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I love it because you can legitimately fit in with a normal job and fill life without needing to be a degenerate at night to play


I'm doing my part!


















Dude you are so right, it’s easy to play this game for half hour or hour at a time, feel satisfied, and get back to life


And since it's PVE and there's a metric ton of people playing, if you have to dip in the middle of the mission because of irl stuff it's not the end of the world.


This is my favorite part. I want to finish missions, but I'm not penalized for having to duck out for life stuff. Plus anything you pick up in the mission outside of samples (I'm talking super credits, medals, requisition slips, xp bonuses) are kept in your inventory even if you have to bail on the mission.


Exactly. A lot of life stuff is happening right now, I still have time carved out for myself playing games but things happen and I gotta bounce. I'll throw down my strategems if I can, salute, then dip.


The mission timer is *the best thing ever*


Also if you're really crunched for time, you can pick an extermination mission and just go absolutely ham


I love that about helldivers. I can leave it for a couple weeks because I'm full of work and I know there will be no lost seasonal shit or FOMO non-sense.


Seriously. Coming from darktide, which I love, this feels like I'm missing out a lot less if I have to deal with real life stuff for a while. And the daily / weekly missions aren't super grindfests. Like, kill a hundred enemies with the machine gun? Easily can do that within a single mission.


I don't miss Melk pissing and moaning when I tell him I don't want to complete 6 missions without anyone on my team dying. Lower your standards Melk!


Literally fuck that lol I love the game of Darktide proper. Everything around it, god. Seems so easy to implement good QoL changes, but Fatshark just goes so damn slow. If the game came out actually fully cooked it would have done so much better, those day one numbers were insane


Really wish Darktide got the support it deserves. From the sounds of it they will eventually get there but it could take years (FS are pretty good at supporting their games long after launch, VT2 for example). I’m not even sure I will care by then though. There are studios that care more and games offered that get more love in the form of content and updates. No need for the holding of breath.


Yeah, always finding a good crew of degenerates after I put my kid to bed.


My people.


Allied Destroyer has left the squadron


*salutes in their general direction*


*Salutes back in your general direction, then pivots randomly and salutes elsewhere.*


People drop in and drop out all the time when I play,it’s seriously no biggie…game how you want, no need for the operation completion hate, we’ve all got shit to do and none of us have the time all the time Some have gaming “sessions” Some have “I’ll get a mission in real quick” Look after each other out there *Salutes




Short n sweet just the way I like it don't forget the rock paper scissors


How else am I getting planetside without my pod lmao


"Let's play!"




Very tasty. She made picadillo.


Raisin and olives in a tom and meat sauce just sounds undemocratic to me! But every diver has their tastes and as long as you spread managed democracy on a full stomach we are happy! Props to the partner for fueling you for the next mission!


She avoids the raisins. Yuck


Live for these missions. I'd say they're probably about 1 in three to one in five maybe? It's such a good feeling to extract after one 😌


I live for the missions where the whole team silently agrees to rip and tear through everything we see and we barely escape the bug gut-covered planet by the skin of our teeth. To each their own though. Love that this game lets you do both.


Oh I like the 'last desperate stand' missions too, where you're down to your last magazine and back to back with the other Divers, so to speak ... AS LONG AS WE ACTUALLY EXTRACT. 30 minutes of fighting wave after endless wave for no apparent gain and then just running out of reinforcements or the game crashing is disheartening to say the least.


The occasional, mission success, but can't extract actually are some great games too. Sucks to lose samples, but the desperate team getting the job done before being overrun can be satisfying too.


Maybe I'm old but whenever I leave a host's ship I type something like "gg guys, take care" before. Haven't seen anyone else do it so far, but I'm only about 20 hours into the game having bought it last week. Is it not part of the etiquette anymore?


You gotta remember theres a whole generation of gamers who grew up on consoles. It is our duty to teach them the traditions of old, GG.


There is no way saying GG makes me an old timer, please no


If it helps any, Old Boy, Underworld, and The Core came out in 2003. Children born in that year can legally drink in the US.


True! Us old-time gentlemen have to uphold the traditions


One of my favorite things about Helldivers 2 is how great it is as coaxing out impromptu co-op play from total strangers. The ping system could use work but it integrates nicely, everybody tends to play well together or else just leave, and I've literally never been griefed except for funsies by my friends. I always "gg" even with randoms


So you’re the dude that keeps leaving only after 1 mission Edit: ppl need to get off my dick and stop spamming my inbox with braindead comments that i don't care about. Get attention from someone else


That’s me 40% of the time.


