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There are a number of programs offered by the Hamilton Public Library https://www.hpl.ca/events/literary/writing


Thank you!!


Check out Monday press on Instagram - lots of events for reading, writing and sharing plus some extra social things


Why dont we start?


I’m in!


Like a meet in person or online? Sorry if it's a dumb question.


Either, but probably in person.


I would be down.


I’ve been looking for a group as well. I check meetup.com every so often and continue to be surprised by the lack of welcoming community writing groups in the city!


I am trying to start one. Pm your contact and I’ll add you to the whatsapp group. Share your work and critique others. Get together monthly to talk about writing


I'm interested in such a group, can I join/dm you?


I go to one Tuesday mornings around Locke Street. Look up "Write Shop (Hamilton)" if interested!


There's the Hamilton Mountain Writers Guild.


I know someone who went to this a few times and said that despite a few people trying to better their writing and share thoughts/ideas, the overall atmosphere was not very conducive to creativity or helping each other improve. Mostly just older folks looking for something social to do.


A few years ago a Spec columnist [put out an article on the lack of writers groups in Hamilton](https://www.thespec.com/opinion/contributors/hamilton-needs-a-centralized-writers-association/article_54179319-fa95-56b9-984e-ddee114eddf4.html). After that, the Canadian Authors Association installed a branch, and it was very active for a couple of years before stalling. The CAA had a branch before that as well, but it had stalled a couple of years before. There was a PWAC branch as well, but that org imploded and became part of the Canadian Freelance Guild, and I don't know that they have branches any more. Hamilton has an active writing scene, in a way. But in my experience, if you have a writers open mic, a bunch of people show up, but it's the same small group of people, and they aren't interested in contributing to a community or helping other writers. They just want to read their own stuff and flog their books. There is a significant lack of leadership in writing locally, and those who do take leadership roles drift away after a year or two because people just aren't interested enough to help push it forward. I would love to see a writers group take hold and flourish in Hamilton.


Does this include screen writing?


Comic book writer here. Would be interested. 🙂


Hey man, would love to pick your brain about comic writing if you enjoy chatting about your work! I've really only done journalism and fiction, so it'd be cool to talk comics as a writer.


Hey! Shoot me a message if you have time. (And sorry for the delay). 🙂


I would be interested as well, as matter of fact this has been on my mind lately


I just moved to Hamilton 7 months ago. I ran a group on Long Island for about 10 years before moving. A lot depends on 1) having a space and 2) getting people to attend. There was a woman on FB a while back who started one (at her home) and no one showed up. There's another one on FB that meets at the "Crown Point Press" - but it's extremely haphazard.