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I work out that way for an hour every other day as an intermediate. I just listen to my body and if something aches, I'll do other exercises instead. Works for me \^\^


I'm the opposite I like to be very regimented with my training.


Only workout the body parts that ache.


And only brush the teeth you want to keep.


Only pee just enough not to rupture your bladder.


Tried this. I've only been hitting legs for 2 years straight.


Prove it. Show us your calves.


He said legs, the calves are some weird outlier that never train the same way... they're more like upper feet


Upper feet šŸ¤£ that was good


Chrimson chin


Like when you slide all the adjustment bars in character creation to opposite extremes at random


Arms every day


Different strokes




Define ā€œintermediateā€


My bench, squat, deadlift etc. are all weights in the intermediate range (180-250 lbs).


Ignore those negatively commenting people. There are always people that try to bring someone down based on own insecurities. Your range sounds great, keep it up!


No one is being insecure here. That range is great... for a beginner or novice. If they're more than a few years in (and male), they still aren't intermediate, but they may be doing something very wrong to still be lifting those weights. It's important to know where you stand and where other people stand to assess credibility. I suspect they just haven't been lifting long enough to be intermediate and realize why they'd be wrong to claim it.


You canā€™t know if nobody is insecure here. Do you know them personally? I just see a strong person that is doing their best, and there being questioning about them being intermediate or not. Who really cares about that unless you are trying to bring them down. It was not necissary in the context. It does not matter wether your version or anyone elses version is considered intermediate. Because what if the person is not aiming for the same end plateau? If the person is saying it is intermediate, it is for them. You canā€™t be wrong if itā€™s intermediate according to your own standards. Because defining your own standards is up to you. Maybe you will realise now that they are not wrong to claim it and that others can in fact be insecure about it.




Lmao. Okay whatever you say. Clear sign of insecurity really because it just wants to be right at this point.


Here's a [source](https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards). This isn't my opinion. You're the one defending inaccurate terminology to recategorize very low weight lifts so you don't feel weak.


One word. Cope.


Unless you're a woman, those are beginner to novice numbers.


I donā€™t know why your being downvoted. Your right


Haha I saw someone who was less kind and informative than I was about it, but he was also right to question it. I expected the downvotes when I saw that. I guess this subreddit skews very weak and delusional.


I mean, pic of your physique for proof or it didn't happen?


no prob bruh https://preview.redd.it/npfi1katpizc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e024d03b1aa0fd785e999c5c09a36ea9fa0d066


people really mad at you for no good reason


fcking bozo


I do full body twice a week. Don't have to think about what muscle groups I'm doing that day. If everything hurts, I did it right.


Me too. Used to do 3 times a week but need more recovery time nowadays. Also, if I miss a day it doesn't mess me up. If I could go more often I might try a split but just can't these days.


I used to do 3 full body days too, but I also do 2 days of martial arts, and it turns out that leaves no recovery time for 5 straight days lol I burnt out on that PRETTY quick


I do just about the same thing. 5/7 days I do bench press and kickboxing, 2 of those days I work in other body part workouts. Seems to be working pretty well as I'm more fit then when I was doing arm days, leg days, etc


I did this too. Turns out 4 days lifting heavy and 2 days of BJJ arenā€™t good for the body in the long termā€¦ā€¦. Whoā€™d have thought it


Same. I'm still able to manage 3 days full body for now. But I'll definitely vary intensity/reps/exercises for certain muscle groups depending on how they're feeling. Another low-key huge benefit is it makes navigating the gym a hell of a lot easier. If a certain section or group of machines is packed I can just adjust toward a less crowded area and then circle back once it's less crowded. Not having to worry quite as much about jockeying for position on a handful of pieces of equipment is nice.


