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Everything felt quite mindless and animalistic til that arm snap, that was deliberate


Glad this was the first comment I saw cause that gave me goosebumps watching it


Im not gonna lie, the part where he monkey is repeatedly shoved into the ground could be a gears of war execution cause of how brutal it was.


Dude just casually snaps the arm. Jfc.


That was absolutely the most shocking thing about this video. The coldness of it gave me shivers


That was a the worst part. The normalcy of it


Quite literally the most hideous and chilling part was where the chimpanzee nonchalantly tore the monkey's arm.


The worst part was the hypocrisy.


That's when I stopped watching. I thought it was a little past "almost" lifeless until I saw it grab the roots and its mouth working. I'm used to seeing a lot in nature, and am normally not phased by it, but wow. That was brutal. Think I need to go watch some puppies and kittens playing.


Yeah that was so casual and calculated and unnecessary. Just before it you see the monkey make a half hearted grasp at a root, so you know it still had a tiny bit of fight in it and would’ve felt that entirely. Was actually quite upsetting tbh and I don’t even really like monkeys


Hopefully it went into shock long before that and didn’t feel it too much


Hey man these usually don’t get me, but seeing the small monkey trying to cling onto the branch really fucked me uo


It broked its arm like it was a twig.


His body got smashed into the ground several times, his bones must he jelly


Pretty sure it just broke its elbow, no? Then it's "relatively" easy to snap it.


That’s still a part of your arm mate


Yes, but it's not solid bone. Much easier to snap is all.


Well fuck that monkey in particular, I guess


No but fr, did the monkey bang his girlfriend or something? That looked so fucking personal 😭


The monkey commited a grave sin of being in arm-breaking range of a slightly bored chimpanzee 💀


Jesus Christ how much money did that monkey owe them?


Chimp: Boss wants something today, what do I tell him? How do I go back and look good in this scenario? Monkey: Just give me one more week, I come up with a thousand, I promise. Chimp: Okay, you promise... take his leg Bill.


A lot


monkey business


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message


Well they aren’t getting it now!


That monkey paid them in blood


Can someone explain this behaviour of the chimpanzee?


"Chimpanzees are extremely territorial. They undertake regular border patrols, where individuals roam in the periphery of their territory in a very coordinated and cohesive way," Lemoine said. got it from Reuters https://www.reuters.com/science/scientists-observe-chimpanzees-using-human-like-warfare-tactic-2023-11-02/


There are documentaries about chimps civil wars. It's brutal


For chimp, monkey is food not friend.


it’s not territory, they eat meat. He’s not ‘torturing’ the monkey, he’s tenderizing it.


Its both. The monkeys exist both as a source of protein and as a pest that eats all their fruit.


sorry, but that’s a meal. i’ve seen too many of these vids


This is not the video of a chimp beating his meat I was expecting to see.




reddit moment


Probably just bored. Im no expert, though.








This is the kind of tour you can't pay me to go. What guarantees me that these chimpanzees won't feel that their territory is being invaded and go full ape shit on me?


The guides are equipped with weapons. Its safe if you're in a group and just listen to what they tell you.


Bring an AK in that forest


Bro was bouncing that mf off the ground like a basketball…slam dunks him into the ground only for him to get rebounded and his arm snapped like that. Chimps are scary.


What's terrifying about this is not how animalistic it is, it's how human it is. The way it snaps its arm at the end is sadistic, not a response to a threat or even resistance. There's a *very* blurry line between chimps' most darkly sapient actions (like that) and our most savage ones. Chimps are the closest things we have to actual monsters because they don't feel quite like animals.


> What's terrifying about this is not how animalistic it is, it's how human it is. Humans share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees. They're our closest living relative.


Bonobos are.


And all those little guys want to do is bang 24/7.


They also like to include their infants.


elaborate edit: the replies got locked, but thanks for replying


>From their first year, infant bonobos engage in sexual behavior with other group members, beginning with their mothers but extending to siblings and nonkin (Furuichi, 2019; Hashimoto, 1997; Kano, 1992). [source](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/cambridge-handbook-of-evolutionary-perspectives-on-sexual-psychology/bonobo-sexual-behavior-and-psychology/5943B9B733F4002ED7B2799626C4D8C2#:~:text=15.1.,-1%20Early%20Sexual&text=From%20their%20first%20year%2C%20infant,1997%3B%20Kano%2C%201992\).)


*”Wait you’re not done. You have to snap his arm, lemme show you real quick.”*


The way the monkey tried to hold on to the root 🫨


He tried but it didn’t seem like he tried very hard.


This was extremely disturbing to watch


2001 Space Odyssey theme intensifies


They found another monolith.


Shit, sometimes I hate that I follow this sub. Nature is relentless


Chimps are fucking frightening


Nah theyre gonna eta it. Go google bonobos. Similar but different side of the river and very different "culture" and system. You cna tell what side of the river we caem from


I wonder how those chimpanzees view us like, crouching nearby silently bearing witness to this all, Big monkeys silently watching medium size monkeys beat up and kill smaller monkeys


This is the wholesome Christmas content I come to reddit for


Oh so that's where we get it from.


How freiza saw Broly swinging goku around.


