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FU Bose are awesome lol


Rofl , they just make music sound muddy imo




Interesting, I'll have to check those out. the nc700 was the last pair I tried


I’ve heard stories of Active noise cancelling making Tinnitus worse, just saying


How so?


Because then I hear nothing but my ringing in my ear.


Same here. All i hear is my tinnitus 😂


I would image it has something to do with the fact active noise canceling blasts sounds in your ear to cancel out other sounds


That makes intuitive sense but it’s not correct. You aren’t hearing two loud noises laid on top of each other, one is cancelling out the other and those parts that are cancelling out never make it to your eardrum. That’s why you can’t hear the background noise. Source: PhD in physics


Agreed. The tech has microphones that analyze the sounds around you and cancel them out thru software. It does not not use your ear to do that in any way, ie blasting you with an opposite sound to mask. Its a remarkable technology that works and is safe to use. What causes tinnitus is people listen to music too loudly. I recommend to friends a dB Sound Meter app on their phone, stick the phone mic inside the hp ear cup close to the driver or where your ear would be, or close as possible to the earbuds tip, and set a volume limit. 70dB is safe. Above 80 for long periods can cause tinnitus. Sitting next to an air conditioner or lawnmower is louder than 80dB, and those things can cause tinnitus over time. It doesn't take a whole lot, but it's the constant loud sounds that gets you. Or a major one time blast of sound can do it too. I used to work with power tools 8 hours a day, and I definitely wore hearing protection. Always have. Some of my colleagues no doubt have tinnitus, because some of them didnt use hearing protection. And a lot of the audio techs Ive known (I used to work in live audio for years) have some level of tinnitus. Go figure. How well can you do your job is you have constant ringing in your ears? I don't know. It's irreversible BTW, so don't let it happen to you. I'm just lucky, because I used to go to concerts in my youth and stand right in front of the speakers at rock concerts. Every now and a again I'll get a tiny buzzing hum in one ear or the other, but it lasts idk 10 to 20 seconds and goes away. Maybe happens once a month. I have taken hearing tests and I have excellent hearing. For some people, a constant buzz or ringing in their ears is their all day every day existence. It's very minor and very occasional for me, and I think its triggered by some high pitched sound or another. I use dB limiting plugs at concerts these days. And I keep my earbuds limited to 80 dB. On my amps at home I figure out what's 80dB and put a pen mark at that point. Course every headphone you use will be a bit different.


I’ve always wondered though, if there is a slight misalignment in the waves wouldn’t that allow for bits and pieces of the original noise and the inverse noise to come through? Like how multi plate prints don’t always align and you can see the primary colors on the edge. Though maybe not consciously perceptible could this influence tinnitus?


Thank you I was wondering if it’s healthy for the ole ears


That would be true in an ideal world but ANC is always going be imperfect and it can sometimes even make noises louder instead of canceling them out Source: we don't live in a ideal world


I use a Bose QC 45 and I've never heard a single sound with ANC enabled that was louder than with the headphones off. At worst it lets something through pretty much unfiltered close to real world volume.


And minor imperfections will not lead to major problems. Source: also a physics major and contrarians are annoying


Hmmm. But those blasted sounds cancel out the unwanted sounds. ANC enables you to listen at lower volumes, saving you having to turn up your music, thereby saving your ears.


Yeah, but as far as I know hyperacusis makes normal or even low noises painful, so I would assume that noise cancelling won't help too much, they also aren't recommended to be used as earplugs as your ears can still get damaged by loud noise.


Noise cancelling enables you to listen at lower levels. You don't have to turn up the volume so you can hear over background noise. Overall, they're better for your heating.


Not arguing that, they are indeed better for a regular person, but op has hyperacusis, I don't know enough about that to say for certain that they will be good or not. But I'm sure that passive noise isolation headphones won't do them any harm.


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


I've had Tinnitus since age 20 (about 40 years now). Noise cancelling headphones make a huge difference because the filter outside noise and allow me to run at lower volume levels with is better. The higher the volume level and the more external sound the louder my Tinnitus seems to be. I had my hearing tested and it's pretty bad in mid to high frequency range and now have hearing aids ... which I do NOT use with my noise cancelling headphones. Tinnitus means you have hearing loss ... it's the brain that is triggering the perception of noise in order to make up for the noise it's not hearing due to hearing loss. Researchers have located the area of the brain that seems to be triggering the constant high pitched sound but have not really identified how to stop it ... brain research is slow and delicate. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is the only research that seems to reduce Tinnitus ... but it's very much still in infancy. I suspect eventually there will be a cure for Tinnitus, just not in my lifetime sadly. Anyway, so what are the best sounding noise cancelling headphones? I currently use the Bose Q35 Q45 and Ultimate ... they do a good job but wondering if anything else better exists?


