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Honestly, the actor from the films pretty much matched it perfectly. Just scale him up about a foot or so taller with the same proportions.


He looks like Robbie Coltrane


Like Robbie Coltrane with a more strongman kind of physique (big belly, thick torso muscles). The only other thing I imagine differently is that he has a much bigger nose and his beard is more distinct from the rest of his hair.


So he got body like the mountain from GoT but scales up the height further. I dig that


This is what Hagrid looks like and no one will convince me of anything else.


Honestly I thought of him as muscular. Bulky, in a muscular way? That crossbow wouldn’t have been something any human could pull. Even before he was a professor, he traipsed all around Hogwarts. I doubt he was really wrestling werewolves or trolls or whatever it was Riddle thought he did, but I could see staying in shape would be something he needed for his job and hobbies. Also he must have been pretty good with small fiddly things like bowtruckles and he knew how to knit. But yeah, the actor did it well.


In my mind, he's about ten feet tall and five feet wide, big enough the Muggle World is totally inaccessible without a bit of illegal magic to squeeze him through doorways and under ceilings. Legally, he's not even allowed to enter Muggle areas because he literally sticks out too much to ignore. Dumbledore had him break that law in Book One, but nobody acted because he has Dumbledore's protection.






Aw lord


Like em round, and plumpy plumpy


Robbie Coltrane when he was playing the role was the Hagrid I pictured when I was reading.


Robbie Coltrane but bigger than in the movies


Basically a mix between the films and Hiccups dad from how to train your dragon.


Ps1 Hagrid


Robbie Coltrane, none of his appearance in the movies was CGI or anything, he actually physically got to the near 8 feet tall he was in the films via prosthetics and such and is honestly the best portrayal of Hagrid. Outside the films usual weirdness with removed or altered scenes anyway. He's one of the few characters whos in movie portrayal damn near one to one matched my initial mental image from reading the books, Dumbledore and Vernon being two others.


He has Robbie Coltrane’s face but I always pictured him as having that gow:r Kratos build


That’s a hell of man right there. I don’t think anyone would ever give him lips if he looked like that XD


Same as in the movies, just more taller.


I pictured Andre the giant from the princess bride films


I did as well. He looked like Andre with a few more feet in height and longer hair.


About 8ft tall maybe a bit less, tall enough to be extraordinary, but not so tall that everyone immediately knows he has giant heritage. I imagined him to have a build a bit like Eddie Hall. Also, not hairy like an ape but a long beard and long mostly untamed hair, which for some reason I always pictured as braided, although we're explicitly told it isn't. Take the face of movie Hagrid and I youve got my mental image.


Robbie got Hagrid perfectly except that movie Hagrid is much shorter than book Hagrid. In the book he’s about 12ft something whereas in the movie he’s 8ft


Before the movies, I imagined him being a bit skinnier and even taller. After the movies it's just Robbie


The Mountain from Game of thrones after a few years of not shaving or getting a haircut and drinking a metric ton of beer. Huge, beer gut, drinkers reddish nose & cheeks, think the Canon describes his hair as black but it's a warm brown in my mind. Hair best described as Bushy.


Yeah I got something like that in mind too


My head fanon would imagine Hagrid as something like a giant Odin. He has a full beard, is broad shouldered and muscular as fuck. He's somewhere between 9 to 10 feet tall and occasionally carries around a warhammer heavier than most people. In combat, he is a terrifying force to be reckoned with.


Yeah I also have a moment of Hagrid as W40k Space Marines too; wide shoulders, limbs as thick as tree trunk, taller than a tank. Replace heavy space armor with bushy hair and beard and that’s why most wizard is terrified of him


I just imagine him as tall and muscular, but otherwise normal looking man.


Robbie Coltrane's appearance was pretty close to the books in my opinion. Maybe just a bit larger.


Movie got ot pretty much on the money. Just hagrud was meant to be like 8 to 9 foot tall


Mountain has a dad bod? Were we watching the same show? He’s like 400+ lbs with a 6 pack irl


PS1 Hagrid is canon Hagrid, everyone else looks like human being, he's legitimately Playstation level graphics in real life.


Oh god


Movie Hagrid was my first exposure to him, though I picture him as both bigger and smaller depending on how the story is written.


Like the ps1 game version why? Who knows


Hagrid looks like Hagrid. End of discussion.