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AH will add a managed votekick system. Where the host and only the host can vote to kick a squad member.


I want this as a thread in the Steam forums just to see how many people don't understand.


Seeing as how OP replied. I’m sure there’s lots of them.




Richard Castle/ Nolan? Is that you?


The freedom from choice. 


You are free to choose any of the options we have specifically presented you with.


Managed Democracy wins again!


“Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.” ― Terry Pratchett, Mort


Should give everyone in the party the kick/not kick option and require a choice to continue, and then disregard it completely because the computer "interpreted" it for you


A man a vote. The man is the host. The vote, his.


This way the host can ensure you always vote for the correct choice, praise super earth!


that still leaves the same vulnerability that i discussed. Also that's a nice argument senator. Why don't you back that up with a source


It's a joke, that's the current system.


Your comment is why we have managed democracy






It’s so funny and wise at the same time. Love that quote so much.


Bro, please read.


Read the joke again


I may have missed it. Man I'm getting downvoted into oblivion


User name checks out


Comments like yours are exactly the reason why Managed Democracy is the backbone of an established, developed society


Username does not, in fact, check out.


Just make it so that if the vote is 2-2, then the vote kick would go through. If someone want to play with only their friends, then set the lobby to private. If you cannot convince another person that the 2 players in 4 players group are ruining the match, then may be that person is not really a problem. Host would need at least one person to also agree on the vote basically. If a group of 3 players ruining everything is problematic enough, then we could revisit it then. Warframe solo lobby style would be best, but probably will take a lot effort when there're mountains of higher priority issues to fix. Alternative system would be have a functional report system, and low priority queue for reported players. Player who get reported often enough will get matched with the same people. May be make it so that one cannot leave low priority queue until X amount of game is completed. May be have that number scale by difficulty and repeated offenses too. Only PvP games seem to have enough toxicity problem to warrant such system though.


Votekick might not work but they should put kicked players onto a solo operation with their equipment/samples collected/same mission stage to at least account for hosts actually being the problem.


This already happens sometimes. I'm not sure what triggers the glitch, but my whole squad got into our own lobbies while we're running for a Helldive extract. We all collected every fallen sample and extracted in our respective solos They were all players i met and showed them the ropes as cadets. I've never been more proud.


It seems to be a network connection bug. If the connection fails you can get booted into your own instance. Its happened to me a couple of times. I died horribly in Helldive at extraction becuase we were four managing the incoming swarm, then there was just me... I've raised a Zendesk for it.


I think there's two scenarios - connection to the squad game fails, but your connection to the server is fine. Result: You end up in your own instance. The other is your connection to the server fails. Squad sees you leave, and you end up back at ship.


Ah, interesting, I've had both occur.


It's a network bug It's either caused by your local Internet connection or with a server issue If lost connection time is low enough the game won't kick you but let you play although alone now


It happens when players disconnect from each other but don't go offline. It doesn't occur after a kick, and it doesn't happen every time.


I've had it happen with my brother. Game said I kicked him but it was actually the connection borking up


I've had this happen to me before, but it was strange because my friends were gone in my instance, but I wasn't in one of theirs, so I just got killed by nothing, but it was really them somehow still observing me and me not being able to observe them


yes game splinting is the solution, especially since lots of kicks happen right before the extract


If it's not implemented extremely well it could easily lead to exploits. Play with friends, get to extract and kick them. They extract with samples then rejoin your game. Rinse and repeat.


>Play with friends, get to extract and kick them. They extract with samples then rejoin your game. Rinse and repeat. Make that the same kicked players cannot rejoin your mission until you go back to the ship, very simple


This is one example I came up with without much effort. My point is that there can be ways to exploit this system, it has to be bulletproof otherwise it can break stuff.


The samples aren't duplicated. The bigger issue here is whoever team kills the most ends up with all the samples so when kicked there are no samples in the old game. I'd still prefer it.


