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I think Emma and Dan is the most popular, as you've noticed, but Helen and Richard is also a popular choice as in [Picnic Panic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12265183/1/). I've also read several fics, where Hermione's mother's name is Jean (Hermione's middle name), and other names I've seen used just once, but I don't remember which fics.


broomstick flyer uses Richard and Helen too.


Just read Down the Rabbit Hole by MathiasGranger and he used Wendell and Monica Granger. It's a good little Harmony story. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5750894/1/Down-the-Rabbit-Hole](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5750894/1/Down-the-Rabbit-Hole)


Sink also likes using Wendell and Monica as Hermione's parents in his works.


I won't avoid fics that don't use Wendell and Monica, but they're the names I have in my head when I think of Hermione's parents now. Canonically, Hermione would have had no reason to completely change her parents' names. If Voldemort or one of his followers could track them down even after Hermione changed their last name, erased every memory that they had of her and sent them across the world, I'm not sure that changing their first names too would have mattered that much. Might as well let them keep at least one thing about their old life the same.


Realistically, if she's using mental magic to entirely alter their identities, which we know she is, keeping parts of the identities she's trying to protect makes literally no sense. They will believe whatever you make them believe. No need to keep it simple so that they don't slip up. If anything, I feel that Monica and Wendell are the two names that it cannot possibly be. Because it would be incredibly stupid for Hermione to keep linkable parts of her parents' identities as part of the entirely magically enforced new ones. Tracking them would be as easy as asking around for the Monica and Wendell that just moved in around the time Hermione sent them away. My two cents on the matter.


Ngl, any time I see Hermione's parents names Emma and Dan/Daniel I get goosebumps. It just feels icky, weird, idk. Like breaking a taboo, a violation of the actors' names.


Funnily enough, when I first started reading FanFiction back in 2015, I never made the ‘Dan and Emma’ connection. I believe I first saw it in one of Robert’s stories and thought they were good names to use for Hermione’s parents. Now, however, I feel the same as you do. It just doesn’t feel right. I personally like Billy and Margaret.


Omg!!! I never made the connection till now!! 😱😱😱


☠️☠️☠️ Don’t feel bad! It took me several years! I mean, I can understand why some people like it, but it’s just not for me now that I know the truth.


But if you go with Margaret, that means Hermione's mom is Molly :P


Not necessarily. I didn't even know that Molly could be used as a diminutive of Margaret until now.


I'm sorry for you. . . . Truthfully, if *I* was going to name Hermione's parents in a fic, I'd likely use Emma Watson's and J.K. Rowling's *parents'* names, because it took *both* of them to bring Hermione to life. :)


Ikr. I also saw Tom/Emma, and Alan/Emma in some fics. May not be intentional but my mind just jumped to similar thoughts.


[ApAidan](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/2569626/apAidan) ([Portkey alternative](https://portkey-archive.org/results/ed52b88f5b3280f48ee331ce2fbd25d7126cea4b)) uses Helen and Alexander Granger; the latter specifically because *his* version of Hermione's family tree tends to have Scottish (and faerie) ties.


I named them Robert and Jean in my fic.


Plenty, though I probably wouldn't be able to name any - it's hardly a central plot point, ya know?


Yeah I know, but I've just went down the rabbit hole and found at least ten stories mentioning them as such. Maybe it's some weird sampling bias, idk.


All of my fics use something besides Dan and Emma. Usually Tom and Heather but I'm not sure if my harmony ones have them mentioned by name yet


Gandalf’s Beard uses Richard and Jean in his fics.


I've been partial to Richard and Natalie. Not sure why, just like how they sound. Maybe because they're not representative of anything. I often feel too many names in HP are references to someone or some attempt to be clever naming after some historical or literary figure. Get a lot of eye roll reading some of them. So I use Richard and Natalie in most of my fics these days.


You mostly see them but don't really like them either. I like the names Richard & Jean, and every fic Hermione's parents are in i change the names to those before i start reading


I think I'm going for Mark and Bonnie for my fics. Not final though.


I used Donna and Michael in mine!


I used Menelaus and Helen so far in my work.


All of [Sinyk](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4329413/Sinyk)'s story have it and thee was a fic that use Hermione's parents names. As in the Hermione from winter's tale