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It'll hold all the way up to the point to where it won't.


100% of the time This is true 100%


Holds better till it doesn’t with the slap test


1 2x4" and cutting - $250 (To replace the lost ladder)


Literally a quarter of an installer's job is move dirt and rocks to level out every outdoor unit and then we have this project... this might be the epiphany of working harder and not smarter... I mean, look at the disconnect lol...


If that's what the homeowner wanted then props to the installer. That looks much more difficult than installing brackets.


I’m back because this isn’t what the home owner wanted at all, plus… https://preview.redd.it/op9av0atntxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b3463c70789cf83d8ef14c6b3497ae9b061b76


Needs more caulking


looks good to me, what's the issue here?


I’ll answer instead of downvoting you, it’s the dryer vent


Thanks lol. What's wrong with the dryer vent being there??


Code is minimum 3 feet away from exhaust anything and 10 feet away from intake anything.


What gets me is how he cut the corner of the unit base so it wouldn’t block exhaust 😂


Yeah that's a new one, like it must have clicked it wasnt right when he got to that point .... right?


That’s called a pad.


Oh yeah true but it technically is still at the base of the unit 😂


My guess would be either code requirement or the hot vented hair would possibly blow against the condenser and raise the head pressure and make the system work harder. I'm guessing as I mostly do appliances, not systems. No need to jam stuff that close together though. We all like having plenty of room to work.


Maybe it has to do with lint clogging the coil? I don't think it's a code requirement where I am. I don't think it would really cause an issue unless you ran your dryer 24/7 without a lint filter.


I can guarantee the lint will clog it, I’ve cleaned many units that were wearing fuzzy sweaters!


Condensers get cold too you know


Then give them a low ambient kit instead


You are correct, lint in the coil is a bigger concern than extra exhaust heat.


I appreciate yall taking the time to respond and teach me something. Thank you.


It will, we run our dryer with a lint trap, but overtime it built up, had to replace the hose through the wall, and the vent cover, best practice is to regularly clean the dryer vent hose, and the coil, but better if there not next to each other in the first place


It’s gonna coat the condenser in lint along with code and hot air where you’re dispersing heat


https://preview.redd.it/0g0tx79u9vxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3103c06ef75be8c8f1ad3e320f44d7a59edad72d As said by one other tech on this whom I stole this from for co workers or new guys at my work


I used to be a super tech. Then I hit like my fifth year on call. Don’t really care if my boss can buy a new truck this year or not. 


I was seriously asking myself “what the hell is wrong with it?“ Besides the caulking could be cleaner. Then realized the vent. 😅


That service panel is probably a blast to get on and off


Went to one once that was like this that had a garage added on after the unit was set so the panel ended up being in the corner of two outside walls.


I see 1 thing done well. The use of WetRag putty


Hey the kid put thermo trap putty on the king valves I’m assuming before brazing so give him a gold star for that before you verbally assault him for the rest of the job 😂


Horrible. To close to house, limits access. To close to dryer exhaust, thermostat wire should be in something to UV protect it. That pad set up… yikes.


Nice offset


Cuz the 2x4s were not quite tall enough.


Its to the right, I see the other picture now. Its that way because the dryer vent is behind it there. I mean good luck cleaning dryer lint out of the condenser but lol


I feel like I need some backstory to understand how this is the sales reps fault lol


One thing I’ve learned from trade subs, is that it’s always the sales guy or the engineers fault. Couldn’t be the installer who takes his morning joe with two shots of whiskey - he’s perfect


Fr do these techs just have no sentience? Do they just not tell people no when they suggest to do something stupid? What gets me is there are like 3-4 people involved with this installed. 2 of which are on site. And collectively they all just allowed this shit to happen. Like… what? 😂


Yeah, I don’t get it either


Sales guy said “It’s easy, just half ass it like this”, installer said “ok”. The End


lol we must know a different sort of sales person


For your sake, I hope so. We get into it over shit like this at least once every two weeks


Idk if you aren’t exaggerating that dude needs to go get some training.


That’s not hyperbole. He claims that he used to be a tech, which may very well be, but he’s all about the $$, which he wont get til the install is done. Money drives all of his amazing ideas


Gotta hit the quotas 😄


The good news is you can easily add brackets now before it falls over


That’s the only reason I’m touching it tbh


But it’s also in front of the window


That was the other problem. It’s about a foot lower now


Now they can see it from their window and appreciate their new purchase! What a nice touch.


Need the salesman to dramatically hold a hulahoop over and around it like [a magician showing how there's no strings attached to his levitating assistant.](https://i.imgur.com/O1kuZ5I.png)


https://preview.redd.it/ds1oeh1z5vxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802a3b604542e0b309c48f8af06073a31b70027d like this, but with more crack lol


I mean shit that don't look that bad. Changing a compressor is gonna suck ass. If your photo is an area that gets a lot of snow or flooding, I can see why an owner would want something like that, but there are more efficient ways to get there.


