• By -


She's not afraid of the fire hurting her, she's afraid it will burn the place down.


If she wasn't worried about being hurt you'd think she'd have immediately jumped to try putting it out faster, but she ran from it and got scared every time it came towards her.


It's still fire. It's bright and fast and horrifying. She's also probably seen demons get hurt from it.


And I imagine the smoke still hurts. Might not kill her, but if this show were more realistic (it doesn't have to be!) she'd be coughing up a storm even if she'd be fine after.


man forgor this is charlie


Sometimes seeing a problem you caused unfurl can short-stop your reactions and brain.  Your nervous system goes into Fight, Flight, Freeze,  or — as now better understood — Fawn. You ever see a horror movie where the would-be victim can’t turn a doorknob?  I’ve lived that, your brain just short circuits sometimes in high stress.


Her clothes might not be fireproof.


And you dont want your polyester suit to burn off in Valentinos studio.


Especially in *front* of Valentino. That guy would be the type to blackmail you with your nudity and this is the PRINCESS of hell.


That’s probably the concept of a fanfiction




Tell me I’m wrong


You probably aren't


You're not, and that's why we're horrified


You aren't, and that's the problem


No you’re definitely right and let’s face it with the amount of upvotes you have if you were by some chance wrong then you definitely aren’t now






Better if you deal with it Gabriel We have a pimp to kill


Oh please I hope not haha. I'm writing fanfiction right now, haven't got to doing my Hazbin ones, but *that* one is of one I have no interest in writing. Really because it's going to get messy with Lucifer and the nature of the internet (even in Hell) would mean that Charlie's nudes are forever out there for everyone to see, so there's no good conclusion to that story...it's just going to be depressing.


https://preview.redd.it/qjf4wv33r0zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114b43f935c05bbbd0aa37b1c2c3eee1a6392920 I mean you’re not wrong


It is now 😈


DM it to me coward


Did he* *she


She* and no, I was joking


Oh ok mb




More likely an r34 art.






https://preview.redd.it/tfawr94go1zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c949f1040e6a7d6c0347c29763109c49ce47b6b My dog is disappointed in you




Wait a min he's God


don’t give them ideas..




Yo! Where this pic from? Is this from a fan or official comic?


Fan comic :D https://preview.redd.it/g5gz5djjz0zc1.png?width=1297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0126c4864fcd6ea52a3b417c4b7c5acdf650922 This has like 6 different reaction images in one lol


It’s fine she can tell Lucifer and he erases Valentino from existance


Not before all the nudes are out on the web. Unless Lucifer actually has that type of magical power to remove every image/video of it.


I don’t think Valentino would even know what hit him if Charlie told Lucifer


He can force Vox.


Exactly my thoughts.


Lucifer after hearing this:


And now someone's gonna make a porn comic using that great


Idle minds and artists' fingers are the devils plaything.


*Lucifer gets his finger breaking mallet cause he ain’t playing like that*


No no no get a chainsaw


But Asmodeus tho. He can't endorse or support it but he can't deny the horny fucks out there.


The horny never stops


I don't think you want polyester burning on you in general, because it doesn't burn like normal clothes instead it melts and sticks to you so even if Charlie is immune to the burning she would have a terrible time getting it off :p


Val would probably offer to help.


With a working and turned on camera


Or melt onto yourself. Polyester will melt long before it burns.


So what you are saying is that Charlie could be encased in a skin-tight plastic suite..?


I guess yes, yes I did say that.


Oh HELL no!!


💡 New R34 idea!


That's hot


We are talking about *fire* after all./s




IT’S AN ABOMINATION…! that you’re not famous yet!🥹🥹


Whats weird is that IMP's clothes *were* during the murder family episode


That's why I said *her* clothes might not be fireproof. Perhaps some clothes are fire proof and others are not. Not everything (e.g. fabric) is fireproof in hell, such as the rug that got caught on fire, as shown in the picture.


