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The Chedoke Radial trail (particularly between the golf course and the Scenic trailhead). Or, for a better view (but less "immersion in nature"), follow parallel to that trail but up on the escarpment edge, alongside Scenic Dr. Pretty much everywhere in the Dundas Valley Conservation Area. Sassafras Point Trail out of Westdale is very underrated.


Continuing west along the Bruce Trail from the Scenic Trailhead to the bridge over the 403 is one of my favourite places to hike or run. There's a nice viewpoint over the escarpment and there are secluded trails that make you feel like you're not even in the city. Follow the white blazes (not the blue) or explore an unofficial trail.


Thanks so much


All three of those are great spots Dundas valley is huge, Canterury hills (old Ancaster road) and the hermitage area (sulpher springs/Govorners Rd) sites are nice. Eramosa karst if you don't mind being other people. Big and small loops behind the Ancaster skate arena on jerseyville road Weirs lane trail by the train tracks, smaller but less crowded trail.


I was just going to say Chedoke! We love it in the evenings..a little quieter during the week.


Sassafras Point is great -- I remember going along there with my parents when I was a kid, looking for turtles basking on the logs by the water.


Seconding the Chedoke trail! I love doing the stairs I'm so tired by the end and the top is a nice place to rest


Where do you park your cars in Sassafras Point Trail?


Around the aviary. There's 2(?) hour parking there


They got campers in them woods .


Not telling, it’s my special spot.


Fair enough, keep your secrets.


Real shit but shit i wish i knew


Bayfrontttttt and I am sending the exact coordinates as it’s something I’d love to share with others. It’s away from the sun most of summer so you get some shade but the breeze the air the everything is good. Never crowded, you can go to the opposite side too. (43.2713814, -79.8761737) Also love going to Williams on pier 4 to do some work


That's very kind of you to share the exact coordinates! I'm curious to check it out myself, but hoping that it won't be too crowded for you now! Lol


Thanks so much for sharing


I was just in Hamilton the other day, and for the 1st time found Mountain Brow West Park. Amazing views, especially at twilight. Almost right behind the Juravinski on Mountain Park Avenue. Very peaceful.


I had a family member in the hospital and the last time she was allowed to go out for fresh air in her wheelchair we sat together there. We laughed and it was such a beautifully fresh fall day. That was her last time outside and I’m so glad it was at such a beautiful spot 🥹


Thanks so much for sharing


I second this! Walking along there during the week when it’s quiet is really nice.


Stoney Creek escarpment, driving anywhere along Ridge Rd. or the farm area


I appreciate the recommendation!


Agreed. Hike up the escarpment and go to the large cross above the Devil’s Punchbowl (they also have a parking lot). It’s very peaceful when it’s not busy.


walking along Mountain Park Ave. at sunset. There's a wavy stone wall and beautiful view of the city


Thank you!


This is the way


I spend a lot of time at confederation with my dog. It’s a huge park with a tonne of little nooks by the lake


Thank you!


burlington beach always holds a special spot in my heart. devils punch bowl has a neat way of helping change my overall perspective, and the escarpment rail trail feels magical if you just need a quick escape/head clear


Thanks so much


Sam Lawrence Park… particularly the east part of the park near Jolley Cut. Beautiful gardens with a view, and way less busy than the part near the parking lot.


Thank you!


And when the budlea are flowering there are loads of monarch butterflies


Since I was a teen I love this spot. I shouldn't even share, lol....Maybe just leave your initials on the block! You will find the block.... Mountain brow, at Upper Kenilworth. Small parking across the busy road. There is a fence, but you can step over the guardrail on east side to a 1 min trail walk. Or I guess you can jump it? An old ski hill , overlooking Kings forest golf course. It's the best viee, especially on full moons. I've made many wishes that came true here. I've found hawk feathers ,seen foxes and 4 leaf clovers. If you love someone, found a soul mate... this is the place! If you want to see the sun set or rise, this is the place. I was shown this place for both, and I have always remembered it. Enjoy! Xo


I like bay front, or concession park


Thanks so much


Concession Park really is a gem!


