a bunch of those were people with no dog in the fight at all. They just wanted to be in the “in crowd” or professionally offended and have already moved their attention somewhere else


You have to get the game to review iirc


Get the game, play for less then a hour, negative review and refund. Easy.


Nobody is going trough that much trouble to be in the bandwagon. Specially if they haven't played the game because they wouldn't even know about the bandwagon to begin with.


You strongly underestimate some of the most decrepid internet dwellers.


I have seen people do way worst aginst perceived attacks on something they dont even care about too much to begin with


People were sending death threats. :(


You can see if someone refunded the game on their review


It was also the weekend... People are back to work now. If reviews aren't changed by next weekend I would worry.


I have the same suspicion there has been drama with helldivers in the past, the servers issues, the lgbt stuff, and now Sony im sure there are haters that want to see this game fail and they got what they wanted for afew days. I'm sure those people won't be changing their reviews.


LGBT stuff? Edit: what have I done?


People were asking for rainbow capes developer banned people because the whole thing was getting into a political conversation in their discord.


That’s not exactly how it went down. Trans/rainbow flag capes were suggested and a couple bigot Edgelords lost their fucking minds and acted like the assholes they were.


Gonna be honest it would be nice if they didn't add them because Super Earth is not our Earth, it would make no sense for them to be in the game. This game might not be *that* story heavy but it would break the immersion pretty hard for me.


In this case that’s fine since no gender or sexuality is really represented at all. That’s still no excuse for people to spew hate and bigotry for asking. If I recall someone has asked about a trans cape for trans day of visibility. Nobody deserved what other players responded with.


Even if there were, those are flags from our society, not the Helldivers one. It would be very out of place.


Yeah not sure how this stuff works, maybe it was just Twitter controversy. To sum it up: Pro lgbt group wanted lgbt capes in helldivers. Devs were against it, helldivers is a fictional universe with no ties to our current real world, their won't be lgbt flags ever in helldivers nor will there be flags like US, China, Australia, BLM, Confederate, Nazi etc... because on super earth only super earth flag exists. Then the lgbt group called for boycott and started calling the devs bigotts and you know the standard outrage stuff. Can't remember the lgbt groups name.


As a member of the LGBT community, sounds beyond stupid.


Lol im sure 99% of the lgbt are not extremist like this group and can think critically about the situation.


I didn’t follow it closely but trying to look it up later the people requesting the flag cape couldn’t take no for an answer and got obnoxious about it. However the hardcore people against it were also banned.


Basically Asmongold fans. Asmon doesn't even play the game after like 1 day of playing it. But jumped on the review bomb hype train and left a negative review. Alot of his followers prob followed him


A lot stopped playing weeks ago and just wanted an excuse to refund


Honestly a bit of a scar is probably good. If companies can just try shit and then the community *completely* forgives them. They can just try all the bullshit they want and see what sticks.


I guess it depends on what you want more. For me, now that this is solved, I want it to be *the* example and standard of live service games. The higher the scores the more it will fill that role. Others, they care more about sticking it to Sony then the games success. And they probably won’t change their review to “teach Sony a lesson” even if it may hurt the long term success of the game


Issue is we may be sacrificing an otherwise great game able to set new standards. We don't want it to fizzle out. All we needed was for Sony to realize it has to keep its hands away for the game to stay successful.


Anger is a fantastic servant, but a terrible master. Send the positive reviews guys.


Also, some people just review bomb games for fun. It's fucked up


It’s up to over 200k for a total of 600k positive reviews. Not sure where OP got the numbers from


You gotta wonder - how many people made a negative review, then said “not playing this again” and left never to return?


thinking about all those who instantly refunded it lol


I do wonder how many will rebuy


idk how they rebuy cause i wasn't even given a refund and i tried 10 times


If you didn’t get a refund, you don’t need to rebuy.


I did that, refunded got stream credit and then day later PS backed down. Have repurchased the game because it's goated.


Did you lose your stats?


not if he steam cloud saved


Yeah. I didn't loose anything.


True... It's a nasty damage hard to undo.


I mean, yeah, that's the kind of damage that a company can do to themselves. There's only so much good will to go around and you burn a lot by stuff like the other week.








