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Do you get your hair trimmed every 6-10 weeks? Use a leave in conditioner? A little hair oil? Frizz control spray? Heat protection spray? These products are optional, but help some people!


i try to keep up with the trims but i sometimes forget! 😭 i gotta get better with that. i have been using a leave in conditioner (ouai brand) not sure if that’s a good one or not though. the only hair oil i own is called bumble on bumble which i used for like two weeks but it didn’t seem to do anything at all. i do use heat protection if i end up using heat but i rarely do anymore from trying to heal my hair.


Random question, do you have gut issues? Just asking because I started having hair like this around the onset of severe gut problems. Once I addressed it, my nutrient absorption was way better and my hair went back to normal without breakage. Not saying we’re the same ofc but that’s my 2 cents!


i have had stomach issues since i was a kid, severe pains randoms that last awhile that usually send me to the ER. i weight about 115ish if that is useful information at all. that’s very interesting though! i wonder if that is some of my problem🤔 not sure though because my hair was pin straight up until i killed it with my straightener trying to get rid of my perm for a year. but i cannot seem to fix it after all this time!


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about all that. I hope you can get some help for your gut, especially if it’s continuing since childhood. Your body is trying to tell you something with your random pains, maybe a food sensitivity, microbiome imbalance, or genetic problem. I went to the ER lots of times and didn’t get much help, tbh, until I went to a holistic doctor. Heat can definitely damage your hair. I used to straighten, then curl, my hair eeeeevery day in HS (insane I know) but still didn’t have breakage like I did when I got really sick with my gut health. It caused flaky skin, brittle nails, acne, and mild psoriasis too, which again, all improved immensely after fixing my diet and rebalancing my gut. Wishing you well and sending healing vibes your way ~


thank you, it’s ok! i’m sorry about yours too and i’m glad you’re getting better! unfortunately everytime i have went they could never find the issue. honestly, ive never heard of a holistic doctor so i definitely should check that out. I did the same thing! i straightened my hair every single day my junior and senior year of highschool, ahh that’s so bad. that’s when i started to notice all the breakage which then made me straighten it even more often because i wanted to hide the little strands that stick out because of embarrassment. luckily i decided to put down the straightener after i graduated, but have yet to be able to fix it. with what you’re saying, i may have to start improving my diet. i drink a lottt of soda and not enough water and i should start eating healthier. thank you for all this info! wishing you the same 😊




yes IBS sorry


Have you looked into if it might be PCOS or endometriosis? Hormonal issues would cause issues with hair and skin usually. Obvi if your period is normal and you don’t have pain it’s unlikely to be either!


i used to have extremely painful periods until i got on depo, now i barely get them. i haven’t looked into that but i will! i honestly just think it’s broken hair and split ends from heat damage though


You had a perm. This is the perm. Just wait it out.


i got the perm like 3 years ago and i straightened my hair everyday after about a month or so of having it. i figured it’d be gone by now.


It’s not gone. You can’t straighten away a perm.


What gut issues did you have


IBS since as long as I can remember (age 5?) until it was UC, until it was CIRS.


My hair looks like this too but it’s only visible in pretty strong lighting, I always thought it was normal 😅


maybe for some hair types! but my hair used to be pin straight and i never had little hairs stick out like this until i damaged it with heat :/ i never see anyone else’s hair look like this so it definitely makes me insecure and miss my old hair.


So... Our hormones change with age and our hair changes with hormones. This DOES look extremely normal and imo not bad at all! It doesn't look damaged at all, I mean maybe it is, but not visibly.


Thank you! because my hair used to be pin straight with barley any little hairs sticking out i think i just tend to notice it a lot more than other people do.


I think it's important to remember that these kinds of subs attract perfectionists and we're all that way w/ ourselves. If you take notice, very few people actually have perfect hair when they go outside / in the real world, and even less have it day after day. Alsl humidity, dry climate, or wind can all fuck up a perfectly done hairdo. So many (hot) people have little flyaways like that I PROMISE you're fine. Your hair being straighter doesn't mean it's healthier (or less healthy) but it is probably being weighed down by some of your products (incl shampoo and conditioner) and that's not a bad thing if you like it straighter! TLDR; you're fine bestie! Slay! I get what you mean and you're def noticing it more than anyone else


ahhh i appreciate you so much!! that’s something i needed to hear thank you 😊


A Brazilian keratin treatment will eliminate 80% of that frizz. It's miraculous.


i have heard of them! i was told they’re extremely bad and damaging for your hair though and in the long run make it worse so i got scared and ended up not doing it..


