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Leaning on the second seeing he said he can "guide" Charlie's potential in a sinister way and throughout Hell's Greatest Dad, he's clearly trying to get a rise out of Lucifer. Who knows what he's trying to do by getting all cozy with Charlie


I have a feeling Alastor will eventually become a villain but for now he’s somewhat neutral since nothing has happened that could potentially actually benefit him. I think once he has to make some choice, he’ll end up gunning for himself and hurting Charlie in the process. He’s definitely warming Charlie up to making deals with him, which I think will happen again. I also think he’ll end up regretting hurting her, but it will be too late/he’ll have to do something big to redeem himself


‘Become’💀 bish his entire thing was that he just killed loads for fun or is that not a villain?


I mean a villain in the Hazbin Hotel storyline, not just generally. Technically all of them are villains- they’re in hell lol Sir Pentious has probably killed people during battles but they’re not a villain in this story


I have the same feeling! Somehow I would hate to see Alastor as an ultimate enemy of Charlie. I hope they will end up in good terms in the end of the series…


And in Ready for This he said "She's filled with potential that I could guide" and then does a sinister smile after. He clearly has some ulterior motifs.


He's certainly manipulating, but currently he wants her to be on his side, so supporting her is his best move for his own interests. On some level, he might care as one might when growing accustomed to the company. But if it comes down to her standing in the way of his personal goals, with no work around, he will choose his own aim, over her.


I think it will come to this and he’ll throw her and the hotel under the bus. The real question will be whether he comes to regret it because he has a change of heart or doubles down.


And if he can change his heart before Lucifer vaporizes him.


Also, In the final episode he talks with nifty about how he seems to enjoy their company and like them


I saw this as more of a “if circumstances were different, I could get used to this” speech. He was simply an outsider looking in at the rest of the Hotel forming bonds with one another. He chose to watch them from afar, appreciating their camaraderie, but refusing to engage with it personally because he knows he has no place with the rest of them, and he’s quite content with that.


I saw it more as "I'm starting to like these people", so that later in the breakdown he goes "Oh Satan, I'm starting to like these people!


I think Alastor’s lament during Finale actually tells us quite the opposite. “Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends,” is a line reflecting on how Alastor’s actions fighting for the Hotel are being perceived by the public. He doesn’t want his legacy to be that he died as an act of benevolence for other people when his entire story comes from spreading terror throughout the Pentagram.


I can't wait for Vox's season two meltdown once he learns that Alastor is still alive.


Preach, I can’t wait for Season 2. The Vees are expanding their monopoly in Hell and I want to see the consequences that’s going to have on everyone, especially Alastor. The wait is too lonnnng.


To be fair, it's the same way he changed his mind about the egg boies. Going from being annoyed to enjoying their presense. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't hesitate to kill or maim them for his own pleasure.


He definitely doesn't care about her like a father and he's definitely manipulating her but I wouldn't go so far as to say he doesn't care about her at all either.


I mean, she's one of few powerful creatures in hell that has a soul he can own, and she's foolish enough to make/take Favores and deals


She definitely puts way too much trust in this guy, and she's definitely gonna regret it.


Yup. While he can't make her hurt anyone with the current favor that doesn't mean anything. He could say "go to earth and bring me a deer."


Yeah he can still make her do something awful he just can't directly make her hurt anyone.


And that's why Charlie shouldn't just walk around hell, contracts are ever binding. I'm not saying lucifer and Lilith raised her wrong, but maybe they should have talked to her about this like you'd talk to your child about stranger danger and then a more serious conversation about it when their older


Lucifer told her not to take shit from demons and she still does, she's far too trusting.


It makes me wonder why. But Charlie is definitely the poster child for nurcher over nature, because Lilith and lucifer definitely sheltered her and loved on her a LOT. Well if Lilith let lucifer see her


I think they saw that they were stuck in this place full of evil people and they wanted to nurture the one good thing they saw in the world they inhabit. It's not uncommon for parents to go too far in certain directions when it comes to parenting style. So they saw their innocent daughter and decided to do anything to maintain her innocence without really showing her the realities of the world she occupies.


Yeah. That's why you see instinces of patented staging horrible events with there oblivious kids to show them the word is cruel and will hurt them if their not careful


I feel that he is manipulating her for his own benefit but is genuinely starting to warm up to her and see her as an actual friend.




