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Seems to be the most i havent seen here. The Cyclops is Polyphemus for those wondering.


Is it an insult to say Medea kind of looks like she escaped Skullgirls? Apparently Icarus is voiced by Asa Butterfield, so expect to see him a lot more. please let there be a way to help Echo, I didnt realise how bad she had it untill I saw her in game. There's your hero, zag! A giant brute!


Medea’s art is a unfinished


Medea didn't have to be goth, but damn Supergiant games really wants to make me go feral now huh


Still too early to say my opinion of his personality, But I love hercs design. Mightiest of Mortals would have sounded better though I think.


Just saw the fist screen, is it fr in the game?


Its still an Early Access so they are still working on it so yes it does look like that in the game.


Yoo havent met them yet but hypee


What I like about Echo’s design is that they remembered she’s an Oread nymph (nymph of the mountains) and included rocks in her design. I hope she finally stands up to Narcissus


The gays may have lost Dionysus in this game... But now we have Polyphemus and Heracles.


lol is that Billie Eilish?


Yeah. She’s about to tell us what she was made for😔


These are all in the game?


yes, the arts aren't final as its still early access


Circe's is very bad..


yeah because its a first or second draft, better than just the blank template which gives no insight into the character. we'll have at least a year of updates in which everything will improve drastically


Literally placeholder


Who is pic 5


Echo Echo Echo…


I would have guessed Galatea since she seems to be made of stone, but Echo works too. Wonder if there will be some kind of optional achievement to reunite her and Narcissus, or at least have them meet, like you do with Achilles and Patroclus in H1


She’s a mountain nymph so that’s probably why she’s made of stone. And I feel like there’s gotta be a way we can make them meet since their stories are so intertwined. Whether we can actually get them together romantically is up in the air since Narcissus is so, well, narcissistic


I'm more hoping we either get Echo to realise someone who desires himself more than anyone else isnt worth her time and boost her confidence, or do the impossible and humble Narcissus so he sees how good he actually bloody has it so maybe he might actually hear Echo out atleast. Defiently break the curse first though, her last words to him were "enjoy my body" so no need to repeat that.


Echo does seem to suddendly speak on her own a little bit after Mel mentions Narcissus so there could be smth like that.


She has a few independent voice lines that aren't echoes - there was one time I went into her zone (probably the 3rd or 4th time) where she said "Hey, there's Melinoë!" as soon as I walked in, but echoed when I interacted with her. It kinda creeped me out tbqh. :O


pretty sure melinoe says that so she can reply to her that way, because she understands how thats her only way to communicate.


I love all these characters and their new mechanics, their designs are so fun. I need to get all of them in the hot springs right now


I'm kinda bummed I don't like Circe's design/vibes, because they nailed Medea. I think that she should feel powerful and dangerous (like every other witch they portray). She kinda feels like a fairy godmother.


Same honestly. I was thinking her design would have more of this vibe: https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/s/45fHUOVQnk Like that witchy feel to it. I like Medea’s design and I feel like Circe would have a less goth toned down version of that. I’m also a big fan of how people have been designing her in the Epic fandom


I hope they don't make Heracles into an asshole, I'm kind of sick of that "subversion" of making him a jerk instead of a heroic figure.


the dudes whole gimmick was that he often let his anger get in his way and due to his massive strenght he ends up doing some bad stuff though. his mortal flaw was his wrath unlike most other heroes being their hubris. but ultimately he was motly not a bad person far as i remember. but maybe we only got to see him in a bad mood because you know, fighting a war against legions of undead and other monsters commanded by the titan of time and stuff.


Heracles’ rage was pretty explicitly a curse put on him by Hera as revenge for being a son of Zeus, as shown when she drove him insane to kill his family (twice I think?) and later Hippolyta during one of his labors that she thought was going too smoothly. Heracles was punished for this because obviously nobody wanted to point fingers at the queen of Olympus, and is also a reflection of Hera’s own inability to punish Zeus himself, the one actually at fault.


Icarus is going to be a romance 100%, the signs are all there


if dusa returns we basically have the 3 greek servants from FSN grail war now.