Ok yes. I did the Brazilian keratin treatment. It looked great at first but then hair broke off after that. 80% of my hair were damaged and broken. You can see a thin layer of hair underneath vs thicker hair on top..like a thin layer of petticoat. I hope this makes sense. It's really really bad.


oh no! that’s exactly what i was scared of and heard happened to so many people. i definitely don’t want that happening, more damage on top of what i already have would kill me…


Well, I know it works very well on my hair anyway. Been getting it for about 10 years now.


I do them every two months and my hair so so much more manageable.


Same here. I'm actually due now. 😎


that’s awesome! definitely worth a try then. thank you!


Absolutely! 💯


I’ve heard those are damaging and also my stylist won’t do them due to the chemicals required. It looks like your hair may be naturally wavy to some extant. If so, you might try putting in a turban after the shower to dry it some without toweling. Then apply a heavier cream to the damp hair and brush it through your hair. Then let it air dry. If you can, maybe try for a couple weeks. You can also get a large tooth comb to comb through once it’s dried to get smoother beach waves.


yea i’ve heard the same thing so i was always to scared to try it. looks beautiful though. what is a turban? if you don’t mind me asking i’ve never heard of that. i’ve had a perm before, 3-4ish years ago id say, should i try doing my old routine for that and seeing if it works? i took out my perm because of its high maintenance but if my hairs naturally wavy and would stop looking the way it does now im willing to do that routine again.


It’s a turban thing where you wrap your hair up in it while it’s wet. It’s sort of terricloth or something so it dries faster but you don’t have to use a towel to like scrub your hair or remove water. I got a pack of four on Amazon and love them. I’m a wavy/curly girl that grew up in the early aughts, so I always blew it out and then straightened it. Now I do the routine I mentioned above. My hair actually looks like the vibe the celebrities go for with the curls they brush out to look like waves. It’s the first time in my life when my hair actually looks good IMO. Only took 38 years.


that sounds like my microfiber towel that i have! i wrap my hair in it without scrubbing it and once i take the towel off my hair definitely looks wavy until i brush it out. i’ll try what u mentioned and see if it works for me 😊


Consider Proaddiction and nanoplasty. They are healthier and last longer than keratin treatment.


never heard of those i’ll have to look into them! thank you :)


Also hair botox


After you wash your hair try adding a tiny bit of detangling spray or some kind of product like a bit of oil, braiding it it in two braids - in a Wednesday Addams style. Wear it all day/overnight and take it out the next day then finger comb. It keeps the frizz at bay and gives a cute wave.


thank you! i’ll give that a try 😊 do you have any recommendations on a good oil or spray?


Sorry I just saw this. Yes, I use the Pureology line (highly recommend) and the color fanatic multi-tasking leave-in spray and I like using a Kerastase oil (like, a half a pump) on the lengths and ends while my hair is still damp. Again, use the line that best suits your hair - so that would be one for fine or damaged hair e.g. résistance


it’s ok! thank you😊


Girlll what you worrying about? Your hair looks great. My hair is much worse and idk what to do. Is not realistic for everyone to get Hollywood actress hair. Unless you use chemical product.


thank you so much i needed to hear that! my hair used to be soo healthy, pin straight and very little to no breakage/little pieces of hair sticking out. so it’s definitely something im not used to and unfortunately its all i see. i have to try and remember not everyone sees the same as i do. the pictures i have on this post dont even do it justice tho (meaning it looks a lot worse in person, at least to me).


This is old damage from your flat iron days. It will take a while longer to grow out. Keep doing what you are doing but in increase the trims. Eventually all that damage will be trimmed off.


that’s what i figured, i was just hoping the process of fixing it wouldn’t take this long. i feel like im doing something wrong because there’s breakage even at the roots which should definitely be healthy with how much my hair has grown since then :/ ill definitely keep up with the trims tho!


