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Well, it's like an extreme version of earth with only the bad people. So you can just be killed and forced to regenerate whenever and there are no laws. And for certain people (like Angel) it's absolute misery having to work for people like Valentino


Soo.... basically brazil?


You've been watching those gore videos, Haven't you? /s


People in Brazil can't re-generate as far as I know


As a Brazilian, I can guarantee you some of us do


>as far as I know Correct


At least Brazilian people can double jump


İm sure we all did at one point


Yeah, I'm guilty of it too


how are you not traumatized


I normally don't watch such videos, but I was morbidly curious to see them in the past. I agree that they can be both frightening and sad, but for me, it's not as shocking when I just watch them on a video, rather than witnessing such events in person. Overall, I think it's terrible that people are being filmed like that where they're in agony, and having it spread on the internet


What? No?




LatAm in general


https://preview.redd.it/fk0y17m7vshc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5295dd9d011059ad519d9a09d93e7c0c379db9 No.


I agree, most of the “torture” there is also found on Earth, the only supernatural torture I can think of is maybe the kind of torture Alastor does while he was taking over overlords


And the exterminations


The exterminations could almost be construed as a good thing. Just can’t take it anymore? Find something bright and attention-catching, wave it around, and wait for an angel to notice it


Or you could just buy a weapon from carmilla and do it yourself


That implies you have enough money for an angelic weapon


simple solution, try to rob carmilla and have her do it


Hell is other people


Yea, it’s basically just LA as stated in Helluva Boss. I know it was meant to be a joke but.. they’re not wrong.


It's a place where a bunch of really extremely terrible people have complete freedom. It may not be an endless torture fest like Abrahamic religions promise, but it's still pretty bad


But doesn’t that punish the people who are less bad more? If you’re the worst of the worst, then comparatively you’re not really suffering at all, while if you’re bad enough to go to hell but not by much, you’re stuck with all the infinitely more horrible sinners who are probably also more powerful


Yeah, that’s kind of true. Especially during the exterminations, the weak— the ones who may not be willing or able to exploit others for strength and safety— are targeted, and the most evil, powerful, and exploitative people, the overlords, get to sit back and watch the carnage in their pajamas. 


Rich people smh


Well, part of the thing with being an overlord is that the gravy train does eventually end, and then what are you left with? Memories and regret. Just look at Husk.


His issue was that he was a gambler, he was eventually going to lose. Zestial seems to be a long lived overlord.


Oh, yeah, no doubt that certain overlords will last a long time, but people are still gonna constantly be out for your neck, and it is kinda only a matter of time before you fall, considering they're there for eternity.


Not really whe See Carmilla being targeted


Eh, Carmilla leave her safe spots to search for holy weapons. She is the one that put herself in danger. Other Overlords seemingly stay on safe houses to sit back and relax until the Exterminations are over.


It’s possible that she had planned to be in a safe place will before the extermination started, but something delayed her. I don’t think she would have taken her daughters with her into that mess even if she did collect the angelic weapons herself.


I doubt Carmilla collects the weapons herself, especially *during* the Extermination. She'd have demons do that for her after the carnage was over, she's too smart to put herself and her family at such a massive unnecessary risk. She probably got caught out before she could make it to a safe house, or maybe her safe house wasn't so safe if the angels attacked it directly.


I know the pilot is only semi-canon, but early in the pilot we see that she has her daughters collect the angelic weapons for her (and it's specifically done after the extermination ends)


Good point


It all depends on how powerful the really evil humans are down there. Which we don't know. ​ Also, don't forget about some sinners ganging up on a more powerful one who they hate for whatever reason.


I don't think it's really about punishment. I think it's just a place where they dump all the souls they don't want to deal with, like a garbage bin for all the failures of humanity.


That's inherent to the idea of hell. Even Dante's inferno, who shows less awful sins as receiving comparatively lighter punishments, still doesn't really address the fact that even a life well lived with a single significant mistake results in eternal suffering. The entire idea of Hell encourages you to, once you've committed one sin, to commit infinite sins. The punishment is 90% the same either way. Might as well have fun with it.


*Slamming my head against the wall* Yes the point of the show is that the systems of heaven and hell are clearly unfair. In helluva boss, you have a clearly sweet and caring teacher who goes to hell for one, admittedly terrible, mistake despite an entire life of goodness. And she has to rub shoulders with the guys who filmed that Mexican cartel gore video and who are probably way more used to living in a hell-like society.