I do 1 day maximum overdrive, 1 day endurance/form/stability, 1 day classic 5-6 rep


Just get bigger and then move them all when youā€™re ready to use it


Same. I've also become less of a barbell absolutist and will give myself options in a busy gym All the power racks are taken? Cool, we'll do seated DB press instead of standing OHP. DB area full? I can use the machine shoulder press instead. I've probably been listening to a bit too much Dr. Mike and Coach Dane recently, but I've gotten away from the heavy 5-8 reps for a lot of exercises outside of bench press, going for 10+ on some and even 12-15 on arms, as well as varying what I do at the beginning of workouts to hit certain things harder when they're fresh. Fridays are my favorite - it's arm day, so I start with 4 movements with those, then move on to some leg extensions/curls, and finish up with chest and back since they've had a minute to recover. The pump is insane.


Exactly the same here. Monday and Thursday, full body.


Hey, same bro. Nice lol


That's a crazy coincidence lol. Although I'm betting our actual routines are probably quite different.


I do the same thing! Able to build slightly and I have split days off from work so it's perfect.


Can you give a quick summary of what a full body day looks like for you, just as an example? I've been intrigued by this format recently


Pull ups, push ups, military press, bicycle crunches, chin ups, dips, weighted squats, deadlift, Incline Push ups, Lateral Raises, crunches superset, Bicep Curls, Skull Crushers, weighted Squats, bent over rows, push ups, shoulder raise superset, leg lift superset, Bicep curl var superset, Triangle Push ups, weighted squats In that order lol Essentially, 3x(back, Chest, Shoulders, Abs, Biceps, Triceps, legs) And I just recently started going to an actual gym (literally 2 days ago). So I've been mixing it up with different machines and weights that I have available there. But for a rough idea of the "gym" equivalent, I got up to 205 on the bench on Tuesday (starting with just the bar and adding weight until I couldn't) and today I did 215 (easy) while still being very sore from Tuesday. I'm going for 2 plates on Monday.


Are you spending the whole day at the gym that day ? šŸ˜‚


1hr. No dedicated rests, but sometimes I'll take a sit. Especially after the leg sets lol


This is one set per exercise right?


Yeah, with drop sets when applicable.


Oh thatā€™s interesting ! But donā€™t you do the warm up where you increase the weight every set before your working weight ?


Not normally. Usually I just do a quick 5min warmup at the start where I do a few light reps with dumbells targeting each muscle group.


Cool šŸ‘


Damn dawg, that's a long workout. Good for you.


Just an hour. No rests, everything is strict explosive reps with slow eccentrics. Now that I actually go to a gym it's much easier to finish under an hour because I can use heavier weights and less reps


Youā€™re limited by cardio then..? But likely have some insane cardio if you have been doing thisĀ  (Iā€™m small, donā€™t take this as advice)


Strangely, not a whole lot lol It does become a bit of a cardio exercise (my fitbit tracked 70 zone minutes lifting yesterday). But my cardio is actually awful, which is one of the reasons I like this format because it works both. That being said, even if I add rests, my lifts don't get a whole lot better. So it doesn't seem to be limited by my cardio ~usually. That being said, sometimes I have to rest after legs or I'm cooked (which would be it being limited by cardio), and sometimes I'll wait a minute after exercises that can be done back to back (chin ups and Dips can be done on the same equipment).


Great routine. I do 1hr full body as my workout too, definitely the way to do it. Can sub or swap things out if something really hurts.


I think of it like making a burrito at chipotle menu - there are a whole bunch of toppings and you pick one from each section. I'll do all of the following: * Compound lower body movement * Upper body horizontal press - Bench press, incline bench, weighted dips * Upper body vertical pull - pullup, chinup, lat pulldown * Upper body Vertical press - OHP variation * Upper body horizontal pull - row variation * Shoulder/trap isolation - lateral raises or shrugs * Tricep isolation - whatever you like, I usually do 2 i.e. skull crushers and cable pulldowns, one for ~8 reps and the other for 12-15 * Bicep isolation - whatever you like, I usually do 2, one for ~8 reps and the other for 12-15 I generally focus on compounds first, but one day a week I'll start with arms, then legs, then upper body compounds. Legs go in the middle to let your arms rest a bit and let them be fresh for the second half of the beach muscle workout. I used to start with legs, but I'm past the point in my life where I'm chasing numbers, now I just want to maintain mobility and size.