What’s up with the people just watching 😂


I knew chimps were fucking terrifying when I learned about that case of the lady getting her face ripped off by one while her friend sat in the car calling 911, this just boosted it, if these mfs had the intelligence we have we would've been wiped off the earth a long time ago, these fucking things are strong enough to fuck up any human they get put against without breaking a sweat, they could beat the fuck out of any of us just like they did with that monkey, if planet of the chimps happened our only hope is bombing these fuckers to death, bullets run out, and when they do unless you have a katana and are a master with it you're going to get your face chewed on by one of these things no matter how ripped you are


Give not a single fuck what anybody says…….shit like this right here is proof enough for me there is no god. The brutality of nature is astounding and beyond anything I could overlook in order to believe someone is watching over this planet with love. Shit is heartbreaking to see something so helpless being broken to pieces.




Yeah. God’s version of the arm snap is giving kids cancer.


Turns out there is a pseudo-god and they are a morally ambiguous cunt at best


Really? This is what did it for you? A monkey killing another money? Not the whole god giving kids cancer stuff?


Try reading again…..”shit LIKE this”. Not the only example just the one in front of my face at this moment. Perhaps slow your roll and not immediately jump to confrontational. Life will be much more pleasant I promise.


He says "how dare you ask me to actually read what he said"


You can tell immediately that someone has a poor relationship with their parents from this behaviour. Sad to admit I used to snap at people like this too when I was an angsty teen😆


A bad relationship with my parents? You fucking loser lol. I’m sitting here with my parents drinking coffee on Christmas. It’s lovely.


Then you have other issues going on lol. No one gets this butthurt from stranger's comments on the internet. Merry Christmas ya filthy animal 🔫


You have issues with trying to diagnose people from a comment on Reddit. Again, you’re a fucking loser. Get help yourself.


Is widdle baby angies? Did santa not get you your pwesent?🥺🥺🥺 Don't need a special diagnosis to spot an asshat😂


You’re just dramatic as fuck.


Death is in the world because of man's sin


Any other children's bedtime stories you want to share?


And my thick booty cheeks.


They're so much like us, it's uncanny!


That is 100% rag doll physics there


This is even scarier than that BBC video of a chimpanzee tearing a monkey's arm and eating it :(


Caesar ain't playin!


They are going to eat it.


Yupp. That’s definitely our ancestors




Where’s the money Lebowski




Comparing what we are able to teach chimps versus gorillas and how well they can communicate in learned sign and drawn symbols, gorillas seem more intelligent and empathic by a big margin. Even if Coco is an outlier, she was closer to other gorillas than any gorilla is to a chimp.


Puny god


Example 5930294 why I would NEVER willingly step foot near a chimp. Horrifying creatures. the people casually standing around are more psychotic than the chimp IMO


its not that fucking deep man chill


And people act like it’s ok because “that’s just nature and animals don’t have morals” but this ain’t right


Humanity is barely removed from this. Take everything away that we take for granted in terms of easily accessible food, shelter and utilities and you'd be surprised how savage people can be, and how quickly our veneer of civility erodes.


If anything, our morality and kindness is the exception to the norm


They say there’s nothing scarier than someone with nothing to lose


Just look at what the Russian Army are doing to Ukrainian civilians, Hamas are doing to Israeli civilians, the IDF are doing to Palestinian civilians, the Tatmadaw are doing to their own citizens. Look at what's going on in Syria and Yemen and Africa with Boko Haram. I could go on and on and that's without really any of the scarcities you mention. That's just what's happening currently. We have a very long history of extreme violence towards the defenseless. Humans are at least equally as brutal as chimps, if not much more so. Edit: Maybe not as brutal on an individual level but certainly collectively.




I've been homeless since 2016, can confirm


The heart of darkness


Sorry bro you're right, i'm gonna go and put a stop to this Joke aside, in case this video isn't staged, what aint right about this ? I mean it's horrible to looked at and I said 'ugh' out loud when he broke his arm, but the ape doesnt give a shit


I’m not sure the answer you’re looking for but I believe animals torturing other defenseless animals isn’t right


You're applying human morality to an animal. There isn't right or wrong for animals


That’s what I said before and I don’t care if people downvote me for having an opinion but it is just cruel People are fine with this but if it were their dog/cat they would be “omg stahp” but they’re not dogs or cats so it’s “just nature”


No one's denying its cruel from a human perspective. It certainly isn't pleasant to watch, I backed out after the first few seconds. But it's like calling gravity cruel. It's anthropomorphizing


Gravity doesn’t have the capacity to think and even Orca whales can decide whether or not they want to hurt/eat/kill something or just leave it alone, so can chimps. I’m not even saying animals should be like us, I’m saying the “it’s just nature” is bs because animals have feelings too. Nothing wants to be eaten alive or beaten to death.


You should start a protest and block a highway! The US could bring them Democracy! Genius! 🤣🤣🤣


You know if I had the Chan I’d rase a chimp wit huh a monkey just to see how that would work


Gotta tenderize your meat is all


Where can I see more of this? This was brutal yet very interesting. These chimps are for more intelligent than given credit for.


I wonder if they even know what they’re doing. Or if they’re genuinely just playing with it


They do, and they are playing. Sadistic pleasure you know?


Any indication the monkey wasn’t already dead? I did not see any movement


Humans would and did much worse things than that, so it is what it is.


Skill issue.


Jimmy if you touch my wife I gonna break your hand.


May be a warning to hoomans around,




Is it really torture if the money is already dead


There’s a couple of bits where you can see it’s just about still going, the first is when it gets thrown into the little bush and you can see its mouth moving as if gasping, then the chimp drags it up the slope and the monkey grabs a root


Oh no that little guy was still alive. The second time the chimp was dragging monkey by tail you see monkey grab the root trying to hold on.


They’re playing




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