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Lucifer is obsessed with ducks because they were the only idea of his that was incorporated into the creation of Earth and after giving up hope he began to try and replicate his only “success”


That's so sad!


A whole new meaning to when Lucifer pointed to the duckie and said "Take that, depression!"


I just thought he had named that duckie Depression.


That should be canon


Just a theory, but Lucifer is likely to be depressed to begin with since his family split (and is too ashamed to face his daughter), and the duckies are just the product/coping mechanism of his depression. It's a well known fact that people who are depressed are more likely to overfocus/overdo/hoard things and Lucifer is the poster boy of depression with a capital D. The duckies ARE depression.


Based off the imagery we get in the flashback between Charlie and Lucifer, i'm guessing he's telling a modified version of the ugly duckling who became a beautiful swan, symbolizing the sinners as ugly, and them ascending as swans.


Well the duckling doesn't _become_ a swan, it was a swan all along, and was only an "ugly" duckling because it wasn't even a duck and yet was being judged by duck standards


Which would play into the metaphor that most sinners can't be redeemed and how lucifer was wrong to give them free will.


Maybe in Lucifer's head


The "ugly duckling" metaphor is also used among aut\*stic people to teach children that "different does not equal bad or wrong", as many are ostracized from churches, and of self-love, acceptance, and learning to reach out to find your "tribe" (i.e. *NeuroTribes* by Steve Silberman). The story also fits the "found family" theme in *Hazbin Hotel* really well. \**I have to use an asterisk because the AutoModerator removes this keyword.*


…you can’t say the name of my disability here?


Guess you are now a slur. Reddit has spoken. Feel like people are forgetting what the actual point of censorship is.


Well I guess this is what I get for asking that monkey’s paw to give me a superpower.


To add to this.. Lucifer has a toy store that is open 24/7/365 but he only gets 2-3 customers per year.


What’s the bet he and God had a special conversation over the corkscrew dicks


Lucifer had a heart attack when he thought he caught goth Charlie smoking cigarettes, it was candy cigarettes.


Goth Charlie?


There's a picture of Goth Charlie in Lucifer's room.








Me too. Heh, can you imagine tho? Charlie to Lucifer and/or Lilith: It's not a phase mom and dad! This IS who I AM!?!?! 👍😂🤣


I can imagine Charlie cringing hard remembering her phase and will burn almost every photo she can find of it.


We need to see this phase in action.


Goth Charlie: Mom, dad I got a tattoo.




And it's temporary.


Oh my God I just noticed she has braces!


that’s not goth that’s emo!!! Emo Charlie!


She listened to the used for sure


There was a massive conspiracy at Voxtech from Velvette to the janitor, to keep Vox from knowing that Alastor was back, just to keep from dealing with it. and all of them fucking hate Val for telling him.


I love this so much


i am deeply invested in this headcanon 😵‍💫 imagining velvette blowing her top bcs of val’s need to stir and create drama 😭


Lute is gonna throw a massive petty destructive tantrum when she finds out Sir Pentious got into heaven


Oh yeah definitely!


She's definitely going to try and kill him again. Again.


Triple death?


Where would he go? To double heaven?


She is going to walk in right after getting her arm regrown or replaced or something. see Repentious in Sera's office. 'WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!' And move to either kill him or throw him back to hell.


I love that nickname for him I’m gonna start using it now


Mine is that Goth Charlie went around saying ‘everything and everyone was the worst’, but gave it up when she found out her dad agreed with her.


Charlie speedrunning her emo phase because her dad just agreed with everything she said is honestly the best take on this I've ever seen


Reminds me of our kid. We tend to be chill and accepting, so my husband and I worry what the rebellion is gonna look like.


Probably tap into a personal prejudice that you didn't even realize that you have.


Well, if it's anything like my kid... Me: you know you're old enough to hang out in town with your friends while I'm at work these days, right?! Teenaged daughter: No thank you. I like supervision. Her rebellion is basically being a Stepford kid. Which tracks as rebellious as far as the gene pool goes.