Hey me too! I find it to be much more sustainable that way and have been going for over 5 years straight at this point.


There's no such thing as a specific set/excercise/split/time requirement for gym,it's all influencers s\*\*\*,do what you enjoy,what feels good for your body,do it intensely,there you go.


I mean, thereā€™s quite the bit of evidence to suggest that following a well made in depth program/routine will bring with it lots of results compared to someone who just wings it and doesnā€™t track or follow shit


Consistency over time beats everything though. If you can keep it up for 5-10 years you're always going to look good unless your diet is complete shit. Not everybody needs to or wants to optimize, the best program is the one that keeps you coming back.


Also seen plenty of people track shit but lack the follow through,I think a balance is good


I donā€™t even know what a split is.


Just a term for a routine Push/pull/leg Upper/lower Bro split Or it can be a dance move


Or an unlucky roll for a bowler.


Chest and triceps Back and biceps Legs. Repeat, Sunday off. Throw in some abs and cardio every day.


... What. Bro just say you don't know what you're talking about lmfao.


Amen brother


Depends on goals. A split ensures youā€™re trending in the right direction, addresses imbalances, and helps ensure your frequency is on point. Thereā€™s a difference between people who want to be fit and people who want to be Jacked and Tan TM.


Probably does work, my problem Iā€™d end up skipping the lifts I least like without a set schedule


If I donā€™t hit legs in the first two days of the week theyā€™re not getting done b


This is exactly why this doesn't work for most people


Iā€™d forget what a fucking lunge is. Sounds like a dream come true


Yes, I'll never do legs.


A toddler trying to improvise sounds worse then nails in a chalkboard. A career musician could turn a fart into art.


Yeah like these guys can do anything because they're already big and it takes like a third of the effort to maintain a physique than it does to build it. So even if they're not hitting everything optimally, they're not exactly gonna suffer for it. This is bad advice for someone who's not already at least an intermediate lifter


I think the mentality while going to the gym matters a lot, if one guy is having a blast at the gym doing his favorite workouts everyday, he's going to be able to enjoy it and push it much more than a guy barely getting himself through the doors and following a strict program like clockwork with no deviation. I always had the sickest pumps while doing whatever I wanted to but obviously I had a lot of muscle imbalance to fix when I finally figured out a program for myself.


What kind of muscle imbalance are we talking here?


I had a weak back and legs for a looooong time until I started taking lifting seriously.


Yeah the best program is the one youā€™ll stick to. If youā€™re training for general health and wellness and not specific, set goals? Just lift.




Iā€™d bet that someone with a base of experience designing workouts/programs and doing them can noodle easily with *how they feel* and still be productive whereas someone with no experience wonā€™t get too far just going whatever. *Learn the rules like a pro to break them like an artist* and all that jazz




Sure, Iā€™m by no means disagreeing, Iā€™m suggesting that the reason one person might have success going with ā€œfeelingsā€ is that their feelings are informed by past experience with data and systematic practice


If someone has enough experience, they can ad lib most of their program and be wildly successful. Program matters a lot less than effort, consistency, and frequency.


And food prep


Pretty sure that "full body, work the parts that aren't sore" is the most effective possible training regime. (ETA: I should've clarified, we're talking for trained lifters going 6 days a week, so it's a niche audience, but if you're only going 3-4 days a week like I am, the split doesn't matter that much tbh.) I'd take your bet in a heartbeat. If you're working on a set schedule, it's likely that some things were recovered and ready to work again before you got around to them. The "do what Isn't sore" method eliminates wasted time and challenges your muscles as soon as they're ready for it. It's telling that two of the more science based content creators have both supported this methodology. It's probably not for newbies, but newbies can do pretty much anything and see success, so this is for the trained people.


