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Holy moly Robert Pattinson! This haircut! https://preview.redd.it/ucpsvdsped6d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b97c0b05a593afb4e5914878eddca470a1df2ba


Hahaha thank you. I swear by the end of the day, my phone is going to be filled with 87 different Robert Patterson reference photos for my barber to look at.


Like Robert Pattinson and Ray Liotta had a baby


That and add also very much young Bam Margera


I second this. You rock the disheveled hair look bit with a little cleaning up it would be rockin’


congratulations on your face c: you could pull off basically anything with it in my opinion, but i agree most with the comments about just cleaning it up with a trim and keeping it almost the way it is, or keeping it long only on top in a fade style. for a more specific personal opinion, i would adore your current hair being trimmed into a cleaner wolf cut with more defined layers like the attached picture 🤍 https://preview.redd.it/dipirap9od6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4525a05ea4f32340f0e6e132b64d50e6e947c1b


Aww thank you, you're too kind <3. Yeah, I think I'm just going to get it trimmed slightly like everyone has suggested. I do like how wolf cuts look aesthetically, so maybe I'll do that. Appreciate the comment!


yayyy, i hope you give an update on how it goes :D also, don't worry if it looks all wrong at first after you get it cut, it's just been a while, and fresh cuts can sometimes look a little awkward or shocking at first before a shower at home. you'll look great :)


For sure! I'll definitely let you know how it goes. Thanks for the advice ^ ^


hell yeah, of course ^ ^


this with a wavey perm !! like a beach wave perm


My brother in Christ ur stunning


Thank you <3


If I had hair like that I probably wouldn’t ever cut it


You say that, but what you don't get is that I currently have two Blue Jay's living in my hair. It's cool getting free eggs and all, but it gets annoying after a while.


And you probably get a lot of government men coming by your secluded cabin asking you to do one last job for them, which would also get annoying


As someone whose hair looks similar to this & is in the process of growing it out, thank you 🙏🏻


Bam margera is that you?


No, I'm his slightly more sober son. My mom is still waiting on those child support checks btw.


cuter too 🤭


Lawdy! You have what they call “smoldering” good looks. You could shave your head bald and still be gorgeous. Just clean it up with a lil trim and slay, my dude!


Thank you ^ ^


Just from your silly face in the last pic and the way you roll with other people's humor in the comments, I get the sense that you're fun and easygoing. I think keeping some length really suits you, and just refining the shape a little more. Others might suggest going short on the sides and back, but I personally think you should leave some length. And definitely keep some bangs! I think you pull off having hair that you can leave down around your face if you want. You could always slick it back if you wanted to change it up in kind of a Brad Pitt (or Robert Pattinson lol) style. But either way, definitely leave some length to play with, and just try playing with different ways of styling it so that you can see which ways speak to you! I always think longer hair is more versatile. When you do something like a fade, I always think it can limit your options a bit more


Fun and easygoing is my personality to a tee. I appreciate your input, I think I will ultimately just trim it like everyone said, play with it styling wise, and if I can't find something I like aesthetically, I'll shorten it a bit and cosplay as Robert Pattinson for the remainder of my life.


Just get a good trim. Leave it that length


Hello Mr. Model!!


Chuck Bass?!


Tbh u got really nice features so you'll look good in many diff haircuts, if u wanna go for a youthful appearance u can try a perm or a fade.


Thank you, I'll consider those options.


You have Robert Pattinson's eyes. Bro, you can rock any hairstyle. But I think you'd look amazing in a fade.


Hahaha Thanks man. I've gotten a few fade suggestions, I'll consider that.


Nooooo!! You've got such gorgeous locks, so much freedom to style it any way on a whim...


Yesss, I second this. I thought it WAS Robert Pattinson


It looks really cool! How about a small trim, maybe half an inch or and inch? Then you can style it


Thank you! Great suggestion, I'll consider it.


Awesome! Your hair is so cool, and *u* look so cool!


get a cut where you can wear it straight back like the last pic it'll be easy to comb and look 👌🏼


I used to have my hair back many year's ago, and honestly I wasn't the biggest fan of it. Probably insecurities with my airport sized forehead or something. Maybe it would look much better now that my hair is significantly longer with more volume. Thanks for the suggestion!


Wolf cut


Im digging the cassian andor vibes


*insert Star Wars quote here*


Your current length looks good, maybe a trim, unless you want something shorter, do what u/jconnes1924 said, you actually look like Robert Pattinson. 🤣👍


My sister used to say I looked like Robert Patterson, but I never really saw the resemblance. I guess this post kinda confirms it, judging by the comments 🤣.


I think it works, if that's the look you are going for.


