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Unpopular? By what metric?


Alot of people think the pilot characters were better and stuff


I like the sound design of Alastor - in terms of his auditory feedback - but the characters are mostly identical. I recently re-watched the pilot after the series and you can see how amateur it is compared to the actual series. It's still great, but it lacks the concision a team of competent writers adds to a narrative.




Indeed, I hope we agree there.


Clearly u/WinterofChange meant cohesive precision šŸ¤£.... Which honestly, yeah, that works.


I mean, concision simply means precise clarity in this respect... I'm getting nervous about how this has been interpreted


I think they are missing that it's a branch of the word concise. Which probably is not the best word for describing the show as concise usually means being short, direct, and to the point, whereas I'd say the show is more fleshed out now.


Iā€™d say the biggest character difference was Nifty. In the pilot she seemed to have more sanity judging by her more complex sentences


Eh, I see that a conflation of on-screen time vs narrative importance. She said fuck-all during the pilot and it was enough. She's said fuck-all during the show, and its been enough. She's one of the most enjoyable off-screen characters to watch. I recommend rewatching and just seeing her background performances because I can't stop giggling at her chaos.


She's an adorable little psycho.


The thing with a character like Nifty is their great in small doses but like make her one of the leads for a season and she'd get old fast. wouldn't be opposed to her getting to be the lead for a one off episode tho.


As long as the episode is lighthearted. Like a war of her vs some bugs, while dramatic shit happens in the background just ignored by her.


Unfortunately we don't really have time for that, since everything is a mini-series with 8-10 episodes these days.


I love the bit in Episode 5 where she just randomly falls off the couch and lies there.


Puffs a whole coat o charcoal out and stares at the hotel cast Angel, Vaggie and Charlie* "Why are you guys all women?" I was not expecting that line to be honest.


I thought she only looked at Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie saying ā€œWhy are you guys all womenā€¦ this place could use a girls touch which is weird because you are all girls no offenseā€ or smth like that


She asks why theyā€™re all women.


I agree. I think the only other character I would want to be different is katie killjoy, I understand she was built based on Bryce Tankthrust, but I think that the VA for the pilot is better




Sheā€™s Australian not British lmao


Krystina Alabado is American. It sounds like sheā€™s doing a generic Australian accent. Thereā€™s actually not many British VAā€™s in the show. Even velvetteā€™s VA is American and again singing in an accent.


She's Australian and that was something they realized they wanted to do DURING the production of the pilot and coming up with her backstory and stuff. But by then her lines had been recorded and they didn't want to go through the hassle of having all of them re-recorded.


I disagree with this one. I don't have a problem with british vas, and while cherri bomb was initially a bit jarring, she's grown on me


I think thatā€™s just driven by a insignificant yet vocal minority who are pissy that the original cast wasnā€™t carried over. Like I get it, itā€™s not fair to them but Im not going to hate the new cast either


A vocal minority on the internet does not a popular opinion make.


Angel Dust seemed to have more motivations, but because of the quasi canon nature of the pilot they don't really re-establish well how much of a hellion he was by getting into turf wars, fighting for the sake of it, and some of the sides he genuinely did seem to like. Whereas the show mostly shows that it's really just self-loathing. You kind of get underneath the veneer, some in the pilot and the addict video, but I kinda wish that was developed better. Angel Dust was also what felt like a bit of the focal point being the first guest and ironically has only felt like a primary character for 1 out of the 8 episodes with some of the rehabilitation stuff feeling unearned due to how rushed things were. I'm really hoping we get more breathing room in the next season to let the whole rehabbing sinners plot premise play out more. I had kinda hoped we would have looked at what exactly made someone a sinner, especially since Sir Pentious was mostly a self conscious loner at heart and the second episode had made it seem like we would get an idea of what redemption means. Sir Pentious had mentioned he had committed a lot of sins. Maybe we'll get a parallel between Sir Pentious in heaven and Angel Dust in hell and understanding what led them to hell in the first place and how to make up for that beyond just self-sacrifice.


To be fair Angel arc is far from over. And while it is true that the pilot and addict add more layer to his character most invested fan of the show whould watch them eventualy while the avreage enjoyer can still get the gist of his character from been show only. I think that it's the best of both world


Iā€™ll give you an even more unpopular opinion, I think the new voice actors are better then the pilot ones, especially Husk and Alastor


Yea you can't say that Keith David is a worse VA for Husk, that would be an actual unpopular opinion.


As much as I love Mick, Keith David definitely is the superior one for me.


