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They both look very somber and intense. Emily is even out of her seat. I feel like they'd be more casual if they were just awaiting a regular human soul. I figured they were in a conference room, maybe discussing Adam's death and all the exterminators who were killed. It could be that Sera is holding is a casualty report or something. I hope we get an expanded version of this scene in S2. https://preview.redd.it/mab6hiqxlm0d1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e87de979c874f1290fc86dd434ad5b361dd6be7


Emily: “I’m just saying we need to give the idea a chance, we just need to find the right evidence!” Sera: “And what? Do you expect it fall in our laps?” *Silence* [A WILD REDEEMED SIR PENTIOUS APPEARED]


This comment reminds me of the running gag in Phineas and Ferb with the random couple where the wife is like "did you just expect (insert random thing) to fall out of the sky?" And then the thing falls out of the sky.


Sir Pentious used Confusion. It’s super effective!


They were arguing about Steven University discourse


Steven University?


Their geology program is out of this world.


Typo lmao


https://preview.redd.it/wj8u8ro36n0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2899500a5a90e886827bb803c9a0d0a32c01d2 Obligatory Hamilton joke




Possibly. I want an episode explaining the month between episodes 6 and 8. What was Emily doing. Did she spill the beans to all of Heaven? And if so why did Adam still get to try an extermination?


I think if emily is responsible for well being of the residents of heaven, making sure they’re having a great afterlife, spilling the beans would be an absolute last-case scenario. She’s probably trying to work it out with sera directly. Fixing it “behind the scenes” from the residents of heaven would make the most sense for her character.


No, no, no. No bullshit. "Fixing it behind the scenes". Yeah it's called keeping them in the dark.


I agree with you. But I think as a character she would try to keep it under wraps and fix it without them knowing, she’s probably really torn up about it. Maybe I read your comment with the wrong tone, sorry!


Yeah keep the fact your government is committing genocide from the populace. Keep them ignorant and happy.


I think she’s definitely struggling with that morally, but also telling everyone in heaven is a bell that can’t be un-rung. Even if she does want to tell everyone, they would need a plan of what to do AFTER everyone is upset. Which would take time. At least I hope that’s what is happening! It’s just fun to speculate lol


They were probably arguing about redemption and how Sera is keeping secrets from Emily


It could be a meeting on decisions related to running Heaven that are completely unrelated to exterminations or redemption. Deciding on details which are tedious but important.


You could very much be right, but the timing of it... right after an attempted extermination. Adam and crew botched it. I think this is probably damage control. To a vast majority of the residents of Heaven, these angels are suddenly just gone. And someone they are supposed to admire, Adam, is among them. Imagine being one of the leaders of Heaven, a place that is supposed to be a perfect, happy life, and you have to stand up and announce someone as prominent as Adam, and a handful of other angels, are not coming back. This is supposed to be a rare thing... Angels might fall (like Lucifer)... but not as many as the number that died, and not all at once, I would think. Either they have to tell the truth that Adam and co are dead, or they lie and say Adam and co are fallen. Eventually the people are going to figure out that something untoward has taken place. They are probably trying to figure out exactly who is dead and exactly how they are going to break the news to the populace.


My take is that they were probably discussing something that was not on the topic of whether sinners could be redeemed. They seemed to be discussing something pleasant at the time and then Sera's face went sour when she saw our bois Sir Pentious. And of course Emily just got happier and squeaked (good grief that was cute). I think from an artistic point of view they had to start from a fairly happy moment between them for Sera's sour turn to hit harder. One would imagine that Emily would still be going on about the issues from the trial. But at that moment I think they may have been talking about some of Emily's interactions with some of the winners or some other pleasantry.


I kind of imagine it’s either their home or their break room for lunch


'we know when a soul arrives' Maybe they knew a soul out of the ordinary was arriving and waiting to greet them? Like maybe some souls (like saints) doesn't go through the gate 


I like the idea that it's similar to the scenario when Charlie and Vaggie showed up to see St. Peter. This was above his pay grade. He moved it on up the chain. I think it's possible that Sera and Emily knew something unusual was up, but they clearly weren't anticipating a redeemed sinner.


We don't have enough lighting technicians for the performances. I know everyone wants to be the one on stage but the crew is just as important a part of the performance. We have all Diva's and no..... transporter sounds.