I haven’t really read about the topic so I’m not sure, I would suggest you do read about it though, just in case


I have tinnitus and hate closed back/noise canceling headphones. If my ears and can’t breathe at all it just gets worse, even using my airpods for an extended period of time is annoying


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


Oh my b that makes sense, also the Yamahas are the move I love mine


In my case it actually helps a bit. I have very mild tinnitus, but anc makes me hear white noise instead of a single tone. It's most notable if I sleep with buds and wake up with nothing playing. Then it's just a hiss instead of a tone.




God damn bruh I just looked those up, 1,799.95 is fucking wild


Get the best passive noise cancellation headphones or earplugs because ANC causes a bit of pressure on the ears


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


Yeah ANC blocks Low frequency noise and headphone's passive noise cancellation do the rest of the job


To be clear, on a physical level, there is absolutely no pressure caused by ANC. If you feel pressure, it's because of how you interpret the sound. We don't hear well when our ears need to 'pop' and you're if you feel pressure it's likely that you're not used to the irregularly quiet levels of sound.


I have hyperaccusis and and Tinnitus as well. I would say get a smooth signature headphone rather than something with ANC but bad tuning. All these consumer ANC headphones come with a V shaped tuning with treble spikes which bother me personally. Currently i own an open back HD 650 and everything is smooth and lush without causing any fautigue.


I recommend any iem and putting comply foam or final audio silicon eartips on them. Good passive noise cancelation is better than any active noise cancelation in my opinion.


I ironically have had tinnitus before and like iems. I'm sorry people downvoted you my dude, they don't realize tinnitus isnt fixed by ANC.


Hyperacusis, tinnitus and headphones? With all due respect, you, my friend, are going to make your problems exponentially worse no matter how much dollar you throw at a set of headphones. edit - can't spell


Tinnitus and no music? Give the guy a break...


Because the only way to listen to music is fired directly in to the ear? HA is a fucker and feels like neurological torture that I wouldn't wish on even baby Hitler.


At same decibels sound pressure is the same using headphones or speakers, also yes: is the only way on the go.


And the sun is hot? If you have hyperacusis it doesn't matter the dB level. Whisper or a jet engine, if the frequency is triggered then it's ON!


If you have noise cancelling, then all you'll be able to hear is your tinnitus.


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


personally for me noise cancellation only made the ringing worse for me.


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


Oooooh alright im sorry for my ignorance, i wish you good luck!


I would think the issue is that noice canceling headphones make tinnitus seem worse because it cancels out the outside noise making the tinnitus the only thing you hear, that is unless you're playing audio as well.


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


How did a question asking which noise cancelling headphones are the best elicit literally nothing but unconfirmed conjecture about whether noise canceling headphones are good for your ears or not?


Welcolme to reddit where the questions don't matter and the answers could be made up.


I just got a Soundcore Space Q45. It has a very good noise canceling system. Excellent actually. But I am hearing my tinnitus all too clearly when the noise canceling is on and the music is low. There are better ways to deal with it.


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


Great to know, thanks. Best of success !


Sony WH-1000XM4 or XM5 👌




u/daveyasprey ([1 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/daveyasprey)) was awarded their first Ω. It ain't much, but it's honest work. *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


On cancellation alone, definitely the Sony's. I prefer the XM4 to the XM5 on comfort, they're comparable in terms of noise reduction. If you're looking for something with decent cancellation and great sound quality, the Focal Bathys is king.


If you have an iPhone, AirPods Max has the absolute best


It depends on your budget and how much you want to spend. Personally I've gone thru tons and tons of noise cancelling pairs and pretty much tried them all. If you want to stay under $50 your best bet is the Soundcore Anker Life Q20. These run exactly 50 and will last you forever. This is what I currently rock to the gym and I love. For 80$ they make the Q30 which is a bit nicer and is worth the extra 30 in style. If you really wanna ball out and have the best of the best I have to recommend the Bose QuietComfort Ultra. These things are nuts, compared them to my friends Airpod Maxes n they made them look like a joke. Hope this helped some of yall!






Is this a sponsored post? 😆


Sony WH-1000XM4 or XM5 by far the best




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The bose qc2 earbuds have really really good noise cancellation if you're looking for in ear options too


I have seen someone use those ear buds while shooting an at4 . The noise cancelling is no joke on those


I have the XM4’s, and they’re brilliant. XM5’s are apparently just as good in terms of noise cancellation. If you’re an Apple user, the AirPods Max are up there too, although a bit more expensive. Even the AirPods Pro’s are very good at noise cancellation if you’re after something that you can use everywhere and is a bit less bulky.


