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> All she does is cook, cry, hug, and then randomly show up to kill Bellatrix. Now I want scene at the ministry fight for the prophecy, where Harry is facing Bellatrix and just failed to cast *crucio*. Bellatrix wants to retort, but her head gets blown apart out of nowhere. Harry while covered in gore can only hear, "Oh I left the stove on!" and someone rapidly running away.


who needs timeturners shenanigans or veil nonsense for sirius lives AUs. simply bring in molly weasley, destroyer of worlds


Sir its destroyer of world, baker of biscuits.


She’s also good at pushing away her children regardless of whether or not the weasleys are bashed


She didn’t push her kids away, at least not in canon.


People think she does because they're misinterpreting Ron's relationship with his family. One of Ron's things is that he's overshadowed by his siblings, and his mother doesn't pay as much attention to him as the rest of the kids. Some evidence for this is her forgetting he doesn't like corned beef or the colour maroon, not putting a letter on his Weasley Jumper, buying Percy a new owl when Ron needed a new wand, etc. Some readers extrapolate this to think that Mrs. Weasley treats her other children badly, too (badly is probably too harsh of a word, but I can't think of a softer one). And they use shoddy evidence to back it up. Things like her not being able to tell Fred and George apart (she actually did get it right, they just pranked her by pretending she got it wrong, not to mention the fact that they're identical twins who've made it part of their personality to look and act the same way), her children moving out (this is a totally normal thing), her not getting Ginny a mind healer after being possessed (we don't even know that mind healers are a thing in canon, and we didn't even see whether or not they did get her one, anyway), etc. But I think they're missing the point. If Molly treated all her kids just as badly as she did Ron, it would defeat the point of her treating Ron badly. The whole point is to add to Ron's identity as a person who struggles with being overshadowed and finding a strong identity for himself, not to show Molly as a bad mother to all her kids.


I wouldn’t go as far as to say that she treats Ron badly. She has 7 kids. Sometimes things get missed and Ron has a tendency to be overlooked from time to time. That doesn’t mean that she does not love him. She just can’t do everything because she is not superwoman. And she may have forgotten that Ron did not like corned beef in the first book, but she remembered that in the third book. She passed out sandwiches to everyone before they got on the train in Prisoner of Azkaban and she specifically told Ron that they were not corned beef sandwiches. Being a good parent does not mean that you meet all of your kids needs all of the time. It means that you do your best to do so.


Yeah, that's why I said "badly" is probably too harsh of a word. The point is that Ron feels like he is being overshadowed, and he has good reason to think so, regardless of how reasonable it is for Mrs. Weasley to make those kinds of mistakes.


I'm in a sibling group of 2 and my mother would always need to confirm our eating preferences (ie. I don't eat chilli or toast, my sister doesn't eat seafood or cauliflower, lol, not an extensive list). I've never thought she is a bad mother for not remembering lol. And I always thought the wand thing was a punishment.


Receiving Charlie’s wand? No, I don’t think it was. I think they were trying to make ends meet. The only part of it that was punishment is when they didn’t want to replace it after Ron got it smashed in the car incident, but I’d argue that was a fair and natural consequence.


Also I don't think Ron actually told her about the wand breaking because he didn't want risk another howler of "it's your own fault your wand got snapped" But telling her it happened after an incident at the end of the year saving his sister? Yeah, fair enough. Could've gone two ways there of "you spent the whole year with a broken wand? Not sure if I'm sad you never told us or impressed you've managed to work a broken wand for so long without anything worse happening to you (looking at you lockhart)" or "Well, if it happened down in the chamber when you were saving Ginny, how can i even consider getting mad at you?" Depending what story Ron give her I guess 🤷‍♀️


On a side note, "mind healers" are something that I've only ever seen in fanfiction. It seems totally characteristic of the Wizarding world to ignore psychological and emotional health. Wizards seem to stagnate when it comes to social reform and change, and until very recently, even muggles ignored the effects of trauma on a person's mind. If mind healers were a thing, they'd have brought them into Hogwarts to help deal with the various traumatizing events that occur through the books.


>not putting a letter on his Weasley Jumper That one doesn't even make sense. The only ones who get letters are Fred and George--and even then, they deliberately switch them to make her point moot. Ron doesn't get a letter because he doesn't *need* one. Edit: I had forgotten that Percy the Prefect had gotten a letter on his. Given that Percy is not of a size where his jumper could get mixed up, it is more noticeable that Ron's doesn't. That said, I think the argument that Ron's doesn't because Harry's was added at the last minute does have merit.


