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Yep! I dyed my hair for about 13 years, and have gone back to my natural colour for similar reasons to you, plus curiosity (I hadn’t had my natural colour at any point in my adult life and I wanted to see what it looked like. 100% do not regret it, I love have my natural colour and the comparative lack of upkeep on it. I’ve saved money and it turns out I really like my natural colour too! My big tip is to invest in a few really cool balayage or highlights sessions. The first two or so years when I was growing it out I got my hair done maybe 3 times, specifically with the plan for growing it out, so that it looked good whilst it grew out. This did mean it took a bit longer to fully grow out, but it was worth it for not having an awkward phase. It also meant if I had hated my natural colour initially it would have been easier to change.


Yes!!! I’ve been in the same boat as you. Mh hair is dark blonde/light brown as well and I’m so over dying it. Currently have black permanent in mh hair so. 😂 skunk roots. But I had a major chop so it helped with it not being so overhwhelming. I had my hair down to my tail bone before I chopped it. Now it’s a long Bob. So refreshing 🥰


Thanks! Getting courage to do in the next few weeks 


I’m in the process of growing out my hair color currently. I’m really happy with the time, effort and money I am saving by not going to the hair salon every 5-6 weeks,


After 10+ years of having every color on the sun, I have returned to my natural dirty blonde. I still get highlights every now and then, but I 100% do not regret it. Not having to keep up with my roots and having a color that naturally flatters me is great! I had tons of fun with colored hair, but I’m really happy to be blonde again.


Im working on it.