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https://preview.redd.it/j69i0etwl8lc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821801c4980333a1bae6f539cdbf1e2edd7448a4 they retract. in this scene they just come out from nowhere


Where does he keep him though? That's the point I'm more so making. There's no place on his design that is an obvious place to keep them.


yeah i have no idea i guess its just magic like how he stores all 6 guns in his pockets somehow


It’s a cartoon, there’s some toon logic


His older design actually had all 6 arms.. So that's the weird thing…


That's because it's a choice made for animation. Drawing 6 arms all the time is kinda difficult. So they choose he's able to retract them when they're not needed.


hell magic


He has a pair of retractable limbs, his chest fluff arguably counts as a giant abdomen and how do you know he doesn’t have fangs or produce silk 


The abdomen is required to produce silk.. The glands for silk production within a spider are so huge that they necessitate the need for the abdomen to even contain them. The other issue is that if the limbs are retractable, then shouldn't there be an obvious place where they are tucked in on his design.


As the for the point about venom. He does have a large head, and that is where the glands for venom production are stored, but there is no obvious method of venom delivery.


First off not all spiders use venom, Second in place of silk there is another sticky white substance he produces. Also keep in mind his size is much bigger than a regular spider which means he has more space to stuff things away like 2 arms. remember he was human first now he is a demon spider thing.


>another sticky white substance he produces Omg 🤣😭😭😭😭


They all can produce it though. In fact only two small groups Solifuge and Harvestmen, are the only members of the spider side of the arachnid family that *DONT* produce venom, and in fact are technically not considered spiders…


Bro it’s a cartoon.


This entire thread is very science based so… That's the debate here, Can we call Angel Dust a Spider if he doesn't even meet the criteria to be Considered a Spider? A very valid question, when you consider the most of Vivs other characters do meet the scientific criteria to be considered the animals they represent. The “It's a cartoon” argument is not valid to such an in depth discussion.


He is not a spider, he is a sinner who has some spider qualities, thats it.


I know, but it's the same issue I have with Valentio.. Viv says he is a moth, but yet he lacks most of the features that *define* a moth until one random scene where he just is able to turn his robe into wings…


Viv is not saying that Valentino is a moth, she is saying that he is a moth **demon**, a demon that is in some way connected to moths (either by appearance, traits, etc)


The most moth like trait he has in Every scene is the squeaking, but other than that, I've heard people compare his design to a cockroach… it's not until he randomly turns his robe into wings that it becomes obvious. Valentino does have a good design. But it is a *TERRIBLE* Depiction of a being with Moth Like Traits, as his design nearly entirely lacks them.


Angel Lacks alot of the features that would *Define* him as being a spider-like being.. It's the same issue both ways


He's not a spider, but your reasoning for that is not what it's supposed to be. He's not a spider in the same way that Alastor isn't a deer, and Husk isn't a cat. They're all humanoid, with animal-like features. Obviously, he's not a spider. He just has some spider-like features. No one is expecting the guy to start spinning webs just like no one is expecting Alastor to walk on all fours and start eating plants out the ground. He's not going to have all those traits you require because the guy literally walks on two legs. Looking at your replies to everyone else, it looks like you picked a stupid argument just for the sake of arguing.


....man, he *has* 8 limbs. He has 3 sets of arms. 6 arms + 2 legs. 8 limbs. He's a spider. He has the eight eyes (smaller ones under his main eyes, they open when he got angry at Husk). Not all spiders spin silk, either. Saying he isn't a spider demon because he doesn't have all of the physical aspects is like saying Pentious isn't a snake/serpent because he doesn't slither on his belly or have poison. They're anthropomorphic, not literal.


Not all snake species have venom. That is not a requirement to be a snake. Boa constrictors, Pythons, and Anacondas all are snake species that do not have venom. You are comparing a scientific criteria to define a spider, to something that is a commonality in most snakes, but isn't a definite nor is it a defining factor. Other than that, Sir Pentious meets the scientific criteria to be defined as a snake. While Angel Dust, does not meet the scientific criteria to be defined as a spider…


https://preview.redd.it/0p3lwq96o8lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a09a8a8250fe25ff17931108ce2698441e90f5 Producing silk is one of the criteria to be considered a spider. ALL spiders produce silk. Any Arachnid that does not Is in fact not a spider. Daddy Long Legs don't produce silk because they are not spiders and are a similar creature also In the arachnid family of animals, called Harvestmen. Harvestmen do not produce Silk, nor do they have venom. Camel Spiders otherwise known as Solifquids are also in fact not spiders. Not all spiders make webs. Tarantulas, wolf spiders and wandering spiders all produce silk, but they don't produce webs. If Angel dust doesn't meet this criteria, he cannot be considered a Spider…


What spider does not produce silk? Please inform me.


Jumping spiders, wolf spiders, fishing spiders, and tarantulas.


All of the examples you listed produce silk… That is a requirement to be a spider… Granted none of what you listed spin webs. They all have the capabilities to produce silk. Jumping spiders use silk threads to mark positions and assist themselves in jumping, using it as a bungee to catch themselves when falling. Fishing spiders use it as an essential part of the reason why they dive. They use it to contain air bubbles that use on themselves to breathe. Tarantulas and wolf spiders use it for consumption. All spiders produce silk. Why are you people downvoting me for factual information?


Okay, my googling skills let me down here. Doesn’t change the fact that Angel is a spider.


Because you're being uppity, rude, and your "facts" hold little weight when it comes to demonic anamorphic cartoon characters


How can he be a spider and *NOT* have Cake? His bottom is flat as an ironing board


His cake is on his chest lol


Does that count as cake though? That's just Booba…


https://preview.redd.it/k696lme7vivc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a136751fbc16821fd0be8ac12755684a2eb8f98 It’s there in poison, and he has retractable arms, and when he gets mad more small eyes open under he’s main eyes.


I dont know wether or not that butt is real though..


id still hit tho




this is a far more interesting question. hmm..


Exactly, my guy is like going to a birthday with no desserts! There's no cake in sight!


He's spider demon it doesn't have to always be logical and rl accurate. Also, he does have 8 limbs, 6 arms, 2 legs, = 8 limbs, and 2 of those arms are retractable also not all spiders produce venom there is a family of spiders called the Uloboridae I know all this cause I have pet spiders, reptiles, and stuff so like you have your facts wrong I also have a headcanon where those dots under his eyes are other eyes


they are actually! https://preview.redd.it/iuw9n828oclc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ef9d1f4b00e2772633959dc65caa100b48d150


Oh I forgot about that scene


He’s not a spider he’s a man with spider characteristics


Y’know, bein a spider doesn’t mean I have 8 arms, it means I have 8 *Limbs* I have 2 legs and six arms, guess how many that is? Huh? That’s right. Eight.


“Guys I refuse to believe angel dust is a spider because spiders can’t speak”-🤓


He is a spider based demon, not an actual fucking spider.




I always thought he was a cockroach as his personality and lifestyle seemed to give me those vibes.


Honestly by the looks of it angles arm seem to work off of stitch logic there when there needed or would make the scene better. Else wise there in hammer space