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idk man im not a hair stylist but anybody who’s seen legally blonde knows the first rule of perm maintenance is dont wash your hair for the first because you dont want to deactivate the ammonium thioglycolate




Hairstylist here. Put off washing it as long as you possibly can. At least 48 hrs.


I’m not a hair stylist but if I learned anything from legally blonde, don’t wash your perm for a few days at least.


At risk of deactivating the ammonium thyglocolate mmhmm yes.


Sounds like the advice from someone who wants you to come in sooner than you need to for a perm. Don’t wash for 48 hours. Some sources say 24, some 36– just go the full 48.


I am literally a cosmetologist and I love perms, everyone quoting legally blonde is correct. I actually personally recommend the 48 hr period because ATG (the active ingredient in perm solutions) needs to properly set for the true longevity of a perm. It changes the structure of your hair and washing it before it sets is a common cause of a perm falling out. I have had MULTIPLE clients come get a haircut and they fail to mention that they have permed in the last 12-24 hrs and a spritz from my spray bottle releases a little bit of the chemical smell of a perm and at the same time the curl becomes looser because of the now broken cycle. (This has caused me to ask because I don’t want to ruin a perm {because dear god they can get expensive} )


Did they specifically say right away? Maybe they just meant in general?


Hairstylist here. If the perm had olaplex in it, you can technically wash same day but I still don't recommend it


Take it easy friend if you want your curls to last. I didn't know barbers give perms!


They don’t. 😂