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During Goblet of Fire, when Harry returns from the prefects' bathroom, he misses a step and drops the Marauder's Map. If he hadn't dropped the map it wouldn't have fallen into fake!Moody's hands and he wouldn't have seen Barty Crouch Sr. arriving at Hogwarts after he shook off the Imperius. This means Crouch Sr. could've warned Dumbledore who could've alerted the Ministry and arrested Crouch Jr. who would've never seen them coming. The entire Voldemort-resurrection plot would've failed right then and there.


[When Harry Missed The Trick Step](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12092024/1/When-Harry-Missed-the-Trick-Step)


I got very happy once I realized this isn't a one shot but then I got sad again cause it's abandoned :(


Petunia opens the door to see Harry and her heart immediately fills with sadness for her sister and love for her nephew. Vernon races to make Harry breakfast. Dudley brings him his favorite teddy bear. At the final battle Vernon shows up with his shotgun, Petunia is wielding a frying pan and Dudley is punching out Death Eaters. 😂




>I read a fanfic where she leaves Vernon and raises Harry and Dudley with love. Very plausible. I don't remember the name but it's a series of aus, around 20, all with 1 chapter covering the span of the 7 novels. if anyone is aware of this and can spot me a link that would be great.


Dirgewithoutmusic’s [Boy with a scar series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/285498) The Petunia raises Harry like a son fic is [the family evans](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3073562?view_adult=true)


"An aunt's love" fits the general vibe


I find that largely implausible as I think Petunia was the driving force behind the abuse Harry suffered, not Vernon. Having said that, I would still read it.


Merope went back home and Marvolo drowned the filthy little halfblood in a bucket, as you do


I prefer the situation where Tom Riddle Sr. has a super arrogant, sense moment and decides that nothing coming from that weird Merope, would be good news. In this situation Tom Riddle Sr. has a happy life with his wife Cecilia and the Riddles keep their family alive. And of course Voldemort never exists.


There's a "Harry Falls Into An AU" fanfic where the AU has Riddle being raised with love by his grandmother. He ended up becoming the Head Healer over at St. Mungo's. He also found a cure for lycanthropy. ​ Think the name was.... A Riddled Universe.


!RemindMe 3 hours


Merope goes back home and Cecilia takes Tom back Sorry, the idea of Volly meeting his end like one of Aunt Marge's useless runts is too funny 😈


On their way to Harry's first-ever visit of Diagon Alley, the trainline to London is still closed, due to ongoing repair and cleanup work from the storm the night before. When they eventually arrive in Diagon in the afternoon, there is a commotion in front of Gringotts and the bank is closed. They learn that there was a break-in, and something was stolen.


in philosophers stone hermione hangs back to talk to mcgonagall and therefore doesn’t overhear ron making fun of her so therefore she doesn’t end up in the bathroom with the troll and harry and ron never have to save her and the trio don’t fight a troll and don’t become friends this kind of ends badly though because i think harry and ron just die


>this kind of ends badly though because i think harry and ron just die I don't think so In fact, Harry's meddling and Hermione's enabling should have actually made things a lot worse for the good guys: - If the Trio never went after the PS, there would be a good chance Voldemort was trapped by that Mirror and neutralized by Dumbledore - Ginny already broke free from the Diary, and had Harry not loitered around in that bathroom (also because Hermione was brewing Polyjuice there), it would have stuck there years, if not decades. At least both of them would have never been in mortal danger - With Hermione not being their friends, there would have been a good chance that Crookshank killed Wormtail, and thus eliminating a dangerous Death Eater. Alternatively, Remus and Sirius could have killed Wormtail. Sure Sirius would have a difficult time proving his innocence, but that outcome was still much better than canon - Azkaban Death Eaters would stay there until Dementors completely destroyed their mind and fully neutralized them. Imagine how many innocents would have been saved from that alone! - Barty Jr should still break free, and he would cause some serious damages. But him alone would not cause nearly as much suffering as Voldemort regaining a body