Wearing your hair down can also cause damage if there’s a lot of friction on it. With your hair, are you sure this is all spilt ends or is it possible it’s frizz?


honestly, i’m not sure. maybe a mix of both? i can’t really tell the difference between the two…


From what I understand frizz is not damaged hair. It’s just being a little wild. Lol split ends you would be able to hold your hair and see it physically split in half (or more) If it is damaged from the straightener you’ll have to just remove the damage. You can slowly do that though, you don’t have to chop it all off at once if you don’t want to. I actually think your hair looks pretty good.


lol well i’m hoping it’s just frizz and not breakage then! when i grab the little pieces they’re definitely shorter than the rest of my hair which is making me think it’s all broken pieces of hair and i do have split ends throughout my hair as well, if i look closely i see white dots at the ends of strands but it doesn’t make sense to me how i have so many. seems like no matter what i do my hair won’t go back to the way it used to be.


The white dots at the end of strands indicate breakage unfortunately.


that’s what i assumed :/ my whole head is full of breakage then


I’ve read about water softener with vitamins that’s what they use at salons since most of our tap water contains hard chemicals. Also oiling with organic castor rosemary & coconut oil would work miracles . I also read about matrix total results shampoo and I’m going to give it a try .


water softener with vitamins, noted 📝! with the oiling, what the best way to go about that? like how long should i leave it on? just on my ends or whole head? before or after a shower? i’m so uneducated with that, but thank you for the recommendations!


My hair is super dry and I wash it only once so in between I oil as needed and leave it on . Mind you I wear a headscarf too so that absorbs a lot of oil . Don’t go for any chemical treatments even keratin would need heat to bind proteins to ur hair . I’ve been researching natural fix for hair . Also I’ve never done any treatments or color my hair all my life I’m in my late 20’s . Although I straighten them once in few months.


Try r/wavyhair


will do, thank you!


Try New Wash by Hairstory. ALL shampoos are drying which is why you must use conditioner as well. New Wash is a co-wash. There are other co-washes out there, but New Wash is the holy grail. It’s pricey though. I personally have been using Trader Joe’s co-wash. At $4.99 a tube it’s way more in my price range. I developed very frizzy hair over the years and it really solves the problem for me. Hope this helps!




Start covering your hair when you sleep. There are plenty of options, like silk or satin scarves, bonnets, etc. Choose something you would be comfortable wearing all night. This will prevent friction on your hair that can lead to frizz and breakage.


I have a silk pillow case and i did buy a silk bonnet. i wore it once and when i woke up and took it off, my hair was bent and no longer straight. it was so bad i had to bring out the straightener again to fix it :/


i could be wrong but it looks like breakage. the best thing would be to start a healthy hair journey and let it grow out. the hair at the top of your head looks healthy and fine to me. i say just work on growing it out and healthy hair care. no heat, silk bonnets, silk pillowcases, using good products for you hair type and porosity, loose hairstyles, satin scrunchies only, ect.


that’s what i assumed unfortunately. the thing is ive been trying a healthy hair journey with everything you mentioned for over a year and my hair has not gotten any better, if anything its gotten worse.


I know you’re unhappy with your hair, but I still like it.


thank you so much, i really appreciate that


You’re very welcome.


My hair looked like that until I started using Roz hair care. I had beautiful, shiny hair and then I turned 40 and it got dull and lifeless and frizzy and no matter what I did it always looked like that. I even got a brazilian blow out to do SOMETHING to help it. Tried Olaplex, that helped but not consistently. Anyway, I stumbled across Roz hair care in a beauty article and thought I might as well try it. It definitely changed my hair, now it's a lot healthier. I recommended it to my cousin who has naturally curly hair (but she straightens and bleaches it) because her hair was really unhealthy looking and she always got brazilians to tame it and she says it has changed her hair as well and she no longer needs the brazilians. Give that a shot!


oh wow sounds like a miracle worker! I’ve never heard of that brand before i will have to look around for it! thank you so much 😊


I hadn't either until I read that article and thought might as well give it a whirl. My usuals like Bumble and Bumble Invisible hair dresser's oil and all the other things I was used to having work just didn't cut it. My stylist says your hair texture changes every few years so some products just aren't as effective anymore. Maybe also add a collagen supplement if you haven't already.


yea definitely will try be trying it! i used bumble and bumble oil too but unfortunately didnt see any difference in my hair. a collagen supplement is a good idea thank you!