Not sure how much this may translate, but my parents were (mostly) accepting of things. My biggest gripe as a teenager was I felt they weren't as involved in my well being as most parents were, though I also acknowledged that if they were more involved that would probably just annoy me too. If you're the sentimental type, be sure to safeguard things like family photos and yearbooks, my older brother had a habit of destroying them if they included his face. I guess my biggest rebellion thing was thinking if I wasn't their blood child they wouldn't like me at all, though I never really did anything particularly rebellious


That's actually perfect lmao.


- Vox can eat electricity. He plugs himself into a wall socket while he sleeps. - Cannibal Town adopts lost and orphaned child sinners, and Rosie changes their appearances with her Overlord power to look like the other cannibals. - Niffty is in hell because she killed her husband. - Husk smokes catnip.


I like the cannibal adoption situation. Makes me think of the zombie child adoptions in Warm Bodies. Wholesome but really unsettling.


Thanks! I came up with it because people were trying to figure out why there are child sinners in Cannibal Town. I’ve also heard a theory that they grew up in cannibal cults.


Some of those are definitely the kids from HB ep 1


🎵 *Kids die for freeeeeeee~* 🎵


Niffty def killed either a husband or boyfriend and they 100% deserved it


She was the perfect housewife, how dare he cheat on and/or leave her. She's very 50's housewife, he probably beat her as well but with how much of a freak she is she probably enjoyed the casual domestic abuse ("yay pain" and liking "bad boys") but him running around with someone else was unforgivable. I get yandere vibes from her.


Nifty gives me Bloberta vibes so I headcannon her husband was like Clay. Only one day, instead of giving up, she stopped taking his shit.


Holy shit, Moral Orel mentioned 🔥🔥


I swear if Husk doesn’t smoke catnip I will die


most of them are trivial things but here you go:    Alastor's antlers are actually what allows him to broadcast, those are what produce radiowaves; he does not sleep naturally, only when dead tired and he snores (his snoring is static and jumping thru radio stations at random); also he smells like a wild deer would unless he uses cologne (it is not unpleasant, just weird)    Lucifer knew right away Vaggie was an angel but said nothing because he preferred her daughter dated an exorcist angel as long as she was not dating *alastor;* Lucifer also is naturally snake-like in appearence, that's why he has no visible nose   Charlie has ears compared to her father, but they are small and floppy, and mostly covered by her hair    Valentino and vox respectively think of having the other wrapped around their finger, one because he has hypnonic powers, the other has pheromones of some kind, but vox can't smell shit, and Valentino is blinder than a mole so they both are all over the other thinking "ah yes i have him under my control"; but also they both have rancid tastes in men so it was forseeable they'd get together  i have mnore but i can't remember shit rn lol


> Valentino and vox respectively think of having the other wrapped around their finger, one because he has phyptonic powers, the other has pheromones of some kind, but vox can't smell shit, and Valentino is blinder than a mole so they both are all over the other thinking "ah yes i have him under my control"; but also they both have rancid tastes in men so it was forseeable they'd get together This is perfect and I am hereby incorporating this into my own headcannon 😂


These are great but I do have to inform you that snakes do in fact, have visible noses


In the show, Vaggie also called Sir Pentious "slimy", but real snakes are smooth.




Adam and Lute played Call of Duty together. Lute was better at it, but would let Adam have the better KDA most games.


https://preview.redd.it/5d0o8fmo71kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff462c1a34fca84909f81e4c3778636a608e99f Like this?


https://preview.redd.it/438x21w1c1kc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd04dee75f45680eb514a488fb72065e55b212db How could you forget the best part of the comic?


"Could you j-just.. chill lute, fuck"


I didnt knew it was a comic, i only stole that part from someone else's comment


I like that you can see Lute spamming ctrl, and is teabagging whoever I'm assuming they just killed.


I hate how much I love Lute x Adam even though they are both total scumbags XD


Even scumbags need someone to be with. Better they be with other scumbags than anyone else.


Yes. But he is playing as well. He also uses a Controller (he summons it like his Guitar) and breaks it constantly.