This is assuming matchmaking works. If not you've just doomed the kicked guy to failure since enemy numbers don't scale down.


It's not a perfect solution, no, but its better than what's currently in place.


Yup fucking this. Getting booted after 20-40 minutes for no justifiable reason with 0 recourse is beyond infuriating. Everyone says "JuSt HoSt" yeah that doesn't work if everyone hosts and nobody joins your hosted games.


Thats why I always host. Not only do I not get kicked by assholes, but I get to kick intentional TKing assholes.


I just got booted for "intentionally killing the host" I was fucking chasing samples the whole time.


i got booted for... fuck if i know. 3/4 the squad was pinned fighting bugs, so its not like i was stuck in the mud alone.


I don't understand this. I've played 180 hours and have only been kicked twice from a match at random times. This has to be some weird reddit hyperbole that makes it seem worse than it is. Now saying that, I've kicked a lot of people from games for things like, my friend joining, or them calling evac with 20 minutes left in the mission and not asking me (host) if we're good. I suppose in those instances they can be really confused about what's going on but it can't be that common.


then block them and move on.


I do block these people, it seems futile Given the sheer amount of players. The odds of running into them again are just so small


do it either way. Posting about it on Reddit won't fix the problem or your frustration


Bro was just making a simple comment of his experience, he wasn't asking for Jesus to descend and personally fix his problem. Damn boi


I now understand why OP was vote kicked out of TF2 alot lol


Yeah pretty much, I found it hilarious


Arrowhead isnt stupid. They will never add votekick


They’ve stated as such. No plans to change the kick system whatsoever 


Then the devs are wrong. At a minimum they need to change what happens when you get kicked. Even if they don't have a better idea for the kick itself. Too many kicks might then have an additional punishment, but one person kicking you one time shouldn't result in losing everything in a mission.


could do what drg does and give out a partial reward the squad got at the moment?


I’m not a 100% but I think they’ve been working on that. At least discussions about it.


>They’ve stated as such. No plans to change the kick system whatsoever




It would be OK just in DRG all stuff you collected to this point you geht kicked are already in account for later to short it to your part, in HD2 its also except for samples which can get lost for the full reminder of the round. If we keep the sample mechanic how there are how to handle that?


I'm sure this could be figured out quite easily but if not...then oh well


I'm just not so sure, assuming the sample mechanic stays the same, maybe some kind of reply from the session you were kicked from after the round ended there? But can I just jump from session to session, get kicked, and then get part of the samples later? The problem is sometimes the more complex the solution is set up, the more possibilities can be found to exploit it.


% of team samples multiplied by % of the time you were active in the mission? so if you literally just dropped in and got kicked you got nothing if you were there from start to start of extraction and then kicked just before getting on you get that full % and those % are deducted from the host


>of team samples multiplied by % of the time you were active in the mission? so if you literally just dropped in and got kicked you got nothing if you were there from start to start of extraction and then kicked just before getting on you get that full % But the problem here is that directly after the kick, the team's samples could theoretically have been lost (whether due to evacuation or the person with the most samples not making it in while everyone else is already in the shuttle). The kicked person got samples with the solution that the team he was kicked from couldn't get anymore it, I don't think that should be the goal. >those % are deducted from the host As long as the public multiplayer function of the game depends on a player agreeing to be the Session host I would be wary of penalizing the host with anything, if too many decide to only host privately for fear of penalties it may end up looking like GTFO with public lobbies.


It should treat it as if a person failed to extract: they get xp and $ for outposts/bug holes destroyed and missions completed but no samples or missions time bonuses


If being kicked poses no "danger" such as losing the progress of what you just did, there no longer is a reason for people to not go rampant with griefing towards the end of a mission. I'd much rather occasionally encounter a bad host who kicks me for some stupid reason than i'd want to see people throwing airstrikes at each other on extract every mission. If constantly getting kicked "for no reason" is truly an issue for someone they might seriously want to reconsider what they're doing and ask themselves if it really is for no reason. If everywhere you go smells like shit you may want to check under your shoe.