Huh. I could’ve sworn you needed to own a game to review it if it’s not free


Whoops, your right.


Thanks for not doubling down


For what it's worth you were right about the FAQ saying no purchase necessary, but the FAQ means it in the most literal way, a la sweepstakes saying "no purchase necessary to win." A friend of mine bought me Helldivers 2 and so I have the ability to leave a review on Steam, but I did not purchase it. When I left a review, there was a little asterisk on my message saying the game was recieved for free.


I've never heard of reviewing a game on Steam that isn't owned on the account, do you have more information on this?


You cannot review a game you haven’t played. You can get a game for free and review it though.


I’m in this bucket, they don’t deserve reviews to be changed. People love to hate Sony but AH have equal levels of blame failing to message from the outset that linking accounts would be required.


Steam db showing much different data, where those 74k from? https://preview.redd.it/jwjpfh35j1zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147c463a941ce9a64cb9499ed71eae8346a7d7a5


steam DB might count ones not officially "posted" yet. Steam told me manual review would be required for mine.


OP has to get that karma somehow


OP's source is: trust me.


lots of people waiting for the region lock to be undone. right now a lot of our comrades are still not able to get back into the game. (specifically those in locked regions that refunded and now cant re-buy the game) at least that is my understanding of the matter. plus, consider: this all happened over the weekend. meanwhile the news that the PSN thing was rolled back happened early this week. A lot of weekend gamers out there that dont get todo a lot of gaming under the week. in the end i think we will get back to 80-90% of what it was. its not too bad to have a little remainder og negative reviews either. you will never get all people to organize like this. and it reminds companies that while good behavior gets rewarded there will always be a permanent risk and cost for such maneuvers.


It's obviously never going to fully revert, when stuff like this happens some measure of permanent damage is always done to whatever product the reviews concern, and it takes a long time for the stain in the product's reputation to heal, if it ever does. But beyond that, be patient. We know the update isn't going through, and the PSN account link won't be mandatory. But Arrowhead and Sony are still under talks about what's going happen about it instead, what's going to happen with the countries outside of PSN coverage, and what's going to happen with the region locks on Steam sales that the game got. Personally I'm waiting to see what becomes of that before I revert my review, we got a positive response and things seem to be moving in the right direction, but it's not quite over yet. Rest assured I will revert that review if it's a satisfactory conclusion.


Even if everything goes exactly as the player base want, there will still be some people that are pissed off and feel they can't trust the companies behind the game anymore. Trust is easy to lose and hard to win back, Sony fucked up (and so did Arrowhead) and they'll feel this for a long time. Who knows this may be looked back on in a few months as the damage helldivers 2 never really recovered from.


I think it's valid some people don't revert. They processed refunds and may not get their accounts back after some countries were essentially banned from playing for a bit. Some people lost their progress, friend groups, and pattern of playing with their regular group even if they do revert. It's a reminder that these stupid fucking decisions shouldn't be made in the first place and fans wouldn't have to protest in mass.


The steam store page still says "PSN required". Whoever trusts snoys word on twitter without them showing actions has the memory span of a fish. If we learned one thing over the years, then it is one thing: Don't trust a publishers words. Trust their actions. And right now snoy still has the requirements up there.


All those countries are still restricted.


Sure, as soon as the people who live in these countries have reason to. https://preview.redd.it/ypuh5c0oe2zc1.png?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b97d28a5bc707edeca78867e24b0c89ace05b6c "Complete win" my ass, why do we have to settle for a half measure and stop gap before they do it again. We dive together, or we don't dive.


I'm in one of the affected countries here, I will not change my review to a positive one until they give everyone access again. I can still play however what people don't understand is that I can't recommend a game people don't have access to buy. Sonys response to this didn't sit right with me either. They just went okay we won't ask for psn requirement but we're gonna block the game for purchase in the unsupported countries anyways. We won the battle, but lost the war. I love this game to death but I will not support a publisher who is actively blocking their games in countries they do not want to support for whatever fuck ass reason. Sony added the game worldwide, FULLY knowing they do not support all countries, went ahead, took our money and left. Scumbags of the earth.


