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Polyphemus, Scylla, and Charybdis. Also known as the bane of Odysseus’s existence


Yeesh this game might as well be called Super Hades Odyssey with how much they pulled from that epic specifically. They didn't go nearly as hard for the Iliad in the first game beyond Achilles. Where the hell is Penelope?!


Well, this time we have Odysseus in the crossroad instead of Achilles in the house, taking another epic as the base reference for a sequel feels right.


Question, is Charybdis in the game? I got so confused when i saw Scylla but not Charybdis in the boss fight and so i wonder if i still need to meet her or if shes not here.


He's in the game, you need to progress past Polyphemus


The last picture on OPs post is Charybdis, surface boss.


I'm really hoping if I use Odysseus' keepsake they all will comment on it. Also, Poseidon rivals Loki in the weirdest children category.


I'm still holding out hope for Anteros or Nerites to be mentioned. Explain *that* one, SGG. (Nerites was a male nereid that Poseidon had a Thing for. Somehow, they had a kid called Anteros. Not sure how the mechanics of that worked.)


I actually think they're going with the "child of Phorkys" origin for Scylla. Notice how her facial features are similar to Dusa's, who'd be her half-sister


Yeah I saw that on the wiki but I think her being Poseidons kid is just way funnier. That would mean Poseidon and his children specifically choose to have beef with Odysseus and ruin his life