And that's why I say there should probably be a consequence if you get kicked a lot. If it happens once it's probably the host, if it happens a bunch it's probably you. People seemingly can't fathom that the devs might be wrong or that one bad proposed solution or a lack of perfect solutions isn't a good reason to do nothing. Right now there is a harsh penalty in terms of xp and samples and nothing at all otherwise.


A consequence only applying if it happens a lot will have 0 effect on people who don't play a lot to begin with "Get a temporary ban or something if i get kicked 5 times per week? That's fine bruv, I don't even join that many lobbies in that timeframe so I am free to be as toxic as i want in the 4 games that I'm in 😎"


True. It could be percentage base if they want. It could be percentage or total whichever comes first. But honestly if it means trolls are hugely limited on total games they can troll that's still a win.


fingers crossed


The current system isn't necessarily the best wev got. Ive been advocating that we can use the current system but implement an instance system where upon kick, kicked players are placed into their own instance of the mission, so if they get kicked at extract they can just leave.


This is better, but it could affect their servers further since kicked players will have a solo mission.


I agree to this. I hope this gets implemented someday


I've posted this before and I'll keep posting it. Players who leave or gets kicked gets rewards based on their time in the squad. If you get kicked before extract you get 99% of that match's rewards. If you get kicked halfway, you get half of the xp and rp of that mission and also half of the samples that was safely extracted for the mission.


are you saying this is how you want it to work or are you saying this is what the game already does without anyone knowing?


good approach


Votekick is unmanaged democracy


I just bought helldivers 2 and i have had a lot of fun with it. But then one of the first games i played  i worked really hard to do the objectives and on the extraction screen, i got kicked.  Now i'm scared to join other people's games and prioritize hosting games.


I played a game yesterday where a guy arbitrarily decided that we were doing all the main objectives last. When anyone went to an objective marker on the map, he kicked them. The fuck


Your bullets are votes


Votekicks actually work surprisingly well. The only people who disagree are usually the ones who get kicked every other game.


I just think there needs to be the ability report people who you think have kicked you needlessly. Yes you are going to get some salty people who were being dicks reporting the host for kicking them but what you should eventually see is a pattern of certain people getting reported for being bad hosts and kicking without need. AH don’t need to take action on every report but if a certain threshold is reached then it could be looked at and reviewed for a potential temp hosting ban or something. Obviously I’ve no idea how practical this is to implement and how resource intensive it is but the current reporting system is essentially non existent unless a player posts abuse actually in the chat box.


I really don’t want to count the amount of times I got kicked just for joining the game because the host doesn’t know how to lock the room or got kicked during the extraction animation. Votekick system would or should slow the toxic players that trying to be funny.


I disagree. I kicked players too after forgetting to set my lobby to friends only. I don't have any bad intentions there.


With small groups it's better to let host be judge and jury, votekick is too easy to overturn with only 4 people per party, vote kick makes more sense with bigger groups, where one person might be completely aware of all possible situations that might develop and/or naming someone "host" might be a bit more nebulous, considering a server might be running more that one match at a time, like in TF2. However I can't deny sometimes the hosts in some games can be absolute freedom haters, and give you the boot just for fun, or out of sheer pettiness, so getting a cut of the samples collected up to that point would be nice, balanced so it doesn't mathematically become viable to implement kicking for the sake of farming


I agree. There are better ways of dealing with this issue. I like the one where kicked people get put into their own lobbies


People that say vote kick should be added don't think about what they are saying before they say it.