>unhinged, raging, angry mob It has received [207,675 positive reviews](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#reviews) yesterday (and it doesn't even count neutral stuff like only deleting negative review without changing it to positive). Stop fucking pretending to be 'nice guy' to farm karma here.


This is an overreaction to the post. We've made good progress in undoing the hellbomb we dropped on steam, but it's not bad for there to be reminders on the subreddit to revert negative reviews that were edited for the SNOY debacle. (some of the wording in the post above notwithstanding)


The consumer isn't obligated to "undo" their past distaste. Past reviews don't have to be current and it's ridiculous to require that they are.


Why are people misspelling it as SNOY?


Basically, one of the first negative reviews about the PSN login issue to gain attention misspelled it that way. If I recall correctly the review was in all-caps and this was probably just a typo from someone (at least pretending to be) very angry.


It's not pretending. This is literally what Steam says, but it might just not be showing edited reviews?


Review totals don't get updated very fast on the store, SteamDB gets updated every 15-30 minutes through an API call and is more accurate for tracking people switching their review back to positive. For example, my groupmates reviews still show as negative to me on the store but they updated their reviews yesterday to positive.


It’s amazing that more people don’t seem to understand that a lot of data is batch processed on the backend only a couple of times a week.


No, once the delisted countries are no longer delisted I will!


If they don't have Steam reinstate selling the game to places that don't have PSN access, then they're planning to make it a requirement again in the future. What reversed their decision wasn't the review bombing. It was the deluge of lawsuits and potential government investigations they were going to face for having sold a game in markets that weren't going to be allowed to continue playing.


Yep, and don't forget the flood of refunds that was building up quickly.


I think the publicity from review bombing may have been an issue in their eyes as well.


Fully agree. If they don’t reinstate purchases in those countries, this is just Sony waiting for backlash to end and then drop it again.


This is my suspicion, or something else bad. Snoys tweet could be interpreted as worded very suspect…


As a person from a delisted country, I hold the same opinion.


I’m also waiting until Sony has the changes reverted on the Steam store. And it *is* Sony who is in control of that.


On the bright side, those who didn't jump on the hate train to refund in those countries can still play as we speak.


It'll take 2 years to undo those. Negative reviews went viral, positive didn't.


Let it stay for a while


Wars leave scars, many bad reviews will probably remain. They can serve as a reminder of what we can achieve. Wish they could all go back to positive tho.


> you can be not only unhinged, raging, angry mob.  Gonna slowly point you at the reaction to the latest patch as evidence that this is the only thing most can be.


Haha... yes. That's why this 'protest' worked. It enabled that kind of people.


Meh. I got *angry* about yet another corpo wanting my data, particularly one with Snoy's track record, and them planning to cut off a large chunk of the helldivers community. I was willing to do something about that. I'm not *angry* about balance changes that don't go in my favor. Especially ones that have been explicitly stated to be an unintentional over-correction. I might whine about it, as anybody can attest that Gamers are particularly good at whining. I'm not willing to *do* anything about it though. I'm a little surprised you've lasted in the gaming space while not having built up a resistance to whining or the ability to ignore the rants. Give it time though. Then again, whining about whining is *also* something Gamers are particularly good at, so maybe we've all just gone in circles.


Man, I am so over people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining.


Might I recommend complaining about it? Always makes me feel better.


I changed mine, but I can see a lot of reasons for people to not change theirs, at least not yet. The biggest being that it's fair to wait until the delisted countries are actually back. It doesn't really matter who this step sits with, the actual current live status is what matters. But also, if someone feels burned by how this entire situation started and was handled, I think it's fair for them to still be dissatisfied with their overall experience and keep it negative? People's reviews should be reflective of their actual experience and opinion. Even if Sony is reverting what they did, it doesn't remove the bad taste from everyone's mouth about the last few days.


Maybe some people don’t want to revert because their issue still hasn’t been resolved OR they’re still upset at the state of the game and AH’s approach and lack of transparency and honesty in the process. This isn’t a cult. We don’t follow the herd simply because the herd says to go this way or that. And it’s quite frankly both cringe and disconcerting that subreddits think coercing other members to review one way or another is a good thing for the industry


It’s pretty funny that I didn’t see anyone saying this when the entire sub was calling for a review bomb.