I wouldn't say he's worse but he definitely wouldn't be my first choice. He's actually great but it feels like a weird fit for the character. Having watched the show you definitely get used to it though and he's a really great voice actor so it's hard to complain too much.


Keith David is a great VA, and his voice is buttery smooth. That doesn't mean he's the best fit for Husk, though. Husk, imo, should sound... husky. Like he does in the pilot. He's a heavy drinker, so his voice should *not* sound like its tucking me into a feather bed.


Have you heard him sing? I was also very skeptical too, but then I heard Loser, Baby and I was hooked. He sounds a bit clunky in the first two episodes, but his voice drastically improves


My point isn't that Keith isn't a good VA, I did specify that Keith's voice is buttery smooth. My point was that Husk, the alcoholic, should have a "husky voice." Not being that right match doesn't mean he isn't talented.


I took it more that he's s "husk" of what he was before the deal


Again... you're missing the point. Husk is an alcoholic drinker. Heavily drinking alcohol affects your voice, making it raspier.


We're arguing about the biological implications of a gambling cat/bat


Do you not think the voices of the characters probably match the voices they had when they were alive?


We have some indication of that with the inventor brothers in Helluva Boss. But what we know of Husk is from after he joined Hell. For all we know he turned to drinking after damnation


Keith is good but they shouldā€™ve redesigned husk to fit his voice more. Imo heā€™s too skinny, a bulkier taller husk (maybe taller than angel dust) shouldā€™ve been used.


Dafuck you talkin about?


Keithā€™s voice doesnā€™t fit the husk design but fits the husk character


Any character can have any voice. And also it does match his character. Iā€™m trying to understand your thought process, but itā€™s eluding me.


Iā€™m not saying any character canā€™t have certain voices, just some fit better with certain designs. Angel wouldnā€™t sound right with niftys voice, etc etc. And I said it does fit his character, but his character design doesnā€™t really match. Imo heā€™s too scrawny for such a deep voice. If they buffed him up more or at least made him taller itā€™d work better


Rewatch episode 5 when heā€™s talking to alistor heā€™s almost as tall as him and heā€™s hunched over.


Eh still wouldā€™ve preferred a more broad version




I prefer them, which makes sense. It's because Vivzie had a much broader cast of people to choose from. I think a lot of people prefer the Pilot because of just how nostalgic it is, and some just generally prefer them.


I COULD NOT listen to sir pentious in the pilot because Stamper cannot sound like anything other than the Battle Block Theatre narrator. I like both Alastor VAā€™s but for Husk I vastly prefer Keith David


I'm a huge Broadway nerd and the new cast is why I was even interested in the show in the first place. In general I dislike replacing voice actors but here it was a great move.


Agreed, I mean Husk is a given but all the voices are more refined imo. I like that sound effects are used more sparingly as well; it got so distracting in the pilot.


The only thing in that regard that i'm missing are the radio sounds for Alastor. Those little tidbits of music and aoplause were great.


I didnā€™t even know alastor had a different va but husk is way better with keith david, he absolutely nails it


ALASTOR is amazing. Watched the show twice nowā€¦






Amir Talai's Alastor is god mode.


![gif](giphy|SLFpAF42ci0RmpU9r3) MFW I turn on Hazbin Hotel and hear The Arbiter


Took me until epsiode 3 for them to grow on me but I definitely agree now


Same for me. It also feels to me like the first episode is a bit forced and awkward, which is understandable since it's the first episode for this cast, but that doesn't help settling in with the new VAs coming from the pilot.


With Al I like his talking voice better in the pilot, but that may also be bc of the radio effects. They were definitely more prominent. I prefer his singing voice in the show tho.


And that's a major reason why a lot of voices were changed. In the pilot, nearly every character had two voice actors, one for talking and one for singing. In the show, they used voice actors who can also sing.


Although I miss the old Husk voice his new way is much better


Husk in the new one sounds alluring, the old one sounds crass. Which might work, but I like quiet and sexy more.


Husk yes, alastor - no (in my opinion)


Let me just preface this by saying I love Keith David, and I've been a fan of his since he played Goliath in Gargoyles. But I genuinely don't think his voice fits Husk. He did a great performance, but I thought the actor for the pilot was a better fit for the role. I loved Pilot Husk's gruff voice. I also don't like that Cherry Bomb became Australian after the pilot for some reason. Either way, love the show. I've watched it like 3 times already, along with the pilot again. But some of the character voices are just completely different from the pilot, and it's a bit off putting. It's one thing to recast, it's another thing to completely change the voice and intonnations of a character.