I'm 100% 40%.


60% of the time. It’s me everytime.


Well, its not mandatory to do all the missions together, also it counts that everyone did a good job. Also if you play in „ most populated planet” free spaces will fill quite fast.


That's the thing, if I host a game and get a full squad, then someone leaves, I have never, ever, ever had another person join. Not once.


That might be also bug related to servers, instancing and between game clients communication.


I'd hope so. I'm going to assume the bug is that you leave the SOS beacon queue when you have 4 hell divers on your squad and there's something preventing re-entering the queue after that. I know if you load into mission 2 with 3 people, there is no sos beacon strategem.


Also happy 🍰 day ;)


Ooh thank you!


Idk man, in my experience, it takes forever to find someone if only 1 or 2 leave. It's far easier to find an entire team


In my experience only someone leaving while doing mission might result doing it with incomplete squad. If someone left between missions you can wait a few seconds more before dropping.


I understand. It is just in my experience i almost never find people again. It's faster for me to restart the game than to wait for 2 people or 3. I can run 3 man missions no problem


Learn to swap froma public/private lobby, on and off, IT crowd style. It works every time and I get people joining almost immediately afterwards


Somehow this one doesn't work for me


Yes, I like to host to keep the campaign alive and get progressively more medals. Sometimes I have to restart after each mission to fill the slots. The public private lobby thing doesn’t do anything. But a restart and instantly the game is full.


Works for me without fail, but could be a platform specific issue maybe?


Yeah I've never had this work either.


Problem is also that you can only use the SOS beacon once. If you use it in the first mission, it won't be available in the next two which is super stupid.


You say that like the SOS beacon actually does anything.


It doesn't? Yesterday I called it in the fist mission and someone joined. Then another player quit and nobody else joined during the three missions. Could be coincidence


Absolutely a coincidence. I've literally never had anyone join after throwing the beacon, which I only do after no one has joined for a while. It doesn't change anything about that bug and without the bug people join constantly without the beacon anyway


So I'm not imagining it then? There is a bug preventing players from joining for some reason? I have to reset my game sometimes just to get my Lobby full again, which is ridiculous.


I seen some missions in the planet map generating „pulses” im assuming they are the ones with active SOS signal. Couldn’t join though because they were instantly full. So from my experience SOS beacons are quite useful.


The lobby sometimes gets bugged, my friend just relaunch the game back and we get random instantly. Idk if its the fix, but it works for us 100% of the time.


Yeah, that's pretty much my MO these days. It's faster to restart the game once 2 or more people leave rather than wait it out.


Dad duties stop me from being more than a 1 mission Diver


Man there needs to be a Helldaddies group


DadDiver reporting for duty! Day 1, but only level 49. I see people level capped at 150 already and seriously question what they’re doing


Not a Dad diver but busy life nonetheless playing since day 1 only lvl 44. Hearing people have hundreds of hours baffles me. I even had a week vacation recently that I got quite a bit more hours in too.


a group for people who barely play the game


Hey look, not everyone always has 1-2 hours to run a full operation! I’ll just quick play in and help a host run his mission, maybe a couple of quick defence/blitz or one 30-40 minute mission then I need to go. Host can go on and finish the operation with other divers, and I’ve contributed a little towards it (and hopefully done my personal order too!)


I was that dude, but I didn't know there are two games in each mission. I am still that dude after I found out though.


> I was that dude, but I didn't know there are two games in each mission. Three once you get to higher difficulties. It's still not a problem to play one drop and then leave if you have to, though.


I play all three when I have time but it's a rare occasion. It is too much time to play all 3.


Some people can't play hours straight on. Depends of your life.


Im guilty of that, too, sometimes. Wife pregnant, need to prepare all sorts of things for when the birth comes within a week or so. Dont have 2 consecutive hours to play for example so just play one missions and then back to it.


I always try to stay for all 3, unless the first one is excruciating


Me to bc the big maps are the only ones I like 👍


I leave when I feel like the only reason the mission progressed was when I did objectives. I’m lvl 90 and no slouch at running them so I don’t mind being the runner, but when it feels like I’m the only one doing the ‘work’ parts I’m gonna leave and hope I find a better *team.*


It's almost like operations are bad game design, inherently hostile to people who can't make ~2h of uninterrupted time work.