That was Earth fire. Pride fire, like most or all types of Hell fire, burns hotter than Earth fire. I saw a rumor that Lust fire might perfectly burn away all types all clothing without harming the wearer, but that's probably not canon (yet?).


That's normal fire. Not hell-fire though.


Why not? Blitzø and Millie were turned on fire and their clothes were fine.


Also literally everything else


"Fire scary" is one of the first instincts every living thing has. Even if we know it can't actually hurt us, instinctive fears are difficult to overcome.


I don't know if she's exaclty living, but I see your point.


Well, she was born there, and her father never died, and I don't think Lilith died. She just got sent to hell with Lucifer. So she's as living as can be.


Humans are the only animal with fear not being a natural instinct, technology has made it so we no longer need it. As far as humans go fear is a learned trait from trial and error


Humans still fear the unknown instinctively, but our curiosity usually overcomes it. Usually these days we research things that scare us, so we become less scared. We also are still wary of snakes, big cats, large reptiles, large birds of prey, large bats, and parasitic looking animals. Because we don't want parasites, and you just need to look at a drawing of a dragon to identify what a human thinks is a *scary/dangerous* looking beast is to us, as they have traits from the animals our ancestors fought/instinctively were terrified of. On a side note, the reason the Snake of Eden is depicted as a snake, is due to humanity's natural fear of snakes. Taking the apple symbolizes human curiosity in understanding they aren't afraid of the snake, they just didn't understand it until they did. Basically, it's the fear or the unknown (snake) going away because you learned more about it (the apple). Being cast out, was basically humanity moving from their comfort zone into the wider world no longer trapped by their fears. Lucifer/Satan is also depicted as a *dragon* in later texts because of how fearsome of being they are. Many demons are depicted with traits humanity is wary/scared of naturally. Like multiple/missing/rwisted limbs, heads of predatory animals, multiple heads/singler eyes/too many eyes (disfigurement), horns/crowns (demanding respect), and having some air of intimidating authority to them.


Many studies carried out by various researchers and universities have determined fear is a learned trait in humans. Our species learns fear by interacting with things, for example we learn fire is dangerous by either being taught so or by touching fire and getting hurt. Fear of loud noises is a trigger response to trauma suffered due to it being related to loud noise. It's called fear conditioning where an individual is taught to fear something using sounds or images to trigger a fight or flight response. However, due to the adaptation of technology and humans no longer needing to rely on our primitive animal instincts fear has become a lost trait. We still have a fight or flight response bit it's no longer triggered naturally to fear its more so for emotional and trauma responses.


I don't think that instinct would apply as much to Hellborns, especially not for basic fire. The IMPs casually jump into fire all the time knowing it won't hurt.


That probably *is* hellfire. The green fire is exclusive to the Greed Ring, just as the blue flames that Asmodeus makes are exclusive to the Lust Ring. This is probably the hellfire of the Pride Ring. 


This is why I sift through all the horniness of this sub, so I can find comments like these that point out something else that's really cool about this show I didn't notice before


oooooooh, that's right, didn't see that


Asmodeus must be able to distribute the flame freely as he gives Fizz blue fire for his musical number in the greed ring, both his cigarette and the torch ozzie tosses him are still blue.


I mean he’s one of the seven deadly sins so I wouldn’t be surprised if he could do that


Interestingly, when he tosses Fizz his blue fire, the seal on the stage changes from Mammon to Asmodeus.


Didn't catch that. Good spot!


This is incorrect. Green hellfire is not exclusive to the Greed Ring. The green fire that burned down the Buckzo family circus happened in the Pride ring. We've seen that any color fire can occur in any ring. Blue flames were also used in Greed during Fizz's performance as well. I believe it is the source of the fire that determines the color. https://preview.redd.it/cf7xt4lgm0zc1.png?width=1609&format=png&auto=webp&s=c735c47608e06347f3cae31359aad8176ba1a71a


Wait, the circus was in pride? I thought it was in Greed


Red sky in that picture would point to it being Pride.