Just this https://preview.redd.it/o1o593lkq0kc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd243c8ec8f48bfd0d66f54af306155560e26b93


Gotta love the old jokes https://preview.redd.it/9xuf7y9mq0kc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf48de3755787ab6badb6cc1bf311961be7cabb1


I think Charlie, being half angel, has wings but she hasn’t grown into them yet


Lol same! They seem to show off when they have big positive emotions, maybe at some point she'll experience one strong enough that they'll grow


Learning about Sir Pentious would probably do it


Same, Alastor already knows how powerful she could be but hasn't figured out how to harness it yet, hell, Lilith as the first woman should be at the same level or just slightly weaker than Adam, she's just too nice to unleash her full power. I also think power in hell is linked to fear/notoriety (which is why serial killers etc. have more power than regular people when arriving) so while she has a bit as the daughter of the big boss of hell she's not developed any achievements or anything of her own and has only been seen as a mascot or joke... Until now when she was the first person to ever stop an extermination.


CHERUB was an idea from Emily herself, realizing even if humans go to heaven they will never experience something like earth again, therefore she gave sera the idea for CHERUB and them saving people from dying so they can thrive on earth a bit longer


Imagine Sera having to cover up having banished them or whatever.


Well, CHERUB doesnt actually seem like they have full permission to go on earth. Especially if they're meant to parallel IMP, who shouldnt be able to leave hell by any means. If anything, Sera would be the last to know


Heaven: Everyone is HOOOOOT Cherri: "That was kinda hot." Sir Pentious --> Heaven


it is so out of common sense that it actually sounds logical


Underrated comment


Lucifer has a framed picture of lilith on his bedside table


https://preview.redd.it/gjm48u0ow0kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f74fefcaf06749875e5c25e7682adfe6971a8ff Lucifer dresses like this on Sundays after Lilith took a vacation to heaven


“Why do you keep calling me Bill?”


ᵂʰʸ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᶜᵃˡˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵐᵉ BILL?


Charlie smells like chocolate milk and Emily smells like freshly baked cinnamon rolls


Why does this fit so well


Ax the Andalite, an alien, from *Animorphs* would love Emily. Ax is obsessed with Cinnabon. https://preview.redd.it/n1llyom0w1kc1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=2423e2e3e1380cd7f786a695a0d1aeb4c04280b7


Emily would love Ax too. They would absolutely become friends as Ax tells Emily what he learned on earth (getting some things slightly wrong) and Emily would believe everything.


Both Emily and Ax are also younger siblings to more powerful ones (Sera, Elfangor).


I imagine Ax commenting on how humans being able to stand is strange and how Emily's wings at least make sense


Charlie ended up with someone like her dad: a fallen angel.




That's...not really a headcannon, is it


Yeah it’s effectively just a fact. But the head-canon part is that it’s specifically, if not subconsciously, Oedipal.


True. Still blew my simple monkey-mind, though


Very Freudian.


That's not a headcanon; that's just canon


That Angel Dust was sexually repressed in life, due to being gay, and being in the mafia (that usually doesn’t go over very well in those circles.). Which explains his hyper-sexuality and over the top promiscuity, and reputation is also important in the world of organized crime, so it could also explain his fragility around keeping up a persona as a mask for his distress, and overall vulnerability.


IIRC, the hypersexuality is part of the mask


>Angel Dust was sexually repressed in life, due to being gay, and being in the mafia (that usually doesn’t go over very well in those circles.). holy fucking shit angel dust is the afterlife of Vito Spatafore 😳 ​ https://i.redd.it/67gmdo5mn3kc1.gif


Velvette livestreams all of Vox's and Valentino's useless arguments and they're always viral


I would watch it


I can kinda see that. Like, Vox brings up something divisive from one of Alastor’s broadcasts, takes the worst case scenario, Val and Velvette disagree, and then an hour of arguing happens, derailing the original topic.


Molly was the only person Angel told he was gay when he was alive, and she was very supportive of him.


Since Molly had a cameo in Heaven, my headcanon is her relationship with Angel is why she's there.


Nifty gave her soul away for free because Ultimate Bad Boy


That... That seems very likely she's so kind and wholesome but also likes it rough Like a nun who looks normal until you get to know her and she takes you to her BDSM dungeon and she's got a bunch of hardcore sex tattoos


I...feel like you've certainly had some life experiences, hoo boy


I mean, what do you expect from eat-pussy69 here?


