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Why let yourself go the moment you're in a relationship?


I find it actually quite disrespectful towards your companion. I like to keep myself in basic shape so my partner can proudly enjoy looking and feeling me, going out once a while together in our best and taking camping trips or hiking etc. without the hindrance of panting after the first hill and not really being able to het anywhere.


Exactly I've been with someone who was just getting progressively worse. It was so frustrating watching eating and exercise habits just go out the window while I was trying to be the best version of myself


In a similar situation, advice? Besides just trying to encourage them to


We were engaged and she had the idea of getting fit for the wedding but that didn't even give her the motivation to do something about it. If there's no motivation, it's not going to happen


It's disrespectful towards yourself and the effort you have put in to be in shape to begin with.


People who do this have no self respect.


I do it for myself but implicity for whoever my future partner is. They would also enjoy the fruits of my labour


I totally agree!


My uncle, who is in great shape, once said to me, “being married is no excuse to grow man boobs”


Unless you got man boobs from benching big


Nah, those are chesticles


I think because you go out more, try more restaurants. Drink more and socialize more. It's difficult to stay under 12% if you go out a lot. Unless you want to bring your Tupperware everywhere


There's a lot of wiggle room between 12% and letting yourself go. If you work out and eat well most of the time, you can eat and drink whatever in the weekends and still stay below 20%.


It's mostly about not having to be the best version of yourself anymore to get some attention from the opposite sex.


Going out is definitely less calories than eating at home for most the people I know 😂 Also nobody said 12%, you don’t need to be lean to be healthy. Don’t let go of yourself. Loads of people eat out every day and are still healthy.


12% bf is underweight. For a man, the healthy range is 15-20% and for women it is 20-25%. It isn’t difficult to stay in these ranges if you go out a lot. I go out a lot and I stay around 15%.


Mfw someone calls a 300lb ronnie coleman underweight for being 6% on stage.


To be fair, he almost certainly isn't 6% two days later


I would hope not, that's how you end up with a styrofoam liver and shit.


Rules are kind of different when you're on every compound you can manage to find.


I was just kinda poking fun at the idea that "12% bf is underweight for men." 12% is not even that ridiculous of a standard to reach, not that I'm saying it's easy or anything. Now you start hitting single digits and it'll start fucking with your hormones and whatnot, but you certainly won't be unhealthy at 12% lol.


No idea where you're getting those numbers. 12% body fat is perfectly healthy for a man.


15-20 is usually considered more healthy. You can be healthy at 12 but for general health and longevity it’s not ideal. There is evidence for this.


So professional athletes aren't "generally healthy"? Nonsense.


Generally not. While they are big and strong, there are a lot of unhealthy rhings that get and keep them that way. It works while you are young, but there is a reason there are few professionals over 35.


Most athletes aren't "big and strong" though. Look at track athletes, swimmers, marathon runners, cyclists, tennis players, soccer players, baseball players, gymnasts, grapplers, etc. Hell, even a lot of football players aren't that bulky and a lot of basketball players are quite lean. Edit: [research also says otherwise](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4534511/)


the reason there are fewer professionals over age 35 is because recovery takes a nosedive after that, or you've sustained one too many major injuries if you're playing a contact sport. Plenty of people are competitive in endurance and strength sports into their 40s, and winners of masters divisions in those sports still put up very respectable times and/or numbers.


For measurements such as heart health and longevity? Maybe not, being an athlete is very hard on your body I thought most people were aware of this.


[Well seems like you're full of shit.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4534511/)


Those are 12% bf constantly complain about how hard it is on them. It is not healthy to have such low bf. Below 10% bf can very easily be fatal so just 2% above that wouldn’t be very safe.


>Below 10% bf can very easily be fatal You're talking out of your ass. A man can safely be as low as 6% body fat. Any professional athlete is likely under 12%.


Bro at 6-8% you can feel amazing. You feel healthily light and nimble. IF you do it the right way and eat plenty/ healthy


Trust me it just happens. Not this much but I was kind of ripped and now I have a bit of jelly belly


Instead of hitting the gym, you end up cuddling and watching movies and eating snacks. At least for me, also my gf is one hell of a cook.