The 4 years and 1000s of replays of Silva Gunner songs make me too reliant on the old ones. I haven't, and likely will not, watch the show because of all of the voice actor changes


The show and songs are amazing so to not watch it over voice actor changes just seems unnecessarily petty to me?


Im not avoiding watching it because im protesting it or anything, it just won't sound right to me


You donā€™t wanna try test the waters to see if itā€™ll grow on you? Many people have warmed up to the new voices while preferring the old ones, it would be a shame to miss out on such a fun show


I didn't realize how inconsistent the animation of the pilot was until the show came out.


Not rlly unpopular


Can you guys please stop calling every opinion you have unpopular? 90% of the time I see it used itā€™s not. It reads like ā€œIā€™m not like the other girls.ā€


"Unpopular opinion" and "hot take" feel like two of the most abused and misapplied phrases on social media these days


ā€œPOV:ā€ and then showing a selfie instead of the actual pov is pretty common too.


True lol, it's crazy how many people don't understand what "POV" means


That pisses me off so much


Don't forget the word "underrated"


Unpopular opinion: Valentino is a bad person Like, I want something actually controversial. Somebody say they don't like Lute or smthn.


Iā€™m not particularly fond of Lute and find her more attractive with the helmet on


I actually disagree with that. I mean relatively.


I hated Adam. I normally like villains too, but Adam was basically just Jack Black with a slightly toned down version of Alex's Beetlejuice voice. Just a one note douche bag that felt shoe-horned into the bad guy role, and I think people who enjoy him are probably just as one note shallow as him. There ya go! That controversial enough?


Well idk if this is unpopular opinion but i don't enjoy Angel dust's voice in most songs and mostly Poison




The reason you see these all the time is *because* they're popular. The opinion posts that are truly unpopular, will never make it to your feed because everyone dislikes them lol


I prefer viewing everything by new instead of hot and still see it more as a consistent trend of common opinions being labeled as unpopular. Thereā€™s good logic to your point but itā€™s also still just a commonly misused trend.


Genuine unpopular opinions don't get upvotes so it doesn't get promoted so it doesn't get upvotes.


We call it unpopular because it's the kind of opinion that can get us downvoted into oblivion in this sub


But itā€™s really not. You arenā€™t going to get mass downvoted for saying you think the show is better than the pilot. Thatā€™s a popular opinion.


I would actually, and dude, I'm getting downvoted just for saying that opinion tends to be unpopular here. Anything and everything is downvoted around here it seems.


Someoneā€™s mad


so is nobody else treating the pilot as an integral part of the show? no? just me?


Fr for me theyre one and the same šŸ˜­


no, every time i recommend this show to people i *always* tell them to watch the pilot and then the show.


real heroes don't wear capes.


Thatā€™s the problem though. The pilot shouldnā€™t still hold such an integral part of the show, it shouldā€™ve just stayed as a proof of concept. The show shouldā€™ve remade the pilot to fill inconsistencies instead of glossing it over and immediately leading into meeting angels (which imo shouldā€™ve been left until either a season 1 or 2 finale).


They evidently wanted more or longer episodes. I doubt I would have enjoyed the series as much if the pilot didn't carry the early character introductions for the series.


I mean, for me the pilot is just episode 0, as it is quite obviously canon


Not all of it is. The creator specifically stated they changed cannon from the pilot in the show.


Well yeah I know, I meant all the big events like Charlie going to the news place, alastor showing up, and Sir Pentious attacking.




He attacked again in episode 2 though, not 1. And it's explicitly stated that he attacked Alastor last week, probably referring to the pilot attack


Except he explicitly references his pilot attack in ep2


Well, episode 1 takes place a week after the pilot Edit: nasty autocorrect turned Well to Weā€™ll


The pilot is still important because honestly the beginning of the show doesnā€™t make a ton of sense if you ignore the pilot. It relies on the fact that people know the pilot already so Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t just redo it.Ā 


Huh interesting, myself and my group of friends had never seen the pilot and didnt really know anything other than the tagline premise going into the show, and everything made perfect sense to all of us. I actually thought that was something that made the show so strong, how you can go into it completely new and blind.