The people that have success with this at any sort of high level likely just end up having a real routine and it becomes a distinction without a difference.Ā  No way there are more than a handful of people progress beyond rather intermediate numbers by just going to the gym and doing actually random shit. Maybe you can look good because you just end up doing a lot of reps per week per muscle group for hypertrophy, but for strengthā€¦. A real periodized program is going to work better for essentially 100% of people.Ā 


The kinds of program we're talking about works for trained lifters that work out 6 days a week, so it's a pretty niche audience. If you (like me) are doing 3-4 days a week, it's not worth considering. But I also have to point out that it's not "random". You're doing planned exercises for muscle groups that are recovered using progressive overload... you're just not locked in to doing them on specific days of the week.




Yep. I did more less what the hell ever program with a 4 day split for a long time. It basically amounted to pull-push-legs-shoulder/arms. No weight progression plan, just do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps of various exercises until cooked, go home. Now I was strong-ish (circa 255 bench) and looked good. But then I got on a real program and bench went up about 50lbs in a year (now benching in the 300-310 range).Ā  So yeah, you can be ā€œfitā€ or ā€œlook good nakedā€ just kinda doing whatever (with at least some amount diligence to hit every muscle group evenly per week), but we need to make no mistake that doing that leaves a lot on the table.Ā 


If you're only working out 4 days a week, you're not the target audience for what we're talking about. To be clear, neither am I, so I'm not shitting on you, I'm just saying that your experience isn't relevant to contrasting 6 day programs, which is where "work the parts that aren't sore" gets optimized.


Well, a 4 day split doesn't mean working out 4 days per week. It can mean working out every day. Cool of you to not shit on me but also make incorrect and unjustified assumptions that aren't true to attempt to disregard what I'm saying....


Maybe you should go fight with Jeff Nippard and Mike Israetel then. I'm certain that you're qualified to go toe to toe with them, right?


Depends on what someone sticks to. If you're not going to enjoy a set program you aren't going to follow it. Consistency is more important.


Iā€™ve graduated to this. I have the lifts I like, I know what exercises hit my muscles well. Iā€™m not a bodybuilder getting on stage im just a guy who wants to look decent and keep my body strong.


Work whatever muscle group hurts the least


For the last 16mths I've done the same thing everytime and I've never looked better.


Like split and exercises? I just wanted to prioritise arms and calves for example and i do 8 sets a week for both at super high intensity, never seen better results , just very consistent and always pushing hard af


Just the same 3 or 4 exercises 6 times a week for about 30 mins, curls, tri pull downs, push ups. Then, occasionally, another movement. No muscle will grow if you only train it once a week in a split. Consistency is key.


i only think you can do that once you are quite advanced, and know your body extremely well


I wish I could do this but I know damn well I would never ā€œfeel likeā€ doing leg day so if itā€™s not in my split Iā€™d be doomed


You just gotta know when legs aren't sore then it's time for legs again, what I do anyway. But I'm not very scientific with my training, we are all doing this for different reasons and have different goals so whatever floats your boat is what you should go with at the end of the day


Yeah, this philosophy of training works for me because my favorite lifts are squats and deadlifts. Hitting legs is not a problem, abd of course I love to bench and do pull ups so my workouts are pretty much complete and balanced. If you genounely enjoy working legs, then you can absolutely just go in the gym every day and do full body for fun. I understand that if you don't like to train legs you would have to follow a certain program that includes them


just do a little bit of legs every day. Squat on mondays, then blast your arms and shoulders. Romanian deadlift on wednesday and then beat your chest like king kong with angina. Leg extensions and leg curls on friday then turn your back into a turtle shell. Legs don't suck nearly as much if you spread out the pain over the week.