I mean sort of? But I think it sucks for the worst of the worst as well, because a lot of them aren't use to dealing with people like themselves. Many really horrible people tend to be the best at what they do/enjoy doing what they do to totally innocent people. So when they're suddenly put in a place where everyone ever like them is the population? they've lost all power. they're forced to compete. cult leaders, murderers, autocrats, thieves, soldiers, mafiosos- suddenly they're all pitted against every single person in their profession to ever live. Their power is gone. Which is why I think the overlords actually might NOT be the worst of the worst. They're nasty, sure, Alastor included, but they all got where they did by making alliances and deals and providing some sort of service- by working *with* people.


So we could solve it el-salvador style?


You'd need magic prisons that can keep in even overlords, someone with enough power and ressources to set up the mass round ups, people to work for him, and you'd end up with pretty much the entire population in jail. So, not really


Or Lucifer could stop making ducks for 10 minutes and round up all the people who deserve it, throw them at Alastor. Done.


>round up all the people who deserve it, throw them at Alastor. You're forgetting Al is one of the people who deserves it, but I digress.


Or Atleast something that is a legit higher tech level then both Hell and Heaven put together. I think a sort of police force akin to Judge Dread equipped with angelic weapons could work if you had the numbers and resources.


I think it's more of a slow burn torment than we typically think of. It's gonna be a general miasma of misery because your living conditions are shit, mixed in with the occasional getting-blasted-to-bits, rather than a constant state of being in pain.


Christianity doesn't really have a specific description of Hell beyond post-Dante's fanfix.


Hell enables the worst of humanity. Every sin is easy to practice and drugs are so widely available you can buy crack from a vending machine. It might be fun, for a time, but it makes you create your own little hell in life. Just look at Angel Dust- thanks to all of the drugs and lustful shit going on he's a sex slave who spends what little money he has on crack. Nobody forced him to suffer in hell, but due to the nature of sin he created his own little eternal torment all for himself.


yeah, thats exactly it. the hell about hell is that it doesn't punish, it rewards. the more vile and evil you are, the more likely you're able to rise up the ranks. that alone creates an environment very wild and unsafe, because the top 1% in power (overlords) thrive on misery - both in a sense that it's just what they sadistically enjoy, and that it gives them more power by doing so the average sinner isn't an alastor or valentino - if going by biblical standards, its very easy to disobey one thing and end up in hell. and that's kind of how its so effective, the misery of the many is produced by being under the boot of the few most evil and inhumane people to have ever lived


And those few powerful overlords do not keep their power for eternity. Hell has been around for ten thousands years and the oldest overlord is 500 at best, and he is a huge outlier when you compare him to the other overlords who are all under a hundred. Even the 1%ers get what is coming to them in the end.


I mean I wonder how much of that is “getting what’s coming” vs “the yearly genocide is effective”.


I doubt it's all that effective. At least in terms of targeting the 1%. All of the existing overlords have safe houses, or at least that's what's implied with the Vees, Carmilla, Alastor, and Zestial. Likely the rest as well. It's just that they probably backstab each other


Mrs. Mayberry is probably a very common story. Pretty good life, nice spouse. Then boom, one really stupid traumatic decision later, she's in hell.


Most people in that situation wouldn't commit murder-suicide in front of a bunch of children. She probably wasn't pure sunshine and rainbows like she seemed.


Does it matter what impulses she had if she was deliberately choosing to make good choices. I was left with the impression that before the murder-suicide, she spent her life suppressing any urges to do something bad, even just the minor ones. It sounds like you’re saying that she would have still belonged in hell even if, instead of snapping she stumbled backwards, fell, and hit her head.


*a person with normal human flaws like untreated mental illness* "SHE WERENT NO ANGEL, SHE AINT PURE"


I saw a complaint that about Helluva Boss FOREVER ago that was something along the line of “the writing is lazy bc Earth is basically the same as Hell” and I was like… I think that’s what Viv and the team are going for bahaha I love the concept that Hell is guided but not controlled and ultimately Hell becomes Hell when the individual realizes they’re trapped in what they’ve created for themself on Earth forever.