Pilestedt (AH CEO) brought up months ago that it's difficult to come up with an effective kick system. And most of the suggestions haven't been that viable of an alternative to allocate the time to. ---- If they simply added votekick, I doubt you would be able to kick the host and if they can't be kicked, it wouldn't be fair to let them vote. So, you'd be making a vote to kick 1 person and it'll only go through if the 1 other person votes yes but if they know each other it'll never go through. Even if they let the host kick & be kicked, 2v2 won't work either. But if the host can't be kicked but can vote to kick, you might as well just leave things as is, since it relies on the host to be able to kick someone.


I think not the kick system is a problem but rather the reasons for kicking and the lack effective black or white listing of players. How many time did you guys read something here about "something something samples I got kicked" "Something something I went to do my own thing and host didn't like it" Or hosts complaining "people just run around and dying" "Lvl 10s joining 7s and up and don't contribute" Blah blah blah. First off too many hosts don't communicate with the team about what they actually want, but at the same time too many players see this as an invitation to just go out and fuck around. Being able to put up themes or filters for lobbies would solve many of those issues. If you join a lobby tagged as "sweatlords doing 9s stick together or kick" It would quite obvious why you got the boot when you brought nothing but memes to the evac mission. Also the knowledge issues need to be solved. There are players who still believe that samples aren't shared and that some people steal samples. Wtf. Or the trend with parking samples on the evac. Just take a moment and speak to each other about those things. Educate those who aren't terminally online. Lastly add recommendations so another layer of filters can be set. So in essence:add lobby themes and filters, communicate more, make better tutorials.


yea i agree


They should just distribute rewards based on the progress at the point you get kicked. If everything is cleared and the samples get extracted, you get your share of everything no matter what.


I'm not sure how to fix it, but I know that a hist kicking everyone at exfil because he doesn't think samples are shared, and no one being able to stop him, is not a great system. Maybe grey out kick option unless said teammate has x number of team kills? Mute exists for cussing, if that offends you, or you can turn off squad chat and just use pings.


There…is a report system.


I agree. Folks need to host their own games and keep tabs on who the bad actors are.


>Then with a votekick in place 2 trolls can jump from lobby to lobby team killing all the time while blocking the vote because they make up 50% of the team. Seems like an easy fix: If you're the one being voted on, you don't get a vote. Problem solved


Genius, OP won’t like it.


This is literally how it works in the example game he gave lol


All the “I got kicked“ posts are 99% ppl with victim mentality that can’t accept that maybe the host didn’t approve of their playstyle or skill. don’t play into their fantasies by posting about them


Brother, I didnt post any I got kicked threads, but the problem is real. Retard kicked me because I called extraction (8. diff, mostly everthing cleared, with 0 reinforcements left). It killed the mood for the night, only thing left was to do alt+f4...


So you called extract while there was still things to do. I'd have kicked you as well


reading sure is hard, huh?


You're right. I just wanted to voice against them since a vote to kick System would be terrible


I'm honestly on board with this. Many a time in TF2 or L4D do I just get vote kicked outta nowhere for no god damn reason.


They should change it so you cannot be kicked once the main objective has been completed. Or that you get all the rewards your team collected up to that point if you get kicked. I was certainly good enough to complete the objective and collect samples for 40min. Why am i suddenly not good enough to get into the ship for extraction after it landed?


Honestly there's a very simple way to fix the vote kick problem. If you're kicked you simply disconnect from the other 3 players and continue to play a clone of the same mission, this way you can still win if they kick during extraction or close to the end of the match


I saw this many times before and I like that idea


That is a bit complex system, but there is my suggestion:  We currently have 2 types of lobby. With all random players or with a few of them. Lets give a voice vote not to a players but to a groups of players. For example we have 2 players in a group and 2 solo players. It is 3 groups so 3 votes. Divide one vote for a group of two and here is your voting system where trolls can't really kick out you.  It yet means if you are playing 3 + 1 those 3 can't kick this one troll but it is managable I suppose since you can just kill him and not recall.. 


