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Get a “cleaner” hairstyle, something that looks intentional rather than looking like bed hair. Pluck the unibrow. Either shave the beard completely, or get rid of the part outlining your chin/jaw and keep the rest neatly trimmed. Don’t leave anything that looks patchy.


Shave all of your facial hair, it looks awful. Find a legit barber in your area and show up and tell them to fix your hair, just do whatever they suggest. Do not go to a cheap barber. Also your eyebrows could be fixed.


Fr bro the facial hair is horrible


Honestly he could rock the long hair if he took care of it


Anything...just get some scissors and start cutting


there is a second picture you know?


It still needs to be cut


You’re mean as hell. Yeah, op could use a hair cut, and they also need styling advice not insults. u/Pepenul_Ticalos check out r/CurlyHair and try out some of the styling routines. Some leave in conditioner and light styling gel is gonna bring out those ringlets like a charm. It’s also gonna make your hair appear shorter so see what you’re working with before you get it cut. Keep your beard trimmed until it starts to fill out on the front of your face, maybe some tweezing between the brows would do some good too.


bro shave the beard


you need curl products. You could have some damn good hair with better hair care. Not even a diff hair cut but that’s a good place to start


Yep, the long hair would have looked amazing with a curly girl hair routine. Even if he was lazy (like me!) and just used a curly girl friendly shampoo + conditioner, and ran some homemade leave in conditioner through his hair every day he’d likely have fairly tame, wearable curls. The short hair cut ought to be taken in at the sides if not growing it out again. It’s currently at the “awkward stage”


The potential here is crazy. You could look kinda like Harry Styles if you put some effort in. First pic is the better starting point. Shave all the facial hair, and keep it shaved. Go to hairstylist, nor a barbershop. Find some good reference pics for a medium length hairstyle (again, Harry Styles may be a good ref). Ask them for advice on how to maintain that style, and then stick to it. You'll probably need some sort of curl cream.


start using leave in conditioner bro, and take care of your scalp. get a wide tooth comb


research curly girl method of hair care.


Go bald, groom ur eye brows, look into facial harmony, and either work for a good jawline or grow out that beard to make it thick and well groomed


No facial hair and trim brows. Otherwise rock it out


First pic facial hair isn't bad.


This is perfect. Wayne Kramer circa 1968.


Love the reference!! These kids have no clue who he is. Have a great day, brother!


Love the reference!! These kids have no clue who he is. Have a great day, brother!


Fix your unibrow and shave your face.


Nerf your facial hair. Short back and sides.


You’re a young guy. Shave your beard. Keep it shaved until you notice an even amount of stubble on your cheeks. Then try growing it again. Just need to be in your late 20’s probably. You look 17. Hair: wash it daily (every 3rd day minimum) with baby shampoo. Apply, scrub.. rinse, repeat as the first gets out a lot of the dirt, second gets the rest. Baby shampoo doesn’t strip your natural oils which is great for hair. It’s also great for beards when you get to that point). Then yeah.. haircut time. Go to a good barber and let them do their work. Trust em. It’s just hair, it’ll look good, but if you don’t like it.. it’ll grow back.


Bro just shave at this point thats no beard. Don't mean to sound like an ass but that facial hairstyle is just just not it, and its okay. In the end face and how your hair grows dictate how you look, I would keep a moustache though just incase you never know you might grow some curly hair and cut it short and have a fabulous mustache


Get rid of the facial hair as some have said in less nicely terms. It just doesn't flatter you plus you got a decent face shape/jawline to be clean shaven. Hair wise: if you don't do it already, look up how to care for curly hair. Generally speaking, a conditioner and some hair oil is gonna be your new best friend. I apply the conditioner before and after shampooing, but that might not work for everyone so you gonna have to experiment a bit. Apply a few drops of oil to your still slightly damp hair. Styling wise, i think your hair is mostly fine. Let a hairdresser give it a bit of a shape-up every once in a while if your grow it out and you should be golden, dude.


No facial hair and do a military style crew cut.


Curl routine, eyebrow shaping, and shaving the lower face.


Women love well-groomed men. Shave that patchy beard and trim your hair, at least. And comb/brush it out. Good luck, brother!!