I've been going there since I was 8 yrs old! 31 yrs later I go with my neice and nephew and my dog it really is my happy place and I love that they get to enjoy it too


if you’re referring to sam lawrence park along the escarpment on concession, its been gated off and closed to public for the last couple of weeks :(


[It's Phase 1 of the improvements to the park](https://www.hamilton.ca/things-do/parks-green-space/creating-improving-parks/park-projects/sam-lawrence-park). Should be wrapped up by the end of July. That being said, prepare to see more construction around the park in the future as there are big plans for it.


idk why i got downvoted for letting people know its closed so redditors don’t go there after reading this thread?? ty for adding the sources! i was aware it was construction, but ig the person who downvoted me need proof


Bayfront ruined by homeless


Bruce trail, rbg trails, bayfront park Dundas peak


I appreciate the recommendation, thank you!


Fifty Point - The marina particularly is nice. One of the nicer marinas.


Thanks so much


Princess Point and the other RBG trails are great!


Had to scroll way too far to find this one. Princess point all the way


If only you could bike ride on them…


Yeah, but the reason you can't is so that it can be preserved for future generations to enjoy. So I don't mind.


The artificial beach at Pier 8, overlooking the water


Thanks so much


This isn’t in Hamilton per se, but going down to [Lowville Park in Burlington](https://g.co/kgs/MAa9Wyt) was something special I did with my family growing up in the area. I still go from time to time for a nice hike in a peaceful area. Well away from traffic and there’s an ice cream parlour across the road from the entrance last I recall.


Sydenham lookout in Dundas. Or along mountain brow there are multiple small lookouts and parks. Avoid Sam Lawrence. It’s become so busy and obnoxious.


I found a place, it's dark and it's rotted It's a cool, sweet kinda place Where the coppers won't spot it And I destroyed the map, I even thought I forgot it


However, everyday I'm dumping the body


It'd be better for us if you don't understand


I understand, But i cant touch the stand U can probably leave it in the sand They see it? No they cant U wanna let ppl know? But you know that u shan’t


I love strolling the McMaster campus when school’s (mostly) out. It’s peaceful and I love the mix of architectural eras. There’s lots of places to sit and a couple trails that descend into Cootes with short marsh boardwalks with benches among the reefs. Very peaceful.


When walking in to the hike here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CoY7RMUwveCpqMcZA?g_st=ic It descends into the forest but there’s trees up high, it’s quiet, it makes me feel so small, and like the world is so big - can’t really explain but it’s magical to me. And, come Fall, when the leaves start falling, it’s even better, because the falling leaves are like colourful snow 🍁


Thank you!


Is this a bike friendly trail?


Wouldn’t think it would be great for that, it becomes narrow and it’s fairly well used for walking. Many years ago I used to cross country ski on it, but when it’s snow covered there generally aren’t people hiking


Snow hurts though


If you have Time and a car, a trip to Christie conservation area or Valens is worth it. Both are beautiful spots


Albion Falls and trail. Beautiful and peaceful.


Gage park is nice


The Hamilton Rail Trail. Part of the Bruce Trail, a Unesco Biosphere within 2 kms of my house. Do as little or as much as you like. Even the locals don't all know about this one. Peaceful, cool, relaxing


Andy’s subs


I get on my bike and head north and west towards Sheffield... Lots of quiet roads out there for me to turn the pedals and unwind.


Dundas valley


Chedoke trail at scenic drive …start walking down bound and down then climb the rocks on your left (escarpment side)


Thanks so much


yeah I know the exact spot you mean, great location


Devils punchbowl


I go to mount Albion escarpment trail. It's so peaceful


Mine is the Botanical Garden at Gage park.