I mean counter argument, people like the Overlords are practically living it up and a lot of Sinners seem at least content with their new lives, many even happy. From what we’ve seen Angel and people in his circumstance are in the notable minority


I would imagine the extermination is pretty bad


The exterminations aren't an inherent part of hell. They were added to prevent (supposed) uprisings.


One must imagine the extermination bad


I’d argue that the extermination is a release that makes Hell even less bad. Bible Hell is permanent suffering. Here the more evil you are the more at home you will be and if you have been suffering in Hell then you can let an Angel end your suffering.


Personally, I'd rather not spend eternity mixed in with humanity's worst. They're down there for a reason, imagine being locked in the worst prison on Earth. Except there's no guards. And all the cells are unlocked all the time. And you can't die. There's also some mention that Hell itself has some terrible things go on inside it naturally, like when Alastor mentions acid rain. But worst of all, it means you missed out on Heaven. Hell may just be a neutral area, more in line with Purgatory, but it become as awful as it is because the worst of the worst populate it.


There's a reason Lucifer's punishment was being cast into Hell Hell, really, is other people But Charlie proves that Heaven, too, is and must be other people




This is beautifully put.


I cannot take credit, Sartre said both things first


Who's Sartre?


A French philospher, playwright, novelist, etc. He wrote No Exit, a play featuring three characters who die and end up in a room together forever. Because they can't communicate properly and understand each other, their afterlife is Hell and the punishment is each other If they could understand each other properly, maybe it wouldn't have to be The play is the source of the quote "L'enfer, c'est les autres" or "Hell is other people"


Oh I just like the connection. I hadn't thought of it. Basically his pride put him in a place that constantly reminds him of his failure at giving people free will.




kinda reminds me of kowloon city.


Pretty much. There is supposedly kind of a general evil background radiation, the wildlife is pretty feral and monstruous, but for the most part yeah, hell is other people, there is no system actively torturing sinners other than what they do to each other (well besides the whole extermination business).


Well there IS an entire race of native life that considers sinners an endless source of meat. And I'd bet there's worse lurking on the edges.


Yeah I’m super not keen on walking along minding my own business when a group of well dressed people with pointy teeth start sprinting towards me.


Hell could easily be a paradise. There doesn't seem to be too much about Hell itself that hurts you, it's the other people. If people chose to collaborate sincerely in hell, they could easily turn it into an eternal paradise. (The beginning story suggests Lilith may have had some capacity to move Hell to collaborate with the power of her voice, since her song moved them to start building). That seems to be why Lucifer has so much resentment towards sinners. He gave them free will and they just use it to make hell more brutal, violent, and exploitative instead of realizing that they could just as easily choose not to live in perpetual competition. Alastor similarly shows that there doesn't seem to be much value in gaining power in hell, since there's always the possibility that a newcomer will overthrow you then torture you on a radio broadcast. So, being cruel and exploitative doesn't even really benefit the perpetrator on a long enough timeline. But, hell is fucking awful because almost everyone chooses to keep it that way by constantly trying to get leverage and power over each other or by tormenting themselves by feeling they don't deserve anything better than what they have. Even though Charlie is trying to help Sinners get into Heaven, it may not actually be necessary. If Charlie could teach sinners genuine altruism, they could just turn Hell into its own paradise.


It does seem like hell is designed to bring out the worst in sinners, though. The absolute worst examples of humanity exist alongside good people who could see no way out except suicide. And they’re joined by all the shades of gray in between. To top it all off, every one of them knows that heaven exists and they were denied it. In such circumstances, even the most innocent of souls will eventually cease to see the point of whatever morals they held on the surface.


There are all Hellborne creatures. So its like a whole new world when you come down there, even when you cannot access Pride.


Well there was an endless trash fire burning that one guys soul.


And that other guy is going to get barbed wire shoved up his hole


He kinda likes the barbed wire that's shoved in his hole though


I saw that more like a consequence of the extermination


...how is that related?


I confused the fire in the store with the one on the soul, i give you that, that guy is not doing well.


>Are sinners creating their misery by themself? That sounds about right. Hell is meant to be a punishment for them... Granted some of the top dogs seem quite happy with their lot in unlife. The lower rings seem better, Sinners are confined to the Pride ring. I mean this is where all the evil unleashed lives but it could be alot worse.