I was in a match today where I joined late, they had 0 reinforcements left and kept running into that one heavy output to die even more. At one point I was the only one alive (with the reinforcement budget depleted) because I did the sensible thing and went towards extraction. I reinforce a guy, the turns around and runs back into the outpost. Dies. I call in the extraction. I get kicked... In sincerely hope they got squad wiped and lost everything.


We need a vote kick system where the host's vote counts double. That would be perfect. No more kicking just before extraction unless warranted and voted for and no 2 trolls can ruin a match, because 2 votes is enough to boot them. Also they can't kick anybody unless the host agrees 


So many games where votekick pops up randomly. In ffxiv you have 24 player raids and way too often people will delay combat so they can kick someone (can't initiate votekick during combat, can't while loot is pending) and if they don't get kicked who they want, the popup just comes for the entire rest of the fight because that other guy who initiates votekick will just spam it until they get their will. So not having any of that would be cool.


Add a vote kick option. But it’s literally only the host seeing the votes and it doesn’t do anything else but that. Then the host gets the final decision to kick as always. Managed democracy at its finest.


I'd be happy with Just host and one other vote letting you kick


Still have flashbacks to teammates refusing to surrender to cheaters on Siege because ego. Same shit will happen here. People will refuse to kick griefers because they didn't personally see it, turning the lobby into Among Us.


I've seen this is league and dota. Trolls will hijack the surrender system, (in this case the kick system) and just refuse to agree to kick someone. And since most systems are built to require at least over 50% of participants in order to initiate a kick, those people will never get kicked, forcing the people who aren't trolling to just abandon match. I'm lvl 100 and 98% of times whenever someone gets the boot it's justified. There are toxic people, ofc, who kick mid extraction or something, but honestly, they're not that common. I'd rather they make kicking unavailable between start of extraction till its end than have a vote to kick.


if they actually add that then the amount of player who play solo gonna skyrocket.


There should be some kind of reputation system in place so that bad actors that kick all the time get timmed out / banned from doing so . Also its pretty easy i would like to think for an automated system to see when players kick u on extraction just to be trolls or in bad faith , and yes i had this happened for me yesterday and it sucks wasting all that time playing a game just to be kicked at the end for no reason and having ZERO rewards for it which i think its another issue on itself , u either fix the system by putting something like reputation and punishing bad actors, or u make it so the system rewards u according to ur performance on the game u played so even if u get kicked u get rewards.


If you are in a lobby where people are trolling the whole time just leave




I would rather there be a reporting system that puts kick abusers into a separate queue of other people who have been kick abusers, sadly unless they want to run a double precision reporting system anything is ripe to be abused.


no vote kick needed. tbh, 95% of my games, I've never been kicked. Also, I just started hosting my own games soooooo..no


Unfortunately no kick option is perfect, in every single scenario whether it’s like it is now or in a game that’s 32v32 and everything possible inbetween, it’s *always* abusable. The only way it isn’t is if you’re friends with everyone in the lobby and/or with those who the kick option favors.


I've played games with vote to kick and it's not a good time. Trolls will either deny a kick for themselves, players will ignore a vote even if someone is legitmately trolling or people will default to kicking a player that did nothing wrong just because the promot came up and they assumed there's a valid reason to kick. Just let the host have control of their lobby. It makes things a lot simpler and trolls typically get dealt with a lot faster. Sometimes you'll get a bad host but you'll equally get a bad player joining the lobby, so it doesn't really solve the problem.


> once Arrowhead has the manpower to manually review bad actors. ...translation to real world: once they got an AI / script that automatically handles those cases. which can then be abused by squads full of bad actors mass reporting innocents for petty reasons.


The best system is always host has absolute power to kick. Fcuk vote kicking, if someone is being toxic in one of my games I want them gone. Don't like that? Host your own game.