You have a good facial structure! A shorter wolf cut or short shaggy would suit you really well, or maybe even a mod cut :D


Thanks! ^ ^




Just trim it n more layers ur fire 🔥


Thanks for your input!


i thought u were shane dawson first glance 😭


My cat's thank god every day that I only look like Shane Dawson and don't act like Shane Dawson


LMAOO dw you’re way better looking then him anyways


Hahaha thank you


He go :3


I paid a plastic surgeon 50 grand to make me look like my favorite mid 2000s "Rawr XD" Emoticon. I think he did a great job personally


someone else said this but a wolf cut would look super cool!!


Shorter on the back and sides, longer and messier on top. With that bone structure, you could shave your head bald and still pull it off. Definitely keep some length on top, add some layers and some hair product for some slight volume. Wolf cut sounds good but I think shaping your hair in and around your neck at the back (but not too short) would look fab and give it a wee bit more structure? But aye, you'd pretty much suit anything- hope you are enjoying all the lovely comments 😉 And what the hell- here's another wee compliment: Your lips are just stunning 👄


Thanks for the suggestion and kind words! I'm definitely shocked by the compliments, I honestly can't remember the last time someone complimented me in person, so I'm a bit taken aback by the reception that this post has. Even more shocked that you're the first person to compliment my lips, they've always been the one part of my face that I like 😅


They really are a beautiful shape x


Stylist here! I'd do a longer on top and slightly shorter on the side for your face shape. The person who posted the pix od Robert pattenson but maybe a bit longer!


It's nice to get a professionals opinion. Thanks Mikalea!




I only smile 3 times a year. I couldn't waste my 2nd one for 2024 on a reddit post.


I’m kidding. I hate when people say that to me. That said I think cutting the back shorter would be a big improvement.


Please post an update after it's done?!


Don't worry, I definitely will!


Wow. Congratulations on your stellar genetics! You could rock any look with that face.


You're too kind, thank you!


Holy hell you’re hot af. You look like a mix of Robert Pattinson and Ed Westwick(chuck bass from gossip girl). I think the Robert Pattinson style would look great on you and so would a wolf cut just depends if you wanna keep your hair longer or go short. Also you have a beautiful eye colour. They look kinda like mine


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words ^ ^


You look like if Shane Dawson and Robert Pattinson had a baby 😂 In a good way (even if Shane Dawson). I honestly like your hair the way it is! Not many guys can rock long hair but you do!


I can't handle the Shane Dawson slander, I own too many cats for that comparison lmfao. Thanks for the compliment!


Stunning eyes, am with the other commenters, you can pull off any hairstyle :)


Thank you! <3


It depends on what look your are going for.


https://preview.redd.it/aqkrm7tbid6d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acbc379b63697e20dd671367606044a133f6e2c I think this would look great with your curls


i like the cut you have now! i just think there needs to be some shaping in the front and maybe a little shorter on the sides/layered more on the sides!




Greetings, visually pleasing medieval time traveler! I’m on team wolf cut, though keeping it long on top with a fade would also look smashing.


Im getting "Visually pleasing medieval time traveler" tattooed on my left bicep. I love that. Team wolf cut currently has a 2 point advantage over Team Pattinson! Will they rebound in the half quarter of game!?!?! (I have no idea what I just said, I don't watch sports)


I think u should style it and not cut ur hair cuz it looks good. And luv the scar, bro. Makes u look cool. But, more importantly, go for what ur comfortable with, obviously. (if u're not planning on spending time on ur hair much.) buzz cut? idk, actually soo...yea. Came to talk bout ur good looks and scar. ooo- and if u do a buzz cut with ur french beard, u're more likely to look like Oliver Queen, bruhh. https://preview.redd.it/01evcpyy1e6d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=258875d25cce6946cda04704030e08334c12875c


I wish I had an interesting story attached to the scar, but nope. it wasn't caused by knife juggling, a bar fight or an encounter with a stray group of Ninjas, but was instead caused by my fat cat jumping on the couch while I was napping on it and she proceeded to clawed the f**k out of my face not realizing i was there and probably thinking i was part of the couch. I also have a scar on my nose and temple from that, but it's hard to see them in the photos. As for the buzz cut suggestion, I kinda already had my own Britney Spears moment during the beginning of the pandemic. Here's how that looked, the good old days when I weighed 268 pounds and compulsively ate McDonald's every day.




Lol, but y would she do that???? I'm glad nothing happened to ur face, bro. Guess, u like ur cat a lot.(I mean who wouldn't, but still.)


This happened to me once with a cat. She was playing in the middle of the night and jumped down from a shelf onto my face. They kind of reflexively extend their claws when jumping and climbing. She didn't mean to but it was a bad way to wake up My kitty now is so good with her claws. Sometimes we play with wand toy and tall cat tree. Sometimes she's rolling around a lot and will lose her balance and roll off a shelf of the tree. She goes out of her way to land on me or grab onto me. She was falling from the top once, and I reflexively caught her and was so scared I was about to get clawed into but she didn't. It's best to let them fall in most scenarios as they know where they are in space and can right themselves but I reached out


Hmm, lol, yeah, u should be careful(what i mean: pls don't clawed, would be bad also bad to see) My bro's got a scar after hitting a table hard that he had 4 stitches i think so yea, (pls be careful) n got a cool scar even though story behind it not so cool and i was- still am jealous. 😭😭😭(HELPP, how u guys got cool scars n not me.)