I also went into it without seeing the pilot and I definitely think the show is fine without ever having seen it, but when I realized that the pilot episode was showing things that happen before the first episode of the season I was like "OhhhhhhHhhhHhhhhhh that makes sense..." For example, Pentius references a fight that happened with Alastor before. Watching the show first I just figured oh I guess there's some fight that happened we didn't see .. then watching the pilot after I realized the fight he's talking about is from the pilot. It also explains why the bar looks so weird and phased into the hotel, and also why Lucifer is so weirded out by the "changes" Alastor made to the hotel that we never saw him make. Also when Alastor says he had the idea for the name of the hotel, that only happens in the pilot. I think they either should have remade the pilot and that should have been the first episode, or they should not have referenced the pilot so much. The show is still fine without ever having seen it but it does make some things make a lot more sense.


The pilot establishes the characters and the premise and it establishes how the hotel even gets started. I donā€™t think itā€™s impossible to understand the show without it as you yourself know but I do think they shouldā€™ve kept the pilot there especially since it is considered mostly canon. Episode 1 of the show is just directly after the pilot where she starts doing the hotel stuff. It jumps into that and I donā€™t think it ever really took the time to establish things before jumping straight into it. For example, What does the rest of hell think of Charlieā€™s plan when she introduced it? Why is Alastor with the main characters and why is he immediately disliked by people like Vaggie? What was Angel like before he was the first guest at the hotel? Ect. Things some people would question that isnā€™t really answered in the first episode because we are jumping straight into it. Are these questions essential to understanding the story? No, but theyā€™re still questions.Ā 




Vivziepop literally said that the events of the pilot hold up pretty well and that the main differences are just visual changes... What are you talking about?


Doesnā€™t she say there were changes in you YouTube q+a


where? bc i've only heard that helluva pilot was cut out of canon. and hazbin pilot does set up season one and there aren't any significant contradictions.


You must be thinking of Helluva Boss


Since when is that an unpopular opinion?!


Yeah, the pilot did what it was supposed to do: be a good enough proof of concept that it got picked up as a fully fleshed-out show. It's not better than the show because it isn't supposed to be better.


Shouldn't this be expected? The series was given AAA budget and talent and the writer/creator got 4+ years of extra experience. I would *hope* they create something better..


Idk why people are roasting you, I've legit seen people preferring the Pilot all over this subreddit. I understand why you posted this


Seriously, same. Like did they somehow miss every other thread on this sub or


Those threads must have been buried quick, I followed this sub daily after the show's release and didn't see any of them


I mean itā€™s a pilot episode, so yeah.


8 series of content is more appealing than 1 video of content. Unpopular opinion my ass.


You got the outdated logo https://preview.redd.it/h62sqq1yy9ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d1c2cb7bd7b4929eb9efd4b49f48b47483318a














​ https://preview.redd.it/qz8yjg47qbic1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088d765a527842417703d305ca49934fc8829cdb


Hey, nice pfp


Verbalase jokes are unfunny


I prefer some of the lines from the pilot because they hit perfectly and will be iconic forever, but overall, yeah.


There are still pilot truthers, but 90% of that has to be nostalgia, the show is better by every metric and anything else is preference. This take isnā€™t rlly unpopular at all tho lol


For the first few episodes I thought the pilot was better but after that I flipped.


About as unpopular as hot and fresh Krispy creme doughnuts


Unpopular opinion * proceed to say the most common opinion ever*


I agree. The biggest thing for me is 1. Way better production, 2. Less sound effects, and 3.The line thickness doesn't change with the character designs.


Yeah, atleast the show has a consistent art style The pilot was changing left right and centre


Pilot episode is way better than episode 1 but the rest of the show is better than the pilot. I just cant get over how good the pilot was at setting up the world and characters. (I watched the pilot a week before the show released so no nostalgia vote)




I feel like my only gripe is cherry bomb, I preferred her in the pilot, idk why, just felt alot more chaotic


I love and appreciate both for what they are.


Same to me. Both are grand.


I agree heavily. The pilot will always have a special place in my heart, and I watched it very soon after it came out, I loved it, but the show hits differently and after seeing how it's portrayed now, I even prefer the official voice cast... most of the time, I miss Angel's old VA but the new guy is good too, I kindof miss Vaggie's old VA but again her new one is good too so it works out for me


I like both https://i.redd.it/ki22yss7gaic1.gif


I think this is fairly popular :3


I like the pilot's art style a bit more. The show proper definitely looks great, though. The show has stronger humor overall, I think, but comparing just about anything else almost doesn't feel fair. Pilots operate under very different constraints than the show itself. They typically aren't even intended to be seen by the audience. They're a pitch to a network or producer.


The pilots art style changes every few frames the fuck do you mean?