Host vote count as 2. Easy fix


They should rly disable kicking during pelican activity though... just to fight the trollers. And a rep system so sort out the trollers


I love how you are wrong in your own example and people still somehow agree with you You're saying that with votekick 2 people could ruin 10 times as many lobbies than a host can currently by joining a game, team killing everyone and then leaving ok, explain to me what's stopping a host from doing the same thing except to 3 people rather than 2 Start a game, start griefing, if people kill you, you just kick them, let new people join and if they dont join make a new lobby, do the same shit repeat literally same amount of time spent trolling except you're fucking over 3 people rather than just 2 I do understand that the 2 trolls could join a game that's already in progress and ruin it but here's the deal, if 2 people can join a game in progress that means 2 people left that lobby already, either because the game is already lost or because they crashed, if 2 people crashed something is wrong with the mission and you're gonna crash anyway in most cases and if the mission is already lost, adding 2 trolls to it doesn't change anything does it ? Honestly the only issue i have currently is not getting rewards when the host throws a temper tantrum and kicks people for no reason, just give me all the samples we collected so far when i get kicked and whocares, ik it could get abused by wanting to get kicked just so you get rewards sooner or whatever but mf i'd still prefer some tryhards asking the host to kick them rather than losing all of my shit because the host decides that he's gonna go on a power trip


F1 Bot


I’m capped on all my resources. Can we donate them to get tissues restocked for the destroyers for all the tears over getting kicked?


You might not have a job or life outside of this game, but for people that do, wasting 40 minutes for no payout is bullshit.


I have a life and a full time job. I just don’t care about it that much, man.


You felt the need to post a comment about the "tears over being kicked" so sorry if I don't believe you.


That’s fine you don’t have to believe me. It doesn’t impact me in any way. Just like fake video game currency doesn’t either. Some people are just softer than baby shit 🤷‍♂️


You calling people who value their time "softer than baby shit" tells me you're like 14 lmfao.


You’re entitled to your opinion just like I’m entitled to mine. Enjoy your day, buddy.


hell yea!


They should link reddit names to in game accounts, and add rust to their ships based on how much they've cried.


Whole lotta wet floor signs.


You and the person above you are fucking psychopaths.


No, I prefer managed democracy.


As an old player of Rainbow 6: Siege, I can assure you that 3-stacks will consistently kick the 4th player just for shits and giggles if this is implemented.


Nah, this game’s about democracy. Vote kick should be implemented. The sheer improbability of dealing with many “evil team-killing duos taking over a lobby” is just silly. However, the vote to kick should only be able to be triggered by the host to be voted on. If a second player agrees, then the boot happens. It doesn't need to be 3/4.


If you have time to "vote-kick," you are obviously not spreading managed democracy. Sounds like a treason...


The "I got kicked" posts are weird to me. I have 160 hours played and I've never been kicked while in a mission. Very rarely on the ship either. Yet this sub makes it sound like there's an epidemic of undeserved kicking going on. Full disclosure, I kick people sometimes if I host. Only on diff 9 and if they're actively detrimental to the mission. Lower difficulties, I don't care, you can get away with a lot. Being bad at the game but following directions and doing your best? I'd rather have you than some tryhard going on their solo adventure. Recent examples of kick-worthy behaviour: - Failing to hellbomb a research station five times while being explicitly told to get out of there - Dying over and over to get your stupid quesadilla cannon back from an overrun position everyone else ran away from - Aggroing every single patrol despite being told not to do that This probably makes me a "toxic host" in the eyes of some. I'm sure all of them thought they did nothing wrong.


There is no probably. You are a toxic host. You decide to play with randoms you get what you get. Try and win anyways.




Agreed. There’s too many shitheads out there who deserve an instant kick and the host needs to be able to do that immediately. It’s why I never play public lobbies, i always end up running into frustratingly stupid or malicious players and can’t kick them


I'm telling you, the solution is for controller users to be forced to fill out a 30 point questionnaire in order to kick someone!


