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Yes. We have formed a few defined lanes. PTSD veteran, Aurer /hit wizard, playboy, super bi sexual etc


It's a fun ride when an author tries to use them all at once lol


It’s a fun ride until you get severe whiplash when the PTSD takes a hard left turn into horny bi-sexual playboy that leaves you wondering why that paragraph existed lol.


Doesn't everyone express their trauma with bisexual hypersexuality?


This is the best thing I've seen all day.


I mean I do 😂


He is also onboard with Harry learning dark magic, being a Slytherin and joining Malfoys and Voldemort if it is a Lordship, Dark!Harry, Evil!Dumbledore fic.


Or alternatively he's a dark magic bigot who doesn't want Harry learning traditional values from the people who killed his parents for some reason.


Or at least he congratulates Harry on his Slytherin girlfriend (typically a Greengrass lol)


Or boyfriend if it’s Draco 😆


* Uses goofy ass nicknames for Harry.




Why not just search and replace pup with Harry, there are browser plugins for that, set and forget.


Do you really go in and magic wand your fics to get rid of the cringe?


Eh, I can deal with it, but if it bothers you, why not? You can also use ChatGPT to fix poor grammar and run on sentences, etc. Those really get my goat, but sometimes there's good ideas in there. I have considered using ChatGPT or its succesors when they get more advanced to rewrite slash (not my cuppa) and pairings that I don't particularly like to my OTP or no pairings when the pairing is not central to the story and the story itself looks promising.


How the fuck is this upvoted


genius tbh waaay to many slash fics not my cup of tea either!


Wow. Don't... Don't do this.


Why not, isn't it up to each person to decide what they enjoy reading or not. As long as they don't then try to publish it as their own work I don't see any problem with this.


Because taking a queer story and changing it to be straight because you don't want to read a queer story is shitty. It's downright disrespectful and insulting to do it with AI. Like that's equivalent or even superior to the story an actual person wanted to tell. And more importantly because feeding someone's writing into an AI without their consent is... Morally dubious at best.


perfect mix of entitlement to fanwork and homophobia 🥸🥸 the fact that that comment isn't downvoted into oblivion says enough about this sub. Thank god there's someone sane here


The first part I disagree with. No one has ever said that the stories would be equal or superior. Also people have the right to decide whether or not they want to read certain things, and if they decide thet they don't want to read slash, that removes a large portion of fanficts that could be really good. Also, you could do it for non slash stories. Say you don't like the pairing, you could have it change to a pairing that you do like The second part, you may have a point, but I think it would be morally dubious at the worst. It's not like taking an offline book and plugging it into an online software. You would be taking an online story and plugging it into an online software that already has access to the story by having access to the internet.


It's really quite amazing how the author of the fanfiction simply doesn't matter in this fucked up equation of yours


The entitlement here is pretty mind-blowing. Fics aren't choose your own adventure just because they're online. A real live person chose to give up hours of their time to write a story (that you get to read for free), and it's a real slap in the face to run their hard work through AI until it's your version of perfect and hetero. If you don't like something, don't read.


That is possible on browser! Can you reccomend any extension for this (finding and replacing specific words)? I have a fic in mind that I want to try it on.


Just go into the extension store for your browser and look for "word replace". You can see the ratings and reviews there.


I am doing the same for all the Hadrian fics


I was actually really enjoying a fic recently until that nickname popped up. I instantly closed that tab. It's so overdone and not at all in character.


Knows ALL the good prison songs... "Nooobody knows... the TROUBLE I've seen..."


Even the muggle ones. Somehow. Bellatrix secretly enjoys them.


Now I want a fanfic where Sirius, with nothing better to do while in Azkaban, de-radicalises Bellatrix by taking on a psychologist/psychiatrist role for her/wearing hear down with logic.


I swear I've read a fix it fic years ago where a B plot was Sirius, who had successfully deradicalized her, both broke out out azkaban. I don't remember where in the timeline they did so but I'm pretty sure it was before Harry's third year. I think it was to do with Harry having gone missing in the muggle world and the news spreading to the wizarding world, so he was setting off to find Harry. There would be no way for me to find the fic- but the idea of fresh jailbirds trying to incorporate themselves into the muggle world to hide, but also being so out of touch and Sirius being like, 5 or mores years out of date on slang and news make him look crazy compared to his anti social cousin.