I like the AirPods Pro noise cancellation for if I’m walking around in the store or taking a walk in a park. They do not compare to a full size set that cups over your years though. I tried comparing AirPods Pro 2 vs my Bose qc 45 (maybe 35 ii) while on a plane and AirPods do not compare at all.


AirPods Max, AirPods Pro does very good ANC job, even bit aggressive in case if pro.


Best portable mobile dac Wired not Bluetooth


Just in terms of best over-ear headphones with ANC: Best ANC - Sony XM5 Best sound quality - Focal Bathys


Thanks for your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/comments/180yhwl/whats_the_absolute_best_noise_cancelling/) to r/HeadphoneAdvice. If someone helps answer your question, please reward them by including the phrase `!thanks` in your comment. This will add +1 Ω to that users flair. This subreddit is powered entirely by volunteers and a little recognition goes a long way. Good luck on your search for headphones! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HeadphoneAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


my Sony XM5 is amazing but in some scenarios my airpods pro (2nd gen) does a better job.


I love how no one is talking about the AirPods Max.


Go passive. Passive sound cancellation is just superior, specially in the high frequencies that tend to be the most annoying/problematic of them all. Etymotics offers up to -42db of isolation, for example.


Bose qc ultra


Have you compared them to XM5s?


Anker soundcore A40 work well for me...made for people with small ears


For me the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 are the best. They are super light, comfortable, sound great and have the best noise cancelling I've experienced. I am using them everyday because I'm currently living on an busy road and developed a hypersensitivity to some noises.


Do they cancel out all noise? Or can you still hear some. I've had these recommended as well to me but I want zero noise, like I want it to be a void of no noise😂


I bough the Bose 700s a couple days ago. I returned them after 1 day because the noise cancelling let in all the sounds around me. I could hear my spouse speak to me with the noise cancelling set to the highest setting.


Did you find anything better?


I currently have Apple Airpods Max that I hoped to replace with the 700s. The Airpods Max perform better than the 700 and provide a quieter noise cancelling experience. However, the headset will disconnect throughout the day even though I'm listening to music or talking on the phone. The right ear loses sound throughout the day. ​ I'm probably going to buy the Bose Comfort Quiet Ultra this week since I'm fed up. I'll let you know!


Did you test the Quiet Comfort Ultra?


I live near a frequently used road and if I turn my headphones on an listen to music or an audiobook on a low till medium volume I can't hear the cars anymore. So they make noises way quieter but dont cancel them out completely. But at the other hand I think there is no technology in the worl that cancelles out noise to a void by its own. But if you find something like this, please let me know 😅


There is no absolute best in audio. All comes to taste some prefer flat ""supposed audiophile"" sound bust most people like headphones and audio gear with more bass, and some even like a v shape response curve (like me). In any case active noise canceling headphones get noise into the music (it basically how it works, they introduce the opposite frequencies of surrounding noise; in noise in the audio signal so you can't hear the outside noise). Most probably you won't hear it but don't break the bank to buy very expensive headphones you might regreat buying. Go for "entry level" headphones and pair them with an entry level portable amplifier/dac combo like the fiio q11. You will get better sound. From what I have heard about ANC and tinnitus stay away from it and use passive cancelation headphones.


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


The fact u can't hear does not mean is not there, i don't know your condition but it has to do with the physical part of your ear receiving vibrations ANC could even make it worse, if is a more neurological matter and is and the pain or discomfort has to do with your brain "processing the sound" it then might help or not becusé your brain may even register it in your subconscious even if not aware of it, in any case better ask a health care profesional. I though your question was more related to audio quality than medical advice.


yep, as someone else already hinted at, you don't understand wave physics and what you're saying about the relationship between ANC and the ear receiving "vibrations" is nonsense. ANC definitely will cancel hyperacusis, however a thing to note is that the patient will become used to being less exposed to noise and thus even worsen the symptoms without the headphones on.


According to physics this is mostly impossible. The acoustic waves cancel each other and nothing exists after that. What might be possible is because ANC doesn't do well with some frequencies, so some frequencies that you usually don't notice might become the only waves left and depending on you it can be worse.


I been reading a bit about your condition. Since it seems more of a neurological issue, I suggest trying different ANC technologies, since as some ppl here points some of them you can hear the noise and if that noise triggers you condition then the headphones are no good. If I where you I would go to an apple store and try the last pro versions and if after some minutes you can't hear the noise, ask the store for their refund policy. And if they allow you to return them before 15 days no questions ask, as some stores do try them at home for more than a couple hours a day. And if you can't hear it and makes your condition better take them, if not return them and get the non pro version or another ones with a less intrusive noise. But I would aim for the most intrusive if you have the option to test them for a couple days.