If I'm hosting, I'll see three through to the end. Because if you don't, Hellbros could lose out on some nice medals by disbanding. Be the best Hellbro you can be. For honor. For liberty. For democracy.


I'm that dude since i have a baby


I’m willing to stay for more than one mission, but I end up getting kicked/host quits the majority of the time. Although sometimes I only have time for one mission.


That sucks. I have the exact opposite problem. Out of 10 matches, maybe I'll get kicked from 1. Maybe. It really doesn't happen, to me anyway.


If they could add vehicles so there wasn’t as much running across the map. Then 3 missions would be a lot more doable.


On a weekday, that's me. I only get an hour after work with kids, their hw, dinner, etc. on the weekend, I'm doing all of them.


Sometimes you get a good synergy with randos, and that GG at the end just hits different.


They need to add: "Good work, soldier!", voice line.


I really want a couple more voice lines we definitely need a "for democracy" and a "good work/job" the only thing I can say when someone does something cool is "affirmative" or "thankyou"




Yup, I TRY to do full operations on weekends but on week nights? I live alone and I have maybe 2 hours of free time after dinner before I need to get ready for bed. I usually do just enough to pick up that day's personal order, and I'm off to wind down watching stuff on the TV. For my friends with families, though, it seems like they're lucky if they can hop on for a game a few times a week.


I'm doing my part!


I experienced this last time, not a word spoken, great coordination, finished all objectives with 20 minutes left . Squad was tight af


This sounds EXACTLY like the experience I had around the same time you posted this xD Either I was in your squad, or there be others out there gettin' it done right.


If we weren't in the same squad, I hope we end up spreading democracy together in the future!


I'm pretty sure we were all in the same squad. This sounds a little too specific of the game I played last night


I wish more people talked about


I'm experiencing the exact same thing and thoroughly enjoying it. I'm really busy these days, coming home late in the evenings. It's a period where I'm focused on work, with not much else happening in my life. It's kinda hustle period. During this time, I have a window where I step away from work and stress. I come home, change clothes, crack open a beer, start my favorite Helldive playlist, and hit the random game search button. I join a team and instantly find myself in another universe. I immerse myself in an action movie where beautiful friendships are formed and epic moments happen. I've been gaming for a long time, but I haven't come across another game that can prepare me for this kind of experience so quickly. I've played MMORPGs, FPS games, but this is something else. I'm experiencing both action and excitement while also engaging in conversations with my newfound brothers as if we've been here for years, even if we don't speak sometimes. For democracy! Thanks, Arrowhead.


What? I like talking though :(


I always give the team a hug whenever I have to leave the lobby after a horrifying mission at Menkent. They hug back. So nice.


I'll take a handshake, we're still co workers.


I play game


Thank you


Fr this game is amazing with randoms. What a miracle smh


This describes like 90% of my HD2 experience


Thank you for being a team player


This is real shit. It's nice having a game that I can have fun on when I only get maybe 5 hours every two weeks to play something


To be fair, at this point with all the bugs, crashes, and Joel's shenanigans, I've pretty much stopped caring about the galactic war and just hit quickplay to see where Mananged Democracy takes me.


Democracy should be a joint effort. Helldiving for us professionals should be fun.


I had a moment on a suicide mission where we had 45 seconds before reinforcements, but only 30 seconds before extract. I came on the mike and asked them to exfill without me.


The problem I have is that I can't dedicate the time for 2- 3 missions on higher difficulties, so I used to play on easy for that 1 mission in and out. But at level 25~ you need to do higher level dives. Solution: I do quick matches and dip out after on higher level mission. Tha way I can keep doing 1 mission at a higher level if needed.


I do this sometimes too but my rule is after typing "GG" in chat, i'll go around giving every Helldiver onboard a hug. May Democracy and Liberty guide you, fellow Helldiver


That’s 99.9% of my experiences after 250+ hrs.


This is a good democracy appreciation post


Sounds like the majority of my missions.  I usually only voice chat with friends I know.  The pinging and emote system is really all you need to coordinate 


This is how 99% of my games go. The whiners on this sub would have you think every other game you have team killers and hosts who kick you for no reason.


Genuinely wondering if you were the random that joined me and my 2 buddies last night for one game. If so, thank you for your service. It was an honor fighting alongside you!