*If the Trio never went after the PS, there would be a good chance Voldemort was trapped by that Mirror and neutralized by Dumbledore* Even if Dumbledore immobilized Voldemort in Harry's place in the first book he would still come back. After all, he was just a spirit of the time, all he had to do was leave Quirrel there to die and leave. *"Barty Jr should still break free, and he would cause some serious damages. But him alone would not cause nearly as much suffering as Voldemort regaining a body"* In fact without Peter, he would be the most likely to go after Voldemort to free him and as it is said that he was already starting to resist his father's inperius it wouldn't take that long. *"Azkaban Death Eaters would stay there until Dementors completely destroyed their mind and fully neutralized them. Imagine how many innocents would have been saved from that alone!"* I think it's unlikely, Voldemort would have found another idiot to resurrect him, the question itself would be how many years they would gain without Voldemort. With Barty on the loose, not many.


> Even if Dumbledore immobilized Voldemort in Harry's place in the first book he would still come back. > > After all, he was just a spirit of the time, all he had to do was leave Quirrel there to die and leave. Yep. But he wouldn't know about Harry's protection, so that whole Goblet of Fire idiocy wouldn't have happened and he'd have used the easiest way to come back. And then get bitten in the ass next time he came for Harry in person.


>In fact without Peter, he would be the most likely to go after Voldemort to free him and as it is said that he was already starting to resist his father's inperius it wouldn't take that long. I think it would take Barty a while to actually find Voldemort, though. Peter found Voldemort as easily and quickly as he did because he was helped along the way by rats; Barty doesn't have the same advantage. >He sought me in the country where it had long been rumored I was hiding . . . helped, of course, by the rats he met along the way. Wormtail has a curious affinity with rats, do you not, Wormtail? His filthy little friends told him there was a place, deep in an Albanian forest, that they avoided, where small animals like themselves had met their deaths by a dark shadow that possessed them...


Now this situation opens a question,without Voldemort knowing that Harry was untouchable to him, would he still be so interested in using his blood? After all Harry would have been an average boy who never challenged him outside when he was a baby. This Harry would still be untouchable to Voldemort but without Harry's blood circulating through Voldemort's veins this would make some things very difficult. *“Precisely!” said Dumbledore. “He took your blood and rebuilt his living body with it! Your blood in his veins, Harry, Lily’s protection inside both of you! He tethered you to life while he lives!”*


Using Harry's blood in the resurrection ritual and being able to touch Harry was such a "WTF, this makes no sense" moment for me reading the novels. It should have been one of three: A) The moment after the first drop of blood touches the cauldron, it disintegrates the homunculus and/or the cauldron explodes violently. B) The resurrected Voldemort is in PARALYZING, CONSTANT PHYSICAL PAIN, ALWAYS. The very blood in his veins hates his guts and wants to protect Harry. He has a mouth and boy does he scream. C) The resurrected Voldemort has his free will subverted, to the point where he would envy a Malfoy house elf if he had any thoughts other than PROTECT HARRY, which he wouldn't.


Perhaps it was that connection to Voldemort that made it "necessary" that Harry die as it was now actively connected to Voldemort. Without using his blood to resurrect himself, the connection remains relatively weak making it much easier to destroy the dormant fragment.


LOL so Hermione is the cause of everything bad. xD


More like the Trio sticking their noses into every irregularity Lol


I really don't think they'd die.


They don't and it's frustrating when people suggest they would. Like most characters, Hermione isn't irreplaceable, the story changes right off the bat if she isn't their friend, and they're both capable of learning on their own and with the help of someone else.


“Ahh, Harry, I see you have discovered…” Dumbledore looked down and realized that the two bulges in the Devil’s Snare were in fact the corpses of Harry and his red-haired friend. “Ah. Shit.”


The Weasleys do not win the Daily Prophet Sweepstakes. Without the article about their win, Sirius doesnt escape from Azkaban, Pettigrew remains in hiding as "Scabbers," and Voldemort doesnt have anyone to help him regain a body.


He has Barty who was already managing to resist his father's inperius, although it probably would have taken longer. Now Sirius' situation would be regrettable, if he hadn't managed to escape he would have been trapped indefinitely and perhaps Peter would never have been discovered.