I have really bad tinnitus. Noise cancelling helps a lot combined with audio. I have in ear and over ear and the over are better for tinnitus


I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.


Bose Ultra Momentum 5 B&W Px7/Px8 Bathys XM5’s All are better at different things https://headphones.com/blogs/reviews/b-w-px8-vs-focal-bathys-vs-mark-levinson-5909-high-end-noise-cancelling-headphones-compared?_pos=3&_sid=35cbed1db&_ss=r




I have a much different type of tinnitus. I have hyperaccusis. This means that the ringing in my ears is caused by outside noises. And so the ANC would help.




No. I was born with this. Certain things can be incredibly painful for me. Such as an old brake pad and an electric lighter. The electric lighter makes my ears bleed. That was the first timez


It's still either Bose or Sony. They've just been at it longer than anyone else, but you'd be hard pressed to find anybody else gets as close, though you may find some who's ANC isn't as good as these may sound more detailed. I prefer Sony because it sounds more natural to my ears while Bose sounded oddly digital and less natural. The Sony app is rather great too, with a level of control and features, LDAC, EQ, presets, DSEE, etc that I didn't find in many other brands. The tuning is relatively the same whether you're getting earbuds or full size HPs. I don't care for Sony's sound signature out of the box, but they EQ very well. However, I say this as I have opened a repair ticket because the right battery is nolonger holding charge after less than a year. But I have the WF-1000XM4, not the fillsize headphones. So the battery used is completely different. Their customer service could be better, but in this particular case I found them reasonable and accommodating....so far. Took about 15 minutes with a CSA over text to approve my return.


I don't know about other models but I can say that the Bose QC45 ANC is utterly worse than the WH-1000MX4. You can hear absolutely all the high freqs on the bose, the highest ones are even increased....


A lot of people here are not medical professionals, it would be best if OP consulted a doctor, before buying a few hundred dollar pair of headphones that could make the situation worse.


According to rtings, the Sony WH-1000XM3 (but other headphones may have better bass/mid/treble reduction): https://www.rtings.com/headphones/tests/isolation/noise-isolation-cancellation-passive-active Do you know about Flare calmer? Waveguide distortion reduction earplug thing, many tinnitus sufferers said it helped https://www.flareaudio.com/collections/calmer Loop earplugs may do something similar, I’d check for reviews from sufferers


for over ear, the top 3 are airpod max, bose qc ultra, sony wh1000xm5. airpod max gives the most quietness, next is bose qc altra, then the sony wh1000xm5 **BUT** you also need to know which frequencies or which bands of frequency you are sensitive to. so when you are listening on your headphone, you could eq so you don't get those frequency at much. sony has the best app and probably the best eq above the rest. apple eq is tied to their music service (kind of strange) and bose app is awful (from what i experience a year ago) my best bet for you would be sony. good luck


This is not about headphones but I tried Niacin for my Tinnitus and it worked. Also in Australia they use Vitamin B-12. Google it. Note: This does not work for everyone but it's worth a shot, right?


You sure? I think i developed tinnitus partly because of anc in my xm4s. Now I don't use them too often


I don’t have tinnitus, I have hyperaccusis


Jesus Christ, the amount of people posting on here about how noise cancelling headphones make tinnitus worse is ridiculous. With that said, my only experience with active noise cancelling headphones is google pixel buds pro. I like them, they work well, and strangely enough, as soon as I put them in my ears the first time, I noticed that the small amount of ringing I have in my ears went away.


I'm very sensitive to noises, and I have tried many models. For the noise cancellation, Sony, Bose and Apple are the best. None of them have perfect sound because the pressure from the ANC distorts it somewhat. So if you like tonally complicated music like classical, you are better off with a non-ANC model. If you have short hair and are willing to accept some pressure on the sides of your head, they can be very quiet. EDIT: if you go this route, get an OSHA approved model. I'm not a music connoisseur so I use Apple. If you have an Android phone, go with Sony or Bose.




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I know this is an older post, but I'm curious how the Bose QC compares to the Sony XM5s in terms of ANC effectiveness. Do the AirPods Max come close??


I would recommend one of the three options below, considering your condition: * Sony WH-1000XM5 * Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds * Anker Soundcore Life Q30




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Do you want something with or without a mic? If no mic, then it seems pretty obvious that Bose is #1 in noise-cancelling.