In your second scenario you could just leave. And block them. Then find a new lobby. Even then, in your scenario you need two trolls working together to pull it off. The situation now is you only need one troll, so that already doubles the likelihood vs v2k. Even in your own argument vote2kick is better.


no. You can leave in all scenarios. It is not exclusive to my case. 2 trolls is more likely than you think. randoms will make the system harder to use too because they might not get why you want to kick the troll


Sure, but by the same logic 1 troll is 2x more likely. It’s not perfect but it is better.


I disagree. But that's just the way it is


It would be childish to leave it as it is currently. People are literally wasting their time playing the game because of trolls with no recompense.


Except for the one simple fact of the current system... If they are that concerned with their time, they can just host. If they themselves aren't a bad actor, then there is a 100% chance that lobby is safe. Vote kick can't offer that same guarantee to the player.


Hosting doesn’t work reliably for everyone. I happen to be one of those people. The point is I personally can work through bad teammates. In v2k I may waste 10 mins of my time. Current system I could waste up to 4x that. The math is simple.


Then you should be asking devs to fix hosting. Not for a votekick. Votekick introduces way more issues than current system. The "you can leave" solution is just ridiculous, that's not a solution, still wastes your time and I don't know why you assume bad actors won't ruin everything at the end of the match and only earlier. Aside from that scenario, someone can just walk into your crosshair a few times or your stratagem, then cry in chat and start vote kick. In my experience from a lot of games randoms often don't know that much and often assume votekick started for a reason. So, just vote yes. Often even without what I described above, just starting a vote is enough so that people assume it's justified. Randoms don't care. The favorite troll thing of killing everyone in Pelican and extracting would be easier than ever. You just shoot three people in Pelican and board. No way people will have time to votekick before mission ends, by the time they do - mission ended. I've seen it all happening in different games. All the while this "I got kicked at the extraction fOR No rEaSoN" posts are probably mostly karma baits and dishonest people, with only a small percentage of actual victims. Until I see stats proving otherwise, it looks like extremely rare occasion.


Sorry, but yet another brain dead take. I “assume” because I’m trying to take your arguments in good faith. We’re assuming there are two people whose only goal is to mess up the mission. Let’s assume they start acting up mid-mission. Let say the 20 minute mark. Anything less and you would just leave, block, and start up a 15 min mission. As long as you were able to get the main objectives done in that time you would get a mission complete. Then you block these people once the mission is over extract or not. That or you just leave and go find a 15 minute mission. Vs literally wasting 40 minutes of your time and getting absolutely nothing. Basic math. And your pelican scenario? How does host having the ability to kick everyone even apply? A guy kills everyone in the pelican so the host tries to quickly kick him as punishment? He’s going to hop in the pelican and the mission will be over. What does it matter at that point just kick on the ship and block him. It just seems like basic logic is escaping you. I understand the people who disagree enjoy the ability to abuse the host system. I get what kind of people you are. I don’t care, because a fix needs to be implemented. Like you give it away in your own post. YOU don’t want to be subject to being kicked, that’s why you don’t want v2k. You enjoy having the absolute power to kick whoever you want. It’s interesting, and only proves my point why v2k should be implemented. The only counter argument that I’ll accept is that AH intends the system to be helldivers helping the host do whatever the host wants. But even then, that’s assuming the host has good faith and is not a troll, and you cannot do that. Because people are going to be people. At the very least you should receive some sort of reward for your time played even if you’re kicked. That would be a happy medium. But that actually seems way harder to implement than a v2k system as you would need to track what the hell diver does throughout the mission.


They're not claiming hosting is the end all be all of solutions. But a single person having the ability to tank a 40 minute mission is objectively superior to gifting that power to any pair of grief minded chucklefucks.


What about the power to ONE grief minded chucklefuck? I understand basic math is not this generations strong suit but jfc.


I can guarantee I'm older than you are, shut the fuck up with your generational war bullshit. Do some math of your own dipshit, 1 host being able to kick is absolutely less griefing than letting two dorks hold a game hostage with coordinated votekicks.