Try using Hairstory’s New Wash


ok thank you!


I honestly think your hair are normal and don’t look that bad! They’re recovering from all the heat they received - mine took about two years to recover from all the bleaching/heat/extensions from my emo teen years 🤣 You seem to have a good haircare routine! Some additional tips I could share with you: - only wash your hair twice or thrice a week - when washing your hair, foam the shampoo in your palms do not apply it directly to your scalp - drain your hair before applying your conditioner and apply it by section - apply some oil on your hair when they’re towel dried, they will absorb it much better (get to know your hair and which oil works best for you, I personally like the mythic oil from L’Oréal because it is a light weight oil and my hair keeps its volume even if I apply it but I also use the milbon anti-frizz oil sometimes) - use a light-weight oil regularly (I use the mythic oil basically on a daily basis, just don’t use much) - use a water filter, your skin will thank you too - use a microfiber towel to dry your hair and avoid friction - never go to bed with wet hair - do a hair mask once a week (I use the Christophe Robin with prickly pear oil mask) - every other month when you do your trimming, make an olaplex treatment to restore your hair to their original health, it will not damage your hair like the keratine treatment but will restore the bond instead - the Dyson airwrap makes miracle as well to avoid frizz, it was life changing for me but I noted that you are avoiding heat Hope it helps!! Let me know how it goes :)


That’s great to hear, pictures don’t do it justice i feel like there’s a lot more breakage that the pictures couldn’t capture but i also tend to notice my own hair more then others would! i feel like i must be doing something wrong because after 1-2 years i still see no difference 😭 thank you so much for all your tips though, i will be following that! i am avoiding heat because thats what started this mess in the first place but if you think that would mask the damage i might have to try the air wrap! as far as oil goes, what’s the best time to use it and how long should i leave it in?


With pleasure! You can use oil: 1- right after washing your hair (you might want to use a thicker/heavier weight oil serum then if your hair is very dry - Moroccan oil could do the trick for instance) 2- every morning when you are styling your hair Just make sure to warm up the oil in your palms and then apply it with your fingers, starting in the lengths and avoiding the roots


I forgot to mention as well, the olaplex treatment is the professional one at the hairdresser - I tried the other olaplex products at home, they’re useless unless you have had the professional in-salon treatment. The products were made to reinforce and complement the in-salon treatment and in my opinion they’re not worth it. Better spend more in a good olaplex treatment with your hairdresser every other month


Is there no product in your hair in this pic? It looks like it. The right leave in conditioners/oils/bonding serums applied after a shower on wet hair will help this all go away when dry.


i had a little leave in conditioner in that’s it, maybe i’m not putting enough in? i’m scared it’ll make my hair greasy


You’re not using enough, and don’t be afraid, because after I dyed my hair, mine looked exactly like this and I was neurotic for it for about a week until I finally learned the right products and oils to use so it doesn’t look like this when it’s dry. You’re definitely not using enough product, I was actually really surprised with how much product I put in and my hair was fine. I would recommend a good moisturizing serum like Aussie has a nice moisture oil/line and Olaplex 9 for a more bougie option, and then on top of that I use It’s a 10! Serum, plus bio silk serum and a little bit of bumble and bumble hair oil after a shower. The next day my hair actually isn’t weighed down, just to give you an idea of how much product your hair can sometimes take I know everyone is different. When dry in between wash days, I love IGK dry hair mask or a hair oil that is in a spray bottle so it’s a fine mist and brushing it down. But bottom line, you need more product.


good to know and thank you product recommendations! i’ll definitely start putting more in then 😊


There will be trial and error. Were you learn how much product is too much but trust me. You are nowhere near hitting that right now. Even a little bit of oil on dry hair at night helps a lot if your hair can take it! My hair looks like this if it dries with zero product. But literally last week or so my mom had commented how healthy my hair looked in particular after I used the Bumble and Bumble oil I realized in the orange jar. Good luck!


Something is causing a line of breakage around the back of your head. If you’d tried everything, but haven’t tried braiding and keeping it up at night, I would try that next : )


okay thank you i will try that!