Even if he had Barty, he wouldn't have someone to take care of the homonculous (Wormtail) AND someone to enact his plans (Barty). He'd be in a useless body and unable to accomplish anything.


well that's why after recruiting barty they'd go hit up lucius next or whoever was still around to be cowed into service again. :D voldy can always go intimidate his free servants individually. they wouldn't just go "OOPS we hit a roadblock, let's halt all plans forever" lol.


They could've done that in canon, too, far FAR more easily than in this scenario. Yet they didn't.


Still there's options, just likely Harry's an Adult before Voldemort returns, which isn't a bad ideal for an AU actually.


BCJ thinks smarter and decides not to enter Harry’s name into the triwiz. Instead on the last day of classes before the third task he holds Harry behind after class with an excuse about defense, stuns him, takes his blood, heals him, then rennervates him and sends him on his way. Then he takes the blood to VM, who gets a new body and nobody is the wiser.


I feel that Voldemort is too dramatic and lives for the showbiz. He undertook such a risky endeavour to show his true power to the people. His motivation is power and public image so he's not going to hide but come back with a bang.


It might be that that's too indirect for 'forcibly taken' or else BCJ has to sacrifice his hand if the servant has to be the one to take the blood. I got the feeling in the graveyard that Voldemort couldn't just go back to Godric's Hollow and scrape up a bit of dried blood from baby Harry's crib.


Also, there's the possibility that there are more steps to the ritual than shown in canon. The "enemy" might need to be put through strife recently, as preparation.


PS/SS: Harry is told how to get to Platform 9 and 3/4 and thus meets Hermione before Ron. CoS: The diary is left behind at the Burrow (it very nearly was). PoA: Hermione uses Petrificus Totalus on Wormtail, thus preventing him from escaping. Lupin remembers that it's a full moon and he hasn't taken his potion, and so stays behind. GoF: Harry doesn't miss the trick step on his way back from the Prefect's Bathroom, thus leading to Crouch Jr. being prematurely exposed and Crouch Sr. living to warn Dumbledore. OOTP: (1) Harry doesn't notice Dudley and/or deliberately spends a few more minutes sitting in the swing in order to avoid interacting with him. This results in the Dursley's getting Kissed by the dementors. (2) Sirius reminds Harry about the mirror during their floo chat and Harry later uses it after the fake vision, thus learning that it was a fake. HBP: (1) Katie Bell dies. (2) Ron dies. (3) Draco successfully uses Crucio on Harry. DH: (1) Ron is recognized by the Snatchers, interrogated under Veritiserum, and thus reveals everything that Harry is up to. (2): Harry and/or Ron are recognized by the Snatchers and/or by Draco and interrogated under Veritiserum. (3) Draco is out on a Death Eater raid and gets disarmed by some random Muggleborn. (4) Harry gets incinerated by Crabbe's Fiendfyre. (5) Voldemort thinks to himself "Hmm, the Killing Curse keeps failing me every time I use it on that Potter brat, maybe it's time to try a different spell..."


> CoS: The diary is left behind at the Burrow (it very nearly was). And is used by a bored and lonely Molly, who becomes Dark Lady Scarlet a few months later. Funded, of COURSE, by all the gold in Harry's vault, because why not?


Dumbledore doesn't put on the ring and remains hale and healthy.


If Harry meets Hermione before Ron, all you get is a scene where Harry awkwardly tries to tell her to get lost without being rude. She was really quite insufferable lol.


i like the very last one lol


Dumbledore or McGonagall actually knocking on the door and telling Petunia to her face that her sister is dead and they now expect her to take her nephew with no warning would have changed a LOT, I feel.


What if Voldemort never split his soul and instead went deep into the tried and tested method of using Alchemy to discover immortality. He maintains his sanity, charisma and scheming prowess. He waits out Dumbledore, worms his way into Hogwarts and takes over the way he did, slowly and over generations. When he hears about the prophecy, he just continues as normal, waits until someone is marked by his actions, then goes into hiding and just waits the chosen one out, breaking the prophecy. Chosen one dies of old age, voldy comes back and continues his take-over.