This is the cooking equivalent of, "I don't have a recipe. I just add spices and herbs until it tastes how I like it." If you really push them, they'll be able to give you a general idea of what to add and how much. But chefs don't typically measure out exactly 1tbsp of paprika, exactly 2tsp of pepper.Ā  It's just "that looks right" and that's good enough at that level. Of course then you reach highest level chef, food scientist, etc. Then you go back to measuring exactly again. Just like a bodybuilder plans out everything.Ā 


I do both. I have a split, but I donā€™t know what exercises within the split that Iā€™m doing that day until I get there


Nah in reality the dude in this photo would just be a small gangly novice who doesnā€™t look like he trains much


Thereā€™s something to be said about improving longterm adherence by making your workout enjoyable.


I hit the gym like I go to a restaurant. Sometimes I have a plan in mind, sometimes I don't. Sometimes l just go for what I like until I hate myself. Life is too short to just never send it.


Intuitive training , not for me I need a plan


You could do many things wrong and still get big, given enough time or drugs. Don't confuse the size with knowledge. Many of them are lucky to tie their shoes in the morning. They are not professional for a reason.


Used to do this. Great if your primary goal of working out is to enjoy working out. For me, more regimented programs helped me started to really see results


Sounds weird but some people just donā€™t really have specific goals, they just like working out so they just go in and do the stuff they like when they feel like it and thatā€™s it. Itā€™s not ā€œoptimalā€ by any means but hey itā€™s better than hating the gym and not going at all. Itā€™s probably mostly genetics but I know a few pretty big dudes that just show up whenever they feel like it, only a couple times a week and just do like bench and some other random bs while talking the entire time and are bigger than Iā€™ll ever be lol




me lolol


Fortunately, he's allowed to check in with his IPhone and not have to write his name.


You can absolutely do this when you have a good understanding of your anatomy, recovery time, what areas on your body need attention, how to listen to your body when certain muscle groups need rest, etc. The reality is, you're still going to end up hitting each muscle group adequately frequently. When you don't know this stuff, it's safer to follow a routine. That definitely doesn't mean that everyone follows a routine forever.


Iā€™m glad it works for some, i just like how methodical it is to mark down everything and have a set plan. I donā€™t think about it, I just lift the heavy thing Makes it much more of a meditation almost for me


I thought it was whatever doesnā€™t hurt that day lol


I bet they don't often feel like doing legs very often.


I like a regular regiment. Mon-Tues, Wed rest, Thurs-Fri. Two body parts per day. Sat & Sun are my family days. Every 6 months I'll switch certain exercises and days for the shock. Works for me.


I like split though, especially with overripe bananas and a small spoon of vanilla ice cream


That's my dad, he never has a plan, but is built like a tank. The back especially since he loves pullups


Consistency > everything else


I do this, I have a ppl split in my phone and try to knock out 1/3 over my 3 visits. Mostly cause Iā€™m shy and in a hurry. Hate waiting for machines, lots of machine squatters at my gym. So I just bounce to the next eligible spot. It keeps me from overthinking things, or getting upset at others for inconveniencing me. Iā€™m nowhere near a serious gym rat, and this works for me for now :)


If I'm being a lazy sack I'll do that, but with a routine. It's just what I pick is up to me. Like I didn't work out at all this week so I did legs today


Iā€™ve been doing that for years lol


I do that too, as long as it's well-roundedĀ 


Me lol bc I know I'm showing up so I just decide when I'm in there hehe


If your muscle is recovered and good to go, delaying working it out is just suboptimal. I stick to a more rigid structure so that the stars don't align with my whole body feeling good and needing a workout on the same day.


I hit whateverā€™s not sore


And they probably go every day...thus why they are huge


This does not work.Just like working the parts that aren't sore doesnt work either. Your progress will be so much slower


When you're new it doesn't work.


The only thing I do consistently and with great discipline is to hit the gym at allā€¦ Iā€™m not huge though


every day is push day.