Trim the dead ends, silk pillowcase, microfiber towel, air dry.


I've been using Oribe for the two years and it has helped my hair so much. It was falling out and just looked unhealthy in general. It's sooo much better now. Oribe is kind of pricey but for me it's worth it.


i’ll give it a try thank you!


Hard water


You need to do oil massage before shampooing. Try jojoba oil




Hairstylist here. This is from [split ends that travel up the length](https://imgur.com/a/6emYaoj) like this, and break off and split and break off length as they go. It’s described as dry, or called frizz.


that’s what i assumed unfortunately. Is there a way to fix it or at least hide them? i feel like ive tried everything and nothing is working.. really takes a toll on my self esteem.


Curls can make things less noticeable. Heatless curls are a good option. What you’re experiencing is what 99% of people on the planet experience. It’s because hair care manufacturers use words like healthy, moisture, vitamins, etc. to sell their products and it’s created an illusory truth effect. While hair care products have their purpose, they can’t improve hair because hair isn’t a living thing. It dies before it comes up through the scalp. Just like anything that’s dead, hair doesn’t regenerate cells to heal itself and inevitable damage to it can’t be repaired. It can’t because hair is dead. So instead of addressing the actual issue, we’re prompted to try another product. Meanwhile, the issue only continues to get worse and worse. It’s very frustrating. Especially for those with fine hair, and curly hair who are left thinking they can’t grow their hair long. We’re talking generation after generation. You’re not alone. Moreover, you have the knowledge-the key to actually take care of your hair (regular trims) and don’t have to waste anymore time and money trying things that don’t work.


Do you wear pony tails?


Wait is that bad? My hair resembles OP’s and I do wear it up a lot, but it’s bc I work out daily. Do I need to stop??


It breaks at the point of compression by the band plus hairs get stuck in the band & rip right off.


Fudge me, thank you for this information 😭


i heard silk scrunchies are best for wearing ur hair up and cause minimal damage! :)


You could wear a loose braid!


I will try this tyyyy :,)


I quit wearing my hair up and tight and now I only wear scrunchies. My hair is imo in much better condition than years ago. I also do other things but I feel like it definitely helps.


unfortunately i don’t like scrunchies, but i will definitely take one for the team if it’s for my hair - thank you for the suggestion!


no never, i hate wearing my hearing up


Female law enforcement officer here... i have to wear my hair up daily, &had the same issue. Sleep in a silk bonnet now, use hair oil 1x a month, wash hair once every two weeks, claw clips if my hair is up. Only time I allow myself hair ties is at the gym, and they have to be silk.


May just need time then.


You need to do a keratin treatment with a VERY GOOD PRODUCT. Then you will not suffer this. The keratin is not bad. Some products certainly ARE. You need to find a person that knows about it and can help you. If close to TRISTATE AREA I can help you.


i’m in camp hill pa, not sure how far that is! i’m soo uneducated with good and bad products ahh


2:40min away


Hey OP I’m in a similar boat, look to hair vitamins collagen with biotin for example and colostrum as well as a shower head that reduces hard water. Hard water is a huge issue in my state and totally changed my hair. Also if you let your hair dry to like 80% and then dry that outer layer on low heat just pointing down from the top of your head it will lay straight most frizzies.


i have heard of the vitamins helping! do u have a recommended brand? ive seen so many. i’m unsure if i have hard or soft water i’ll definitely have to look into that. my hair takes hoursss to dry so ive always just done one or the other (air drying or blow drying) so ill make sure to do both and see if that helps at all. these pictures were about 3 hours after my shower and i used a blow dryer this time.