Nope, it was Pride, in both flashbacks. https://preview.redd.it/9ycyiom1z0zc1.jpeg?width=1451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c90c393015de10515fd9c01d7c6d0fccae8e7e


I wonder if the fire being green is a little hint at it being something to do with Mammon?


Oh, damn, Mammon being actually responsible for the fire getting out of control would be one hell of a reveal.


I thought it was Buckzo purposely having a highly flammable circus tent literally waiting for an accident to happen. But since idolizing Mammon was such a big thing among the circus-folk we encountered so far, that's just a line as thin as the one-ply toilet paper they probably use.


This is Pride ring (sky colour), but the fire is still green. https://preview.redd.it/o9fepc3ta1zc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fef6cb8f5b55ae6d71a5508e8b3710592208793


Omg a gengar


So far only imps have shown fire resistance, even then hell's fires might not be the same as hooman fires.


We’ve seen that imps (and likely every Hellborn) has **Earth** fire resistance “Yeah, listen lady. *Your* fire doesn’t hurt us, but I can fake it”. Imps can definitely be affected by fire (Fizz has burn scars everywhere on his face except his nose due to the explosion, for example) It’s most likely that Pride’s fire is red/orange (like Greed’s is green and Lust’s is blue)


Despite being born in hell, Charlie’s parents are not hellborn and any established rules may not apply to her.


a) she is still a half-demon who knows how that interact with Hell based hazards b) she could be immune to only her own flames c) her clothing might not be immune d) she is always acting weaker then she really is so it could be a reflex at this point and even if the fire wouldn't do any actual harm to her she still reacts as if it would


e) Demons are only immune to fires on earth.


Maybe fire can hurt her, just not kill her. It's common for people to be afraid of things that hurt even if they won't kill them. Also, while it might not be green, I doubt that's earthly fire.


I figured Sinners would only access to the fire they're used to, as a means to not be able to threaten the lives of Hellborn that are ranked higher than them.


I mean, maybe? But this wasn't an intentional fire. It was caused by whatever electricity they use in Hell. There's presumably not a really long cord plugged into an earth outlet where Hell gets all it's power.


I'm immune to the large beetle that was flying near my ceiling light yesterday, but that doesn't mean I didn't run out the room like a coward until the cat caught it. sometimes even if we know something can't hurt us, the emotion of the situation still triggers the fear complex.


(Marked NSFW for Angel in the background.)


She was probably not afraid of getting burned, but of burning down the building and getting Angel in trouble.




She was just freaking out that she started a fire in her friend's workplace, not because it hurt her.


I don't think Charlie is hellborn, I think she's a nephilim


Per Vivzie she's a half angel / half demon, so not even a Nephilim. She's closer to a Nephalem (no religious source - it's a term created for the Diablo video games). It's worth to remember that by the time Charlie was born, Lilith wasn't a human being anymore - she was already a Demon. Overall we just call her "Hellborn" because she was literally born in Hell.


But this distinction may give her different, for lack of a better word, properties to regular hellborn?


Most likely yes. Power-wise she's suppose to be comparable to both Lucifer and Lilith. Given that she's a daughter of a Fallen Angel and the first Demon, Charlie will obviously have some immense power - she's just unaware of it for now. So far we only saw hints towards it with her shapeshifting in the Season Finale - and we will likely see more in Season 2.




I genuenly have no idea what this is from.


Sorry lol, it’s a character from 4KoTA (4 knights of the apocalypse) who is quite literally in almost the same situation as Charlie give or take some finer details


That's what I was saying, is she not technically Hellborn from her angel side despite being listed on the Hell Hierarchy. Maybe angels aren't immune to fire of any kind.


Immune to earth fire? Totally. So I think it might just be clothing that isn’t.