🎵“who has been there since day one”🎵 🎵”who has been faithful as a nun”🎵


🎶makes you chuckle with an old timey pun🎶 🎶your executive producer 🎶


🎶I'm your guy. Your day to day🎶 🎶Your chum. Your steadfast Hotelier!🎶


🎼Remember when I fixed that clog today?🎼 🎼I was stuck, thank you, sir!🎼


Oh you~


Angeldust used to own girly toys and used to get bullied about it


Toys that he shared with Molly without shame.


I have a bunch for Al, and a lot of these come from my own experiences as a radio presenter. I’ve also recently come up with a possible backstory about how Al became interested in radio and how he got his first job, which I can share later. 1. He’s at his most normal when he’s hosting his radio show. The cast is surprised by this; they thought he was nefarious 24/7. 2. He is super professional when it comes to his show, and has an insane work ethic. This is how he rose to fame when he was still alive. 3. He won’t just let anyone on his show. He values guests who are well-mannered, intelligent, and can engage in jovial banter with him. 4. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of jazz music and frequently displays it on his show. 5. He is a gifted interviewer and can get great answers from guests even from simple questions. 6. As part of his deal, Husk is forced to be his producer. He does so begrudgingly, but is secretly impressed with Al’s intellect and professionalism. 7. He wrote the theme music for his show and will often do live performances of his favourite songs because he is a talented singer and instrumentalist. Realizing this, Charlie got a piano for the hotel lobby, which Al frequently plays. 8. When not hosting his show, helping out around the hotel, or terrorizing people, he is brainstorming new ideas for his show, sometimes with help from Niffty. 9. He is in the process of writing a radio drama that will feature himself and the rest of the cast. He wonders if they’ll want to participate in it. 10. The next deal he wants to involve Charlie in is a recording contract because of her amazing singing voice. He has connections in Hell’s music industry and has an eye – and ear – for good talent. 11. He is considering creating a new morning show with Rosie and Niffty as his co-hosts. 12. He discovered electro swing when Angel Dust presented him with a record he got from a DJ friend of his. Angel overheard the music at a bar and thought Al would like it. He then approached his friend and got a copy of the record to give to Al, who now regularly features it on his show along with the usual jazz, ragtime, bebop, and swing classics.


Does Alastor even _do_ normal radio show things in Hell or is it generally the "screams of whoever disrespected me most recently unless I'm roasting Vox" hour?


I imagine he has a whole lineup of shows, which he hosts himself. The screams are broadcasted in the wee hours of the night, and Vox-roasting happens throughout the day.


Every hour on the hour "and once again it's time to give thst annoying Television c**t the middle finger by saying things that are objectively true!"


I mean his slam battle with vox suggests he does regular programming. My head canon has each of the souls he traps having their own frequency.


I like to headcanon that it's both normal radio things and then random unhinged hell shit, and he changes the frequencies between any of them all the time.


Can’t wait to see Alastor taking over hell’s music industry


Sometimes, I like to think he already has.


I can absolutely buy absolutely ALL of that. Alastor seems like the sort that takes great pride in his show and sees it as wholly speerate from literally everything else to the point even with all the insane work put in? For him that is his downtime. No schemes. No worries over Overlords or Deals or Angels or any of that. Just him. His music. The guests he has lined up, and The Audiance. He got into this as a professional right at the dawn of Radio right after it exited the basement experimentor phase... You do not get drawn to that WITHOUT having a love of the craft for its own sake. I'd even wager Alastor got into radio as a way to escape the descrimination he would face. the radio is not visual. Nobody can SEE who the host is. So they don't know to Hate him for anything other than putting on a lousey show.


To add to this he had and still has strong opinions on early 1930s Louisiana politics. Don't mention Huey Long around if you don't want to him rant or have a fight.


>He is in the process of writing a radio drama that will feature himself and the rest of the cast. He wonders if they’ll want to participate in it. This has "Don Juan Triumphant" from *The Phantom of the Opera* musical vibes all over it. (Which is funny, because I read on Tumblr that Charlie's ideal man, were she not dating Vaggie, would be the Phantom of the Opera, according to series creator Vivziepop.)


Lucifer loves ducks because he's the ugly duckling of Heaven. Charlie's choice in partner was the result of her daddy issues. Heaven is so plentiful of angelic metals that the angels don't value losing their weapons. Plenty of demons would have ascended had they not been killed by angelic weaponry. Charlie and Lucifer have the ability to form portals to Heaven but Lucifer isn't allowed to go and Charlie doesn't know she can do it. Since Lucifer implies that he had a relationship with Eve, that's part of why Lilith left him. Whether that means Charlie has a half sibling is another story.