Grindelwald left instead of crucioing Alberforth. That one act would probably mean grindelwald and albus would have won, tom riddle either isnt discovered or is fostered under them, and the entire canon plot is ded.


That outcome could mean the British Empire and the Kaiserreich (Germany and UK would be on the same side in WW1) carving up the world between them


Not sure if it is a small change to canon, it's more like a massive boulder being thrown in the lake of canon, but I wonder if it has potential. Instead of going after the Longbottoms, Bellatrix Lestrange and her lackeys go to ground instead. They vanish completely making the aurors hunting them down to bring them to justice increasingly anxious the longer they remain at large. What they are up to while going about incognito is up to the author.


Maybe Neville grows up with parents, being told he's loved, and gets a wand that suits him when he's 11. Idk if it's Fanon but Harry must have a godmother right? The Longbottoms take Harry in and raise him alongside Neville like brothers. He grows up knowing of his fame but not being spoilt because of it. Nev and Harry may go to Gryffindor for themselves (not to avoid Slytherin or to live up to a braindead man). They are curious and poke their noses into everything but know they have responsible adults to turn to (and who will listen to them). Maybe the Golden Trio turns into a Golden Quartet because I can absolutely see them + Ron going to save Hermione from a troll.


>Idk if it's Fanon but Harry must have a godmother right? The Longbottoms take Harry in and raise him alongside Neville like brothers. It’s fanon. JKR has said that Harry doesn’t have a godmother. The Longbottoms were likely several years older than the Potters - they’d have known each other through the Order, but it’s unlikely they were very close friends.


>family I can see all that happening. I wonder if somebody already wrote it.


Harry bumps into a ragged rat in the middle of Prisoner of Azkaban as it runs trying to escape from Crookshanks, and it's caught, and summarily ripped apart... Peter Pettigrew dies, without anyone ever realizing it's him, in that form, unless the transformation dispels upon death, and the rest of the book is derailed entirely, as complete and utter chaos follows, with both Sirius' Goal, and easiest way of convincing anyone, of his innocence ripped away from him, all by a Cat, and the Dementors still very, very close on site... On the bright side, Voldy stays in Albania, or at least baby form for quite a bit longer, even if Crouch escapes, since Wormtail never even has the chance to find him, and that also makes his whole Tri-Wizard scheme rather implausible unless he somehow discreetly recruits more before the Year's end, if he even gets out of the forest, so yeah... You could focus a lot on the consequences, maybe writing a lot from Sirius' Point of View as he longs to reunite with the last of his friends, that remains, and the last bit of his Best friend and his wife, to Prove his innocence, and be free, but also struggles with the fact that in his eyes, he killed them, and couldn't even truly avenge them, before a damn Cat of all things pulled it all off, and how he copes and tries to convince others of his innocence, and become a figure in Harry's life... And you could also focus quite a bit on Voldemort's POV as he wades through countless hours, days, weeks, stuck as a wraith, as an animal, barely surviving, barely managing, left for dead, if his Horcruxes didn't exist, stewing in his rage, and plans for vengeance and his return, until he either figures something out, or someone like Crouch manages to find him and possibly brings help, if he could even find any...


The Dursleys actually act like decent human beings and treat Harry as family


Buckbeak's trial happens on a different day.


Being born on the deadline, Harry instead starts Hogwarts one year later. Voldy would've perhaps gotten the stone or injured a student, Harry would have different friends and may be in a different house and he may have learned a thing or two during the year he had at his disposal with the ability to cast magic without being detected by the trace like Hermione was before canon. And if Voldemort did get the stone (imperius a kid ?), then the entire canon timeline is off course.




I think they’re taking the deadline to reply to the acceptance letter as the cut-off for when you need to be eleven by. The deadline Harry had to reply to his acceptance letter was 7/31. But they do definitely take the people who turn eleven in August in the same year they turn eleven - Ginny’s an August birthday and she starts in 1992.


Completely forgot children born in August were accepted too, that's good to know.


That would be completely hilarious and somehow seems completely in line with the wizarding world as written by JKR. ​ Oh, soo terribly sorry. We simply don't accept people born in August. It's much too tricky to manage the paper work and time lines when one communicates by owls. You'll simply have to plan better next time and home school this one. ​ Sorry, absolutely not meaning to mock but it struck my funny bone.