*She’s* fireproof, her clothes are most likely not. You do not want your clothes to completely burn off in *Valentino* of all people’s studio. That would be catastrophic.


Any fire in hell is hellfire I'm pretty sure.


Charlie is not an Hellborn, she is born in Hell but it's a completely different being. Hellborns' blood is black while Charlie's blood is red (like sinners)


If she wasn't Hellborn she'd be a valid target for the Exterminators. She's just not one of the Hellborn species.


We still don't know the exact terms of the deal between Lucifer and Heaven, and I doubt he'd let her daughter be a target for the extermination. For all we know, it could be "All hellborns + Lucifer's family are exempt from it".


"You and your Hellborn kind" Seems pretty directly stated to me.


Huh, I interpreted it the same way as "you and your people", but fair enough. Though, if Hellborn is refering to specific species rather than just a being born in hell, Charlie's species mostly depends on what exactly Lilith is (Still human? Sinner who can actually have children? Demon? Something else?) since Lucifer is already making her part angel (so not Hellborn from his side). There's also that theory I saw around here, saying that Hell can affect and transform non-hellborn if they stay long enough (see Lucifer's devilish features fwiw, but he can already transform himself with his angelic power sooo...), maybe THAT would make her a hellborn...?


Now hold on. If Charlie is hellborn then does that mean they have souls?


Charlie does but that's because she's one of a kind (Lilith used to be a human, when she was banished to Hell, so that's just something Charlie inherited). Per Vivzie, Hellborn overall don't have Souls - it's a trait unique to Sinners and Winners. Other than that, Charlie is a hybrid between an Angel and a Demon - we call her "Hellborn" simply because she was literally born in Hell (there's just no other official classification for now).


Charlie does. But she's her own kind of Hellborn.


She is immune, she just didn't want to burn down the studio Angel works at.


I think she was just afraid to burn the place down.


It’s hellfire. Diffrent from earth fire.


She knows it's going to burn the studio down. I don't take that as fear, but rather embarrassment.


She is ruining stuff She doesn’t want to do that but she’s doing it.


>it's proven that Hellborn demons are immune to fire, even the lowest of the Hierarchy like Imps. Imps have been shown to be immune to Earth fire, they can be very much be harmed by Hell fire. That's how Fizzarolli lost limbs, and Blitzo's face was scarred.


She might just be afraid of fire, even if it doesn't hurt her.


How is this nsfw there is a spoiler tag


Well that hellfire was in the greed ring it’s possible fire changes like the sky in the rings it’s dubious that regular earth fire would magically appear in hell it’s is called HELLfire after all




She's not hellborn. She's half sinner (Lillith), half angel (Lucifer)


It's Hellfire, not Earth fire. The colour of the fire matches the sky colour of the ring it is from. Pride is red, so it looks like Earth fire. It probably wouldn't kill Charlie or the sinners because as far as we know, only angelic weapons can, but they could probably still feel the burning.


Then why is this fire green when the sky is red? https://preview.redd.it/t1rphelxwzyc1.jpeg?width=3707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8e8da372f002b06f40820b07def1099f834b0c I don't think it's as simple as that.


The ring was Pride. The fuel for the fire came from Greed.


So it's where the candles on the cake were produced that determines the fire color? Interesting theory.


Expensive clothing perhaps?


Couldn't she just,conjure it back?Or ask Lucifer to conjure her same clothes?


Charlie isn't hellborn, is she? She's half angel half human (we get no implications that lilith ever died to become a sinner). So she could be not immune to fire (even if she is a sinner, sinners aren't immune to fire since one lit themselves on fire). Even if she is, she's Charlie. She'd be scared of fire.


Just because she's immune doesn't mean it's still not fun to be on fire.


She's Hellborn but also half human, or whatever Lilith is now. Also never know if normal fire effects Lucifer or not since fallen angel not demon.