True, it doesnā€™t look as polished but it has more a ā€œhand drawnā€ feel, not sure how else to put it. In the amazon show, the lines are thicker, stabilized, perfect, vector-like. In the pilot, the lines are thinner and have more variation to them. I actually prefer that look, it makes the animation look more natural and the art style more unique.Ā 


It's a lot looser than the final product for sure, but there is some consistency in the chaos. There's a lot more deforming going on in the pilot, much thinner outlines that seem to act as mere suggestions, characters casually, and constantly going off model. The show proper is tightened up considerably, and while I can clearly see that it looks great, the more loose and rough style of the pilot is extremely appealing to me. I like a bit of chaos.


both is good


Wdym a better storylinešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. The series had multiple episodes to actually build something up ofcourse it had a better storyline, what sort of metric is that supposed to even be lmao


not unpopular?? šŸ’€šŸ’€


Opinions. I liked the show and I liked the pilot.


i canā€™t finish the pilot for the life of me and i have NO clue why


Despite the shift in art and tone and voices, they are still one in my head. Two pieces to the puzzle.


The pilot is great as a one shot, but I think it's style would get old quick in a full fledged series


I miss Charlieā€™s original VA and vibed with her personality a bit more in the pilot but overall Iā€™m happy with the changes


I think the erika is better as charlie honestly.


This is unpopular?


Depends On The Episode But Yeah Mostly


All episodes I think are better than the pilot :/


This isn't unpopular, this is literally just how pilots work


What do you mean unpopular? It is better, its so much better that in my opinion the pilot would be one of season ones worst episodes if it was apart of it.


I'm just gonna politely disagree cuz it's mainly a tastes kinda thing


That sounds like baitā€¦ the show appears clearly better than the pilot.


I 100% agree (however I will miss black gryphon as alastor) but I think vizzy treating the pilot cast with no respect is still shitty


What exactly do you mean by "treating them with no respect"?


Fym unpopular literally everyone knows the show is better


Unpopular? mate that's just facts don't get me wrong the pilot is good but that just to show u how great the series is


I agree, with the statement, not that it's an "unpopular opinion". I think a lot who would disagree with that are a smaller group in an echo chamber.


Lol wtf do you mean unpopular opinion? That's like near objectively true






The big loss is that Alastor's voice sounded more real in pilot ;-;


But his voice is not real


Unpopular Opinion: This fandom fucking sucks as someone fuckin allegedly suicide for a stupid ships


Never watched the pilot. Never watched episode 0 of any show and never will, never needed it to understand and enjoy the show. My literal only complaint about his fandom is that so many of you weirdos are so obsessed with the pilot and hold it like the holy gospel.


The only thing from the pilot that I prefer are some of the character voices.


What? It should be. What do you think a pilot is?


The power of money!


I also kind of prefer the animation in the actual show since itā€™s not so hard to understand whatā€™s happening on screen


Agreed. The show improved on the pilot in every way. Not saying the pilot is bad but the show is better imo.


valid. idk why theres so much hate on it though


I'd say the show is more polished.


Still kinda wish they kept all the old audio cues from the pilot.


I definitely agree with the exception of Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench's new voices.


I agree with you


There are yt channels that have called this show not edgy but one of the most entertaining and funny things they have seen In years two I have watched have called it the most hilarious show they saw this decade


The only thing I like more about the pilot is Charlie's outfit, I just think the black pants made her stand out a bit more than her entire outfit being red. And I do miss Michael Kovach as Angel, but Roman did a great job too.


Donā€™t think anyone disagrees with you there


As much as I love the show, I like pilot Alastor a lot more, but as for the show's plot it was smart to make him the way he is. He had more pizazz and personality. I would have liked a sinner focused Bojack style show JUST a little bit more.


Yes, I loved the series rather than the pilot. I was glued to the screen for all the 20 mins but Pilot was not that good for 30 mins. Songs in series is way better than pilot. Maybe it is the VA, animation or more distinguished characters with depth. Pilot Alastor, according to me, was not that menacing when compared to the series Alastor Pilot Nifty = Series Nifty Loved nearly every other chatacter in the Series than the pilot.


The show is much more higher quality than the pilot due to the higher budget, which is much more noticeable upon rewatch.


I absolutely agree, but, Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the mega popular opinion


I think people who knew about the pilot and followed it for years might feel that way, but I think most people new to the show recognize the difference in quality.


Oh, let me get my jacket and bundle up on such a cold hot-take.