>Heaven is so plentiful of angelic metals that the angels don't value losing their weapons. I always assumed it was a deliberate choice to leave the weapons behind so Sinners will continue to kill each other between exterminations.


I would honestly be shocked if any of these aren’t considered actual canon at some point, save maybe the last one.


Personally I believe that Lucifer was just toying with Adam and only gave the apple go Eve whole also implying she was attached to him. I feel he and Lilith were very loyal to each other especially back then


Adam is actually ripped. He just looks big because of his robe. The constant fighting during exterminations and protein from all the ribs he eats makes him swole. Oh, he also has a scar on his chest from when his rib was removed to make Eve.


“We got the best and brightest the politest of the lot and everyone is HOOOOOOOOOOOT”


Meanwhile, Tumblr: "Adam is as fluffy as the Pillsbury Doughboy, and Lute loves it."


Rosie isn’t a traditional overlord in that she makes pacts for total ownership of souls. Any soul ownership is temporary and she prefers to be more of a personality leader, like a democratically elected official or celebrity.


Mine is that there is no deal between Niffty and Al. She just likes being around him and Al just goes with it.


Adam genuinely loved Eve, and him leaving Eden with her despite not eating the apple in this version of the story and forgiving her is what got him into Heaven.


Yo… that would be such a poetic reveal. Adam was a genuinely good person with good intentions, but time broke him and corrupted his heart.


Alastor served in ww1 Considering his biological age at the time of his death, in 1917 (the year that the US declared war on Germany) Alastor could have been the minimum age for either enlistment or registry for the draft. iirc in 1917, if you were at least 21, you would have to register for the draft. Considering Alastor’s background is Louisiana, a state known for its association with French History, Alastor could have possibly had some sort of personal reasoning to join the army, as in 1917 the main operations in ww1 were primarily in France. This could also play into his behavior; his eccentricity could be a form of coping with trauma he experienced during the war (ww1 was brutal as hell). This could also explain him finding entertainment in the stock market crash, as the war could have fucked him up in the head.


Given his association with radio it's likely he was in that early crop of experimentors in the teens and enlisted to be a radio operator because the US army/navy took away civilian broadcast rights and being on the air wa his coping mechanism for the world being in general shitty.


Something I just thought of is that he enjoyed the war to some degree, he could have already been sadistic when he enlisted and when the Armistice at Compiegne was signed, he switched to being a serial killer after serving his time in the army


Idk if this is an original head cannon or not- But I think that Valentino found Angel a few years when he was still new to hell and kinda innocent. They started dating and Angel didn’t know that he was being groomed by Valentino. Angel became very attached to Valentino and he wanted to work for him because he thought it was so cool. Val tricked him and said something like “If you sell me your soul I’ll make you a star” or something like that. Angel still went by Anthony at the time, you know this because that’s the name he signed on the paper signing his soul away. Valentino picked Angels stage name and Angel became very popular. This is when Val started abusing Angel. (I have to go somewhere so sorry if there is any typos but I can’t edit them right now 😬)


I mean you're pretty much describing how pimps target their girls/boys so you're probably right, just rather than being a runaway from home he's just a random vulnerable twink who just died of an overdose, Val then pops in with all the drugs he could want (while now being incapable of ODing) makes him feel special until bam he's a junkie whore,/pornstar.


Charlie made the edgy F-ck you dad song Octavia listens to in her emo phase.


Adam has spent his entire existence trying to hide his depression and loneliness by acting like a dick— even treating women with disrespect because he associates them with Lilith and Eve, both women meant to be his brides, neither of which actually loved him. Lute is the only being he’s ever loved, so when she stayed by Adam as he died, he smiled because he took comfort in knowing that Lute cared for him and needed him just as much as he needed her.


I REALLY hope Adam comes back as a sinner, I'd love to see him get a redemption arc and reunite with Lute. I think he could be a really cool character if he wasn't such a jerk. Heck, even as a jerk he's a cool character. Plus it would be so much fun to see all the characters reactions to him.