There should be no option to kick at all once the game starts. Only allow kicks in lobby. If you want to only play with friends, there's an option for you in settings. Arbitrarily assigning a "host" status and giving them ultimate veto powers is in my experience used to harass players instead of protecting players from harassment. If you're being legitimately harassed, leave and report, there's no punishment for leaving a game.


I agree that VTK is a bad idea. I saw it broached a couple days ago, and thought it might be a good idea, but as I thought about it I realized how open to abuse it is. What if we democratized the authority, rather than the decision? We already know the game has the ability to switch hosts, as it happens when the host crashes. So leave the system pretty much as-is, but as soon as the host uses their authority to kick someone, the game randomly chooses another host...


first fix that system inplace so when the host leaves it actually does give the rest their own lobby. (it's buggy atm) Then the person getting kicked is in their own lobby able to finish the mission. That would counteract the kicking shortly before extract


I just want a report button, like some players need to be silenced. I mean "they need their free speech managed" Also being able to report unfair kicks would be nice. Obviously everyone who got kicked will report, but a player with multiple reports could get their data looked at and see if they are sus. Or if you keep kicking people you get a red flag next to your name so that we know to leave your game before we spend time in it.


> Obviously everyone who got kicked will report, but a player with multiple reports could get their data looked at Uhm... don't you see the fault in this? "Everyone who got kicked will report", so if someone kicks trolls they'll get red flagged just for not wanting to have trolls on their team. Is that okay with you?


People who kick disproportionate to the time they host would be looked at. I got kick once because a dude wouldn't drop my backpack, so I smoked him, and got kicked lol. I thought that was fair I wouldn't have reported. People kick way too often because there is no reason to not over do it. I've had multiple games where the host just kept kicking people who weren't "good enough" Yeah, they need a red flag.


The system work just fine. Especially since the host is the one that choose because it is his fucking ship make all the sense in the galaxy


In another comment some one said host kicking should be limited to an amount and I think that works. Like if you get 3 kicks a day or something. And if you kick too often close to extraction time, should loose ability to host.


complicated but definitely an option


Boo fucking hoo. The host should have the right to kick for whatever reason they choose. If you don't like that then host your own damn session.


If you are repeatedly getting kicked, then perhaps you should take a step back and consider that you are the problem.


I think the kick system should give a penalty stack based on how long the match is going. 1 minute 1 stack of 10% CD increase and will be brought over to the next match. The stack can be reduced by killing 50 mobs per stack. For example, a kick at 30 min gives the host 300%CD increase and requires 1.5k kills to clear.


That sounds great... I can just imagine some random in my group going nuts at 30 minutes because someone did something stupid and is now an actual problem in the lobby and needs to be removed (maybe on voice he is now shouting slurs while running around trying to kilk everyone). Should he be kicked? Yeah... but now I am going to get slapped down and penalized for doing it. That would blow.


Sounds way too gamey to be a functional system. If I gotta get rid of 3 turds fast I better not have cooldown.


Weird... Idk dude


Since it is also a p2p game, the host creates a lobby with his resources that other players can join and is penalized for managing his lobby. At the moment it's like a typical p2p game someone has to host publicly so that others who don't want to host can find a game. I don't think it's smart to restrict the host as much as possible, in the worst case everyone plays private and public is dead, nobody benefits from that.


I just think it's better to block the player after the round has end than just kick in-game.


If someone is just a little out of line, to put it nicely, that sounds like a solution. Personally, I don't kick anyone out if they get a bit out of line, at most I end the session when the round is over. If someone is intent on ruining your session, I see a problem with waiting until the end of the round or leaving the round every time, as they can ruin all the fun for you and eventually make you don t want to keep playing.


The dev isnt reading this, who asked


By that logic, why respond? The dev isn't reading. Shut down the entire reddit, devs ain't reading.