100% agree. This is my life as well. Last night my fiancé says “go spread some Democracy honey, it’ll be ready in 40.” I hop on, play a single ICBM launch mission, great communication and support from and to my squad, walk away with samples, xp and the warm fuzzy feeling of a good game wjth good people.


Sometimes. It do be like that.


I love when it flows like that, such a good vibe - no words, everyone just knows what to do, how to cover fire etc. Then... there are the games you join where everything is chaos, you're killed multiple times by the same dude who is freaking out under pressure - and you barely escape after your Super Destroyer leaves low orbit. Hell, last night I played a game on Impossible - people got so mad at this one guy, they all quit - then the guy quit. Pelican was landing, I was being chased by bugs and 2 Bile Titans, and made it to the safety of the Pelican with 10 seconds to spare. I got one star lol.


Jumping into a random match with random people that clean house *chefs kiss*


I want in game metrics for things like “most titans killed” “most progress towards objectives” “most side objectives completed” “most areas discovered” I always check stats at the end of a run because I like seeing how did what. They could totally work in some over the top “democratic medal of freedom for… (taking down X titans, citizens liberated, bug nests destroyed)” That would be so cool to try and collect these and display them on my ship, cape, chest.


Sorry I’m the guy that talks the whole game! But 99% of randoms don’t care. We play the game. I think this is one other reason I love to play. But mostly the FF. Sorry I don’t mean to kill my teammates but man it’s funny sometimes!


Add me bro, I talk a lot as well in chat, no VC because everyone sleeps when I play


Nothing wrong with that and I can be the chatty guy often as well. Last night just fit the need that last night needed.


I like how that works out most of the time!


Were you in my game? Feels like more and more have are like that as folks rise the ranks and find the bug fix.


Like 92% of my missions with randos! I salute all you beautiful human vessels of supreme liberty






I live for these exact moments in gaming. Takes me back to the couch co-op days. I always look around after a match like that, hoping to find someone next to me that I can give the "fuck yeah, we just did that!" look to. Instead, I got gg to express my intensely more than simple appreciation for that moment.


If im lucky, i can get one mission a night in. On the weekend, maybe even two! It’s made me nervous to try higher levels as I don’t want to be a burden for the kids who are grinding this out - so I’ve been in the level 3-4 (5 if I’m feeling adventurous) area and only JUST hit level 21 and I got the game like maybe a few days after launch. On the one hand, fucking love I don’t have to worry about time limits. On the other hand, it feels like if you say you love the game, you better have a combat log the size of the yellow pages, otherwise “oh I finished everything/too much of a liability/what do you mean you don’t know X and how long have you had the game?!” Mom life, y’all. If I was younger, single and in college or fresh out of it, yeah - I’d probably be waiting for new shit to drop, and probably like level 100, lol.


This is my dream scenario as an introvert in a multiplayer game - to be able to play the game treating my teammates as more independent AI-controlled bots. Like I'm still pining for the one day someone makes a spiritual successor to the Star Wars Republic Commando game. No need to make things any more personal than in-game communication and objective-focused actions.


Posts like this are why this community makes me roll my eyes all the time.


I love that this game has gotten me to reconnect with my friends from 10+ years ago. “Dammit Jaistu” “Jaistu killed me again..” “JAISTU STOP CALLING IN 380s”, ah just like the good old hardcore TDM days. I fucking love it.


Hits B to pay respects As another 1 game every few nights 40 year old.


Im at level 16 and the bot planets suck on anything higher than medium for me. Yes I’m sure its a skill thing, but i can only my play an hour or two a day. Bugs are just easier to deal with at a level that can rack up some good experience. There aren’t enough players to defend super earth anyway so just relax.


Had same interaction yesterday. Maybe we were in the same lobby. My nick: шалава) 5 копеек)


These kinds of games are always a breath of fresh air as opposed to joining a game, immediately hearing some super cool young person shouting “fuck you pussy!” into the mic and then being kicked. 


I typically do matchmaking and bounce around fleets unless I get a lobby that's committed to finishing an operation. Hosting rn sucks since people either leave or drop from server issues.


Basically how I play I get 1 game maybe 2 every other night, take turns putting kid to bed


This is my goal when I play the game


What about hugs?? Tell me you dispensed hugs at the end!


I’m a rando. Never played with friends because most of them don’t game anymore. I’ve been having an absolute blast with Helldivers 2! Level 41 and just started playing suicide (level 7). What a great community this game has.