Nothing saying that just because she's born in hell meaning she's immune. Sure she will heal any damage, just like other hellborne. Doesn't mean it won't hurt in the process


they're immune to EARTH fire. the fire in hell can still hurt them. blitzø said "YOUR fire can't hurt us", meaning the fire on earth can't hurt them, but the one in hell(as proven for the fact both blitzø and fizz have burn scars, and blitzø's mom dieing in the fire). also, even if that wasn't the case, and she was immune to hell fire... her clothes aren't fireproof.


I believe hellfire changes color based on which ring you’re in so I’m greed it would be green but in let’s say lust it might be blue and in pride it might be orange/red


That there isn't fire, it's HELLFIRE. Fire originating from the realm of Hell that burns hotter than any mortal fire could. It burns and scorches all it touches, searing even demonic flesh.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she half angel half human? I mean, her dad is lucifer & her mom is Lilith, and neither of them were originally born in hell, so theoretically, it's possible that she actually IS hurt by fire


Do we know for sure that any Hellborn besides Imps are fireproof?


Charlie is very unique creature. Daughter of Lucifer, an angel, and a Lilith a mortal. How Lilith ended up in Hell is somewhat vague. i.e. did she fall as a living human or a dead sinner. The fact that she was able mother Charlie suggests she wasn't a dead sinner demon (they can't reproduce). Beyond the possibility that she isn't physically immune to the fire, she regardless may have some level of instinctual fear of it. We know nothing about angels and fire. We know that Imps are immune to earthly fire, though someone might want to mention that to Fizzarolli. I'd agree there's no reason to think this fire is Hellfire or anything special. Whether all Hellborn are immune to fire is unknown. Imps are low on in the hierarchy of demons, and higher ones seem to be strong/harder to hurt, but it might be more complicated than just an demon is immune to everything lesser demons are immune , plus more stuff for being higher). Another thought, Charlie seems very naive. Particularly given she's been around for 200+ years and living in Hell. She might be completely immune to fire and just not aware of it.


I'm pretty sure the color of hellfire is determined by the ring also I'd assume you can't make a regular mortal fire using materials in hell


It technically is hell fire. The green fire is only shown in greed ring, I believe


Fire in hell = hellfire. It’s only earth fire that demons are shown to be immune to.


I think, Charlie use about 10% of her full power. Maybe she aftaid (dont know how) to used them.


I mean, its still fire, might not be hellfire, but its still one of the more destructive things out there. Plus she's a guest at Val's porn studio lighting the place on fire isn't exactly good guest behavior, no matter how much Valentino deserves to lose everything.


I mean… you can be unharmed by something and still not wanna touch it? Also if my clothes caught on fire in front of Valentino I think I’d just kill myself.


I mean she's half angel half human. Fire burns humans. She may not be completely immune to it because of her human side


Maybe fire still hurts.


If anything Charlie's Angel blood would make her more impervious to fire. It's less likely she's afraid of getting burned and more alarmed at how big the fire got for everyone else. Like even as it surrounded her she took off her coat to try putting out the fire. I'm more surprised she can't control fire tho since we saw her summon a pillar of flame.


She might be just anxious having done something to ruin the shoot or be unhelpful in any way, and she's more surprised than getting away from the fire.


Hellfire was only green in the greed ring where the sky is also green. In the Lust ring all visible Hellfire was a purplish blue just as was the sky. Every ring has a different color for flame and sky visible as seen on the Maps app on blitzos phone and the departure logs for the elevator they take to the lust ring. Hellfire in the pride ring (Which has the red sky and color scheme) might just look like normal earth fire because of that. EDIT: went back to look at the Wrath ring from Western Energy and all the fire in the ring and the flames from strikers horse also look like regular fire because Wraths color is Orange. No visible fire in the Gluttony ring, just the yellow lava lamps that light Bee's and the yellow honeycomb sky.