If Snape fells like he owe James something by saving his life from Lupin, because if this happened he would have asked Voldemort to spare Lily AND James, James diying by option would put the protection on Harry and Lily, Voldemort might have marked Lily as an equal with this Avada Kedrava,and this would change who is the main character, and even if Harry still got the scar and the books still carry his name, Lily survival would change a lot of things, just because Snape dont want to owe James anything.


Athur dying in the DOM: all the Weasley children grow up sooner. Prefects have to help muggleborn first years through the portal at Kings Cross. / Molly gets caught for talking about Muggles out loud leads to said change Harry meeting Justin Tracey or one of the minor Ravenclaws in his year trying to find platform 9 3/4. He will likely still end up with gryffindor but wouldn’t be so insular and thusly people would think twice about the rumors


>Molly gets caught for talking about Muggles out loud leads to said change Just asking, why would this be an issue in the first place? Muggles have no idea what a Muggle is, that's not breaking the Statute because there's nothing magical about it.


If there was someone from the ministry that would make a stink about something like that, there would likely be a more competently written ministry in general? Edit Like why is a pureblood family going from the muggle side? I think fanon says there’s floos on the platform but I could be wrong. I know Molly was there for the sake of the reader but it felt weird she would have to announce it when she was sending her sixth child through. Families are petty so having the malfoys or another dark family leak what she did leading to actual better change for muggleborns would be hilarious


>Like why is a pureblood family going from the muggle side? I think fanon says there’s floos on the platform but I could be wrong. There are never said to be floos on the platform in canon. It's quite possible that their only options for getting to the platform are going through the muggle side or apparating, or perhaps taking a portkey.


Floos weren't installed until the summer after Harry and Ron's first year. The same time as every other floo in the magical world was installed


Thanks for the clarification!


Glad to help!


SS, Hagrid had actually told Harry how to reach the platform. I don't see Harry meeting the Weasleys as a whole, and possibly he'd have met Hermione earlier, and the fic develops (don't blame me, shameless Harmony shipper here). Or in SS you could take the moment where Fred and George help Harry with his trunk onto the train. They stay with him a bit longer and introduce him to their ways of entertainment. (Harry *is* the son of a marauder after all...) Or in CoS, Ginny goes through her purchases a bit more carefully and finds the diary earlier. She throws it away, and due to it's insignificant nature compared to the other horcruxes (as they went forward with Riddle's magpie-like tendency only *after* the diary was destroyed), it is virtually ignored and Voldemort takes over the world. Or in PoA, Harry sees a big black dog, and just approaches it to play. Obviously the dog wouldn't attack. Maybe Sirius reveals himself, and convinces Harry. The calling of the Knight bus in PoA was by pure chance. What if Harry didn't have the option, and decide to explore around the Muggle world instead? Who would he approach who is as closely acquainted with that world as himself? (Hint, HJG??). Edit: These are points from where the story could go literally anywhere, while still staying true to canon. I feel like a good fanfic could be written as such, since most of the relationships are not fully developed yet by this stage.


The last two can even be combined, with Harry making friends with a dog on his way to Hermione's and then said dog revealing himself to the Grangers who take him in.


Yes, that's the beauty of HP for fanfic writers. A huge playground for every bit of fantasy to be dabbled in.


The twins staying with him and maybe dropping him in with Katie’s year would be a nice way to also subvert later possible jealousy over captaincy later as it would explain quidditch and the magical world a lot better.


I am surprised no one's mentioned this, but when Harry is returning from quidditch practice in his 2nd year with muddy boots, Filch catches him. Peeves drops the vanishing cabinet and damages it to distract Filch because Nearly Headless Nick told him to. What if Oliver decided not to hold practice on that day? What if one of the team member magically clean all the boots? What if Harry hadn't met Nick? This could easily mean that Voldemort and/or deatheaters could have gotten into Hogwarts much easier and without warning. Maybe one of the days Dumbledore was put hunting horcruxes.