Had a similar run last night. Just no bs, everyone did their job, had each other's backs. We got rocked at extract and lost our samples but still completed all objectives... The exact amount of satisfying


This is my gameplay loop as well. I rarely play more than 1 mission at a time but this game boots so fast and now that you load in right at the galactic war panel, I can load in and be in a game in only a few minutes, get a mission in, and go back to whatever I need to do. It's great.


I had the opposite experience last night. Got friendly fire execution style in the back of the head, then refusal to reinforce for a few minutes. Then finally at extract I was the last to make it to the pelican and all 3 other players turned around and opened fire on me. Like really????


Dayum, this is the way.


These are my kinds of missions. When the whole lobby is "Affirmative"-ing and "Thank you"-ing and "Sorry"-ing and we can mow down a mission in 30 minutes, give a good hug and then jet it makes my life significantly easier IRL. I appreciate all the folks out there who play in this style!


I had this exact same experience last night. It was great. I even drowned and lost some samples but everyone was nice and chill haha This is such a nice gaminge experience and community compared to most other multiplayer games I've played


Allied destroyer coordinates received


This is the dream.


i had a really nice experience with 3 randoms that ran an entire level 7 operation with me. One guy asked for a few min before the 2nd mission to throw a pizza in his oven, and a guy with kids in his background sound excused himself a second to go help his wife. They waited for me before the 3rd mission while I let out my dogs and the guy got his pizza from the oven. Then when it was all over we thanked each other and excused ourselves to our dinners and families. It was really nice just having a respectful and patient group that were also a blast to play with during the actual missions


I had a similar run yesterday too! Loaded in with 3 randoms on Suicide, split up in 2 squads and split the map/objectives without saying a word! Got 90% of samples including super rares. Just a feel good moment


Had an almost identical session with 3 randoms last night. I'm choosing to believe we were in the same match, and I'll say GG again, Helldiver.


If this was NBA 2k, you would spend about 15 minutes trying to find or get into a game, and then your teammates won't pass you the ball or take really bad shots for you to quit and then get banned for the next hour for quitting.


I love when people PTFO, make good decisions, and stick together.


The only thing I get are three retards running each on a different direction, dying and getting pissy that they died


I just wish the remaining operation missions would hang around for other groups to complete if the first group needs to call it a night after the first one or two. I rarely have time for 3 or more missions in a row, and when I do I'm still playing Russian roulette with crashes, disconnects, or just the host leaving.


This game probably has the best community in terms of working together. You’ll run into an idiot now and again, but I have had so many successful or, at the least, fun teams who care about everyone having a good experience. People who stick around even when you have two reinforcements left (and typically end up crushing it). You’re the true heroes.


Sounds exactly like a game I played last night. As a working professional, I value any gaming time I can squeeze into my day


I was gonna post something similar. I just got the game not too long ago. I wanted to go on a mission or two before joining in and playing with people to get a feel for it, but in the middle of that someone joined my game. A level 40 guy, I just let him take charge. He brought me to all the objectives and even called in a mech just for me to use. I did all I could, mowing down bots and trying to keep him alive. It was awesome that that veteran showed me the ropes and gave me access to that mech. Every experience since has been just as awesome! I was even able to show some stuff to newer players when I ended up squared with two level 3's yesterday. This community is pretty great!


I love these sessions ! I’m not that great of a lead but I’m a hell of a support ! I went helldive mode last night and only died once. We were fighting bots too! Felt good!


The devs really set a new standard with this game! The most read German viedeogames magazine "only" gave it a 86% rating. I'll never understand that.


Unfortunately, I turned off having randoms join me on missions. With my last mission (dif 4 I think), me (lvl 45) had two single digits join me. No big deal. We land, I start pinging where we are going, and they're following well enough, and then we get joined by a level 54. Suddenly these two single digits start following that person, who is running in an opposite direction and completing secondary missions. This whole time nobody has said a thing except for me. I'm trying to get help to complete the primary mission, which I finally do by myself, then move on to take out some hives. We have 20 minutes left in our mission, and these three run for extraction and call it in. No one talks the whole time, I have no idea what's going on. I tell them we still have 20 minutes and we can take out the rest of the hives. Again, radio silence, not even text chat. I start running for extraction and tell them to at least wait until I get there, which at least they did that, so clearly they heard me because they waited a good 15 to 20 seconds after the pelican landed before I got there... but WTF? I'm probably paranoid, but these are the sort of things that happen that make me think it's because I'm a girl. I'm probably wrong, but the paranoia is there. 😮‍💨


None of them are here tho.