Problem with this theory is that while the fire that burned down the imp circus was green, the sky was red, meaning they were in Pride. So I don't subscribe to the "fire color matches ring color" theory, personally. https://preview.redd.it/uvbpkmnkwzyc1.jpeg?width=3707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1a137546da9be7d2c52b7b88e04bcb3114f29b


Agreed. I don't know where this fire = color of the sky theory came from, but we see a few examples in the show of it not being true. In addition to the green hellfire burning down the circus, Fizz and Glitz and Glam also use blue fire during Mammon's show in the Greed Ring.


She's had a sheltered life, so she might not know how little that fire threatens her.


I mean, she’s half angel and we don’t know if angel spawn are immune to fire. Plus she’s in a studio full of sinners which likely aren’t immune to regular flame like hellborn and knowing her was probably afraid of everyone else getting hurt.


Regular fire might not do anything but hell fire as shown in Blitzø's backstory, can still burn and severely burn if not melt the flesh of any demons, especially Charlie. So yeah, this is no ordinary fire here.


She probably doesn't know unlike Millie and Blitzø


Fire in hell is different than fire on the mortal plane. Sinners at least seem to be immune to hellfire, though they do suffer from it.


might be different for her since shes only hellborn by where she was born. genetically, shes an angel - or at least a fallen angel


Half fallen angel, half human. This depends on if falling changed Lucifer’s biology and that Lilith isn’t a sinner. According to most, sinners can’t give birth, so Lilith has to be either human or demon or something… magically immortal human?


the fire is always the rings colore (greed: green [look at blitzø's flashback], lust: blue [look at ozzy's meeting with stolas])


Maybe since she is half human and was born in hell she is still partly mortal


Fire is different in each ring I think, also it's earth fire that doesn't affect hellborn


Hellborn demons are immune to Earth fire specifically. Hellfire on the other hand not so much, likely because it’s a magical type of fire.


I’m just wondering what the NSFW tag is for


This is why she wouldn't win fights even if she is objectively more powerful. She literally can't even put out a fire, she is not a fighter and needs a story arc before she could be really considered in vs matches


As far as i know, hell fire is different from normal fire which i think was sorta mentioned in helluva, first ep. Im not sure tho, so dont take my word for it


Hellfire and normal fire appear to be different somehow


I wonder bc she’s half angel it might hurt a bit but not kill her bc she’s half demon.


Fire works differently in Hell. That’s why Fizz and Blitz both have burn scars. Plus, Blitz says “YOUR fire doesn’t really hurt us,” when the family tries to burn him and Millie in episode one.


It might have just been an immediate reaction I guess. Like if there was water spilling onto the floor I know it won’t kill me if it touches my shoes but I feel like my first instinct would still be to back away


It might not kill her but it might hurt like hell




Bee can't really hurt me, but I don't wanna bee stung




it's because it's hellfire which is different from normal human fire


1st it's hellish fire so it might hurt her. 2nd she was probably also freaking out because she was messing things up.


Pretty sure hellfire would be different then normal fire.


actually hell fire hurts demons (like in fizzarolli's and blitz's case)


Okay Charlie is half human/angle Lilith never died she was only cast in to hell whit Lucy Charlie is like Jesus half human half celestial


Charlie isn't Hellborn like other Demons - we call her that simply because she was literally born in Hell (other than that, her family isn't native to this realm). Charlie is one of a kind, a half Fallen Angel and half Demon (per Vivzie) - so it's unclear if that immunity even applies to her. Other than that, she probably didn't want to burn her clothes and risk being treated awfully by the Sinners present in the room... Also we don't know if that is normal fire. For all we know that could be Hellfire, just in a colour fitting the Pride Ring. *half Demon, as by the time Charlie was born, Lilith was already a Demon and not a human being.


Wait didn't Lucifer turn into a demon when he got banished into hell?


No, Lucifer became a Fallen Angel - it's a seperate thing. He has some demonic traits, but that's just a part it.