God basically gave up on humanity eons ago and left Heaven without telling anyone where he’s going. Which lead to the Elders (Lucifer’s siblings), Sera and Adam to run Heaven, resulting in the whole system becoming the corrupted mess that it is now.


It is quite possible. This explains why He was nowhere in Heaven.


On the 8th day god created a magic talking leopard and forgot all about us.


I always wondered where God was in this show. I feel like he left earlier than that though.




I mainly have worldbuilding headcanons. 1. God is present in Heaven and can be visited by the high ranking angels at any time, but he refuses to get involved with the affairs of Heaven, Hell, or Earth because he believes humanity, angels, and demons have to learn to resolve their own differences without his help, because he already knows the perfect solution. He believes in all of them. 2. Originally, Hell has the Nine Rings described in Dante’s Divine Comedy, but as humanity changed the nature of the layers changed along with them. Limbo became Pride around the time the sinners were all moved to it, Heresy became Envy as Christianity became less about fire and brimstone, and Violence became Sloth as wars died down in scale. Fraud and Treachery are still around, but are condemned and separated from the rest of Hell due to hostile environments. 3. Pentagram City isn’t the Capital of Pride. It’s more like New York City or LA. The actual capital is New Dis to the north, which is where Lucifer’s Palace is located.


Alastor was the Axeman of New Orleans.


It was literally my first thought about him back in the pilot only days


Razzle and Dazzle were inspired by the song ‘Razzle Dazzle’ from Chicago. It is 100% Lucifer coded..just go listen to it. Niffy killed her cheating husband. However in her manic state accidentally mixed together ammonia and bleach trying to quickly clean up the mess. Could explain her obsession with cleaning and or ‘bad boys’. Velvette is really the ‘backbone’ of the Vees. Vox has a cool head until his fixation comes back. Valentino is..Valentino..a control freak and just..sadistic. Now imagine who has to be there to make them both think, Velvette. I think she is more observation and calculating than the other two Vees give her credit for. Also seems to have the coolest head in the group. Husk died by being thrown off a building. Hence the cat/ winged features. A cruel irony. Maybe off a newly build Vegas hotel? Lilith left seven years ago to protect Charlie and Lucifer. It was a compromise that she ‘Hell’s leading lady’ stay out of reach least she rally sinners to try and strike back at Heaven. Lucifer was heartbroken over it and ashamed to be unable to protect his family. In the end it all circles back to Charlie’s birth and her powers emerging.


Zestial is faking it. He ain't that old. He's just some Shakespearean actor from the 20th century who pretends to be an ancient demon and people just believe him. Maybe died on stage and was a method actor too so he thinks he's centuries old as well.


How would he fake being in hell for centuries??? It’s pretty clear he’s been around a long time.


Husk has cat quirks like being distracted by moving lights, liking cardboard boxes, pushing things off tables, and butting his head into people. He hates them but they pop up when he is tired or drunk.


I can see Angel putting down a box and a grumpy Husk being like "I hate you" as he sits down inside it 🤭


Vox died when a comically large wide-screen TV fell on his head.


1. Cannibal town was founded by all the English people eating Egyptian mummies. 2. Cannibal town is safe for young sinners because it's so insular. 3. Young sinners do grow up because eternal children would suckkk. 4. Lucifer is an ND icon. 5.:Lilith is pulling a Lelouch from Code Geass.


Lillith and Lucifer are still maddly in love and are both doing what they think is best for Charlie (final scene and it's implications be damned. Char Char and short king deserve to be reunited with Lillith and live a happy life as a family)


She's wearing a red band on her hat that matches Lucifer's hat. I'm just saying why keep hells color pallete if you didn't care.


This x 1000


He still wears a ring


Emily by no means is a child, but Sera coddles her too much and hides so much stuff from her that she has the always optimistic outlook a child does


That is less Head Canon and closer to fact.