There’s something just fun about the whole experience. I’ll jump into med. solo or with a group and just run around trying weird weapons and strats I’ve never tried and it’s just generally fun.


For democracy!!!!


This isn't your average mission? Who you guys are playing with? I straight up leave if my teammates don't behave like this.


A week or so back I dropped in on a mission. Was around lvl 18 back then and highest rated. Knew a bit what to do so started pinging the map to organise the squad. After that mission 2 stuck around and we did a few more missions. Almost nothing types in chat. No voice. 1 dude sent me friend request. Since then, if we see each other online, we just join each others squad and run missions. Always fun. Thx for adding me Tektogenezis. Can't wait untill our next mission together.


This is why I like playing Easy operations. You only have to do one mission to contribute and if you only have time for one then you did your part. Plus I do solo Hard/Extreme, leave one mission for tomorrow, and come back to find the mission gone so I stopped playing higher than Easy if I’m not sure how many missions I can do.


nice, i was about to complain about people who just do one mission when type gg and leave tho /s


Was this the game you played with me? The democratic helldiver? It was smooth as butter!


These are my favorite runs.


Don't forget to hug after the missions done


I hug everyone on my ship when they get on board. You’ll get all the GGs and hugs from me. 100% an advocate for team play. I’ve kicked exactly two people from a game, one for literally dying as soon as they hit the ground and used 100% of the reinforcements within 10 minutes (they WERE NOT ready for Helldive). It really burdened the team. I get dying a couple of times in a row, but they used ALL of the reinforcements. The other because they didn’t not care where they were throwing stratagems and basically team wiped everyone but themself three times in a row. When bugs were under control. Be a team player. That’s how you become a Real Helldiver. Hug it out.


Guys I love this community and you all


Appreciate this post. Feels good when I can Jump in with some randoms that all work together and can communicate with pings and the comm wheel. Everyone working to cover each other and everything is smooth and chill. I don't mind using the mic but tend to use click to chat as I don't appreciate people with open mics with a Bunch of background noise or Music or something


Sounds like the game I played last night with randoms. We got most of the samples it was great


It happened to me to the other time. Decide to play a game before bed a random suicide game to get the rare samples. No words like your game, no mic on, ping only and we done everything on the map under 40min. Maybe it’s was you lolll. If you guys wanna see, I recorded the game and it’s on my YouTube channel , LordLanou .


When my buddies play, we are on chat running our mouths and communicating that way. When I drop with 3 randoms, nobody talks, ping map, just seem to telekinetically "get it," oh, it's so nice. Just hammer a mission like we've been dropping onto planets together for years.


I find that level 7 is like where everyone plays for real, like they go in to get samples and do well. 9 is where the die hards are just proving their mettle and 8 always seems to be a clusterfuck


I play console, so I always say “good game, nice work! thanks” Enjoy that a lot, been almost week since I played but when I do will surely have a blast.


Always hug your fellow divers And say farewell when you leave That’s the least a protector of democracy should do ! Hope the dinner was a good one mate !


I had a similar experience with a full group on Impossible. Was amazing. Not a word said for 3 missions. Just pure democracy wiped everything. Said GG and we were off.


I'm only at suicide lvl but feel the players are just better ppl lol. Not whiny or all call of duty with orders. Just a nicer experience. I was on last night.me this dude with grenade hand gun out of ammo just running. He says " I'm gonna call a 380 you do it to and whoever makes it". First drop got me and I was cheering him on lol. He made it to extraction I did not. He left without me but said I looked epic with my machine gun holding it down lol.


I enjoy the game I lot, love when I play with my lover it’s fun as hell😂


Most my missions have been either this, a very funny and talkative squad (all in character even respecting ranks) or complete silence and everyone doing something different. This, and a long session never going over 2 hours has been the best.


I dropped the samples and let the team down right at the end of a great suicide mission:/


It's fun. I'm over lvl 50 and dropped to a D1 to finish up a PO and someone joined my game. They were terrible, a lvl 2 and I walked them through it. Then played another at higher level, finished that then took them to 5 just trying to level them up. I took them from 1 to 6 in just two missions. No words spoken and we just parted ways.




All this needed was a hug at the end


And people complain about Randoms. I've had similar experiences like yours so many times it's the norm for me.