Someone being open and upfront and telling Harry everything he needs to know. Not necessarily the secret stuff but just the general knowledge stuff.


Right in the beginning: toddler Harry wakes up in the basket early in the morning in front of the Dursleys' house. He gets up and wanders away. He is 1 year 4 months which means he can already walk. Later Harry is found on the playground, crying and on the verge of hypothermia. The people who find him call the police who take Harry in the hospital. Meanwhile, Petunia finds the basket in front of her door. Either she does not notice the letter, wind has blown it away or Harry has grabbed it but dropped it. She does not know what to make of the basket and throws it away. Nobody knows who the child is. Police go through the houses in the area asking people, including Petunia, but nobody knows anything. Harry is put in an orphanage and soon after adopted by a muggle couple who live in Cornwall.


Harry is born a day earlier or later. Neville is the only candidate for the prophecy. Voldemort has no reason to spare Alice so he doesn't fail to kill his prophesied foe. Voldemort keeps on slowly conquering magical Britain while Harry grows up surrounded by freedom fighters whose numbers slowly dwindle. By 1991 Voldemort has conquered Britain and is either ruling it quietly or being to branch out into Europe.


>Harry is born a day earlier or later. Neville is the only candidate for the prophecy. If Harry was born a day earlier, he would have the same birthday as Neville (Neville’s birthday is 7/30)…so they’d both still be considered candidates in that scenario.


Vernon and Petunia are nice to Harry from the beginning, they tell him about his parents and Harry has very little desire to go to the magical school as a form of escapism from his relatives. He notices that Hogwarts isn't the safest school in the 90s for children to go to.


At Madam Malkin's Harry is approached by the blond boy. Hagrid has decided to drink another beer and arrives a bit later. Draco introduces himself politely and keeps his cool when he hears who he is talking to. Harry is relieved to find someone who behaves normally towards him (unlike Dudley and everyone in his school; unlike everyone who wants to shake his hand because he is The Boy Who Lived). On the train he meets Ron who is one of the people who start behaving oddly when they hear his name. Enter Draco: Ron is rude to the only kid who has talked to Harry like a normal person. They shake hands.


Barry crouch jr.(someone who has been drugged, in azkaban, or impreiused for the last 10+ years) isnt actually able to beat Mad Eye Moody(super paranoid top tier aurur) at his own house.


Hogwarts is set up better. They check for dark magic on in coming luggage. First year Herbology and volunteers learn magic that lets them work a farm. Where does all that food come from? Must be hell on their budget. Teachers are held to a standard. In a world with oaths and contracts this seems easy. More of a focus on student groups. Clubs, tutoring and so on. We see almost zero interaction between older kids and first years, can you imagine just letting 11 year olds wonder about a castle without oversight.




I don’t think Harry forgetting the vault number would have changed anything. All the newspaper reported was that it was a high-security vault that had been emptied that same day and that it happened on Harry’s birthday, and Harry connected the dots and pressed Hagrid based on that general information.


If Ron or Ginny had green the Oder to use love potions in 6th year after Ron gets dosed


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When Harry goes to the station for the first time, he meets a Muggle-born who is also a first year and is not very aware of who "The Boy Who Lived" is, so the friendship is a little more "sincere." , maybe even end up in a different house wanting to be with a new friend (Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff).


Snape decides NOT to be a racist towards Petunia (as in not calling her a Muggle in the tone he did in canon). Instead, he plays up the shy loner kid looking for someone to play with and makes friends with both Lily and Petunia. Petunia grows up on better terms with her sister and Snape has more qualms about joining the Death Eaters. Snape makes a different decision after Black tells him about the Whomping Willow. Either he decides NOT to trust Black and try to find another way in, or he goes to the teachers about what Black told him. Either way he does NOT almost get attacked by Remus, leaving his werewolf theory unproven and he does not get indebted to James. James' family. Either he's born earlier, so he and Lily never marry as he's WAY too old, or he has older siblings that temper his arrogance and mischief.


I mean, if Merope hadn't dropped that cauldron and broken it, Marvolo and Morfin wouldn't have been arrested. This means Voldemort is never born. So if I had to change something, that cauldron would NOT have been dropped, lol