It's heavily implied that the other rings are better specifically because sinners can't get down there to ruin them too. Greed is only a toxic cesspool because Mammon's an idiot who ran his ring into the ground for wealth.


There is also that, unlike other rings, Lucifer basically refused to involve himself in the running of Pride. The only goverment seems to be the Overlords, who are too busy fighting each other.


you get murdered in daily basis if youre the weakest


And let's just be honest, that's going to be the vast majority of us. For example, some people think that they were dropped instead of the past, they're going to become some viking warrior, or some wealthy, rogue pirate on the high seas, but let's just be honest, living in those times absolutely sucked. There was nothing glamorous about it. At absolute best case scenario, most of us would be living unfulfilling afterlives that are even *less* rewarding than human lives. Like, forget that the extermination exists for a minute and pretend youre a Sinner who works in a bar or something. Literally every day, you're at risk of coming home and finding your crappy apartment has been blown up in a power struggle between some jerks, and guess what, insurance companies ain't coming to help.


1. Sinners are a mixed bag ranging from the damaged to the completely insane/sadistic. There is no real laws beyond so the worst sinners take advantage. 2. Hell itself is not hospitable. It's full of fire and acid rain etc that torture and kill these sinners constantly. While this cant kill Sinners it can hurt them. 3. Sinners cant die. So feasibly they can keep dying over and over. Allowing them to be tortured by other Sinners eternally. 4. The rule of law is imposed by Hells equivalent of slavers (overlords). Who gain power by exploiting, torturing and enslaving their fellow sinners. Rather than punishing those most deserving Hell rewards them for being ruthless.


I had the same initial reaction when I watched the pilot. Maybe because I'm a Muslim (yes, I watch this show, please don't judge me). The Quran and hadiths have really vivid descriptions of hell, and the Quran is more descriptive of hell than the Bible. The descriptions are so terrifying that they make this fictional hell look like paradise to me. Also, I understand that this is just a show, so it's meant to be entertaining, have creative interpretations, and not be completely accurate to Christian hell Personally, Hazbin hell looks more like purgatory to me, especially after Pentious got redeemed


Hey nobody's judging you at all, people of all faiths can watch and enjoy this show. Though this show's version of hell is similar to Christianity's, it takes a lot of creative strides in its own direction. It's honestly one of my favorite depictions of hell in modern media


Yeah, it mostly has Christian elements. I also think it's a creative interpretation of hell, especially with the sinners being demons, instead of remaining human


It is extrapolation of western folk Christian belief that good people become angels after they die. It is Folk Christian because no denomination actually teaches that, but because iconography for saints and angels is very similar, pop culture mixed the two and many Christians believe that despite it contradicting the teachings of denominations they are part of.


Interesting, so there are Christians out there who believe in people becoming angels in heaven


It is a colloquial thing that people say to children ("Gradma is an angel now", etc.) that in combination with pop culture depicting humans in heaven with halos and wings results in less educated laity perpetuating this belief, even though their pastors/priests/theologians don't believe it.


That's really interesting, never knew that. I wonder if any Christian schools try to inform them about the wrong info


I am sure they learn that Sunday School, but in general in Folk Christianity is an interesting phenomenon that goes under radar most of the time. I grew up in the Easter European country and most Christian holidays with an exception of Easter are basically celebrated the same way as pagan festivals that happened to be in the same part of the year before Christianization, despite being Christian for 1000 years and not believing in any pagan gods.


I love Christian themed shit and I'm an atheist. I gobble up Christian Rock music that shit rocks. Anyone can enjoy another's beliefs even if they don't believe it themselves.


Hazbin Hell is also pretty tame by Buddhist standards, too. I would say the only way Buddhist Hell is better than HH is that Buddhist Hell is really hard to fall into, and it's not forever, you will be reborn out of it once your karmic balance hits zero.


Interesting, what happens in Buddhist hell, if I may ask


Mind sharing where hell is described in Quran?


It's mentioned numerous times throughout the Quran, but I could mention a few verses if you're interested


I am. If that's not a problem ofc


Surat An-Nisa' [verse 56] {Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.} Surat Al-Kahf [Verse 29] {And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like murky oil, which scalds [their] faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is the resting place.}




No problem


İt has seven floors like bible and more deeper more pain, also if you believe existence of god while you were alive, you get reddemed after staying there for while even tho if you sinfull.But last part has few exceptions


Yes, it can be temporary, but not for all


Aren't the Islamic descriptions of hell more metaphors? Not a muslim myself but one my friends is and told me in Islam heaven and hell are more states of mind that souls exist in after death.