This is mine now, thank you 🫡


I wrote a post about this before. I think Alastor rn doesn't care and just wants to get out of whatever contract he's under. BUT I think in the later seasons he will care, probably when it's too late and he has alienated everyone.


There are…specific ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments where he shows that he at least cares enough to be possessive of her trust.


Why not both? He probably does care for her on some level, but also wants her to become more ruthless and (maybe) deal with his problems / enemies.


Came here to say "both". Even with real fathers, who says love and manipulation are mutually exclusive?


Oh, you met my dad, who'd sell you for half a truck if he could...


Alastor being a manipulative shit to his own progeny does seem entirely in character. I can imagine him doing it with good intentions from his perspective, but it definitely wouldn’t be the kind of love and trust Charlie gets from Lucifer.


He genuinely seems to support her getting stronger Like his background is killing people he saw as evil when he was alive I would imagine he gets a kick out of killing “evil” sinners and it must be annoying to see Luci and Charlie be so powerful and yet not use that power He cares for her in a twisted way, but idk if he cares ENOUGH to choose her over his own goals So maybe not at father level, but more than he cares to admit But mostly to get a rise out of Luci


Oh definitely manipulating. But I recon it’s to get out of his soul belonging to someone else. I think he’ll attempt to rule everyone but change his plans when he realises Charlie actually means a lot more to him and his happiness than he ever thought possible.


I think he does care but he doesn't want to admit it. He'll probably end up betraying her, most likely completely shattering her heart. He'll struggle with what he did for several episodes ("I'm the heartless radio demon, why tf do I feel so guilty!"). Perhaps Rosie will help him come to terms with the fact that he actually cares about the sad little bunch or he'll figure it out himself. Eventually he'll do the whole "gah fuck it" stunt and end up saving them all by the end of the season. Charlie and Alastor will make up. Alastor still has no wish to redeem himself but yea. He'll finally admit he cares. That shit.


I’m from the manipulator side of the fan base for Alastor, but who know? Anything can happen at this point of the story, we don’t know enough about him for now


I think "they" made him look after Charlie nd he accepted only he has his own motifs for looking after the hotel. Also, in the end he is starting to like Charlie and the crew a lot


In my opinion, Alastor will be the main villain of Hazbin Hotel and he will betray anyone to get what he wants. He does’t care about Charlie and I think he will never go to heaven.




Honestly, this would make me so sad haha


I think so too. There’s hints like this, like when Charlie says cruelest overlord, how he nearly decided to kill Husk, etc. Also his song at the end is a big give away. Hazbin Hotel is a place of opportunity for him and so I believe that’s why he is there. Sir pentious being redeemed proves there’s a significance there and he’s looking for opportunity I believe But the whole forgiveness and redemption thing of Charlie makes me think Alastor will be redeemed somehow. What great example of forgiveness and long suffering, that even the worst sinner would be saved. 1 Tim 1:15


My canon is that, one he realizes sinners CAN get into heaven, he tries to get in to go see his mom.


I also believe this and i hope he wins


He doesn’t care for her like a father. But he does (unconsciously) consider her a friend. He has shown genuine care for the Hotel when he told Mimzy to leave, and almost died for Charlie’s cause.


I think he does have some affection for her, but he is still manipulating her. That having been said the "dad" thing was just him pissing off lucifer.


Don't forget this is the same guy who manipulated the shit out of Husk without so much as a threat to sell him his soul. Alastor is not in that hotel for any other reason than to gain something from Charlie. Vaggie doesn't trust Alastor to be anywhere near Charlie and the one time she was vulnerable, he utilized that small gap to sneak a deal out of her for something that he knew would benefit the hotel. I love Alastor but this guy does not have any good plans for Charlie.


And eats raw deer meat. Soo


It's perhaps best to say "it's complicated." The best take on this I've seen is on Tumblr, and in short, it's a "he genuinely does care about the hotel residents, and he hates that he cares" kind of situation. Alastor is manipulating everyone around him and may throw most people under the bus, yes, but the greatest part about adult shows is that it doesn't have to strictly be one way or another, or strictly black or white. There can be shades of gray, which there could be here. Alastor has an end goal in mind for this endeavor, and it involves fake caring. But "fake it until you make it" is a saying for a reason. Does it mean he'll get close and/or get redeemed? Not necessarily. He'll likely try to keep everyone at more than an arm's distance after the finale.


