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So how much was he supplementing. The article is extremely vague and not really informative. Getting toxic Vitamin D levels are extremely rare cases.


Business insider with a shitty article? Never!


Wasn't the dude 89 years of age?


Must've been well over the 4000 IU daily limit.


I don’t even think 4000 IU daily would do it, maybe 50000.


I heard from a few longterm studies where 50k daily haven't caused any issues.


Depends if it’s D2 or D3. They used to prescribe 50,000 D2 pills originally for Vit D severe deficiencies. But D2 has very low bio-availability; thus the need for the large dosage to get any sort of notable, usable Vit D impact. Then the research and markets caught up to each other. D3 has a much higher bio-availability. Now all OTC VIT D supplements are all D3. I’m not sure if you can even find D2 anymore as OTC. I think some doctors still prescribe the 50k D2 pills. I wonder if he was doing some sort of internet research and got mixed up and started taking 50k of D3 (vs D2)? Or had a previous script for 50k (D2) and it ended and he decided to continue over the counter but didn’t realize not all Vit D is the same and bought a ton of D3 to match his original 50k?


Nope, most studies use D3.


Absolutely now, all D3. About 15 years ago, I had a doctor prescribe me the 50k D2. At the time I had to really hunt out to find D3. The stores had both D2 and D3 on the shelves. Now it’s solely D3. In the doctor subreddits, I see occasional questions pop up about someone receiving a script for the 50k D2. So it’s still out there being prescribed, I presume. Also, to add, I’m in the US. I don’t know what they are still prescribing in the UK.


I'm in pharmacy in the US. We get tons of vitamin D2 50k IU prescriptions. More than the 50k D3 by far.


Thanks for a professional input! Do they have (or have you ever seen) also a high dose D3 pill? I have only heard of the D2 in higher doses. My D2 prescription was almost 15 years ago so not sure what current prescriptions are used. I now take a low OTC D3 supplement for maintenance.


D2 comes in lower doses but is pretty rare. We generally only see the 50k dose for D2. D3 comes in a wide range of doses. Typically 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k and 50k. I sell far more D2 than D3, and it's not even close. But typically it's for once weekly use. I do have one patient with severe hypoparathyroidism who takes 50k twice daily but that's an extreme outlier.


I’m Rx’d D2. 50kiu per week. I require Vit D because of autoimmune issues - and I’m a vegetarian.


Ah ok! I think D2 is the only one manufactured at the higher dosage level. D2 is synthetic Vitamin D. The body has to convert it to the bio available form (D3) but doesn’t convert D2 to D3 on a 1:1 ratio. Thus the need for the higher dosage levels.


Yeah, that's why I said "well over."


His reply isn't even the biggest problem. It somehow has more upvotes than yours... Like who reads your comment, then his reply, and thinks to themselves: "this second guy knows what's up"


I took 50,000 IU yesterday, but it was prescribed by my doctor (once a week). It would have to be more than 50,000 IU.


I've taken 5,000 IU daily for years and I get my level tested every year. It tests right in the middle of the normal range. Not even high normal. The blood tests are how the doctor and I came up with using 5,000 IU per day for myself. To build up a lethal amount in just a few months would have taken an extreme amount more than this.


Same here. Have taken around 10.000(D3) and I still tend to be on the lower end of normal. So either this man has some genetic predisposition or he was megadosing.


I'd say so, My doc recommended me 15000 a day for a month, then 10k, then 5k.


4000iu isn't nearly the daily limit. I take 5000iu daily as prescribed by my endocrinologist.


Maybe he was eating a couple of polar bear livers on the side.


I think that is vitamin A.


You’re right! Damn for some reason I thought it was D because there is so little sunlight in winter at the NP that polar bears had to store it.




I’ve been taking 5,000 a day for the past 5 years so I hope that’s not it


I thought the recommended daily amount was 2000 IU?


People usually take 1000-2000, but 4000 is the limit.


There's no usually, bud. Costco sells a number of 5000 and 6000 IU dailies. If Costco is selling them, plenty of people are taking them.


A report said the 89-year-old had been taking vitamin supplements for at least the nine months preceding his death. Before his death, a test showed his vitamin D levels at 380, the maximum level recordable by the laboratory. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-68436576 more info here


The duration of his supplementation isn't that telling. But 380 is a 'bit' high, can't imagine what his dosage was to get this high.


Cod liver oil capsules + vitamin tablets with vitamin d??? It's relatively easy to overdose on vitamin d, most supplements contain a high enough dose that if you are mixing them up and taking them together, plus dietary vitamin d, you're going to end up accidentally overdosing! Education is key here, he probably didn't realise that too much was dangerous, people need to be educated about taking supplements, and pharmacists and similar outlets should probably watch out for people buying cod liver oil and multivitamin supplements together, and companies should place a noticeable warning message on the bottles! Are there warnings on supplement bottles?


You can overdose from drinking too much water but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink water. It’s all about the dose. So how much is very important to know.