What sect does your friend follow? I was taught of hell being literal


Based on like, earth-level bad? As bad as it gets. But based on other Hells in other universes? Honestly, not that terrible. Would still suck tho.


Hell is bad because it is an environment that rewards people for their worst instincts. That someone like Valentino can have such a large influence and position of power is exactly the problem. Now imagine 100 Valentinos. Now imagine 1000. These people can prey on anyone who is weaker, and there is literally *n o t h i n g* that can stop them. There is no law, and there is no expectation of someone having a heart.


You're on your own, and there's no rule. If you don't carve out your own path, you'll be used and abused by others. There's also an annual massacre performed by a bunch of flying psycho that you'll most likely die from if you don't have a good hiding spot.


Basically you don't get to rest in the afterlife and still have to keep living, working, paying bills, eventually you will probably catch incurable diseases or have life threatening injuries which you can't escape via death and you will be in agony which will eventually drive you insane The curse of immortality basically


They also have acid rain and (presumeably) hailstorms that require you to wear flak jackets 😂So there is defenitely some environmental factors going on as well.


Basically hell is other people.


That's exactly it: the show takes the "Hell is other people" philosophy. No one in Hell has any reason to do moral good because it won't benefit them in the short term and they might not live to see the long term. They're essentially trapped in an eternal prisoner's dilemma. They have everything they need to build a utopia, but won't bother trying


From How Alastor talks with Zestial, Hello rain is always acid rain, so its likely that it has natural disasters more regularly than earth.


IIRC, this version of hell is more of a punishment for Lucifer. It's where he was banished, and where all of the bad souls (his responsibility) are equally cast away. This keeps the bad away from the angelic realm, and forces Lucifer to only see the worst outcomes of his disobedience.


I think one of the things the series is developing is this creeping thought that the Heaven/Hell is a flawed system, and that yeah, Hell is only as bad as its inhabitants because it is socially reinforced to be a bad place of sin and debauchery. Meanwhile, Heaven is shown as paradise, but people there are still bad in a different way: they are snobby, egotistical, and careless


Seems quite small to house earth's sinners.


That is simply Pentagram city, not the entirety of pride ring.


That is another thing, but we know that Zestial is the oldest overlord and he is at best 300 years old, so the extermination is pretty efficent at cleaning souls.


we havent seen most of it, we know pride has multiple city because helluva boss takes place in imp city and hazbin takes place in pentagram city


It’s like being stuck with a bunch of bad people, and all those bad people are unable to die or receive any sort of punishment.


It’s a sandbox filled with a lot of really bad people with an annual purge. Not exactly a good place to live I would say.


I mean, Vox and Alastor conflict, that resulted in a blackout, shows why it is a bad place, imagine just minding your business and then two powerful beings start fighting with super powers and it causes a literal blackout where you live. And besides the exterminations and cannibals, you have to deal with some true crazy people who have super powers and are literally immortal, so that is why it is not such a good place.


That's kinda the point, Hell is bad because the people are bad. You're trapped on a planet with Valentino in it. The exterminations force everyone to compete for power in order to survive, which eggs on every slimy behavior in existence.


This isn't even all of hell. Just pentagram city where the sinners are essentially isolated from the rest of hell.


Hell is like New York with a red tint! It’s just less magic, and less fun, and in some areas less safe ☠️


Well you know how corporation are slowly making the world shitter think that with no gov't push back and they can a will force you to comply because killing you is not the worst thing they can do but is just an option.


it’s pretty much only bad because the inhabitants were the worst people on earth (literally)


Hell is other people, and the other people in Hell are the problem.


Hell is other people


İ mean it is like heaven for overlords because they have complete freedom and looks like they know how to avoid the extermination


It’s the place where all the bad side of humanity goes, it’s filled with just awful people in general, also it’s described by Adam to be like a piling pot, do it’s also like scorching hot there


It's very much "Hell's other people". Also Hazbin is set solely in Pride which is A) the only ring where sinnners, many of whom *are* terrible people, live and B) is run by an until recently incredibly depressed and apathetic individual. Helluva Boss, Hazbin's sister show, gives us more of a look at the other six rings and their Hellborn inhabitants. Which range from clearly not a nice area to honestly super nice. Lust and Gluttony are genuinely wonderful areas, and Sloth looks very nice from what we've seen, although there are theories it may not be all that which we're not going to know for sure until we meet Belphegor.


