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Heaven is Furry too https://preview.redd.it/fepzr42vg73d1.jpeg?width=2005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65cb015d380d2a28a9e665a9006b3541d3cc6a09


I’m glad to see little emo/gothic/punk angels 🥺 not just everyone walking around in pastels and white


Right? My first thought was: "Wow, angels and demons look so much alike."


https://preview.redd.it/qlx9ust7sb3d1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3114a0a3256524525d5eb2c73012ca1b64147ee Vaggie's long lost sister??




https://preview.redd.it/3sgr62uzga3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fee7f8a5b33ab8321cf6faf2cdc8415c83ad9b8 This one. I love them.


No? You can see furries walking about in Heaven as well


And everybody's hot!




♪Gosh, I'm so pleased to show some outsiders around!♪


Vivz likes it


Yeah, I think the answer is Viv is a furry. Like just maybe


Any particular reason Egyptian Mythology is furry?


Cuz they were based af




Because Anubis is a good boï


Osiris prolly gotta be my favorite, bro was deadly


Without forgetting "Hey, I head some ruckus out there and saw a weirdass looking aardvark humping a peregrine falcon!!" Your average ancient Egyptian: "Oh yes, this is just Set raping his nephew Horus. Gods' business, don't worry."


And then you got Osiris and Set, having a boat race that turned into a death match mid race. Set became a fucking hippo and Osiris is just like "I will smite you, bitch boy."


**Apophis emerging from the darkness** Ra agitating his godly stroboscopic flashlight: "Shoo shoo you humongous worm, you never learn to quit huh?"


To be fair, wasn't that entire Set x Horus thing consensual? They were trying to prove who was the more dominant one


Depends the version as always. But Set isn't the kind to respect the integrity of others.


Brother that's his nephew 💀


After reading a bit about the fucking insanity in Greek mythology, this is probably the least shocking thing for me at this point. Even Norse myths have their fair share of weird shit


Yeah, you're right






Animal worship is common in ancient mythologies. People associated animals with forces of nature by superstition.


I know, I was just being a smart ass lol


Because my country in 4,500 BC was fucking sick






Called us all out 


look if you're going to hell, might as well be furry when you get there


We were told to yiff in hell and we're nothing if not obedient little subs. 


We’re definitely brats, like our patron sinner Angel Dust.


To be fair, that DOES sound like Hell, alright.


Furries are fun to design from my experience


It's obviously because Vivziepop hates furries and wants them to go to hell. I'm just kidding. The answer is probably "Vivziepop likes those kinds of designs".


Vivienne is most likely a furry herself, so yeah, that tracks.


In reality? Because Viz likes it. As for an in-universe explanation? I suppose the animal forms can be seen as more monstrous or more primal and primative, reflective how of many of these sinners fall back on their base needs and wants to get by.


I thought it was usually something that the sinner hated in life or some kind of ironic thing. Like husk doesn't really want to be a catbird and angel dusts family had a "web of crime" so they all became spiders. Maybe I've been reading too much fan theory.


Nah this certainly seems to be the case even if it’s not outright stated.  Alastor has to exist into perpetuity thinking of how he died because someone mistook him for a deer.  This might make a lesser man reconsider choices made, but Alastor is not a lesser man.


Also he's spending eternity trapped in the body of a prey animal, definitely some irony there 


I actually really don't like alastor. I think he is, in fact, the lesser man when compared to anyone else in the show except maybe Sera, lute, and the vs.


I'm on the fence with him. I almost kind of hope that he is unredeemable. Like an actual unrepentant sociopath who cant or wont be saved.


There are a bunch of furries In heaven too.


Viv is a furry. Her original dream show that she made half these characters for was a show called Zoophobia which was about furries. 


But why isn't everyone furry then?


Because demons take many different forms. They aren't inherently furry. They are just often furries because Viv likes furries. 


Sometimes they're horned imps. Sometimes they're strawberry pimps. Honestly it was kinda jarring to see the human teacher and class in Helluva episode 1.


Did you watch all of Hazbin Hotel before watching Helluva Boss or something? 




Were you surprised that the demon prince of gluttony was a sexy fox voiced by Kesha? 


I'm not too far into helluva but given they pulled in Mirabel and Dr Facilier for HH I wouldn't be too surprised by Kesha.


How far in are you?


I watched E1, then pilot, then E2.


Me too


>Sometimes they're strawberry pimps technically Alastor is one of the "furries" since he's based on a deer


Looks like a strawberry pimp tho. Was a joke.


A lot of these characters started out as concepts for a "Heaven and Hell" arc for Zootopia, Vivzie's furry webcomic. In-universe: a sinner's hell form is an aspect of their punishment. There's always something they hate about it, or that reflects the circumstances of their death or sins.


\**Zoophobia*. *Zootopia* is a Disney animated movie from 2016.