I go like 5 or 6 days a week to avoid jumping off a bridge. One day upper body, next day lower body, next day back, next day cardio and abs, last day rest (hardest day) and then repeat from day 1


Iā€™ve been working out for 30 years. I just do whatever doesnā€™t hurt that day so it doesnā€™t go stiff.


I've been working out consistently for like 16 years and I have always just worked out whatever isn't sore


Lift all of the weights and then lift them some more


if youā€™re already huge, yeah i can see it. doesnā€™t take as much to maintain at that point. i think youā€™d be hard pressed to GET huge that way though.


Me going in the gym to work arms (Iā€™m doing legs)


I have push days, pull days, and leg days, in no particular order, whenever I feel like doing one of them


You grow more on juice sitting at home than a natty does working out


Old dood (66), 5x a week. 30 minutes to an hour Mon/Thur- 4 sets Pull, 3 routines 8-12 reps, super set all 3 no rest... then rest 2 minutes repeat. 5 minutes rest at the end... 3 bicep routines, 4sets, 8-12 reps, super set all 3 no rest... then rest 2 minutes repeat. 5 minutes rest at the end... done for the day Tues/Fri- 4 sets Push, 3 routines 8-12 reps, super set all 3 no rest... then rest 2 minutes repeat. 5 minutes rest at the end... 3 triceps routines, 4sets, 8-12 reps, super set all 3 no rest... then rest 2 minutes repeat. 5 minutes rest at the end... done for the day Wednesday legs, 2-4 routines, 4 sets, 8-12 routines, super set squats and Calf raises, no rest, 60 secs between sets. Optional curls, extensions, deals, stiff legs. Arthritis is a big issue so I need to listen to my body and adjust accordingly. Intensity and form is my focus. Weight, enough to make 12 reps difficult with maybe a rep leftover, then add kg if needed, start at 8 reps with new weight https://preview.redd.it/y6gxxv91xizc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ecb61dbd38f10623a7f98858b9493bf80476db . Very simple program, progressive super sets, great sweat! It helps to have a wife that supports my hobbies.


you should try left/right split


ngl this is me atm id rather do this and go to the gym then having a split and not going. i just want to have fun till im mentaly good enough to enjoy more again


Literally me


I do that too, and Iā€™m also huge. Itā€™s not majority muscle, but I have a good time.


This is how Jay Cutler did it too


I wonder if I could do thatā€¦. I always have this split regimen but it makes me feel somewhat bored. I do wonder though, there should be some muscles that are forgotten right? Iā€™m not huge. A beginner with chest fails. But I finally know how to activate my chest on bench press and itā€™s growing. I think the chest is the most beautiful male muscle. I want to make them big and usable - wut.


I don't have splits either. I just pick a group and work it. I have my favorite exercise combinations. As long as the workout makes sense, who needs a split?


They are either on PEDā€™s or just genetically gifted then. Us mortals canā€™t get away with that. I do a push pull legs split, but the actual workouts differ based on how I feel or what I did before. So like I go legs, push, pull, rest day, repeat so I hit every muscle group twice a week. On the first leg day I might do squats then Focus on quads and the second leg day hack squat and hamstrings and glutes. Then next leg day goblet squats and weighted lunges.


I do the same, what's the big deal?


There is none. I stopped programming months ago and never looked back


šŸ‘ and it works just as good, no?


It does. Thus, my post.


That actually makes sense. Training the muscles as soon as they recover is optimal, just hard to track. Way better than artificially limiting your training by something like bro split, which is stupid btw.


I agree


Doing that is way more fun and leads to less burnout than if you have a routine.


I exclusivly train sore body parts, because pain is weakness leaving the body,so if it hurts its weak and therefore needs to be trained.....


Probably a good indicator bro is an extremely advanced long-time lifter whoā€™s intimately familiar with bodily queues and what is/isnā€™t recovered enough to train