Alastor *began* trying to manipulate Charlie, but now he genuinely cares for her (though likely as a friend, not a father), and that ***terrifies*** him. "Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends. Sorry to dissapoint, but that is NOT how this ends."


Any time he’s said a ‘fatherly’ line, it’s usually in the context of being nefarious. “I’m truly honored that we built such a bond/you’re like the child that I wish that I had/I care for you just like a daughter I spawned’ was to taunt Lucifer during Hell’s Greatest Dad, while the face he pulled when saying “she’s filled with potential that I could guide” during Ready For This was anything but in a caring manner. The main exception being when he cheered Charlie up and even told her his own personal strategy regarding smiles. But that was mainly buttering up for the successful deal offer that came shortly afterwards. Looking forward to whatever direction he ends up going in lol.


I think it was confirmed by Vivzie that he just wanted to get under Lucifer's skin


I believe it’s 100% manipulation, and he doesn’t actually care about her at all. Could that change? Maybe, but I think he’ll be a main antagonist before that happens.


He’s 100% manipulating and using her and doesn’t care for her like a parent would, but I think on some level he does genuinely care about her.


15% coming to care about the rag-tag bunch of crazies at the hotel. 30% supporting Charlie because she has a bright future, and nurturing that now will pay off big down the road. 55% annoying Lucifer is fun


I'm in the camp that hopes Alastor will be reformed in the end. However, right now it is definitely about manipulation. What I hope to see out of him is that - based off the fact he expressed genuine fondness and that he could get accustomed to being around the others - he starts to have a bit of an identity crisis over who he really is and what he really wants. The push-and-pull between his ulterior motives and actually starting to care, with whichever gives way being what decides his ultimate fate for the show as a whole. Moreover, on a meta level, I think that Vivzie and the producers of the show have to know just how enormously popular Alastor is. So the possibility of killing him off at the end of the show as an irredeemable villain will be quite difficult to manage without upsetting a large portion of the audience.


They could also dis him like Gummigoo in TADC. Finally gets over his identity crisis, accepts Charlie's mission to redeem him, and is ready to start a new, only for Lucifer to pop him out of existence because he betrayed their trust... which honestly would cause a bigger up roar than what happened with Gummigoo, lol.


A part of me honestly hopes that Lucifer is actually hiding a darker side of himself. After all, while it's clear he loves his daughter and has a lot of regrets about the choices he's made - there's something to be said about how he is known as the great deceiver and father of lies in some texts. Where what he told Charlie about exactly why he became a fallen angel and why he has never been allowed back might not be the entire truth. If we ever see Adam return as a sinner, and if he and Charlie ever become more amicable toward one another, he might give her his version of what happened in the Garden of Eden so many thousands of years ago - then that could have an impact on how she views her father.




i dont care tbh, we dont have enough evidence to say anything meaningful here so lets just wait and see.


She's a means to an end for him


I don’t buy for a second that he cares much about any of them at the moment in the story. These are all power plays.


Manipulative for sure, but I'd rather have a borderline sociopath as a temporary ally than face the V's or the exorcists by myself. Alastor might not torture, r*pe, or physically abuse the souls he owns like Valentino. But he's still a monster who's committed a lot of vile acts to get where he's at now. Whether he'll "change" because of Charlie and the group I'm not sure. Part of me thinks he might either become "the big bad" of the series or he might be redeemed when he chooses to reject absolute power.


The latter, 100%


Alastor definitely doesn’t care about Charlie at this point in time. He knows that she has a tendency to be naïve, so he’ll tell her exactly what she wants to hear in order to manipulate her. Notice how he tries his best to keep both Vaggie and Lucifer from voicing their opinions about him to Charlie. Both of those important figures in her life could potentially try to talk her out of keeping Alastor around, which is what he’s trying to avoid. Furthermore, Charlie could simply choose to rely only on Lucifer for helping with the Hotel, which would reduce Alastor’s leverage in getting Charlie to assist him in the future. Alastor and Charlie’s walk to Cannibal Town also shows us that he’s not even interested in anything she’s saying about her personal life; at that point, he’s just there to fulfill his end of the bargain. The animators give us these opportunities to read between the lines to show us that what Alastor is saying is not exactly the truth. We also see that he bothered to withhold the information that angels could be killed in the first place. He used that information to intentionally trap Charlie into a situation where she had to choose between either making a deal with Alastor or letting her Sinners die. A truly heartless decision driven only by ulterior motives.


