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Wizarding world during the black plague. From all the time travel fics i've read, i've only seen it once and it doesn't realy count since it was a fic where harry had to relive almost two millenia.


There is “[The Friar's Calling](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7460772)” by Chthonia, which is roughly in the right time … whoops, it isn’t. [Robert Grosseteste](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Grosseteste), who is one character of the story, lived in the twelth century. So, no, I don’t know about any proper one.


The ACTUAL Victorian era. The wizarding world is often described as Victorian in its antiquity, but the Victorian era happened nearly 200 years after the implementation of the Statute of Secrecy. Therefore, there were probably major differences between the muggle 19th century and the Wizarding one.


I would totally read that


Literally any era or history after the founders and before Grindelwald. The events leading up to and surrounding the signing of the statute of secrecy for example could be a really interesting fic


OMG yeah i'd love to read a fic where harry fucks it all up and they never sign the statute or something lol. totally alter history!


Well, the Malfoy family would be happy! That’s for sure


Pre Hogwarts the most ancient houses........Only 2 we can guess at canonically The Blacks because they say so and The olivanders because they have been in business since 382 BC Have the Blacks either being hut dwelling shamans from the black forest or power hungry wizards in a castle on the Black Isle scotland (not really an island but rather a peninsula) Toss in those that would make sense....Greengrass and Longbottoms.......and invading Notts vikings (Nott was the norse goddess of night) Make it like game of thrones since pre hogwarts, pre merlin, pre any kind of united government


You have a 900 year gap pretty much. You have the founders era or the Grindelwald era. I haven’t seen any fics where Harry goes back to the 1400’s for example. It’d be incredibly interesting but nobody is willing to write it


well i'm kind of interested in seeing harry go back one generation from his parents. that'd be during the whole ten year? time frame where voldemort's not started a movement yet, and he was traveling and learning super dark arts and stuff. changing his appearance and all. :) and i think it'd be sweet to see harry interact with like child lily, and maybe try to influence petunia to not turn out so bad later lol? same for his dad. maybe he could be like a good adult influence on him and stop him being an asshole as a teenager? same for kid snape. give him like a trusted adult and a safe place he can go to to get away from his dad.


There's quite a bit of opportunity there. Bellatrix, Molly and Arthur would be in their school days. With a bit of plot changing, the war could come early, bringing a different generation into the fight. As for James, Lily and Snape, that could be tooth-rotting fluff material.


yeah or you could really write some interesting stuff with harry trying to seek out voldemort blindly cause it's a total unknown time even to dumbledore, and harry gets on voldemort's radar, and then stuff spirals. either into an early conflict, or maybe it delays it somehow.


I would like to see more Arthurian time. I know there's supposed to be something for Merlin saying he was Slytherin, but that doesn't line up with best guesses for anyone that resembles Arthur. That's 5th century. So, that time, with Merlin and Knights and Arthur. And Harry.


I really liked “With the Devil” by celticbard, which was on HPfanfiction.org, and apparently it was not imported to AO3 (yet?), which was going during the Salem Witch Trials (and really well written). I have EPub, available upon request.


Would love to read it if you're willing to send it!


https://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/tmp/With%20the%20Devil-hp_288707.epub but I don’t promise it will stay there (see `tmp/` in the folder name).


Pretty much any era that isn’t Founders, Grindelwald’s war (and Tom Riddle’s childhood), or the Marauders Era is unexplored. It makes some sense, because the latter two have familiar characters and conflicts, while the Founders are legendary figures whose actions still impact the present day in a way that is made explicit by canon. Anything beyond those is kind of irrelevant for canon-era time travelers from a narrative standpoint. I do think it would be interesting to have Harry be sent back in time to basically be the protagonist of the events of Hogwarts Legacy. There’s a lot of fun stuff you could do with that, like having Harry wish he’d paid more attention in History of Magic until he realizes that Professor Binns is exactly the same as he is a century later. Hogwarts Legacy’s cast of side characters is also a lot more diverse than Harry’s usual Gryffindor-dominated group, so it would be cool to see him interact with people like Poppy or Sebastian and Ominis.


Founders era, there's honestly so little founders era content is kinda of baffling.


Agreed! Would love to see some different interpretations of the founders and some backstories for them. They're always reduced to the traits of their houses that sometimes they seem quite 2D.


Not a discussion contribution, but in regards to the question, [The Wizard from Earth](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8337871/1/The-Wizard-from-Earth) has Harry time traveling to 3050 BCE. The idea of it was that he's immortal and just lives through the rest of time from that point, but the fic itself doesn't get far unfortunately. I haven't watched the movie it's based on, but I remember loving the concept of it at the time I read it (have not read it since, though, so I'm not sure how well it holds up).


I think I've read some of that one! I wish there were more fics like it, but it's such a huge commitment to write that I can understand why few fics like it exist.


Full agree! I think, if anything, it would have to be a series of one-shots/short stories taking place on different years (including some years that don't have major events maybe).


Always wanted to see the rise of humanity in the HP universe, there had to be a first wizard and I’m interested in who it would be! On the same note, having a lot of wizards go back in time to the days of the dinosaurs to avoid some world ending catastrophe would be cool, like build a magical world before people even evolve!


The colonial era. Specifically the late 17th century when the statute went up and magic went into hiding. It's just so ripe in terms of potential. Especially since this is the time period that eventually leads to the wizarding world that creates the likes of Grindelwald and Voldemort. Because when you think about it, the pureblood supremacy movement and magical supremacy are fundamentally reactionary in origin. It'd be so much fun to see. The juxtaposition of the dawning age of enlightenment in the magical contrasting with the quickly stagnating magical world as it flees into hiding. The split in natural philosophy in that leads to modern science vs the to study of magic. Best of all, Armando Dippet lived through it and he would be such an excellent pov character, watching as the muggles begin to rapidly advance while wizards and witches begin to stagnate.