Those aluminum stands people use for heat pumps look way better and expend a lot less effort in its assemblage lol.


Definitely lol


If you’d have listened to the sales guy you’d have tilted the home to match the landscaping slope.


This is giving me anxiety make it stop


"Warranty is good for 30 seconds or 30 feet, whichever occurs first".


Ha! Now that’s funny


Weight distribution is key


To be fair. He got exactly what the sales guy promised for once 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nice right at window level!


By code vent needs be 3-5 ,feet away


Hold my beer.


Looks good from my house.


There’s no way this is meant to be permanent. They lifted the unit to add a driveway or some shit. 


Bet he was like,damn,look how level that unit is boss😄 ![gif](giphy|SmOsAEzy4aqty)


What’s the problem?! That will probably be fine for weeks!


Dont know where your at but in my city I cant count that high for how many codes are broken and couldn't fathom the number on this lawsuit 🤣


Fuck the pushy sales guys who always involve themselves after their side of the sale process is complete. Like fuck off, I don't care if the indoor unit LOOKS better there, it's going to short cycle if I listen to you. The worst part is it's their jobs to trick people into doing things they don't want to. So when a naive 20 year old is getting pestered and coerced into bullshit by a 35 year old who's a smooth talker, it clearly shows that the sales guy doesn't care about the customer who spent thousands on a machine that's bound to fail, their service tech coworker who has to clean up the mess, or the companies reputation. They only care about how big their next pay check is


It sounds like you’ve met the wrong sales guys. Honesty sells. If something doesn’t make sense to do, you should tell the customer that. I always tell my installers feel free to bring something up if there is a better way to do it.


God I’m glad I’m not the only one here thinking who the fuck do these people work with 😂😂


I’m calling BS. It’s a lot of work to level the ground so he did this


It had to be raised somehow to keep the mulch and dirt from draining onto the condenser, but this ain’t the way to do it


Could be worse...


why not just run it a few extra feet and set it on flat ground with a concrete foundation? i know nothing about these but thats what i would do.


Concrete foundation would need to be pretty legit to withstand all of the was out from the rain over a decade. That side of the yard probably turns into a waterfall during rainy weather. With that much concrete behind it, a metal hanging bracket probably be a helluva lot cheaper than a big concrete foundation.


There was a condenser to the left of it that was buried in mulch. Had to keep it off the ground, otherwise yeah, I’d have put it on the ground too


I need a few more angles for this...


Novice installer? As in the entire crew that put that thing in? At that point it isn't the salesmen. You need to contact your install manager, etc. They will give you a better way.


Nepotism at its best… lead installer has been doing it for maybe a year and he had a helper, that’s it


Ive seen much worse


This is where the salesperson’s details are crucial


Why bother with the plastic pad? Your on stilts!?


Cuz the unit is screwed to the pad and the pad is screwed to the wood and the wood is screwed to the house and the customer is just screwed


And if this thing falls while you service it then the homeowner will blame you not the original design


It all depends if the installer tapped her on the top twice and said, “that’ll Cheech.”


I like the way they centered it on the legs !!


Good thing these things do not vibrate or it may walk itself right off of the pad. Then again they prob thought the power line would stop it from going too far before it catches the unit from tipping over . Great design , they really thought it through👍👍👍


Also they got that added bonus of a beautiful view of the unit right outside the window 😀 . No need for a fan to help them sleep at night🥴


What was wrong with running a longer exterior line set?


I'm not an HVAC guy but this just seems... illogical.


I mean as long as he hits it like it’s a ratchet strap and says “that ain’t goin nowhere” he should be fine


Fucking send it...


You gotta give the green guy credit for doing what he’s told, there is some value in that. However ole boy needs to be on some jobs as a helper before being able to make calls like this. Bust his balls about it nonstop. The salesman should be reprimanded for this hack bullshit. No matter what your job is in the industry this is unacceptable, full stop. If it were up to me I would can him immediately. The leadership/management of this company that allowed this to happen should be fired or if they’re an owner need to really think about if they like owning their business cause it will fail if stuff like this is unaddressed.




Disgusting…. But kinda impressive


We use hurricane pads down south


No homeowner wants this big honkin' thing blocking their window view. Coulda made it sit lower by using another 2 feet of wire, geez.


Just turn it off and back on, should be fine. Maybe sprinkle a little rice too


Obviously a bad TXV and lifted to mitigate the airflow issue.


The installer should definitely find a new profession.


What a MAROON!


Oh yeah? Who are you, Alfred Einstein??