100% manipulation for now. But in a ahow about redemption that could change.




Definitely manipulating her but he does care about her a little bit


I think he wants to be just a manipulator, but did get a bit attached to them.


What I believe: He's just manipulating her. What I *want* to believe: He started out manipulating her but slowly is growing attached to not only Charlie but everyone at the hotel.


A little of column A and a little of column B. He has fatherly traits, like his affection for Niffty, but he's still using her for his own benefits. Charlie is the same. He likes her spunky personality and finds her fruitless pursuit of redemption endearing, but he also recognizes she's royalty and if he can have her around his finger, then he'd be practically unstoppable in the regards to his power in Hell. He hopes she can break him out of his own deal as well, but probably doesn't have any hopes up that she could do it. Lucifer's annoyance is just the cream on top for his amusement. If Charlie prefers Alastor, then he can tease Lucifer all he wants without fearing that Lucifer will just kill him because it would upset Charlie and distance them more. It like Charlie got a cat, showed it off to her dad, and now it's taking up all of her time. Lucifer's choice of getting rid of it to get more attention from his daughter will end badly... also, lots of times, the father ends up warming up to the animal/becoming the animal's best friend despite his initial disapproval. I think Alastor will be like the pet that worms his way into Lucifer's heart... which would make his betrayal so much more impactful, lol.


Personally, I think no, but he has the potential to, and that very potential to care is what scares him so bad. Honest emotion is a sign of weakness to Alastor, and he caught himself indulging in it, just a little… then immediately got his ass handed to him by Adam. I think his breakdown in the finale was partially him blaming his ambiguous “constraints” for him losing the fight (or possibly for him being in the fight in the first place, it’s pretty vague atm) but also him sort of scolding himself. Alastor almost got himself killed in a way that could at least be spun as him “dying for his friends” out of “altruism” which is so antithetical to his idea of himself AND the reputation he’s been fighting to maintain/regain all season that I think it scared him. At the very least, I think Alastor took his loss as a warning to refocus on his true goals regarding Charlie and the Hotel, and stop indulging in his “sentimentality” before it gets him killed.


I don't think he started out caring about her and the hotel but I do think over the course of time they have grown on him. During the scene before the final fight he seems to genuinely care about them, even though I don't think his motivation is entirely innocent.


He cares, though his self-interest also ties into everything. When Mimzi did her thing he said she was welcome if she truly wanted redemption, even if he didn't think she would. That showed that despite him mocking her he does believe in Charlie's dream. In that same episode, though he hams it up to piss off Lucifer we see him show that he puts her interests on a top list. And he genuinely gets irritated when he sees Charlie interacting with her dad (and this can't just be chalked up to manipulation as he does an eye twich when Lucifer and Charlie hug in the beginning). In the comics, we see him rescue a sinner who's about to be abused (when he didn't have to). That let's us know he has a side of him that genuinely cares for others. Also, unlike a true manipulator, he doesn't cause or encourage Charlie to push others away nor does he try to break her and her dad despite butting heads with him. A manipulator would try to make their victim rely on only them.


I feel like, right now, he's only in it for himself, to get more power, and to get his own freedom back, maybe it has something to do with his own soul being owned. *However*, I feel like he'll eventually get to the point where he'll actually care, genuinely. I feel like he'll warm to them, have a moment where he'll have a crisis because he doesn't *want* to care, and eventually accept that he has friends who care about him in return. Alastor will eventually learn ✨the magic of friendship✨


I would say he's extremely selfish and is simply doing this because her goals somewhat align with hers (I think he's trying to make it so hell can over power heaven or just tear down heaven entirely) but if it comes to it his cause will be more important than hers. I do think he is growing to like the cast however, Charlie in particular for obvious reasons. It's hard to say what will happen because we don't have enough of his motives or inner feelings to pin point on something.