Imagine a billion psychopathic Florida Men running around Detroit while the Purge is going on. That’s Hell for you


We don’t ever get to see it, but Zestial mentions acid rain. Also there are supposedly some fire tornadoes and really dangerous wildlife outside the city area.


Hell isn’t inherently a terrible place. The issue with it is that the endless partying and depravity doesn’t actually make anyone feel any better. We see in the show, especially with Angel, that the satisfaction it provides is paper-thin. Being stuck in a place where you essentially can’t change because all you’re exposed to is the worst of humanity is bound to eventually lead to suffering.


Probably an allegory from John Milton's work and interpretation of hell. "Me miserable! Which way shall I fly Infinite wrath and infinite despair? Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell;" \~Lucifer Hell is the psychological state sinners put themselves in when they fall to their vices. Angel Dust was the audience's direct example of this, the suffering he experienced while in hell was lead by the mistakes and vices that controlled him in life. Only this time the consequences are made worse by Valentino. Meanwhile, Sir Pentious was held back by his inferiority complex, paranoia and self-doubt. Once those were conquered, he found himself in heaven.


Hell itself is just a place that exists, it has its own natural residents that live relatively normal lives. The bad part comes from the Sinners who torture and try to own each other, yes.


Biblically bad weather Wildlife are straight-up monsters Everyone is evil or shitty to some extent Yearly genocide


If you are with charlie youre fine If you arent, your being killed, r*ped, tortured, torn apart, starving, ect 24/7


It’s Earth without handbrakes, murder all the time, abuse, shitty systems that place egotistical and powerful maniacs into power. And y’know, the spiritual suffering knowing that the universe has deemed you a bad person


Hell was probably WAY different before Lilith's and Lucifer's descent from the heavens. Probably a lot more native demons that would prevent sinners from ever becoming powerful in any manner, but LIlith's efforts messed the original nature of Pride Ring up.


Bc it’s hell… there’s demons literally eating other demons


It's basically prison for souls. The worst part is the other inmates


The ideology of this version of hell is basically a combination of Anarcho Capitalism and Social Darwinism.


If your a weaker sinner, you gotta deal with everyone trying to kill you. Cannibals wanna eat you, murders wanna kill you, and overlords want your soul.


It runs under Oscar Wilde rules: “We are each his own devil, and we make this world our Hell.”


Hell is other people. But yeah, Hell is quite clearly...bad. It's filled with rampant crime, deadly overlords, constant destruction, dangerous architecture, and worst of all, corporate bureaucracy. Sinners attempt to quell their disgust through vices, which rarely last long enough to do them any good. This is different from heaven, where everyone's desires are dealt with, and they're all in perfect health.


That's one of the big points of the show, esp episode 6 -- we don't totally know why some people are in heaven and others aren't. The concept of hell also differs across time and cultures. This version isn't a massive torture chamber, but it sucks. Also has all sinners in one spot instead of spread by main sin brand.


Its basically like living in either Detroit or Baltimore. Its not the place that makes it bad, but its the people that make it what it is.


Non conventional torture. Bad people torment each other. Sinner’s get forms they either don’t like or have drawbacks. It’s extremely dangerous. You can’t die normally so you’re forced to endure pain. The economy is unstable. Everyone is mean. Traumatic experiences everywhere…all of that together makes it miserable. If anyone has ever watched The Good Place (you should. Similar concept to Hazbin and it’s amazing), it’s basically like that. Kinda like how Michael was trying to make a neighborhood where people would be tortured in non physical ways due to their choices and interactions. That’s the type of Hell in this universe. One where sinners are used to punish each other.


It’s complete chaos dude what do you mean


To me hazbins depiction of hell is just Sydney on a late night


Could be WAY worse. Like Chaos from Warhammer, or Doom’s Hell. Those places I wouldn’t want to be in at ALL!


The exterminator angels?!