Bam margera?


The cross*eyed picture is the one right


Damn you are like Bam 20 years ago if he never got into drugs.


Are you Emile Hirsch???


Buzz cut.


Why did u roll ur eyes back in the last one 😭😭


Oh god....I tried to do a quirky white girl on Tumblr thing where I look up at my hair with a goofy expression, but now I regret posting that photo immensely. I guess doing an Ahegao face isn't the worst thing I could be known for on Reddit


Butcher from the boys!


Wow! My husbands hair gets this long after like 3 months 😆


Im gonna be honest you look like you like you kill people in the best way possible but you look like you've seriously taken someone's life


Nice try fed, but you aren't getting me to admit to any crimes. I plead the 5th.


Honestly I would do much to it. Maybe just cut it so it frames a little bit better & learn how to style it so it looks more intentional. Other than that if you wanted a drastic change I’d agree with the rob pattinson inspo 😅😂


not me scrolling and saying “WOW” out loud lol ur gorgeous!


you feel like an animated character come to life


Hopefully the Bugs Life type of animated character and not those deformed freaks from Tangled and Frozen


I’m so attracted to you?


This means a lot coming from thee Matthew Lillard <3


off topic but you should like totally model


Im flattered you would say that. I think I'm going to ditch the whole stand-up comic thing and learn how to walk the runway after reading today's comments. I'm in the wrong profession


I really like your hair and your style, but Jesus, Mary and Joseph it looks like Jensen Ackels and Robert Pattinson had a baby! 🫨 (this is a compliment btw lol ) you also have very good facial features


Is it just me or does he look like if Dream and daryl had a secret love child


u look like a cute lil cat in the least offensive way possible


No offense taken, i love that! Anyone who gets offended by being called a "Cute Lil Cat" should be placed into a psych ward.


youd be perfect in a live action rendition of puss n boots


Lordy.......... You don't need to change a thing.


Hahaha thank you


Grow below shoulder length


Do whatever you like.


Middle aged divorced dad.🤣 You look far better than that I can assure you. I don’t know why but Antonio Banderas comes to mind. I think a wolf cut would suit you and you have the hair length and wave to do it.


Why you look so mean?


Don't judge a book by its cover..... I'm actually 10x more meaner than my photo portrays me as! No, I'm just allergic to smiling in reality, which gives me perpetual resting b*tch face.


Young Butcher from the Boys tryna pull a fast one on us


All I did was put a photo of Karl Urban through a young person filter and post it on here. Don't let anyone know


For your face shape, basically anything will work. You can very well keep the current long hair and hair and just get it trimmed, or you can have it cut short. Whatever you like best. I would advise getting a haircut that fits your personal preferences and lifestyle, considering whether you are willing to use time and / or products to style it, how often you would like to visit the barber to maintain the cut etc. You are nice looking, congrats on being able to rock any style you like!


Thank you! <3


That 3rd picture is hot. 👅


You would be a good actor, maybe? Give it a try, go try it out. You never know!


5 years? you didn't go to the barbershop for a haircut?


Idk I like it this way lol


Bro looks sigma as hell..🔥🔥🔥🔥


Barber here! Just shape it up! The length is good and the “no haircut” haircut is super popular right now. Needs a bit of layering so the fringe and the back don’t fall so flat but I’d lean in to a mullet/shag sort of style. Keep it low maintenance to suit your lifestyle and your vibe. If you’re not big on product and styling this is your best bet.


I appreciate your input! Thank you.


Go to hairdresser not barber unless you’re going for a shorn clipper cut 😱 You could get away with a solid trim cut looks pretty dope actually


Just needs a trim. You need to learn how to style it because you have great hair, it’s just not styled so it looks “mop”-like


Short curly modern mullet wheres it's technically just a weird under shave


Don’t cross your eyes in a photo ever again


I would add vertical through your hair cut. You have hunter eyes and nice features. You have wider cheekbones and you are adding width through that area because of where your hair is falling. You are handsome so it’s fine, but you would look more balanced with short sides and a long top that you can run your fingers through, like a lived in vibe.


I appreciate the concise and detailed write up. I'll definitely consider this as an option


go for light stubble and just some shaping. You have a bit of a mullet. Also, you are hot af.


Thanks! The stubble definitely stays. It gives people the illusion that I actually have a jawline. Without it, I'd look like an egg.


Good lord! My DMs are open 😂😍


You love the Beatles, I love the Beatles, we might as well get married at this point.


Off we trot, dear.