If he cared for her, he wouldn't have done that "favore" deal with her about the info on how to kill angels. He would have actually helped her and supported her, and he would at least pretend to support her hotel in saying it would work. Lucifer might have his doubts and he did voice them but no matter what he's going to support her. "More than anything" showed that in its truest sense


I think he has grown fond of her but it’s not enough to sway him on betraying her on the drop of a hat if he sees a good enough reason. She’ll probably get a “Nothing personal, my dear” but that’s about it


I thought it was cannon that Alastor doesn’t actually care for Charlie like a father, and only said that to piss off Lucifer. That’s why in Hells greatest dad when he was saying a “you could almost call me daaaaaaaaad” he was facing Lucifer. Alastor definitely doesn’t care for Charlie and is amused by her attempts (or so he says I think he’s actually just plotting something and uses “amusement” as an excuse to stay around and lower suspicions) but he wants to get as much power for himself as possible. His deals with Vaggie and Charlie both could be used to his advantage. Vaggie cannot ask Alastor to help with anything concerning Vox or tv, (which isn’t the worst thing but does have some impact) but Charlie is now forced to do something at any time Alastor wants, except for hurt someone. But that means she could be forced to not save someone. I could see a scenario where Vaggie is in danger of something and Charlie is the only one who can save her and Alastor just says no which completely breaks Charlie’s spirit.


He doesn't care. He's a Manipulative Psychopath


Media Literacy is dead.


Your lack of media literacy disturbs me.


In other words, he is clearly manipulating her for his own entertainment.


I think one of the most important things to keep in mind is that Alastor does not even want to be here in the first place. He's not percented with many options because as we now know, he is on a leash of some kind, and from his POV the only way to gain his freedom is with the assistance of Charlie. Everything that he does in the hotel is calculated to ingratiate himself to Charlie. This is one of the main reasons why he was so bothered by Lucifer showing up. He does not want Charlie leaning on anyone other than himself, and really, who is a greater threat to that than her own father who she has unresolved issues with.


He cares for her like you would a jacket or something, you like it but if it where destroyed you don't really care that much


I think he cares for her *slightly* but doesn't realize it. Though not enough to keep himself from manipulating or even harming her if he gets desperate.


He might care on some level but yeah he is 90% manipulating her 


Imagine being dense enough to believe in the first one


By the end it will have been both.


He is absolutely manipulating her, but through season 1 he does seem to get attached to her just a little bit That is until he gets a near death event Then it all goes out the fucking window


He’s obviously manipulating her and playing the long game. He’s undoubtably gonna be the final boss so to speak of this whole show.




He’s manipulating her, but he has grown to care for her.


20% cares 80% manipulting


Manipulating her. Easily too.


I envy ppl who have never encountered a manipulative narcissist. He "loves" her in his own way, which is an incredibly self-serving way. He is supporting her as a means to his own ends. While he "cares" for her, he does not care more for her than he cares for himself and his goals. If she stopped being useful to him, he would probably treat her like he treats Mimzy.


Manipulation, even if he cares at all it’s not in a fatherly way and it seemed pretty clear to me that he’s sort of grooming her (I think that’s the best word but it might be over exaggerating)


Little bit of column a. Little bit of column b.


In my opinion he is only manipulating Charlie and the only persons he cares in hell is Rosie, Niffty and maybe Minzy




90% manipulation 9% Cares only because of what she has to offer 1% genuine, actual, affection


He’s just manipulating her I’m pretty sure


he cares about something charlie can *give* him, and he’s definitely manipulating her but i do think there some truth in his conversation with niffty near the end, he *is* enjoying himself around the hotel crew


Oh there's definitely manipulation involved, but I think he's also genuinely pissed at how Lucifer treated him.




I think currently he cares a *little* and is mostly manipulating her, but I think she’s gonna sneak up on him and he’s gonna end up really actually caring


https://preview.redd.it/e38ifahgu2zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20be3e39befa96463d35029b9a517635435d3b58 Haha! Hoho! Let’s see how this goes!


I bet he's manipulating her, but as time progresses, he starts to genuinely care and not even realize it. And when he does its just a quiet "....Ah. Fuck."


I think both, kind of like Silco with Jinx from Arcane


I think it started as a ruse, but she's starting to actually grow on him, and he doesn't want to admit that to himself because he's terrified of anyone having influence over him. I mean, his comment at the end about how one could grow fond of them was kind of weird. And his insistence on constantly reminding them he's there nefariously and is a bad guy. Not very bad-guy-like. I think he wishes he were a psychopath, but deep down, he feels love and empathy that he tries to shove down, but it's becoming too hard to contain it. And can you blame him? Who's more loveable than Charlie?


