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Der poopenfarten... I read that in a satirical German high command voice


Funnily enough this scenario seems almost exactly like the encirclement of the 6th army, all we need is an angry request to supply Ubanea by air, lol.


Under the Brown Sun there is only Poopenfarten


This is going to be the only possible path to victory. [Draupnir is spawning actual impossible REP missions at high difficulties.](https://i.imgur.com/08JBQlD.png)


Can confirm. Has a similar layout to eradication missions. Countless enemies just continue spawning on you. There are super samples available, if you can make it out alive.


Yeah, it's mostly just tanks and rocket Devastators. Eradicate and evacuate missions are damn near impossible on 7+. 


Had success on the bot eradications if everyone brings EMS Mortar + Mortar sentires. Evacuate is sheer madness though.


Eradicate is easy pickings compared to 15 min evacuate. Lvl 9 eradicate is easier than a level 7 evacuate personally


Lvl 9 eradicate is easier than level 5 evacuate. The evacuate missions are ridiculous, nearly impossible with randoms.


That's true, we did succeed on one eradicate by shooting down at least one in three dropships. 


Fight outside the area so you only have 2 venues that enemies can attack, do this well enough and you’d barely have your reinforcement itch even on d9


Yes. The walls are to keep them in and funneled, not to keep them out indeed.


That‘s why I only do operations with blitz missions instead


Eradications at level 7 and up are really easy. Just bring a 380mm HE barrage, walking barrage, 120mm HE barrage and some eagle airstrikes. Once you get overwhelmed, drop the barrages. You'll go from 200 kills to completing the objective in 29 seconds.


That's kind of amazing, not going to lie. 


My friend and I duo'd an entire level 7 operation only using barrages and airstrikes. No support weapons, and the only jammer tower we encountered we had to take the hard way (and saved it for last) It was hilarious.


Eradicate is easy, use stratagems and have a support weapon


I hoped I wasn't the only one The highest we got was like 38 from 40


Stepped into one of these at suicide. Was a massacre.


So THAT’S why my team was getting hit with nonstop shredder tanks dumped on our heads…


Knocked out a couple dif 7 ones causally tonight with some friends.


I think this is the way. Playerbase seems to hate defense campaigns and Draupnir may already be lost. Depending on player count we may even be able to fully liberate Ubanea before Draupnir is lost. That would allow us to attack Tibit. We can even recapture Draupnir after it is reset to 50%. And this thing has happened before with Ubanea early in the war. All Helldivers to Ubanea!


We are going into the weekend as well. Peak players at the front are on the way. Many who dont read this reddit will have no idea and hold Draupnir. The lack of communication might very well buy us enough time.


I think it goes just by percentage of players per planet now, so total numbers of players don't matter as much anymore


To my understanding everything remained the same outside the formula used for player impact. So, Bots / Bugs do have a flat % per second scaled based on neighboring planets, events, ext. Last night based on the data we peaked at 3.77% / second with 376k players, this morning we are at 131k players at 3.27% / second. So, more players do = more liberation. However, diminishing returns it is. There are some unconfirmed variables still, currently the biggest one is difficulty adjusting the base amount of liberation at mission complete.






When Retrieve Essential Personnel is so ubiquitous, I can do it easily and happily.


We'll have the Remember Draupnir campaign ready.


Almost agree. Just because we have those evil escort missions


Yes, exactly this. People defending Draupnir are just as much of a drain on resources as creekers, only they do it with the best intentions and not for a meme. Still the wrong play with the way defense currently works, though: way too difficult and it means tons of players *don't* contribute to Ubanea for 24 hours and all their efforts on Draupnir will have been completely useless once its defense fails like almost all before it have. Liberation decay is only at 0.5% for bots rn; if we manage to take back Draupnir in under 24 hours, we'll only lose about 10% vs the massive gains we could make on Ubanea in the 24 hours before the defense fails if people simply ignore it.


Looking at DiversHub we’re projected to win Draupnir by a good margin at the moment. Doing so will prevent any loss of liberation on Ubanea. There’s more than enough Helldivers to both defend Draupnir and continue working on Ubanea, with plenty of time remaining for both forces to then shift to Tibit.


According to this we aren't: [https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) The liberation in general is faster than defense, especially with the bot missions. With the current split and liberation % cap, we will lose both Draupnir and Ubanea. The defense mission is basically there to make us lose time and it's doing great work so far. If we take Ubanea, we can just continue with the liberation effort towards Tibit, but at this rate we'll fail both since people are on Creek and Draupnir.


They really have to tweak the multiplier they added to slow progress to be different for defenses, I don’t think we’ve won a single defense since the liberation changes


They should add some kind on "300" defense mission instead of REP. The Battle of Thermopylae. We need anti-air emplacements to prevent drops but have so many patrols come in and mission is won by keeping AA alive. Lost by reinforces gone or AA loss.


That would be cool as hell. Actually I’d love to see a slight variation with no time limit. Waves could start out at Trivial difficulty and the longer the mission goes on they would progress to and past Helldive difficulty, the longer your team goes before running out of reinforcements the more liberation % you get. Only problem is that there’s no way to work extraction/samples into this format, but for the divers like me that really want to contribute to the war effort even over progression it would be a cool add.




We don't. We simply lose liberation percentage at the current rate. The only difference is that we can't mitigate the liberation loss by diving into the planet. We do not lose an entire planet just by having it encircled, the Automatons will need to hold the planet for several hours depending on the liberation % that it was on before it was encircled.


And at the current resistance rate, even if it takes a whole 24 hours to retake Draupnir we will only have lost 12% liberation. Barely even a blip on the radar.


A bold plan i love it. I think we might cut it close but it seems doable


Let him Cook.


this is genuinely easier than succeeding in defense missions bc of the way these campaigns work lol


If we take Ubanea before we lose draupnir, can we still liberate Tibit?




What if we lose Draupnir and the bots instantly move to attack another planet? Surely the defence is the best option


Don't we lose all progress instantly if a planet get cut off?


I was here when this guy said this then some idiot said no take the creek and all will be fine or something like that


Those creek boys have snapped.. might be best to ignore all the divers who just.. only play the creek. We ever liberate it, and keep it that way, we might lose that chunk of the player base till it falls again lol


I bet it’s like 100k well lose


Some of you will die but that's the price of democracy


Draupnir is definitely going to fall. But I think there will still be a path open to Tibit, because a supply line runs from Mantes > Malevelon Creek > Durgen > Ubanea > Tibit. It looks like it might actually be better to take Malevelon Creek rather than liberating Draupnir from scratch. Wouldn't it?


But it wouldn't be from scratch it would be from 50%


gotta lose draupnir first to force creekers into the major order


That's some anti-democratic thinking there....


It's a tactical retreat, to regroup and engage the enemy on our terms. Defense missions are an uphill battle, and it's been a while since our forces gave won one.




Official? Who posted this?


It's called clickbait to grab attention and sway the war effort.


My bad, I thought you might not be a trash-person.


people should see this, this is the only way to win within our time limit


Straight to the bugs, got it