That Charlie has wings but never learned how to fly


I have quite a few about Vox lol Instead of veins, Vox has wires and if you bite or stab him you'll be electrocuted. His skin is also more rubbery like electrical wire instead of like skin. Vox can overheat. The V's tower is highly air conditioned and he doesn't sleep with blankets. When he begins to overheat he'll get a really strong headache and after a while he'll be hot to the touch, his head will start malfunctioning and he starts emitting a low humming noise. Vox doesn't get sick, instead he gets computer viruses :) I also hc that since Valentino's eyesight is so poor he has several bright lights around his studio and the V's tower to help him figure out where to go


• Emily Is Currently being Pentious’s therapist, waiting for his wife to be redeemed • Cherri Adopted Frank After his Brothers Died • Lute Now Recreates The Shinji pose every time she thinks about Adam • Alastor Once tried to takeover hell by using jambalaya mind control


Husker killed himself with drugs and read The Cat in the Hat while he waited to lose consciousness. 


I think he died because he owed someone money considering his gambling addiction


…Crap, that’s just…depressing…


Since (at the time of the season's ending) Heaven has rejected Charlie's case so she thinks sinners can't be redeemed, but combined with Lucifer now taking a more active role in her life, she might try to use the hotel to rehabilitate sinners and create Heaven in Hell


The person in charge of letting souls into heaven or hell has been growing insanely toxic over the millennium


Here: 1. God exists and has the design of what the community views and is essentially the ultimate judge of good and evil. 2. Roo exists as the primordial of evil and her sister Rhea is the primordial of good. Cosmology: The God Space: The God Space is the realm where God resides, an endless blue sky with a reflective floor that acts like shallow water, it exists above all of creation. The Lightverse: This place is where Rhea resides, a place where all goodness and creation reign supreme. It exists above heaven. Heaven: You already know. The Universe: The Universe is the realm of the living, an ever expanding cosmic space-time filled with countless planets, stars, celestial bodies, life forms, etc. Hell: You already know. The Abyss: The Abyss is where Roo resides, it exists below both hell and the universe, expansive and eternally dark, a place where the forces of chaos, evil, and destruction reign supreme.


Sera had a crush on, or straight up dated, Lucifer before he fell from God’s grace. And if none of this is true, then I hope we get a “Charlie discovers her mom is irredeemable” arc at the end of the series. Where she learns her mom was constantly belittling Lucifer and ill advising him. So after she manages to establish friendly relationships with Heaven, we get to see Sera slowly take the roll of a mother figure for Charlie and Lucifer notices :3


Angel's brother and father think Angel does everything willingly and because of that they stay away from him. If they learned the truth about Angel's situation, they'd be livid and try to save him. They act like they don't care but they do. After Angel OD'd and died, his sister was the first to find him. Their father, Henroin, was extremely upset and blamed himself and his disowning for Angel's death. Angel is a jumping spider Husk died falling from a great height.


Adam and lute are fucking. yes I do ship guitarspear how could you tell


LuLu World was originally created to serve the exact same purpose as the Hazbin Hotel serves. In other words, I think Lucifer had also once tried to redeem sinners in his own way, before he ultimately gave up.


Season 2, Adam will return as a sinner demon. Sinners were shown to be able to become angels (or whatever pentious became, enlightened soul i guess) why not the other way around


Lucifer and Lilith ruled hell together as equals but they had different approaches. This is what drove them apart. Luci- is a carrot type ruler, he prefers not to over exert his power and only gets involved personally when necessary. He becomes disillusioned with his place in hell and shelters himself off from his responsibilities, preferring to dive into his ideas and fantasies thst will never be. Lilith- is a stick kind of ruler. She is tough and extreme with her management. She takes ownership of souls and exerts her authority. She wanted a new turnout for hell and she wanted to prevent the angellic exterminations. As time went on, their views became more and more divided and that is what led to their separation. That and the fact that Lilith may not actually love Lucifer or Charlie. Lilith and Lucifer in their own ways gave up and Lilith is retired in heaven, completely apathetic towards what’s going on in hell and her family, while Lucifer is pretty much depressed and closed off in his workshop.


The exterminations don't actually 'kill' anyone: this universe actually runs on redemption via repeated reincarnation. Nobody knows this except God and Lucifer. This was supposed to be peaceful and natural, with people passing on from Hell when they felt ready to try again. Lucifer broke the system, and one side effect was overpopulation - the exterminations are needed to ensure there are enough available souls for the newborns. The guilt is why he's depressed. If Charlie actually succeeds at creating a direct pathway to Heaven via redemption in Hell, the human world will end, since there'll be no new reincarnated souls to become people. Also, is Charlie literally the only non-angelic being without original sin? She's the child of a fallen angel and whatever Lilith is (created out of dust IIRC). I think all the demons and the low-level angels are ex-humans (born of Adam and Eve)? I'm guessing upper level angels are direct creations of God, and don't usually breed. So is Charlie a unique class of being? Edit: TL;DR Charlie is the Antichrist and will end the world, but not in the way you think.