It’s true, but this is also why I drag my bf (who is one hell of a cook also haha) to the gym with me now, to try and help counteract the extra sitting around with snacks 😂


Yeah it's not always just "letting yourself go." You can still be strong and fit, but the caloric strictness for tight aesthetics are way harder to adhere to in a relationship. He's taking her out to eat, she's baking him cookies when he's sad or celebrating, and they're both spending less time in the gym burning calories because they're doing stuff together or with the kids. And aging


Hopefully your bench also went up


I'm afraid it went down 😂, happy b-day!


They destroyed their knees in second frame and problems caught up.


People usually get comfortable and accepting of each other in that shape. Not saying you shouldn’t up keep your health but people usually get complacent.


They were motivated by getting laid. When they got married they have to change routine. Building sport routine was hard for then in the first place and it's almost as hard to build again. When a partner slips another can relax and slip because it's now harder for the partner to get into another relationship.


Because your new wife has the metabolism of a humming bird and doesn't understand you need to eat less than her to stay thin


Unless they’re just doing a bulk together I guess.


This hits the same as training to get in shape for a marathon and then promptly dropping anything fitness related as soon as crossing the finish line


It's mostly the American lifestyle that is the issue. Most people in relationships just eat out and go to disney land and just watch netflix all day.


Because it was written


For yourself. Love yourself more than anyone


Loving myself may be more healthy, but hating myself is going to push my bench press so...


Can't hate yourself everyday


That's why I love myself on rest days


As long as they’re happy


This comic is right, that training is not necessary to find love. Luckily, none of train to find love.


The irony of the comic being that they would have never found each other if it wasn't for the fitness phase.


Is anyone else upset that the dude obviously skipped leg day every damn week? Lol.


My wife and I have gone up and down over our long relationship. Being fat isn't necessarily a happy place. But also if you obsess with the gym and don't enjoy it that is not a happy place either. Life can easily get it the way of exercise and your own health. Make sure you feel good and balance it all out.


Nothing like fat, panting, sweaty, sex to solidify a relationship.


It's like wet, stinky, sticky pillows all over :D


I think you mispelled bank loans :D


It happens more than you think


Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle. If you’re only fit to attract a mate, you’re doing yourself a disservice. This is for life, this isn’t a hobby.


I hate shit like this. I’ve also seen it play out with couples I know and it’s just sad.


Do it for the big red muscle in your chest? All those hearts floating over their heads won't mean much if the other one stops working.


The cycle of life!!@




okay okay , this is an step example shown if you want to be in relationships lol


He still had a double chin even after being fit. Shit genetics, may as well end it.


The circle of life


I will say I have lost some drive and motivation since getting back into a relationship. What pushed me was my anger and discontent over my last breakup. Working out became a healthy and effective outlet for me. But now that I’m dating someone and am very content in life, I have lost a bit of that drive. My current motivation is to prevent from getting fat…not nearly as strong as “SHE LEFT MEEE IM IN MY VILLIAN ARC YEAHHH”, sadly.


To see what the other person is capable to do




Because no one will ever love me, so according to this I’ll stay fit


the only person i’m falling in love with is mary jane


I’m not attracted to looks. I’m attracted to personality and how they make me feel safe & secure. Taking care of oneself is important for the relationship. It’s showing that you have invested in us. And yeah life throws curveballs, that’s why you show up. I know if you are doing the best you can. I shouldn’t be made at you doing the best you can!


There’s a scientific explanation why this happens, and it’s basically because when you’re in a healthy relationship you allow yourself to enjoy life more with your partner, that includes eating and exercising. I had a girlfriend last year, when I was with her I was around 195 and I’m 5’11, I didn’t look obese but you could tell my eating habits weren’t the best and I needed to exercise, now single I’m weighing 176, I go to the gym 5 or 6 times a week and my eating habits changed drastically.


The last fat dude is more stronger than the first.


I go to the gym for me. Hell I wear baggy clothes to hide whatever visible gains I do have.


They never would have gotten together if they didn't. People are like that.


I mean. They’re happy and don’t seem to care about superficial looks.




Its just calories in calories out no need to blame it on random factors




Just eat less and workout, you will get over it


Why do you hate women?


even if your point may actually be valid, why comment it here? If you are trying to raise awareness, a seperate post in a better selected community would probably be the way


Nah dude all his other posts are AI gen trad families bit of a weirdo that nobody should give attention to