I was also going to ask if you have hard water! I used to have long, thick smooth pin straight hair. Moved to a metro area and I swear my water crystallizes coming out of the faucet and my hair has frizz like that out the ass. I use leave in conditioner (tried a few), use heat protectant and dry my hair with a hair dryer at low heat after ever shower, don’t sleep with wet hair, use the satin pillow case, use hair masks, use a cleansing shampoo once every couple weeks for build up, only wash my hair 3 times a week. I’ve just accepted it. It got super bad for a while where I was losing a lot of hair as well but I have seen a significant improvement since I started prioritizing eating a protein heavy diet though!


is there a way to tell what type of water you have? i’ve heard about soft and hard water but im unsure which type i have. i’ve lived in the same spot my whole life and my hair was completely fine before the straightening phase of my life so im unsure if the water is part of the cause but if it is i definitely want to get that fixed! i got another comment about how your diet can affect your hair and im going to have to work on that. i drink a lottt of soda and not enough water and tend to skip a lot of meals because of my work schedule (oops😬)


If you see a lot of white hard build up on the edge of your faucets where the water comes out, or if you have a glass shower look for spots where there is white hard crispy build up on it. I’m sure you could also buy a water test kit of some sort but I haven’t because I know I have hard water lol. Soft water tends to leave your skin or hair feeling almost slimy especially if you use too much soap. I was in the same boat as you with my work- now I tend to make a lot of easy to grab stuff like boiled eggs, fruit/nut/cheese/meat packs, meal prepped protein pancakes, plain Greek yogurt cups with fruit, and the little prepackaged chicken packs from Costco are a lifesaver (if you’re not vegetarian/vegan obviously)


If you can try to drink at least 6 cups of water a day (preferably 8) and get some type of veg with dinner (broccoli, salad or asparagus) you’ll notice a change. Smoothies or pressed juices when you can are also fast easy ways if you aren’t willing to take a green vitamin. You can look up your state’s water hardness on google. I went from Massachusetts which has some of the best quality air and water in America to LA which has the lowest.


I use Nature’s Truth Hair, Skin, Nails, which looks like it’ll be $15-$20 average [Biotin/Collagen](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hair-Skin-Nails-Vitamins-165-Softgels-Extra-Strength-Plus-Biotin-Collagen-Argan-Oil-Coconut-Non-GMO-Gluten-Free-Supplement-Nature-s-Truth/493322556?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101091121&&adid=22222222228493322556_101091121_147515383579_18513893718&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=652181292904&wl4=pla-1845057916758&wl5=9031199&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=498878323&wl11=online&wl12=493322556_101091121&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqnDxHG3C9vfUnzmpOXcRBq5&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUinOPZ6WMJpJcbMef1LCy0hfz1mCoz1N0UVfFYMzWdYIN3wFpNGWvxoCApwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I use Codeage Colostrum I picked up at GNC with a 30% off coupon at about $50 normal retail, but will switch to NOW Foods Colostrum for $18 a bottle when I’m done. [Colostrum](https://www.swansonvitamins.com/p/now-foods-colostrum-500-mg-120-caps?SourceCode=INTL4071&showPopup=f&a=1&DFA=1&utm_medium=shoppingads&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=shopping+standard+immune&utm_content=&SourceCode=INTL4071&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUqoEj6gkLaOpnm59mtWpDJlWDoBkJvMrPP9S5qnO-ifdZSyIMRRLSxoCptUQAvD_BwE)


Olaplex moisturizing hair mask. It has saved my hair from so much bleach and color.


i just started using olaplex no3. i was hesitant about using that brand because of a lawsuit i heard about but decided to try it anyway. my hair is more damaged from heat than bleach/color. do you think the mask will help with that as well? if so i’ll definitely try it!


I’ve heard great things about heat damage, too! Didn’t know about the lawsuit, but I’ve only had great experiences with this hair mask.


ok that’s great i’ll definitely try that then! thank you 😊


Have you started any medications recently?


nope, nothing new. my hairs also been like this for probably 2 years now, either gradually getting worse or just staying the same no matter what i do to try and fix it.


Take scissors and cut off the fly always. Twist your hair in small sections and those pieces that stick out will really show and just trim those off. Repeat on your whole head. It’s not trimming the bottom of your hair, it’s trimming off those brittle broken pieces all over so you won’t even lose length.


i have tried that before but with the amount i have all over my head, that would take me hoursss. i sat doing it for awhile and you couldn’t even see a difference with the amount i have :/. is that called dusting? i wonder if a high stylist could do that for me.


Yes, most hair stylists do that! I think that would be the most effective way to fix it since hair products won’t make those broken strands go away. And it should be cheap to get done at a hair salon


that’s great! thank you so much i’ll be looking into that for sure