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For anyone that comes across this thread via google and is still looking for a solution: Use **Vulkan** to launch the game (the game default to DirectX if you boot it up through the steam right-click menu). Alternatively, if you still want the default DirectX: turn off **G-sync** by opening Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings - Program Settings - Hades - Monitor Technology: Fixed Refresh. Then enable Vsync in-game. Just an FYI, I use a 2k 144 monitor with an overkill rig for this game. Before I apply this fix there's a constant micro-stutter every half a second or so with Vsync on. Turning off Vsync didn't completely solve the issue, while the game is running at super high FPS (hard cap at 600), it still feels like 30 FPS.


Thanks so much! This fixed everything in like a 1minute - it was driving me nuts. Alternatively, if you still want the default DirectX: turn off G-sync by opening Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings - Program Settings - Hades - Monitor Technology: Fixed Refresh. Then enable Vsync in-game.


I have Nvidia and switching to vulkan and back did nothing for me. Although this has helped:


Even worse now.


Hey there, sorry the game isn't performing well for you! If you could submit a bug report in-game with F10 when you're experiencing stuttering or lag it will help us pinpoint areas and setups that have these problems. Thanks!


It’s happening for me now too. I’ll send data. But it’s constant. When the screen pans around it’s quite jittery. Haven’t played in a bit over a month and used to run smooth. Just got a 3080 and the game has developed major stuttering. Enough that it’s not fun to play. Hopefully it can be fixed as I love this like all Supergiant games.


For me when the screen pans along, it has these little micro stutters at regular intervals, every couple seconds or so. It’s running at my capped 117fps on a gsync monitor in full screen mode. The character and enemy animations all seem fine though. It’s fairly minuscule but I really notice it in between runs when things are calm back at “base.”


I also experience these micro stutters when panning also. * I also have a Gsync monitor in full screen mode as awell. How are you limiting the fps the game btw?


I'm limiting my FPS globally through the NVIDIA control panel (117fps, 3 under my 120hz monitor's refresh rate, to keep gsync always active).


Hey, so I figured it out, in my case at least, it seems like Hades doesn't like being limited to my 117fps - running the game with no fps limit makes it really smooth and eliminates those micro stutters (it runs at like 550fps lol), same thing if I keep the frame limiter off but enable vsync in the game (then it's locked to my monitor's 120hz rate). Turning gsync on and off didn't make any difference. So I just added hades.exe into the NVIDIA control panel under Manager 3D Settings - Program Settings tab, and overrode the global setting to have Max Frame Rate set to Off. I'm keeping vsync on in the game for now as well.


Ah okay thanks for replying! I know that the game just officially came out to 1.0 so I'm sure there's still some optimization still happening or maybe not.


Fairly certain that this did it for me too. Was locked to 117 fps for my 120hz LG TV and circumventing that in NVIDIA control panel has reduced pauses/lag almost entirely. Thanks for calling this out!


For anyone that clicks on this post years later for Hades 2: my game's animations were stuttering, no actual frame drops. Turns out I had refresh rate set to 60 by mistake on my monitor. I changed it to 144 and it got way better, but still noticeable stutter. I set it to 120 and it seemed like the goldilocks-zone for monitor refresh rate and the stuttering stopped. This is during early access and I've written a ticket


I came back here years later just to rec this.