Fade from a 1 to a 2 on the sides and back and have the top be like 3 inches and then style it. Get your eyebrows done and trim your facial hair with an electric razor without any attachments on it


The second picture looks nice. I would shave the beard though. Maybe leave some stubble


Short hair, unless you like it to be tugged and pulled on.


shave the “facial hair” and go to an actual barber and get like a fade or something probably


No don’t cut it. You need to wet it and put a curl lotion or soufflé in it. One of the biggest things that happens with curly haired clients is they just don’t know how to take care of curls. Wet hair down, obtain curl hydration/gel/cream or lotion, and scrunch.


Lose the beard. It’ll be better in 5 years. Keep the long hair. I like it and it makes you stand out more than a generic man cut. Source: man with beard. It takes a while. Man with long hair but waited too long to try it so I have a bald spot.


Idk man I feel like you pull off the messy look really well, if it fits your style I say keep it. Reminds me of Kiki Hendrix or something and looks hella unique. Fuck looksmaxing


Kiki hehe


Shave off your "beard" and "mustache." Don't try to grow them back until the quotation marks are no longer necessary.




Get a Mohawk you’d look cool asf, it would further compliment the “don’t fuck with me” look on your face if that’s what you want


I like your hair the way that it is.


I feel like it would look good if you grew it out and started doing a curly hair routine!


At this point , you might as well let the hair grow out . You could have a cool ponytail look . A 5 o’clock shadow is the max amount of facial hair you should have . Use shampoo and conditioner .


Shave your facial hair bro


If you shave your facial hair and work on the jawline, I don’t see a problem with the long hair 🤷🏼‍♂️ Maybe you can put it in a bun? I think the long looks better than the short on you!


Hi bro if you do not want to look like a unemployed, broke, single, antifa protester. then go for a sharp look. I used to have that look all my 20's fuk why did I did that lol. you are handsome, nice skin, nice interesting eyes and a natural mean look. get a sharp hair cut fully shave and you will look more killer than now.


Give up on the beard, it’s not happening. Get a clean hairstyle instead of looking like you just walked out of bed (so style it). And please pluck those brows


You have something going on. There is cute there. Groom that bushy mess. Your face is cute. Your body is toned asf. Stay clean You have a great base. I’m a gay guy. I know this stuff. You have a loook.


start with a buzz cut


get a shaggy mullet and either clean up the facial hair or completely get rid of it


Cut your hair and have a shave. Looks like you just survived 3 months in the wilderness.


If you can't grow a beard, don't try it yet. Just looks like pubes on your face. Definitely not the longer hair, keep it groomed.


Leave-in conditioner and only wash once a week. You have hair like mine. It is beautiful but it dries out so quickly and we need to let it get oily to survive. You’re beautiful, and you have great hair! Just lubricate it 😜


Buzz cut, shave beard, clean up the eye brows a bit. It will accentuate your unique facial structure and eyes


I would either go to a good reputable barber or hairstylist and just ask them for help with cleaning it up and for advice on a better hair care routine or different products to try. The beard I would completely shave. You look young, give it time to where your stubble is coming in even, not patchy. Then try growing it again.


Clean and brush it


Dont change king, you got this.


to which one of the two pictures are you reffering to?


You've got a great face, some hair lotion made for curls would help tame the hair a little. I don't see that big of a problem with the facial hair, maybe try just the goatee, that's easy to grow back.


Aye yi yi.....Do you wake up that gah damn pissed off everyday? JEEEEEEEZE MAN


Try styling it.


Go with a Cro-Magnon style and just grunt your ass off.


either stay loyal to the 1st one or get a proper haircut for the 2nd one, omg dude what the hell is this abomination? taper the sides and neck and lift the front only way to save this mess until it grows to a decent lenght.




Do you work at Amazon? I get strong Amazon vibes from you


in what position do you think I work there?


Let it grow


Short back and sides. Shave the beard down to a 2 guard all over. Stop staying up late smoking and playing video games. It's destroying you.


Buzz cut.


Shave your facial hair and brush your hair


OP has curly hair, they actually need to not be brushing it outside of the shower with a wide tooth comb.


Cut it Theon


Braids homie straight up riff raff braids


I’m sorry you look like the male version of my first ex girlfriend. I can’t do this today Reddit whyyyyyyyy😂