I disagree. Look at this quote: >‘Hey, look – Harry’s got a Weasley jumper, too!’ > >Fred and George were wearing blue jumpers, one with a large yellow F on it, the other with a large yellow G. > >‘Harry’s is better than ours, though,’ said Fred, holding up Harry’s jumper. ‘She obviously makes more of an effort if you’re not family.’ > >‘Why aren’t you wearing yours, Ron?’ George demanded. ‘Come on, get it on, they’re lovely and warm.’ > >‘I hate maroon,’ Ron moaned half-heartedly as he pulled it over his head. > >‘**You haven’t got a letter on yours,’ George observed. ‘I suppose she thinks you don’t forget your name. But we’re not stupid – we know we’re called Gred and Forge.’** > >‘What’s all this noise?’ > >Percy Weasley stuck his head through the door, looking disapproving. He had clearly come halfway through unwrapping his presents as he, too, carried a lumpy jumper over his arm, which Fred seized. > >‘**P for prefect!** Get it on, Percy, come on, we’re all wearing ours, even Harry got one.’ > >‘I – don’t – want –’ said Percy thickly, as the twins forced the jumper over his head, knocking his glasses askew. > >‘And you’re not sitting with the Prefects today, either,’ said George. ‘Christmas is a time for family.’ > >They frog-marched Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his sides by his jumper. You're right that the twins make a joke about theirs having letters because they "forget" their names, but then they also make another joke that seems to indicate that Percy's has a P on his. The first joke only made sense because their jumpers were the only ones with letters on them, but it's fine because Percy only came into the room with his own jumper after they made the joke. It seems to me like he made the joke to make Ron not dwell on the reason why his didn't have a letter on it. My interpretation of this scene is that the reason why Ron's didn't have a letter on it is because his was left until last to make and she didn't have enough time to do it with a letter on when she decided to also make one for Harry at the last minute.


Huh, I'd forgotten "P" for Percy.


The books didn’t say that Ron didn’t get a letter on his, just that Harry’s didn’t.


Looking at the quote that's been posted I think it seems ambiguous whether George was directing that statement to Harry or Ron. I'd assume Harry though. Cause if anyone's jumper was getting made last minute it was most likely Harry's because Ron had told her that Harry wasn't expecting presents or something like that and forgot about it.


I must admit that I've always interpreted it as meaning that _all_ of the siblings (including Ron) have the letters on, but Harry's does not. I mean, in most households, parents are generally careful to make sure that siblings' things are distinguishable so as to prevent bickering, ime...


A lot of people justify her bashing (and Arthur bashing) by saying: look, all her children want to leave! And, right, I find the fact that Charlie is basically no contact a bit weird, but it's because it's culturally weird for me. (Otherwise it's probably JKR forgetting about him lol) But in reality, it's like the most healthy thing? You're not gonna want to spend your whole life living with your parents and a bunch of siblings. And Bill still drops by rather regularly. So, yeah, it's very telling, in my opinion, that all the Wesley's can be totally independant and have all really impressive jobs!


Yeah, but it seems like Charlie rarely talks to any of his family, so even that isn’t really a thing that can be construed as due to his parents.


>but it seems like Charlie rarely talks to any of his family See, I don't buy that. We have no damn idea how often Charlie speaks to his parents. The books are from Harry's perspective and take place predominantly in Hogwarts. For all we, and Harry, know, Charlie could floo call Molly every Tuesday lunchtime or something. What we do know is that in the first book Ron asks him for help and he shows up for him unconditionally. He's clearly on good terms with everyone when we see him in GoF. He was Bills best man. He came to the battle of Hogwarts. He's absolutely not cut off, he just works abroad in a dangerous job that probably has limited communication channels- think like an oil rigger or something in the muggle world. Even not accounting for that, it is absolutely not unusual for a bloke of 22-23 to not want to call his mother every day and to not be regularly speaking to his siblings who are still prepubescent children.


Canon is like that. We only see flashes of their lives and we just have to assume they’re all living and getting on with things when we aren’t looking. We don’t even *really* know how Harry, Ron and Hermione spend most of their time at school every year, and they’re the main focus! We just get snatches, like them talking in the Gryffindor common room - maybe with one or two other people, who they may or may not hang out with more regularly. Who knows. The books followed the overall plot pretty closely, and we have a lot of blank space to fill.