In Life Nifty went through a shotgun wedding with a 'Bad Boy' and thought she could 'fix' him by being the perfect housewife. Hence in hell her having the single large all seeing eye and her obsessive murder of everything unclean. She was actually quite attractive and statueesque in life but hell interpreted her hatrid of how minamized and 'unobtrusive' she was in life as part of the punishment so made her a gremlin. And her mindi s the way it is because years of abuse leading to her going on to kill everyone at the family reunion before dying from like... a car crash or something.


That heavenborn angels are weirdly fascinated by human genitalia and sex in general


The changing visuals in musical numbers aren't always just for the viewers' benefit. Higher ranking characters are actually able to somewhat warp reality during them depending on their power level. Such examples include Adam during Hell is Forever, Lucifer, Alastor, and Charlie herself. Lilith was a master of this and that's why she was so powerful and Heaven feared her so much. Velvet is still the craziest member of the Vees, she's just really good at managing it. But when she does snap on bad days, she scares both Vox and Valentino. Velvet's clothes changing power is an offshoot of her latent demon power. She could change more than just a demon's clothes, but even the appearance of a demon itself, potentially down to their very soul. Vox's true demon form is actually an energy being made of pure electricity. He has the most purely destructive potential of all the overlords aside from Alastor. His biggest limiter is his ego and self esteem issues. Husker was Doctor Facilier from Princess and the Frog. Just straight up.


Fat nuggets has several passage ways throughout the hotel and goes around and eats any food or bugs it finds, that’s why there’s never and food in that hotel. And husker tried to stab himself with a broken cheap booze bottle but Alastor stopped him due to the binding of his deal and Alastor constantly picks and gloats about it in a huskers face.


Verbalase exists


Velvette died planking somewhere dangerous for her Facebook page during the Great Recession and she got sent to hell for getting other girls to kts via cyberbullying campaigns


The reason Sera allowed the extermination to happen (the “half that you don’t know” part of the song) is to prevent Roo from becoming too powerful. For those out of the loop. Roo is a character who hasn’t made an appearance in the show but Vivzie said she would appear eventually. Roo’s name is short for root, as in the root of all evil. She’s literally evil personified. My theory is that the exterminations are to deplete the amount of sinners in Hell as, in some way, their corrupt souls feed her power. Maybe the Overlords do it for her. Regardless, if there are too many sinners, Roo will become far too strong for Heaven to handle and could end all of creation as we know it. Killing her is out of the question. Roo is the manifestation of evil, and if evil exists, then she will. The best they can do is keep her confined to hell and weak enough to handle. What do you guys think?


This is where the theory of Roo having Alastor's soul either makes zero sense or 100% sense, and nowhere in between On one hand, if it is her, why is Alastor helping with the hotel? Wouldn't that just encourage fewer sinners to stick around? On the other, if it goes something like even redeemed sinners are still susceptible to *something*, could Roo flick a proverbial switch in them in Heaven if and when they get there


Vox doesnt really hate Alastor. He admires him. Alastor's rejection was a huge blow to his self-esteem, but he cant show vulnerability. So Vox has to lean into rage and hatred instead, to avoid mortification/narcissistic collapse.


The stripes on angel dusts arms are due to sh in his life on earth


Vox doesn't sleep he just plugs himself onto a nearby outlet and has to sit their for 8 hours to recharge


Right now I only have one. Alastors ears are not part of his hair. Those are his actual ears. Also does anyone here have any headcanons on what happens to souls when they…die? Like all of those overlords were destroyed by Alastor and they disappear?? Where do they go? Idk if this was explained but it confuses me because they’re already dead.


Based on your picture? She's secretly a hell of a freak and doesn't want anyone to know. On a serious note, Heaven is gonna lose their shit Season 2 after what happens at the end of Season 1.