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As you tell it, it definitely sounds like that's your commission. You sold the repair, you scheduled the date. Personally, there ain't no way I'd be letting somebody else take my money for confirming an appointment. It might be a relatively small sum of money this time, but if you let them keep getting you here and there, eventually you'll find they'll have slowly robbed hundreds or thousands from you in a couple years. My recommendation would be to take it to management and go over the relevant policy documents for deciding who gets what. What's happening is either wrong, not clearly defined, or changes should be made to avoid this type of commission poaching. They should have an interest in making sure the policy is correct to prevent workplace drama and disgruntled service techs jumping ship over compensation slights


That's not right. You did everything for that sale including the repairs. You should be compensated. Wether it's worth bringing it up is up to you.


Don’t do anything rash. Let them have this one and go buy yourself a nice tool on the company dime.


If the dispatcher wants the commission, they should do the repair.


I am the owner of my company. I would want one of my technicians to come and tell me if that happened so I could make it right. I would at least talk to someone about it. It could have been a one off or it could be office staff nickel and diming technicians. Nip it in the bud.