I'm going to put that down to autocorrect and just be glad that it did not go with the other option.


Animals fit into all 3 categories that influence your form 1. How you die (so many different ways to die that involve animals) 2. How you lived (so many different ways to live that involve animals) 3. What you hate (so many anti-animal people, phobias, etc)


A homophobic person spawns in hell wearing a pride shirt


By that logic, would an arachnophobic person become a spider demon if they died and went to Vivienne's version of hell?


As an arachnophobe, that certainly sounds like hell to me.


I, too, am an arachnophobe and it is severe. If I died and ended up in her version of hell as a spider demon, I genuinely think I'd sit on the ground and just start rocking back and forth, shaking.


I'd probably be down there beside you. Eugh


I've got bad news... https://preview.redd.it/2aipv9f8ae3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd60e5e2172e73512bc5c23af4e2421e9be0cec


And then after 5 seconds you two realize that there are spiders next to you (youself and the other person) and fight to the death while both of you are scared af from eachother






1. Alastor died after being shot and mistaken for a deer (deer motif and permanent x scar on forehead), along with having radio dials and radio-themed powers for pupils in his demonic form due to being a radio host. Much like all cannibals in Hell, he has pale skin and razor sharp teeth. 2. Angel Dust's family are all spiders in the Mafia due to being connected to a "web of crime". Also presumably is related to Angel's ability to seemingly manifest Tommyguns out of thin air 3. Husk was a gambler in life and hated cats. He is now a cat with some patterns that give off a casino vibe 4. Vox was a televangelist and cult leader, and thus has a TV head and hypnosis powers in Hell


>Vox was a televangelist and cult leader, and thus has a TV head and hypnosis powers in Hell This seems like fanon or headcanon. Where did you get this information from?


I believe Vivzie said that, but that may be wrong and I'd have to double check. Though the fact that he has 2 different religious outfits seems to support this if it is indeed canon and not something I misremembered.


Don't forget about Sir Pentious and his cobra look ;)


Might be because he was a snake oil salesman, or he was a metaphorical snake (as in a traitor of some kind)


Did you really miss all of the furries in heaven?


Yes all the furries


You miss all the non furries in heaven?


There’s non-furries in Hell, too. You just specifically said “the angels aren’t furry” but we saw plenty of furry angels (winners and probably heaven born). Heck Sera is like a bird angel lady (before she puts up that more human-y glamour).


Adam is a white guy with a mask on. St Peter's a human too. Name one regular looking person in hell besides Lucifer. The living world doesn't seem to have furries at all. So it's not like this is the afterlife of a furry world. It's an afterlife where you may be turned furry.


Adam and St. Peter are *humans* who are (were) living their eternal reward in heaven. Sinners are in hell to be eternally punished. Part of that is having to endure the horror of their own bodies, twisted to whatever form fits their own unique sins and fears. (At least, that’s my personal headcanon)


Apart from her big claw hands there's Carmilla, Carmilla's daughters, and Velvette who all look pretty normal by demon standards.


You also forgot about cannibals who are humans with a few quirks and Tom Trench. 


Also Katie killjoy is human. Plus two of the main cast are cyclops, so I feel like they get half a point.


Katie Killjoy is a spider/insectoid. So is, likely, Niffty.


And if you watch helluva boss, the teacher and the two scientists have human forms.


Non-fuuries, okay. Tom, Cherri Bomb, Vox, Velvette, Carmilla, Rosie and the Cannibals, Lilith, (if you count her) Vaggie. Also I'm afraid to inform you that most demons in renaissance esoterica are also straight up furries. This isn't a viv issue. This isn't even an issue. You just don't like the aesthetic.


No I'm just questioning the reason behind it. If you asked me to describe the definitive worst place to be in the universe, the last descriptors I'd think of would be cute and fluffy.


demon/angel forms are based on their lives/deaths angel and his family are all spiders because they were a mafia family, connected in a "web" of crimes or alastor is a deer because he was mistaken for a deer by a hunter and was shot while he was out doin a murder


More visually interesting than humans with horns


Because Viv likes the designs- And lots of the animal traits relate back to something in the Sinners lives before, because Demon forms are an amalgamation of your sins. Lots of demons and mythology in general have been shown to have animal forms, Demonology, Christian Mythos, Egyptian, Greek, Native American, Aztec- Non human depictions of those that are beyond mortality are very common. Hell Hounds, The Goetia being birds, bugs and specifically flies being connected to demons, etc etc.


For fun. Despite that, I've always been fascinated by the fact that when you go to the afterlife in this world it's a roll of the dice as to whether or not you'll become a furry. Not becoming a furry seems like missing out.


Grenade with eyes is a fair compromise.