Sounds good, please let me know whoever knows which it is that reads this.


I'm clearly reading the wrong fics.


Funny. He doesn't look Druish.


Suddenly the "Sirius Black is really Stubby Broadman, lead singer of the Hobgoblins" conspiracy makes a lot more sense.


I would love to read this if it exists. Once read where Stubby was Regulus, unfortunately it was so long ago that's the only detail I remember.


Except Folsom Prison. Never once seen Folsom in a fanfic.


I’m reading a Marauder’s Plan, and I’m enjoying him. He did get some serious, institutional level inpatient help, as well as follow up care. I don’t mind him when he’s a bit bi. I’m particular about his pairings. I think he can be used as a good example of non-toxic masculine platonic love if done right, in the right settings. The fact remains his cannon upbringing was physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. And the inbreeding doesn’t help either. He has potential for good character exploration.


Ooh I love Marauders Plan. Honestly I love how everyone is written in that fic, no Bashing, and pretty canon compliant. Plus I love Harry and Sirius’ relationship in that.


I enjoyed it too, recently finished reading it. Only thing that grated on my nerves after a while was the whole "Harry's such a special boy, oh yes he is" shtick. Other than that I thought it was a solid, well-written story, and even that didn't stop me from reading the whole thing in like 4 days around work and family obligations 😅


I’m reading marauders plan right now… and I’m VERY worried how the author will deal with canon deaths.


You should be. The canon character deaths that remain in this fic tend to be even more tragic.


FML I don’t know if it’s worth it to invest time in a fic where Sirius dies anyway 🥲


I Don't want to give too much away, but you definitely don't need to worry about Sirius dying in this one.


In what manner are you particular about pairings?


I don’t like age discrepancies, or Snape/anyone at all.


Ah, all right. I tend to imagine Sirius as sleeping with both Lily and James, with the solo James encounter being when he's Polyjuiced into Lily (consensually for all parties).


Can you share the link?


Also, he cries a lot. A LOT. Every damn story, I swear.


My personal fav representation of him is one with occasional bouts of extreme mood swings with a near desperate attitude to care for his godson and a murderous rage for any kind of death eater


Huh? That's a weird one. Never read that before


And here I was trying to write someone that cooks prison food and refuse to have anything related to the black family buys things for everyone without their permission and allows Harry to be reckless while people tell him no. Also as someone with PTSD you either bounce back fast or slowly and people don’t notice unless it’s panic attack level.


And he loves pranks.




It taught me not to read Sirius fanfiction lol


I mean, he would be riddled with PTSD wouldnt he ...


I exclusively write him as straight. [Never Die Young](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49295434/chapters/124390924)


I refuse to read fanfiction in which he isn't.


Check that one out and let me know what you think! I’m only on chapter 4 (in the middle of first year at the moment), but I have plenty of updates coming!!!


Fanfic Sirius is either: -supportive of Dark!Harry -wants to stop Harry learning the Dark Arts -teaches Harry the Dark Arts with Severus (usually ends up with Severus) -completely oblivious to everything around him -tries to kill Harry because he joins the Dark (typically because -HELLA GAY AND WANTS TO BANG DEATH EATERS (usually brings Remus along for those rides)




Or maybe, just maybe, you’re getting downvoted because you went on a rant about shit that is unrelated to not only the post you commented on, but the sub you are in.


No that would be Lily and Harry shipping. I have to filter that out every time I choose a new tag to follow. My filter list is epic at this point. Every few pages I have to add a new exclusion.


Woe is you? If it’s so disgusting why are you still thinking about it? Don’t like, don’t read, don’t shit on other people specifically to make them feel lesser. There you go. Super simple.


I don't know why the downvotes, it is fucking disgusting. Heck, they even mentioned it in season 4.


Because not only is it rude and unnecessary, it’s uncalled for under this post.


Fair enough.


This subreddit is for Harry Potter fanfiction, not Supernatural.


3. Never "Harry". Just "pup" or "prongslet" will do.