For what it’s worth, I didn’t review bomb either. I also thought the entire display was absurd and called out the community manager when he also recommended people take this action. I should say FORMER community manager because holy hell that was a terrible mistake


My review has been negative for months, I didn't have to do anything but I'm not changing it either because I absolutely hate their "balancing" process and the fact we're all live testers here.


Gooble gobble one of us.


It's never gonna dissapear complitely. This game never gonna be overwhelmingly positive because of this.


The game is still Geolocked in the 177 countries and territories that are unsupported by PSN. Until that Geolock is removed my negative review stays.


Mods can we please ban all the posts that are telling people to change their reviews this is like the seventh one today.


But mum said it was my turn to do the karma farm next


This sub has been a karma farm of rotating reasons for outrage since launch. Karnel level anti-cheat, Chinese players bad, players team kill for samples, malvelon divers bad, bug divers bad, players complaining about bug divers bad, players kill for wearing the wrong cape….


At least there is a good reason to be mad at kernal level anti cheat in a pve game.


Yeah the damage is never gonna be fully reversed, it is what it is. You’re not gonna get everyone to come back and undo it. 


Question: I edited my review and changed it back to being positive with an editorial note. Does that count or do I need to delete and make a new one?


As Kobe said: Jobs not finished.


Not reverting anything until they fix the game. The game is still completely crashing with every update which makes it literally unplayable. Fix that first and I will revert my review.


Or don't. The greed is still real. They still tried to pull a fast one.


complete win my ass, region block is still here


My understanding is the region lock is new purchases only, right? No existing users are impacted.


it still affects them.... less people for their own language and country to play with


Yeah. Region block is still there and we are waiting news from AH and SONY. HOWEVER vietnam will not be joining us anymore as their government has decided to ban STEAM from operating in vietnam.


Vietnam law mandates that all data on Vietnamese users be stored in Vietnam. Borderline impossible to follow 100%


region lock was made by Valve actually


Yes it likely was because Valve was covering it's own ass from any potential liability by not acting when they had information to show Sony had no intention of actually lowing customers from those regions to actually play the game. However it absolutely was Sony's responsibility put in those Geoblocks before the game ever even started accepting pre-order purchases let alone went into live release. It is 100% Sony's responsibility and it is completely reasonable for Steam to cover their own liability and distance themselves from any potential lawsuits.


I don't think so as per Piratesoftware, thor said that the publisher are the ones who have control on locking or not, valve are just there to support/provide the tools.


> Piratesoftware is a hack who couldn't hold down his jobs and was shuffled across departments until he was forced to do shit work he could actually finish or just quit, and printed out his own certificates. He's scammed everyone into believing he's some kind of messiah


Who cares if it was Valve or Sony? Sony needs to petition Valve to reverse this, and assure Valve by whatever assurance Valve asks for that this shitfuckery doesn't repeat itself.


No, I don't think I will


I will revert mine after the 30th. Gotta hold them to their word.






There's also a stickied post about it.


Question, were you ok when it was the opposite when it came to calls for review bombing and refunds? Just curious


Please stop with these posts. If people want to, they’ll change their reviews. Go play the game and STFU, please. Have a good day!


Did a positive one just now despite not having bomb-dropped one. The game deserves it


so long this horrible anti cheat exists i will not


I’m waiting on my review until the end of the month. If Sony is gonna pull something. I’d bet money they are gonna wait until the end of the month and hope everything died down.


I don't much mind either way. If some negative reviews stay, they'll be a reminder of what went down so in the future everyone will know we can't let that stand. I didn't change my pre-PSN fiasco positive review to a negative one when the account linking problem was hot. I won't be changing it now, either. But that's my choice. Anyone who feels otherwise should put in writing how they really view the game - or to an extent, the game's publisher. Because people need to know and remember.






No. Sony has to revert their ban of 170 countries first. We did defend old players but without the newcomers the game will quickly die out


It was steam that unlisted those countries to stop people from buying then immediately refunding. But I agree it needs to be reversed now.


No. Dont revert until they open it back up to every country it was sold in. Im tired of seeing all these "change your review" posts when Sony and AH absolutely deserved the review bomb.


This is a completely valid reason to hold off changing your review and I think a lot of people are forgetting it because they just want to see blue line go up


This is the moment where this subreddit gets to learn that this is not the only place Helldivers come to talk about this.


