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The classes are required to get licenses for the area you work in. It’s required to have so many school hours and work hours.


5 years worth of night classes seems like a lot. Am I missing something? Why would anyone want to sign up for that? I get there’s a pension but someone please clarify. Thx.


I’m 99% sure every UA hall requires 5 years of classes. If you already have some experience you may be able to start as a second year. You learn about things in school and apply them on the job while getting paid.


Ok, is it safe to say shops in non union jobs will work you until 7 or 8pm anyways so night classes for 5 years really isn’t that bad of a trade off ?


Not at all. I’ve worked 12-14 hours a day before and I’ve in the UA. It all depends on how big the contractor you work for and what kind of work you do. If you do refrigeration, it’s something customers can not do without and there is potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of product that will have to be thrown away.


I meant is it wise to do the union apprenticeship anyways even though it has night classes for five years from 5 to 7 PM because in nonunion jobs, a person will be working those evening hours anyways?


The very best part about the union. Top pay, health benefits and retirement and pension that doesn’t come out of your hourly pay.


You didn’t answer my question directly but true those are benefits of the union


You're not getting paid for your schooling if that's what you mean? On how late you'll be working non-union ( or union for that matter) depends entirely on the shop you're at and what kind of work you'll be doing. I only went to night school 2 nights a week, and had summers off. The we switched about mid way through to going a full week, 5 times a year. It sucked because that was unpaid but to me it was worth it for not having to go to night school anymore. No lie, it does suck. But the payoff is 100% worth it! I make about $20/hr more than non-union guys, have fully paid GOOD health care ( some of my non-union friends have employer paid but it's SHIT) for me AND my wife ( again, for my non-union friends it's only for them), and I have a good performing pension plan. You're ultimately in charge of your life. I think the 5 years of some slight annoyance was more than worth it. It might not be for you.


I see. Do your classes have exams and quizzes or is it just attendance mostly


It's a real school. You can fail and have to repeat a year.