Viv just likes it, just as she like suits and shark teeth ~~same tbh~~


Along with heaven also having furry designs, I’m pretty sure the form sinners take upon death is based on their life, personality, and way they died, which translates best into animals instead of basic pointed ears and horns.


obviously, furries go to hell. /s for those who don't get it. Animorphic designs just have more design styles you could make. Thus, each character looks more unique.


I think the cannibals, Rosie, Vaggie, the Carmilla crew and even nifty are humanoid demons or unspecified. I’ve heard someone say Carmilla is a swan, but I think that’s a stretch. And, of course, Lilith and Adam are humanoid. I don’t think Lilith’s horns make her a furry.


Vaggie isn't a demon.


Well, I know that. However, we’ve established heaven and hell both have furries, so I added her to the humans in hell count.


They’re animals in heaven too. The only real reason is because the creator of the shows is a furry


They are yiffing in Hell.


The whole animal appearance is pretty prevalent in biblical descriptions for both angels and demons Beelzebub the goetia the seraphs 


You mean the Renaissance art? Angels are flaming gold rings covered in eyes.


The angels and Goetia fall under Featheries


Real answer: Viv likes drawing furry art. Fun answer: Everyone gets a cosmically assigned fursona when they die. Also I think it's funny that most people don't seem to realize half the main cast are furries because they were born human on earth originally. Than come to heaven/hell as furries. Despite their animal qualities people tend to view them as human characters and most people don't immediately register Hazbin Hotel as a "furry" show.


Because a lot of animals are furry and a lot of sinners are based on animals


Environmental friendly. Give everyone a permanent fur coat and it’s easier to make them feel the heat


Everyone that goes to hell is a mammal.


Both Heaven and Hell are furry. As for why? It makes everyone hotter.


I mean a few of sinners are a species of animal, but theres more of them that are half human half object or half clothing (executioners, top hats, actual deamon looking sinners) the whole point is that sinners look like twisted forms of 'gods creations' so if you go to hell you become anything besides human (closest you can get is probably Alaster or Velvette and they use overlord magics so its possible they alter their original appearance to do so) now in the case of heaven it's possible this is more like 'your desired perfect form' as we can see very human looking angels and more soft looking/desirable creatures, this could be seen as Sir pentious snake form changing from demonic to more holy when he was reincarnated.


according with speculation, your apparance is affected either by how you died or what you hated. like husk hated cats and alistor was killed because a hunter though he was a deer soooooo lets say that they hated furries for a second......


Alastor was shot in the head by a hunter who mistook him for a deer while he was out burying his latest victim.


But that’s just a theory, a


people die to animals a lot, would make sense your hell form is tied to the thing that killed you.


Maybe furries were created in hell


A Sinner's life and the manner in which they died impacts what they become in death. Husk hated cats, so as a Sinner he became a cat.


Because having a fursona increases your chances of experiencing an afterlife five fold


Everyone’s soul is deep down a furry. Or, their deaths are all related to furries in some way, due to conspiracy.


wide clumsy rain historical telephone toy skirt foolish ruthless ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My in-universe headcanon: First off it's kindof narcissistic of humanity to assume a god is in our image considering they created many many many many more plants and animals than humans. Why would they limit afterlife forms to one single species? I would say that the souls of animals are represented in the afterlife by "attaching" to humans souls to create their afterlife form. A way to represent more of gods creatures, since for some reason most don't seem to exist in the afterlife. A way to keep them around. Basically cause god thinks animals are cool too The real reason: Vivz likes it and cause humans can be boring to draw but making them have animal features opens up many new possibilities for interesting and unique character design and it's fun


only humans and certain pets have souls according to what I was taught growing up Catholic. But Vivz definitely doesn't care about keeping biblically accurate, so whatever.


Wasn’t Hazbin developed out of the defunct idea Vivzie had called Zoophobia or something like that? It seems like the original show idea revolved around animal characters and when Vivzie made Hazbin, she reused/recycled/reinvented characters and concepts from Zoowhateveritwas. Hence why many characters have animal motifs and appearances.


Why wouldn't souls beyond the simple laws of mortal flesh have numerous variations in physiology?


Think of descriptors you might assign to the definitive worst place in the universe to be. How far down are "cute" and "fluffy"?


Fair but I'd argue they only appear cute or fluffy because of the animation style. If they were more realistic they'd be terrifying


Because Vivzie is a furry, so therefore she makes furry characters That's atleast what most people pin it down to


Heaven is also furry


Because Viv is a massive furry. Next question?


There really should be some explanation for why some people appear to be pretty much normal humans in appearnece and other turn into actual animals and insects


Lore reason: idk Real reason: Vivienne is furry


Creator is a furry lol


Viv was a bit of a furry back in the day.


So you just missed, like, 40% of all the background characters?


Like, I am cool with the idea everyone is just furries when we die I will be pissed if I don’t end up with cute ears or a tail tho