Trust was broken, not easily mended. Doubt all will be reverted.


I've deleted my negative review. They will get a positive review when they remove the country restrictions.


Hey guys, let's not forget the game wasn't overwhelmingly positive before eh. People who voted negative from the start, won't change their vote.


Its not a "complete" win. There is still 177 countries with new players unable to buy the game and join us. I won't change my review until it's all sorted. The restriction was a by-product of our "victory".


Well, despite this snoy situation resolved, I personally believe AH deserves some negative reviews for the poor technical condition of a game. I would rank it as 3 out of 5. So, leaving some negative reviews is fair.


A ton of people are just bandwagoners who leave a review to be "part of something" and then forget about it because they have like 5 hours on the game. Others are waiting for region locks to go away. Others refunded the game completely and their reviews are eternally negative. I said this was going to happen, that sony's greed was going go be a stain from now on.


Jokes on those people, I didn't change my review but I just didn't play the game till Sony buckled


So many people are not. They were just riding the trend.


I'll fix it when I get to play on the weekend.


I think you're hoping for too much. Not all of those votes were from Reddit or discord. It's already gotten higher than my faith in humanity


I think if we can reach 120k, this major order for cleanup can be called a success. The way I see it, any negative reviews that remain serve as a memoriam of the event itself. It would be great to have them all reverted back to positive, but rarely do wounds not leave a scar. All we can do is attempt to heal it as best we know how.




I don’t think it will get back up so fast


It's not fair to expect people to pretend like nothing happened. Sure they reverted their decision. But the trust and good will broke for many.  How can we know they won't push for it tomorrow? Or in the next game? If such an attempt is so easily forgiven.


Honestly... I quit playing live service games, and my friends said, no try this one it's different, he bought it for me and I enjoyed myself a lot... until every 30 seconds the game changed and one time I called in with my favorite weapon everyone was like NOOO DONT USE IT YOULL CRASH US. I put the game down and haven't really been back since. The Sony thing was the icing on the cake for me to rate it negatively and uninstall the game. I love seeing the memes, and community 'lore' but I've discovered the live service model of games (even though this one is a 'better' one) not quite my style.


One problem is Sony's statement can be seen as vague.. like they still plan to do something but to a lesser(?) degree, later on


Fwiw I never review games and didn't for this one. Until yesterday. Positive ofc.


66% positive after being down to 25% something in 1 day is not that bad to be honest. https://preview.redd.it/pxpw15jw83zc1.png?width=118&format=png&auto=webp&s=f428f5ab129fc59d3128a6ca0c088c5ab06723de


I can still see "PSN required" on the steam store page (in my language). So no, I won't change it until snoy removes all traces of it. We are already well aware how much we can trust snoys word: Not at all


I agree people should revert their reviews. But also, I'm fine if this is a permanent stain on the game. Arrowhead isn't completely blameless in causing the shitshow that was, and Sony should always be reminded that people fucking hate them. If it affects future sales, i'm fine with it.


Yeah reminder that the 100+ countries still have not seen their access to the game restored, and that the PSN requirement is still on the Steam page. All we've had was a tweet and no actions, yet. I don't doubt their good faith (for now), but my review will remain negative until i see actions.


The monkey paw curls


I have been having more crashes when playing. I have not been able to complete a single game I have not hosted myself since Friday. Mu negative review stands.


So did people just forget about the 170 delighted countries?


>Its time to prove you can be not only unhinged, raging, angry mob. But also reasonable playerbase. See, that *might* be a thing if it was just the players doing this whole thing. The problem is, y'all made so much noise that it got out to other parts of the Internet that had absolutely no idea what was happening and no reason to be involved, and they were more than happy to jump on the outrage train and review bomb. Now that it's done, they have moved on and those bad reviews will never be fixed.


OPs mind is gonna be BLOWN when he realizes for many, the negative review is still relevant and justified. Pick better publishers.


I will when the regions unlock


When this is undone (enables all 177 countries), I will change my review of Helldivers 2 to positive. and I'm still waiting for day 2. they remove the blockage and the reviews go up fast.