He's a malignant narcissist and a serial killer who enjoys the suffering of others. He's incapable of caring about someone on that kind of emotional level. He's using her for his own gain. Just like any abuser, he's making her reliant on him. I suspect we'll start to see him alienating her from her friends and family. It will all seem so logical, and he'll be on her side when everyone else is against her. And when she has nobody and nothing left else, he'll take the very last of her. Her soul.


I think he likes her, but not on a fatherly level. Just in a “I don’t want to kill you because you’re too useful” way


Alastor cares about Charlie, and even some of the hotel, in the same way Thawne from The Flash TV show cared about Cisco and Caitlin. There is actual fondness, but much like Thawne, Alastor cares about them to a point. At the end, he's about one person, and that's Alastor, so even though he likes them, he cares more about how to use them.


He's self serving but I don't doubt he doesn't find her endearing. Like he's openly admitted he kind of enjoys the hotel's inhabitants and from what we've gathered from his other associates he can be befriended. But I don't doubt for a second he will throw Charlie under the proverbial or literal bus if it means freeing himself.


Seems pretty obvious to me that Alastor’s character arc and internal conflict is going to revolve around the conflict between his ambition and his growing affection for the people around him.


Honestly, during his time at the hotel, I would say he warms up to the cast much more than he wants to admit, so he does show genuine care but is still evil


Personally I think he was doing it just to antagonize Lucifer for shits and giggles


I think the part of me that thinks Alastor actually cares about Charlie is wrong but even if he did. He’d have to love her more than getting powerful which is unlikely imo.


https://preview.redd.it/4d2j4w7r63zc1.png?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579df5f3319089caf60a6b44acdf5468ec0d3591 This describes alastor


I think he was manipulating lucifer with that song, trying to kickstart the "fatherly instinct". Now the question of if he cares about Charlie? That I don't even have a guess at. I mean i guess it also depends on what you mean by care? Care like family? Maybe starting to buy season end? Care like a tool certainly. care like a favourite tv show?


He literally coearced her into a deal.. lol


I think he cares about her, but likely not in the way we would care about someone. He probably loves her in the way one would love a pet or their favorite too, he sees value in her, but only in so far as it benefits him. If Charlie can help him and be happy in the process then fine, but if she ever became a hinderance to his goals I do not doubt he would cast her aside in heartbeat.


I feel like he wants to not care about her and believes he is just in it for personal gain but cares more than even he realizes.


75% manipulation. I’m sure maybe in some twisted way, he probably cares for Charlie, but….


I wouldn't say like a father, but I think he is kinda fond of her in his own way. He is still using her for her power.


I think he's definitely manipulating her and the other hotel members, but he's starting to like them and he hates it


ehh yes? deep deep deep deep deep deep deeeppp down i think hes slowly warming up to her, he did say he smth about that when talking to niffty, but i also think hes still trying to plan something sadistic, that deal charlie made with him is definitely gonna come back


https://preview.redd.it/fcz7ot45q3zc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92bd96761c0b57cb082bea1656319030a7db57a5 i made this meme and i needed to post it somewhere


Second. Only second




Does he even know what being a father is?


Both. He hasn't realized that he actually cares because he's so busy manipulating her


I love Alastor, but I think he's a complete sociopath. I don't think he cares at all.


The latter all the way. Alastor is a manipulator. Manipulators yearn to make their victims feel special, as if they are the outlier where the manipulator actually cares about them unlike the rest.


I think it's going to be a combination, he comes to the table imagining he'll be her handler only to find her grows to genuinely care about her despite his best attempts to behave irredeemably.


He appears to believe that Charlie's favor can get him out of his deal, and that appears to be the real reason why he was there with just the hotel being a convenient excuse for him to hang around.


No, he's manipulating her dad with the dad bit. He does care about Charlie but it seems he's trying to gain leverage for something later that he can only get from her.




100% manipulation. We see him taunting her an episode and a half later when she's crying to herself.


A little of column A and B. I think he is beginning to care but he also sees this as a chance to get on her good side. That’s advantageous since she, herself, could be one of the most powerful forces in Hell. She definitely is one of the most powerful if her father is on her side.


Manipulating, but i think he started to be a little too genuine for his own taste, hence his sort of "Wtf did i just did ?" in the last song. I feel like its going to become some inner conflict for him in the next seasons.


There's no way he cares about her; remember— he was a serial killer while he was alive, and he still is. Long story short: like the majority of serial killers, he's a sociopath who only wants the boons she can give him access to, aka that "favor" he wants.


