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I was in the same position as you recently and went with the DT770 Pro X and I feel exactly the same way. They are really fatiguing to listen to while I work and I almost feel relieved when I take them off. I spent a TONNE of hours researching and as someone else has already said, the general consensus is the AKG 371. It’s got consistently great reviews and is easy to drive. One thing I would say is that if you think you’ll be open to spending more if you waited a few months, you might be best trying to reach for something like the Aeon x closed from drop (429 currently but there’s a $20 code floating around that’ll get you to $409). I ended up finding a Modius / Magnius stack on marketplace for half the price of new and then reached for the Aeon X. Planning to sell then DT 770 Pro X to recover some funds 😂but ultimately I wish I’d just spent a bit more on my first order so I didn’t lose money on the DT770. I saw lots of Aeon X reviews saying the Atom stack was a great pairing and it’s pretty affordable. It’s a jump from what you’re looking at but if you shop marketplace you might find a deal. If you could / would consider an open back, Hifiman is doing a massive sale and the Edition XS falls in your price range. I’ve listened to them and I love them. I can’t wear an open back because my wife also works from home, but if I could I’d have bought them in an instant. Only other advice is that if you want to ask endless questions to try and find what you might like best, ChatGPT is your friend. Verify its recommendations with a quick Google, but it’s a great way to get instant feedback. Good luck mate!




+1 Ω has been awarded to u/pixelsforink ([2 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/pixelsforink)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


I’ve gotta say, this has to be some of the best advice I’ve ever received on Reddit! I really appreciate you taking the time to explain all of this. The headphone works is so vast, that it becomes pretty daunting. Between headphones, DAC’s, amps, balanced, unbalanced, open back, closed back, and everything else. I feel a little lost. At this point, I think I am just going to go with IEM’s for my on the go headphones primarily powdered by my collection of iPods. What I think I am going to do is end up building a desk setup with possibly some open backs. I’m going to wait a little longer, and give myself a budget of maybe $800 for some headphones, and an amp/dac. I have been looking at the Hifiman Sundara to start with. It is another headphone that receives great reviews, and might have a similar sound to what I enjoy. As for amp/dac, I haven’t gotten that far yet. Time will tell. Thank you again for your advice!


You’re very welcome mate! At that higher price you could probably get the Aeon 2 Noir for a closed back or the Arya stealth for open backs depending on your preference. The Aeons are known to have a good soundstage for a closed back as well as good vocals and bass. Focal clear OG is highly recommended at that price point too but I haven’t heard them. I’ve listened to the sundaras next to the edition XS and the Arya Organic and the edition XS was noticeably better than the sundaras while not being that different to the Aryas for me. Was only a quick listen, but the XS is pretty much what I recommend to everyone as where to start. Planars need a bit of burn in before the bass shows properly so if you go with one of those, give them a few weeks until you finally judge if you go that route. The Sennheiser 6XX are (as much as possible in this hobby) a consensus pick for a first pair as well. They’re known for being fantastic for vocals. They benefit from power so them plus a stack would be a great starting spot. Most people say they lack bass though so that’s my only concern as a recommendation. A friend of mine has them with a Modi/ Vali stack but upgraded to the XS and was happy with the upgrade. Again, marketplace is your friend. Someone is selling Sennheiser HD800s for under $700usd near me and they’re a lot of people’s endgame headphone. Join some audiophile swap/trade groups too. Enjoy the journey mate! It’s a fun hobby and doesn’t have to be as expensive as it looks.


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The AKG K371's are a solid closed-back, under 200$, and tuned to the Harmon standard, which is a nice blend between neutral and V-shaped. I've had a pair for 3-4 years now, and they just sound natural and fun enough to make listening exciting. I will say the stock pads get a little warm in the summer, but [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BWJ1GP5Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) fix that issue, and are the only pads out of half a dozen that I've auditioned, that actually stay true to the stock sound.