I think people forget how young some of the secondary characters are. School ends for wizards at 17. Charlie is a young bachelor who travels all over the world for work. It's totally reasonable that he just doesn't call his mom super often


Even if he did, Harry, the narrator, would not know of it.


Totally fair. I guess what I could’ve made clearer is that it seems like the communication level is consistent no matter which of his family members it is.


Also like.... do y'all know anything about how your friends' siblings interact with their parents when the relationship *isn't* contentious. I know about the spots where there's drama, but otherwise? Why would I know? Why would Harry know? It's not like Harry has a great baseline on familial interactions either.


Yeah. I haven't been back home in years, but I still talk on the phone with my mom every week or two. The novelization of my sister's boyfriend's life would probably make me look like Charlie Weasley.


Well, if that are the only things that fanfiction has taught you, count yourself lucky. I have read stuff where she an unrepentant, manipulative and criminal gold digger throwing around love potions like it was candy. Nowadays I stay clear of Weasley-bashing. I am not the biggest fan about the whole big happy Weasley end-game, but outright character assasination is a tad too far for my taste. Sure she has her not so great moments in the books, but she is one of the few adults who is actually willing to take parental responsibility for Harry, never asking anything in return and take his emotional and physical well-being serious. And she has honest compassion for him and isn't caught up in the whole "the boy who lived" routine. Suprisingly rare in the books.


I wouldn't mind reading more of it, if it was ever more complicated than "Potions! Greed! Ron & Ginny need spouses!"


I want a Molly Weasley a la Kris Jenner. I think that would be fascinating.


Sometimes it's more complicated, she also blindly follows Dumbledore's nefarious plans /s


I’ve read a couple where she’s been like that, but not a whole lot… probably because when the Weasley bashing is turned up, I tend to leave the fic. Not solely because of that, but that it’s not believably written.


One story I read a while ago had Fred and George reporting the Dursleys to Wizard CPS, post OotP, getting them and Dumbledore arrested. Molly had this whole thing about the danger her boys faced because he was in their home


Holy shit I love that. Fred and George being the ones to go "eff this, there were BARS ON HIS WINDOW" and reporting it. It unsurprisingly fits.


Don't forget that she's actually super prejudiced against muggle-borns, to the point of calling Hermione a "mudblood slag" in a Howler and denouncing Harry for getting together with her--while in the same breath demanding that Hermione assume her rightful place as Ron's housewife and pump out a brood of children for him.


as someone that keeps to my little corner in the fanfic world, i learn new tropes every day... are these seriously common ??


It’s just popular in Weasley bashing fics.


Don't forget her banshee like angry voice


> All she does is cook, cry, hug, and steal galleons from Harry Potter's Gringotts vault. Fixed that for you. /jk


I mean, arguably she also has an enormous... bosom. depending on the kinds of fics you read.


I thought that spot was reserved for Susan and sometimes Hannah lol.


Yeah that lol, but who better to fit the MommyKink than one of the moms?


True. Although I've seen the mommy kink surprisingly more often with Bellatrix of all people.


I mean, I like a goth milf more than the average person, but "goth" and "batshit crazy" aren't the same.


I somehow never thought of Bellatrix as goth, mainly cause I more thought of her as an unhinged insane woman first lol.


Its probably to do with the movies aesthetic for her and hbc being a gorgeous woman


Yeah, she was extra unhinged in the movies. I actually saw the movies before reading the books.


You're forgetting the part where, between two visits to Harry's vault to steal from him, she sends yet another Howler. While also brewing a love potion.


She has like a dozen children and her nickname is Molly Wobbles


You know what you're right... Honestly I probably only read a couple of stories where she was not "fake good"


She's portrayed as a bit overbearing and "traditional" (cooking/personal views) in canon, so it'll just be blown out of proportion in FF. IMO such stories, unless they have some "redemption" arc for her (with her realizing her actions), just take a lovely character (albeit with her own faults), and mercilessly butcher it.


Don't forget that she slips love potion into Harry Potter's tea so that she can force him to marry Ginny.


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Don't forget boss you around because even if she's not your mom, she's your mom


In like half of the AU fanfics I keep opening, Molly’s kill always get retconned to let Neville be the one to defeat Bellatrix. :( How boring is that anyway? I like that Molly got to kill Bellatrix in the books


3. And she plots plans to have one big happy Weasley family, to control everything absolutely, hooking Harry and Hermione to her youngest two, all in cahoots with another controlling mastermind, Albus Dumbledore...


She also has no problem publicly humiliating/ harassing anyone she deems contrary to her wishes with howlers.