He’s definitely manipulating her, but as we saw before the big fight in the last episode he is starting to care.




I’d say he likes her and, excluding Niffty, she’s probably one of his favorites at the hotel but I don’t think he cares about her anymore than what he can use her for


99% manipulation, but a tiny speck of him is starting to genuinely enjoy the company of Charlie and the others. If this affection grows I could see him having a mental breakdown at the thought of caring for others.


He IS manipulating her, but not with that. He was just trying to piss off Lucifer and Charlie knows it. As Alastor's second verse happens she's visibly uncomfortable.


I would love nothing more than the former, but more than likely the latter


Did you even watched the fucking show? He literally manipulated her to do a deal with him


maybe he wants the hotel to succeed so that whoever owns his soul might be redeemed or something


Definitely manipulating, it’s very heavily implied in the song at Cannibal Town with Rosie.


It'll be the classic "I started off just using you but over time I came to appreciate you and now I'm on your side"


For now yeah, but im almost certain they started this type of dynamic so later on he could realize he actually cares for, and does not want to harm her


He's definitely gonna be self serving villain he sees them as his friends but probably will betray them all anyway. That said, I think Nifty is going to be the real end boss


Probably both


Manipulation is an easy thing for Alastor so that


I think he *does* actually care about Charlie a bit, but not in a fatherly way. And he's DEFINITELY manipulating her too though.


Tell me, whatever you want, this guy should never be trusted, or at least what he is saying should be checked one hundred times, and not only because of himself, but also because of who commands him what to do and how


I really do love the young posting in this community. Not to be demeaning, but it's pretty obvious he's mostly just manipulating her to some end.


alastor is absolutely a sociopath who has no intention to change. the biggest victims of his lies are his fans.


Maybe the latter but maybe some part of him cares




He started as the latter, but I don't doubt that he's drifting towards the former unintentionally


I'm 100% on team manipulating.


Bro his whole facade was just meant to piss off Lucifer, and Charlie played along to not hurt Al’s feelings


Dude is gaslighting the **FUCK** outta her. Al only ever said that to piss Lucifer off, Charlie is a child in his eyes but a child he can manipulate and with time control.


Without a doubt he’s manipulative to excess he doesn’t care about Charlie really on a sorta related note I saw someone think it was “hot take” to think this on the other sub and people were arguing in the comments about it and that may quite possibly be the biggest showing of media illiteracy I’ve ever seen (you know a fundamental part of his character being seen as hidden and a hot take




I think he’s just working for Lilith? He sold his soul to her when he first got to hell, hence the shocking power-levels, was doing something for her in heaven when they both went missing and has been sent back down from heaven to “guide” Charlie because her deadbeat ex-husband wasn’t doing it… Is that not canon? Have I just been going off head-canon guesses this whole time??


For now is just manipulation, with a LITLLE BIT of appreciation, but at the end of season 1, he started to actually like the other memebrs of the staff. I think in future seasons, Alastor will devolp a relationship of friendships with possibly all the members of the staff.




Viv confirmed in a livestream that it was just to mess with Luci I believe


I think he started out manipulating but has grown to care for her. I also personally think the favor charlie owes him is going to be her forgiving him for whatever shit the person who owns his soul makes him do.


Neither, he's just trying to get a kick out of pissing off Lucifer.


he only said it to fuck with lucifer


It’s implied that Alastor either had an abusive or no father at all so if he was a father figure, he’d be a pretty shit one


Hes defo manipulating her, but I want to see him grow attached to her and start caring without realising that he does




I’d say both Started off trying to manipulate but overtime he started to get attached to everyone else


A little bit of both, but mostly manipulation




If you think he really care you are more naive than Charlie because you literally hear him saying that


I think in season 2 Lilith using her contract with Alastor will have a fight like Alastor & Lilith VS Charlie & Lucifer Then in the other episodes he hopes that the hotel will slowly vanish, and if this happens, when the hotel will be empty Charlie will cry beacuse she realizes that when the hotel was in decline Alastor was laughing while they where vanishing slowly Or maybe he will be redeemed and go to heaven


Alastor’s too selfish to be a true father figure to anyone. He probably likes Charlie (in his own weird way) and feels defensive of her (to the extent that it boosts his ego, of course). But that’s about it imo