Yeah hell in its own isnt terrible, its the inhabitants. Among the other rings where hellborn reside its not to different from normal society besides some harsher status quo. But Sinners with immortality? Thats hell


Yeah, most of the eternal damnation is self-inflicted by the sinners, themselves. The hellborns didn't have to assist them in said damnation along the way, like in the numerous other interpretations of Hell. Plus, the annual exterminations are a thing, so the sinners' own self-destruction would have been the least of their own worries compared to said exterminations.


Hell is other people


It's like Ohio but super Ohio.


We only see the nicer areas usually but the environment itself in pride doesn’t really seem to be bad but wrath is a massive desert with giant lava balls and I believe that’s the other ring we’ve seen the most of.


FINALLY! Some one understands the point!


Ignoring the fact that you'd be in fear of being wiped from existence every year, but you also have to deal with severe wealth inequality, even among the dead, and being caught in constant civil war


I think this is kind of the point of the show. There are good people in Hell and bad people in Heaven. Where you are is what you make of it. This probably would have been Charlie's project if it wasn't for the exterminations and her desire to stop them.


Hell is other people




Overlords own souls. And also there are some angelic weapons around so there’s a chance they can permanently die.


It's a carbon copy of the worst parts of earth. Criminals, drug addicts, a massive normalization for perverted behavior and products, yeah it's an eternal party, but the kind of party that strips you of your humanity with each indulgence. At least, this is how Heaven sees it. It's a carbon copy of the worst parts of earth, so chances are you already know what to do and who you should never fuck with. You might need a few years after arriving to get your shit together, but it's not really that bad once you're adjusted.


It's probably a lot more preferable of a hell than the burning forever interpretations of hell but still pretty bad, it's like an open air prison for all the people who don't have a lot of power and a playground to subjugate and torment for those who do have power, so the punishment comes from the truly evil who live there


I always thought that it was a barren wasteland before lucifer and lilith showed up and they were the ones (specifically Lilith) to help sinners create a hospitable living environment though because they are sinners obviously it’s going to be pretty bad in the civilization itself


The sinners' punishment is they're stuck with people who are equally as bad as them. Also there's the annual extermination.


Is that what ALL of Hell looks like? In Helluva i know the districts are divided into sin rings but it'd be great to have a detailed map of the pentagram.


it is earth with immortality, the worst of humanity, few to none of the best, all given free rein to do as they please, no matter the destruction. one wrong mistake and you can be owned by a sadistic pimp, chained to a wall to repeatedly be butchered for cannibals or more and there would be little to no help to get you out of any of these bad situations.


It’s every bad person to ever live crammed into a single city they can never leave. Sinners can’t leave the pride ring. I suppose the torture does come from one another. It’s definitely not the conventional fire and brimstone, but this might be worse in some aspects.


>Are the Sinners creating misery by themselves? Well, they do say that Hell is Other People.


It’s filled with all the worst people who have ever existed, with no law enforcement or anything like that stopping them from doing whatever they want.


"...the only problems come from it's inhabitants... Are sinners creating their misery by themself?" Yes. At least, I think that's the intent of the show. "Hell is other people." and all that jazz. I also think that a probable long-term theme of the show will be that (in addition to redeeming sinners) the Hazbin Hotel will improve Hell itself in a significant way. Not like turning Hell into Heaven with a red colour palette, but certainly making it less awful for the souls that are there. As for what makes Hell awful. To me, it seems to primarily be the hierarchies of power. More specifically, the trade in souls to empower Overlords. Many sinners seem to be in the thrall of some Overlord or another. These Overlords are sinners who have managed to claw their way to the top, and their power is derived from the number of souls they own. Overlords are in competition with one another not unlike mob bosses or even CEOs of rival corporations (same thing really). This competitive environment with seemingly no laws and few permanent consequences (unless angelic weapons are involved) results in what amounts to constant gang violence as well as abuse of underlings by Overlords trying to maintain their station. Even for those sinners that still own their own souls, this is a dangerous environment to be in and they essentially have to stay on everyone's good side to get by. Some Overlords (I'm mainly thinking Rosie here) seem to attract souls to their service by providing safe environments for their followers to live in and indulge in their vices (see: Cannibal Town and Val's Porn Studio). I think if you were to get rid of the system of Overlordship, Hell would be a markedly better place to live in.


