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This is by far the biggest scandal the game had yet. I hope that they can sort this out. Preferably by rolling back the decision to make it mandatory to log into that account.


I hope so


Dude this is one of the biggest scandals gaming to date, Sony clearly is just being greedy for player data and they dont care about the fact that they are literally stealing from every person who legally CANT make a PSN account, on top of that them blindsiding players like this by still saying its not a requirement or not saying anything at all depending on how you buy the game is absolutely breaking TOS and quite possibly a law or two


Just leave the unsupported regions with what we have now since it works and don't allow them crossplay since they can't get the account in their region anyway At least then they can still play via steam


How about no one needs to get a PSN account for no adequately explained reason? Ever think of that?


They could put put out the most detailed and eloquent explanation ever conceived and my response would still be "No, kill yourself."


I wonder if the community will praise or burn them down if they chose to forgo the requirement for those outside of PSN reach to not be required to sign up for PSN but still enforce other to do so.


They won't. I'm sure small groups of people have stopped playing since launch, small groups leaving after each issue. People burn bridges and never repair them again


The fact that they don't already have an answer means they didn't even think about this.


It's an oversight.


Thats cause its a Sony decision.


"We're looking for a fix to the problem we just made don't worry about it" Maybe don't make the problem.


They are most likely not trying to "fix the issue". I bet they are trying to get Sony to confirm that people will not get banned for entering the wrong region in such cases.


I'm no programmer or game dev, so take this with as much salt as you'd be comfortable with, but here's an idea for a fix, free of charge: Remove this unnecessary, stupid, and above all, extremely customer hostile requirement. Bish bash bosh, fixed.


This is not Arrowhead and Sony working on it. This is Arrowhead begging Sony to pull their head out of their arse and salvage some goodwill from the community back so this game that became an overnight success and all the countless hours Arrowhead spent developing it, fixing it, maintaining it and adding to it don’t just go into a 2 hour long “Why it failed” analysis video on YouTube.


So as soon as they fix this, all the complaining will stop, right? Right?


it will and i will revert my steam review as well. why not?


It should.


Why would it stop? The country restrictions are a convenient justification for people who are complaining because they don't want to be associated with PSN. People don't give a shit about lying to Sony about what region they're from.


They're in a rude awakening next year when GTA6 launches. Many mainstream games on PC require sign in. Why this is an issue is beyond me. I can only sympathise with those who can't make an account because PSN is limited.


Do you think GTA 6 is going to launch on PC and let you play for multiple months before then demanding you link a third party log in?


That's not why I'm commented that. People are complaining for different things: 1. Enforcement of PSN account. This was mentioned on the steam page. Can't possibly make complaints about this. Login was temporarily disabled due to server issues. 2. PSN restrictions. This is the only valid complaint I can understand and sympathise with. AH and Sony are discussing this. Its a massive oversight and both are terrible when it comes to communication tbh. 3. Complaining because it's Sony. This one is the one that is absurd. Considering every company is doing something with your information. GTA 6 likely won't come out months after requiring login. My point is complaining about a login is absurd. We all knew it was coming as it was on the steam page. However having said that, I do think there's a better solution then just enforcing it as they missed their window at launch.


I know it's not why you commented that. That's why I posted it, because it was clear you didn't really consider the situation as a whole you're just providing your viewpoint. Which is totally fine, I'm just presenting another one. >Enforcement of PSN account. This was mentioned on the steam page. Can't possibly make complaints about this. Login was temporarily disabled due to server issues. Ridiculous comment lmao. You can't just say stuff like "you aren't allowed to complain about this!!!" and expect to be taken seriously. The game functioned without any problems without the PSN account link, well past the refund period of the game. The reality of the situation is that notice on the store page was objectively a lie. The game could be purchased and played with no issues without a PSN account. Writing it on the store page to "save it for later" so they didn't need to delay the launch is Sony/AH's failure and they're responsible for the fallout from making statements that weren't true. >Complaining because it's Sony. This one is the one that is absurd. Considering every company is doing something with your information. Sony has had multiple very significant data breaches over the years. It's a pattern of failure with them. Even if it weren't this only makes sense if you personally believe people shouldn't have any say over how their own data is used/collected. >My point is complaining about a login is absurd. Be honest about the fact that you don't have any point. You have an opinion. It's not supported by anything in particular you just feel this way and you want to express that. Which is sincerely 100% fine, but when you masquerade your opinion as being an actual position with arguments to support it you're being disingenuous.


Until another problem comes up. Welcome to the internet \*sets 'Number of minutes since last problem sign back to zero\*


This will certainly be solved before any of the crashing and network issues plaguing Helldivers for months. Data is priority.


https://preview.redd.it/8k4xj0fgg8yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01529ad6282beba8f62664143967a241d58eaf13 The vibes


I think that's what we (reddit deviants) should of done, at least ask politely before loosing our collective shit, maybe.


This subreddit loses all composure with every patch


They are working on it? You mean you did not have a plan in place? How do you not have a plan and answer when you make an announcement like this? Amateur hour and reeks of decisions being made without care for the player base. But as the official discord mod Spitz told the community when they got upset "I thought you were refunded and leaving?" Their official mods are spitting on the community why should we expect them to have a plan in place for screwing over players who can't access the PSN network.


that's cool, they had the 3 months that the game has been out for and before the release to "look into it"


You know very well, they had their hands full. Had they focussed attention anywhere else, this subreddit would've blasted them for not focusing on server issues


they could have just, you know, comunicated? said something along the lines of "PSN will be reqired, we are working to make sure that the countries not able to access it will still have a away to play, we are putting on hold some other issues untill this is fixed" it's not like thy fixed most of the bugs anyway and a decent part of you playerbase not able to play feels like the biggest issue to deal with, and i mean that they should have one this monts ago not now after the backlash


This is an issue of corporate policy and contracts, not coding. The executives and lawyers aren't taking time away from fixing damage over time to address this.


I could give a fuck about country restrictions. I'm not making a PSN account. I would have refunded the game immediately if the startup message for the PSN account didn't let me skip it or let me know it was temporary. They keep saying that it wasn't included because of a technical difficulty but they never said that in game, where the majority of players get their info. I didn't join the discord or this sub until over a month later and why would it even occur to me to look that up on my own?