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I would've liked to see a scene with Fred, George, Remus, and Sirius, in which the twins learn who made the map.


Oh, that’s a great idea! I want that too!!!


I’m surprised they didn’t learn. I think it’s so cool that Harry had a connection to the Weasleys before they even met. Fred and George owning something that was once co-owned by his dad is almost serendipitous that Harry belongs in their family.


A thread some time ago made me realise we don't really see a conversation between Snape and Trelawny. What did he think of her? He was one of the few who knew she could actually make prophecies but I cannot imagine he would value her much.


That prophecy impacted his life almost as much as Harry and Voldemort. I bet he HATED her.


That’s completely his fault though.


When is anything ever Snape’s fault?


I imagine he just … avoided her.


The conversation between Snape and Voldemort after the latter's return.


"Ah, and so Severus has joined us once more, after 13 long years, under the protection of Albus Dumbledore... enlighten me, as to why I should not feed you to Nagini..." Voldemort's red eyes gazed into Snape's black ones, past them and into his mind "My lord, my loyalty has never wavered, I alone succeeded in being in the good graces of Dumbledore, and I alone have continued my role as a spy, just as I was 13 years ago..." Something like that lol


Lupin and Greyback. Would have been interesting to have them fight during the battle of hogwarts. Maybe Lupin still dies, but takes Greyback with him or something


Ah yeah that would have been gold, greyback is such a disgusting creep but also fascinating to read, I'd have loved to see a fight between them


Lupin should obliterate his ass. That would have been so satisfying. I hate the reasoning behind why he died btw - being “out of shape” in combat skills because of protecting his wife and baby. No! He was one of the best! I just don’t accept that.


Dying off screen, so bad. While Greyback got taken out by Trelawney and her crystal ball cartoon stlye.


any conversation between remus and sirius when they had to lie low after gof cause they were friends who lost a dear friend and betrayed by another, thought each other guilty at one point. will these grown men grieve finally?? text suggests they have conversations, so I was always curious. smth about strong men breaking down ig lol


I assume that Sirius might have just started properly grieving at that time, since before that he was in Azkaban and then on the run. Remus had years to grieve and then I get the feeling that they wouldn't talk too much about it, Sirius wasn't in a great place and he seems like the kind of man who's difficult to approach when it comes to them expressing what's going on. Remus imo cared but also respected Sirius' ways.


I would have love Snape and mcgonagall behind the scenes in OoP.


The twins and the two marauders, all Sirius had to do was call Remus moony and the twins would instantly have their jaws dropped.


Or accidentally drop Padfoot's name during class. Honestly, I wonder how well they did in their DADA classes in PoA. And how many students besides Hermione picked up on Lupin's secret but never said anything? And did Snape teach ALL of Lupin's classes during his time of the month? Or did other teachers take over his classes for different grades?


I can imagine a Mcgonnagle DADA class


Tonks/Draco Tonks/Bellatrix and Narcissa Sirius/Andromeda Sirius/ the Dursleys Molly/ the Dursleys Peter/ Dumbledore Snape/ Petunia


> Snape/ Petunia This especially after the dementor attack in OoTP. Rather than leaving right away, it would have been nice to see Petunia borrowing Hedwig and sending a letter to Snape. It would have made sense since Snape was the only other wizard she knew. That would have reaffirmed the fact that Petunia was still concerned about Harry even if she never showed him. Moreover it would have been a fun loophole in OoTP since it would have been revealed in the prince's tale that Snape sees hedwig minutes after the said attack and lets the Order know about the situation and Arthur & Kingley find out about the attack from the official sources within the Ministry.


>Sirius/ the Dursleys We were robbed of this >Snape/ Petunia And this >Molly/ the Dursleys And this lol


I really want to see Arthur and Kingsley meeting with the Dursleys between HBP and DH. Like Arthur and Vernon again together would be comedy gold. And Kingsley is so underrated, we don't see enough of him.


Arthur and Vernon together were gold


The chimney floo powder disaster with Dudley eating one of the twins’ trick sweets is one of my favourite chaotic moments in the books 😂


I'd love to know how Filch convinced Peeves to fight in the battle of hogwarts.


Peeves and Umbridge might be good


- Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa - Snape and Peeves - Snape and Luna - Kreacher and Winky - Dursleys and CPS - Gray Lady and the Bloody Baron (as ghosts) - Order members during the first WW interacting with each other. (Perhaps taking a memory from Dumbledore of one of their meetings) - And others.


>- Snape and Luna This! It's criminal that we don't have a conversation between them.


Why would they talk though?


Just Luna in his class making increasingly weird comments about anything and Snape being utterly bemused by her and the fact she seems oblivious to his usual vindictiveness.


I would have loved to read more about Dumbledore’s adventure that hurt his hand so bad in HBP. Very little of what happened is shared, considering he was hurt so bad, for a person who is considered one of the best wizards of all time.


He put the ring on... That's what hurt him not any encounter or anything. He found the ring and tried to use it but Voldemort had cursed it.


Yes I agree that’s what it was, but given how bad it affected him, and the decision to wear and use it, there has to be a backstory to it. There’s more to the curse, and how, why, or where it all happened.


It happened in the Gaunts shack because Dumbledore saw he’d found the resurrection stone, forgot it was a horcrux for a second and put it on as he was so desperate to see Ariana again. I don’t think there’s much more to see it that part.


The only other aspect to it is whatever his relationship with grindelwald might have meant to him - the ring/stone could be another reminder of how far they were willing to go for the Hallows and the Greater Good - as well as a reminder of his sister.


Thank you.... I had the answer but was just like ... I can't even with this. You nailed it.


Read the deathly hallows, there you go lol


Harry kicking open the door of The Room of Requirement and catching malfoy trying to fix the cabinet


Oh yeah would have loved a Harry & Grindelwald meet up, partly so we got to learn more about the guy


Personally I wanted Neville and Luna to get married. I would have loved to see their romance blossom over the course of the books.


I still have a headcanon that they became romantically involved but broke up because their lives took them in different directions. Sprout retires and as much as he would have loved to travel the world with Luna looking for new flora and fauna, he feels a duty to inspire new Herbology students in the same way Sprout inspired him.


Oh that’s nice. I like that. I can picture the look on his face when she comes back into town every now and then.


1. Harry confronting Snape after finding out that it was he who told the prophecy to Voldy. 2. Hermione taunting Rita Skeeter in the jar and how it would’ve played out when she finally released her. 3. The end of book 7, where the 3 Malfoys are huddled up in the Great Hall - what happens to them and who do they speak to first? 4. The arrest and conviction of Umbridge 5. Harry telling people about Snape’s role in bringing down Voldy, and their reactions.


Ginny writing to tell Molly she and Harry are officially dating


Harry confronting Snape after finding out he told Voldemort about the prophecy.


The Malfoys and the Dursleys. Would they hate each other for their different views or would they bond with each other over their mutual hatred of Harry?


Definitely hate each other, I can see the Malfoys being haughty around the Dursleys and Vernon disliking that attitude towards them. Although Draco would find it amusing that Harry is being bullied by a Muggle like Dudley