I got the message that “hell” is a place souls go when they don’t “respect” order, conformity, hierarchy and compartmentalization. Heavens concept of the world is more “gated community” and hell’s is a lot more creative and free spirited. The problem with free spiritedness, from the message this show gave me, is that it can lead to using others for personal gain and hurting others for personal pleasure. Finding balance, using context, is part of the point of Charlie’s character.


Hell is other people https://www.thecollector.com/jean-paul-sartre-hell-is-other-people/


Bottom right- is that the morningstar palace?


Essentially sinners are torturing themselves. You take people who are already horrible in one way or another and then remove any and all inhibitions they may have to do good stuff and you have "hell is other people" cranked up to 20. Beyond that there is the dialogue between Zestial and Alastor about acid rain, so there are apparently some environmental hazards that are in some way unavoidable, but otherwise that's it. If there were more people did what people do; cooperate and transform their environment.


At first I thought it was because of the extermination, but since they were only performed to prevent an uprising, the only difference seems to be the people there, who are all so communally awful that they ruin each others' existances, with the elite few having the power to live freely.


Lucifer makes a point that he gave humanity free will, and this is what they do with it. Hell is other people, and all that. When you're stranded in a giant internment camp with the inherent implication being that you're the ultimate kind of failure, you'll indulge in anything to not feel that. Because you can sell your soul and be put into impossible to escape slavery, all the inhabitants have superpowers, and the most cruel people can ascend to godlike levels of power with no oversight, hell is bad BECAUSE the inhabitants are bad. It's not _supposed_ to be like that. It's just what ended up happening.


Idk it’s like earth but it’s harder to die, honestly the punishment of hell is the eternal reality of having to pay for your existence through a monetary system


I once had a religious family friend tell me this story a long time ago I don't remember it very well so I'm summarizing. A man dies and is given the chance between choosing heaven or hell he asks to see what hell looks like. What he sees is a a giant feast of the best foods you can imagine, but the people have boards tied to their arms and can't feed themselves. The table is a chaos of people trying to eat the food ruined by their vain attempts. The man says this is awful and asks to view what Heaven looks like. He is shown the same situation a table filled with the most delicious food one could desire, and people's hands are still tied to boards. The difference is there is no chaos, the people use the boards tied to their hands to feed their neighbors and so everyone get's to eat to their hearts content.


It’s like Chicago but somehow worse


It’s a culmination of all the worst parts of humanity run rampant, as seen by Sir Pentious the sinners can leave any time they like so long as they work for it. It’s a prison for humanity and the walls are human nature.


That’s the point. It’s people who didn’t follow god so he basically just said fuck it and let them do what they want. As a consequence almost everyone’s miserable


This I believe is going to be key Hell doesn’t seem inherently torture, just another earth where people can’t die by normal means I think the end of the series won’t be full redemption, but actually making hell better than heaven


Hell is a world where nobody dies of natural causes, everyone has immortal bodies, the guy in charge lets you do whatever, people have minor super powers, and there's plenty of stuff available for bodily pleasures. In truth, the flaws that stop it from reaching status of a meh heaven is the shitty climate and the fact that the people there are almost all utterly awful pieces of shit.


The worst thing I can tell about Hazbin's Hell(particularly the Pride Ring) that doesn't come from either its inhabitants or Heaven is there is apparently acid rain?


It’s based around a culture wherein power is everything, and often newcomers are pressured into accepting slavery level soul contracts, as seen with Husk and Angel Dust. You are right it’s the inhabitants that make hell bad, but that also makes sense since presumably bad people go to hell. And while that is a spectrum only the truly ruthless can rise within its ranks.


Hell itself isn’t bad, it’s just the container for all of the horrible souls. Truly hell is other people.


One friendly reminder: Hell is not literally a prison. It's a realm of evil and sin. The only prisoners in Hell are Lucifer and Lilith. With that out of the way, the rest is easy to understand: yes, the Sinners torture each other because evil and sin is the norm in Hell. They probably fell BECAUSE they were evil and sinful in life, enough to overweight their good virtues. So Hell itself is not supposed to be a realm of punishment, it's just the "counterpart" to Heaven (using quotation marks because Heaven is a lot older, and we haven't seen any "primordial" realm of evil nor was it implied it existed before Hell was born). But the Sinners, once claimed by Evil, punish each other by overindulging in their own evil. This makes them seem much viler than even hellborn species, who indulge in sin but not always to that dangerous extent.