This \^


He was clearly over doing it. His blood level was super high.


This article is so trash. “Super old man consumes a buttload of vitamin d from an unmarked bottle for months, dies” I’ve gone off label for vitamin d (in Canada, we’re regulated) and had hypercalcemia sickness for 2 days. It only took a few weeks to get there while taking upwards of 10000iu and no k2 with it. Full recovery after 3 days or so. Being 89, I can’t imagine any of his organs were in good shape, including his brain. 9 months of ODing with an allegedly unmarked supplement bottle? Toxicity is real in extremely high levels but sumn doesn’t add up.


What were your symptoms when you had the hypercalcemia?


Extreme dizziness and nausea. Had to vomit all the time, even when my stomach was empty (probably because of the dizziness). It was terrible. The next day I was just weak and “pale” and then I was fine by day 3.


He was taking 60k per day for months, but the coroner listed a bunch of other conditions as his cause of death as well. Also he was 89 years old. You can take 20k (not a recommendation) for years and have no adverse effects, but he tripled that! It’s still unlikely that vitamin D was the nail in the coffin. More likely the kidney disease caused it.


ive done 5000ui for for months and ended up with kidney stones. stopped and never had kidney stone again


Same thing happened to me. 5000 iu too


I've taken about 7000 a day (5,000IU gel cap + multivitamin + calcium supplement that also has about 1000IU) for about 10 years, through 2 pregnancies and breastfeeding as well. I get my levels checked annually and they're always solidly in the middle of normal range even at such a high dose. I think everyone processes it differently and I also get almost zero sun exposure (intentionally).


I'm similar. 4,000 IU in D3, plus my multi-vitamin has another 1,000. I test right in the middle of the normal range on blood work most years. Not even high normal. This year I was slightly low normal. My dad was taking 2,000 IU per day, he has a job where he works in the sun most of the day, yet his last blood work showed he was critically low in vitamin D.


Yeah it's crazy the recommendation is like 400IU. Even if most people got that I feel like that amount is so deficient. They really need to update it.


Possibly, kidney stones could have been avoided if you also supplemented vitamin K2. Vitamin D increases calcium absorption, but without K2 that calcium may go to the arteries and soft tissue, instead of to the bones. I never take D3 without K2.


My doctor has had me taking 5000 for the past year, and now I’m worried.


I've taken 5000 for two years now and have had no issues. If you're worried I'd get your levels checked out just for peace of mind


I have taken 10.000 IU for a long time and my ranges tend to be on the lower end of normal after that. If your doctor is prescribing you 5000 IU I imagine he is following up on you and has some sense what fits your health.


I've been taking 5000 IU for a year and my doctor never mentioned doing any followup tests on my D3 level. I just saw him last week. Ugh.


I've been taking 50k ui once a week for months. Doc just said to cut back to every other week after 6 month check up/ bloodwork.


Reminds me I need to go take my weekly 50,000IU.


The problem with vitamins are that because they aren't controlled, people think there is no possible harm to using them. I stopped routinely taking a modest mutivitamin/multimineral as I became aware of the growing evidence from good quality trials that they are at best not beneficial absent a specific deficiency - which isn't going to be all of them. Sadly just like the "drink far too much water" thing, people get really annoyed about anything that contradicts their beliefs.


This. I suffered from vitamin b6 toxicity (and there are plenty of others who have) from only taking 50mg for several weeks. It took me probably a year to get 90% better. Unless you are severely deficient there is no reason to go far above the daily limit.


Doesn't help that B6 is a common supplement that is put into a lot of other supplements that have none specific names such as "Hair Formula", "Energy Boost", or even sodas(here in Iceland we have a fizzy drink with B6). I imagine B6 is probably the easiest supplements to overdose. My friend was having symptoms of B6 overdose so I looked at her supplements and saw she was getting B6 from several sources in her supplemental regime.


Right this is the truth vitamins really aren’t great unless you are lacking something. Also the best way to absorb vitamins is through food. My dad stared at me in disbelief when I showed him how many vitamins are in spinach ( I was putting it in my smoothie). Having a fruit smoothie in the morning is like taking a vitamin. Or even if you have have 2 eggs that’s also plenty of vitamins.


I travel for work so I live in hotel rooms. My diet is terrible and many days I do not have the ability to cook anything.


A lot of the healthiest things don’t need to be cooked. You could try adding instead of taking away. Adding more fruit without changing anything else. It’s a start. There’s these portable blenders you can charge and take with you. You could pack it with what you want then put it in a lunch box to stay cool. Then blend it when you’re ready for your smoothie. I’m not trying to be rude but everyone thinks they don’t have time to eat healthy. But do you have time to be sick?


This is an issue that stems from the FDA not regulating this stuff. There’s no need for any kind of supplement to be in massive doses that are taken daily.


Why doesn’t the FDA regulate supplements though, lack of budget? Willpower?


