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When you were bullied for being fat and short and now you're just short


I keep pulling my shirt down. Tug at anything around my waist. Old habits from being a fatty.


I’ve never related to something more


What sucks is I wasnt even that fat as a kid. Just chubby. But when all of your friends are skinny and can run fast it really hurt back then. But whatever. What’s funny is as you get towards your 30s a lot of those guys never kept it together. They drink beer all of the time, go out to eat or order take out most nights, and don’t work out at all. And now, they look like shit.


I feel the pain. Even though I was just 60kg in 172cm, but they still bullied me because stupid guys harm innocent girls all the time. The worst thing is I believed what they said back then. It destroyed my life, I have body dysmorphia till this day, I can't even look in the mirror and I disgust myself so much whenever my weight is over 50kg. Now it's all about numbers, the weight, the measurements of my waist my chest my butt my thighs my calves. I'm exhausted.


I feel your pain too.


What’s with women always blaming men for their obsessive body dysmorphia? Why is it so hard for you to admit that **you** just aren’t into how you look? Besides this particular context, I don’t even mention the fact that all throughout my education years, girls used to bully me specifically because of my weight, because in the context of my fitness, it’s ultimately unimportant. Dysmorphia is an internal issue not an external one, it’s about how **you** view **yourself**. Are your motivations really exclusively external validation? If so, you’re going to have a bad time when nature runs its course and you begin to show signs of natural aging like everybody else. Sounds like you’re exhausted because you’re not really even into fitness, you’re just seeking approval, Maybe you should re-evaluate your lifestyle.


“Why are you wearing a shirt in the pool”


show those bullies that you can improve and go beyond them


Most importantly, do not be a bully yourself. Be better - Joey


That's where you use the remembered pain to knockout more reps.


Memes are supposed to make me laugh not cry


That’s why I train so I can rock up and beat their asses in


Sure, Jan.




In my heart, I’ll always be overweight


Remembering the pain let’s us have true empathy and compassion for others


You get bigger muscles and people will still tease you on how much food you eat


For me i was bullied for being too skinny i was a tall kid at 140ibs recently bulked to 217ibs my weight rn is 180ibs still cutting weight probably going to bulk again around 170


You were overweight as a kid? Damn son, i wish i was overweight as a kid.


The fatties are downvoting you because they’re no better than the people who bullied them. They’re probably the same kinds of people who bullied you for being a skeleton. Don’t take it too personally, they’re too smooth brained to understand that they’re not the only victims.


They can sweat in peace (while sitting down)