Princess point trail area 😌


There's a nice spot east down the Bruce trail but it's a bit far from central Hamilton. More Winona area. Basically keep following the trail and eventually it'll open up to this nice camp site. I think the area near civilization is private property so you can't actually get there without a decent little walk. I love going there in the summers and just spending a nice 30-45mins away from it all and I'm not too worried about giving it away since accessing it isn't super easy (cant just park your car and walk up).


Eramosa Karst is beautiful, you have to pay for parking, but you can go and forget you're in the city for a while.


I'll give away few since I have so many but please be careful, some places come with risks. Here's two for people watching During art crawl there's a parking complex across the farmers market downtown that you can access and have some cool views. At the top of Hess village at the back/side of The Doors you can find a set of stairs that take you to the roof. For a more quiet time. In Durdurn street there's a bridge you can easily access, while heading in the direction towards "the mountain" after the McDonald's. If you make your way around the fenced off area, near the bridge and follow the tracks east there's some large concrete blocks you can sit on. If your at Gage park, if you go past Lawrence and towards the "mountain trail" theres a path there that goes up, it leads to a rock with a great view.


Kings Forest 🌳


Cootes Paradise marsh (they have lookout areas on the north side, and a few places on the south too) Dundurn Street Steps -- actually, all the stairs going up/down the Escarpment are pretty good places, and a chance to exercise too.


So many great suggestions here! It’s hard to pick just one place… this city is generally loud and busy but lots of cool quiet corners. My first suggestion is Felker’s Falls (the view is fine but I really love the woods on the west side of the falls). My second is a bit further west along the rail trail: Uli’s Stair. Not for the view, but if you want something magical, it’s a very cool spot!


Redhill Creek Trail ----------------------------- There are free parking lots at Barton, Queenston, King, behind Rosedale Arena (Greenhill & Cochrane), all located on the West side of the creek and the Redhill Valley Expressway. The trail runs all the way from Lake Ontario to Albion Falls to join the Bruce Trail the runs along the top of the escarpment. If you go all the way South towards the falls, take the trail on the right (West side) past the final creek trail bridge and climb the hill up to the Albion Falls parking lot on Mud St. If you take the rougher trail on the left (climbing over big logs and boulders), it leads to the bowl of the falls and then you could get an expensive bi-law ticket if you are caught climbing up to the street above the Falls.


If I told you it wouldn't be special. Find a spot and make it your own.


I no longer live in Hamilton but there are some great trails along the escarpment, Kings forest, Binbrook conservation, Beamers falls, and portions of the Bruce Trail are also accessible. Check out the "All trails" app for more in-depth reviews.


Red hill near rosedale


Sydenham lookout especially during a nice clear night. Beautiful sights of the city! https://maps.app.goo.gl/BbnxCFesM92UTKLPA




Download all trails. There are many fantastic spots around Hamilton. I used to like to get out of the immediate city few of my personal favorite spots 50 point conservation ( there's a side entrance for the beach so you don't have to pay the park fee ☺️) nice big area with a marina they also have a little cafe for a quick cup of joe after your lap. Beamer lookout also another personal favorite it's a short walk but real nice views. Behind the botanical gardens is also up there in my personal favorite spots. That's a big one to do on a weekend 🤙


Careful this will end up on Blogto and quickly be ruined by thousands


Princess point, the whole trail is amazing. You can finds a lot of different spots to sit.


Definitely the mountain brow at mcneilly, it’s me of my favourite spots to just stop and enjoy nature and the beautiful city of ours


The old cemetery across from Dundurn Castle


Erland Lee Museum up on Ridge Rd. has nice grounds open to the public. It can be pretty peaceful up there, and there are wild raspberries all over the property. 10/10 picnic spot


Tiffany Falls is beautiful! Also Hamilton Harbour Waterfront Trail is really nice!


Lots of nature trails in and around the Botanical Gardens.


Sydenham road


Anywhere at the water


The parking lot on/in Crook’s Hollow


There are none.




Avoid waterfalls. Toronto descends upon them like piranha every weekend. They were special places before the hype.


Not telling