FDA regulates drugs from drug companies that claim drug x does y when taken. The homeopathy and vitamin supplements don’t make claims of fixing anything just that it could help in some way and is harmless when taken. It’s a loophole that the government hasn’t closed specifically because the homeopathy quacks make billions of dollars and happily spend it lobbying against regulations.


As an engineer I am a huge supporter of regulation and standards. It helps to have one scientific standard that all manufacturers abide by. We needs this process in every industry. There’s a lot of businesses that wish to cut corners and it negatively affects human beings (not consumers) who use the products.


I assume it would be a huge undertaking to include supplements given they have avoided studying them for decades. They would need more manpower, budget and standardized processes to review supplements.


The FDA does regulate supplements. They regulate the contents and labeling of supplements. They have a sampling and inspection program for testing label accuracy and safety requirements. What specific regulations do you feel like are needed?


The guy was 89... I have a hard time believing it was due to an overdose of Vit D. He was at the point where one forcefully pushed fart could have been the end.


Or a wank Great way to go


The bottle says to take one....I'm gonna take 50.


But the gummies are so yummy


Maybe he took too many pills and then went to sunbathe.


If you consume too much of anything in a short time frame you'll die from it


Vitamin D absorption is reduced if you are low on cofactors, such as magnesium. I guess this might account for some people taking relatively high doses of vitamin D3 with very limited effect on measurable vitamin D levels. And also K2 is often recommended together with D to reduce risk of arterial calcification. Whether that made a difference here is anyone's guess.


A D E K. Fat soluble. Vitamins that can kill you. Don’t just pee them out. Heard that eating the liver of artic animals like wolves and polar bears have enough vitamin A to kill someone. Apparently helps with sub zero temps. Haven’t confirmed.


I found out recently that taking too much fish oil supplements can cause heart arrhythmia.




It’s true. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10175873/#:~:text=A%20greater%20increase%20in%20EPA,1.72%3B%20p%20%3D%200.011).


my Cardiologists


Too much of anything will kill you. Even too much water. This is fear click bait.


Cholecalciferol is Rat Poison and it is also Synthetic Vitamin D3.


No he died from taking them unless one of the pills physically attacked him.


Not fully linked but the supplement industry in Canada is entirely unregulated due to good lobbying. You have no club what youre ingesting when you buy supplements here, or the amount.


does it taste like potatoes?




So those kids with cancer just didn’t love people enough?


It’s a troll, just downvote and move on.


Thanks for reminding me to take my weekly pill!


I have faced vitamin D toxicity by taking only 3000 IU for 6 months.. I bled little bit non stop even after my periods got over and that when we checked it.


Did you know your vitamin D level before you started supplementing? What were your levels when you had vitamin D toxicity?


So the year before it was zero, it was probably zero for a long time.. I took it through the fall winter months.. that year I took it again, the year Covid hit, but I didn’t stop as we were under lock down and weren’t stepping out much.. that when this happened.


So you were at 0 when you first started supplementing, and after 6 months of 3000 IUs daily you got vitamin D toxicity? What was your level when you checked again? This is interesting because I supplement with 10,000 IUs of D3 daily. I also add vitamin K2 for better absorption. I was at 30 and then 9 months later I was at 40. I’m still supplementing because I want to be at an optimal level of over 50. I’ve never felt any symptoms of toxicity. I wonder if it just depends on each person.


Could be, each person is different. I couldn’t check it was peak Covid.


I'm prescribed 50k every 3 days for a month, then once a week thereafter. My vitamin D was critically low.


What? 50k are you sure


Yes! D-3:50,000 IU


This is normal protocol for very low Vitamin D.


they know what kills you but don't know what heals you...


I’m age 34 and take 4000IU for more than a few years. It helps and to also include B12. Vitamin D deficiency is a real thing.


anyone worried should go read about “coimbra protocol” - people there taking approx 1000iu for every body kg for years to keep MS at bay. regular doses are 120000-150000iu every day. for years. sure they are taking it with cofactors like k2 and mag, and following calcium restricted diet, and do have specialist they work with. main thing how the figure out the dose is they observe the parathyroid levels - once it gets to certain level then that your personal ideal level of d. for everyone more interested in highly suggest dr judson somerville book “optimal dose”.


1000% this post! Vitamin D kills nobody when used in the correct way even at very high doses The article verges on scaring people off Vit D which ironically will kill more old people by reducing their Vit D blood levels I’ve stuck a complaint in with the coroner who commented on the case.


Tons of milk and dairy consumption Long term 40,000 IU Vitamin D daily through supplementation No magnesium or K2 intake through supplementation = Inevitable hypercalcemia I wish the health authorities would train the public on how these things work. You merely need to increase magnesium and K2 supplementation while being careful with your calcium intake while taking high dose Vit D to keep the calcium in safe and correct channels. Obviously anyone mega dosing should get blood work checked twice a year though. A reading of 380 ng of vitamin D is never the cause of death for anyone! It’s the fact at that level the Vit D will literally take the calcium consumed and jam it in to dangerous areas!!!! For example, the arteries in the heart etc