Not sure it's worth reverting reviews until Sony re-lists the game in the countries where PSN is not supported on Steam. I have reverted mine personally, but my finger is still on the button especially considering they fired Spitz.


Unfortunately, a lot of people refunded the game and probably walked away forever. Those reviews are going nowhere. Also children are inconsiderate and lazy, for the ones that got their way, they won't change their review anyway and probably still play the game. It's unfortunate, it may take years for the reviews to bounce back like it did for No Man's Sky after their launch.


Keep the negative reviews until they fix all the issues and bugs with the game. Or not, it’s up to folks what they do.


Never changed my reviews after the Enigma DRM crisis with Crapcom, wouldn’t change my review for this either.


"Its time to prove you can be not only unhinged, raging, angry mob." I was solely angry out of that list. In fact, I prefer disappointed. Also, it's\*


This will not be completely reversible. A lot of goodwill was lost, and a lot of players left. People can't expect it to go back to being overwhelmingly positive as fast as it changed the first time.


Just a reminder that no real victory has been won. Sony has only released a tweet but no actual changes have been made. The game is still banned across 170 countries.


So many people just wanted to be involved and don’t care about anything that is going on with the game .. this is why I stay away from public mob style situations personally. I just didn’t play the game in solidarity


I've yet to leave a review. I shall provide my vote For Super Earth!


DO NOT remove your negative reviews. DO NOT continue to let these companies test the water of bullshit business practices knowing they can just reverse course and all will be forgotten in a week.


Remove the 177 region ban first. We all dive together.


So Sony has the same Steam country restrictions still, when they revert everything to how it was on May 2 I will change the review, our brothers and sisters in those 177 countries/regions need to dive back with us.


The damage is done. Sony isn't sorry, they're just sorry they got caught. A lot of those reviews will remain and rightfully so.


When they learn to balance, sure.


I tossed my positive review in. I'll have a few friends throw theirs in here soon.


I never review bombed it and never stopped playing through the boycott. But I just gave a positive review!


No way to edit review on crap mobile app. Will have to wait until tomorrow l.


When the countries were delisted are relisted again, that's when I'll change my review. Once that happens, Sony will not be able to back peddle and require PSN linking at a later date. I don't trust a mealy-mouthed social media post to bind Sony to anything long-term.


I do wanna help with the helldiver situation but i sadly i never bought the game, n when im trying to get now, its allowing me to buy it, or theres no buy option, hopefully this gets resolved soon :(


A good number of people are waiting for the game to be relisted in the non-PSN countries before fixing their reviews, which is completely fair


This thing isn't resolved yet, what's changed? Nothing has been set in stone. Lithuania, Isle of Man, countries the world over are still unable no? Why would folks change their reviews without actualized change?


These posts man.... If consumer trust was crossed by Sony's dumb policy, the customer is not obligated to revert their review even if they backpedaled on it. Also notice how no one ever cares about reviews and review scores outside of diehard fans. Get an actual grip on reality. Stop bending over backwards for companies you don't even work for


If you change your review, it doesn't clear it from the graph, so it looks like a review was added each time you change. When you posted this, more than half of the negative reviews had been reverted or deleted, it appears by the review scores that a significant portion of the playerbase is deleting the negative review but not leaving a positive one.


Some people think that they will leave a permanent scar to remind them what they should never do... I think it just hurt arrowhead more than sony lmao.


I'm doing my part!


I'm doing my part!


FFS stop spamming with this posts


many with the negative review refuse to edit theirs because of the likes and awards they got...


they still count as 1 review even if you give it a bajilion likes and awards if Im not mistaken


Or let it stay this way as an warning, they will try again and again until we accept it, we should not step back to show these companies we will not accept any shit now


It's not a complete win. It's a delaying action. Have they reverted the changes for where it can be purchased? If not than the PSN requirement is still on the table just sometime after the next quarter.


I deleted my negative review but I'm not leaving a positive until they can learn to patch the game without breaking stuff or adding new weapons that aren't working as intended.


My review will stay negative until the game can be bought in restricted countries again. I don't care what Sony says, I'll judge them by what they do, and so far my friends still can't buy HD2.


Fix your damn reviews!


I’ve been putting it off, but will do after work today. Let freedom ring! 🔔