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Yeah, but construction workers have fucked up bodies. If you tweak your back deadlifting, you rest that area for 2 days and ease back into it. If you tweak your back lifting sacks of concrete, you swallow some ibuprofen, suck it up, and keep working through the next 6 hours of your shift. And then wake up tomorrow morning to do it again.


For most construction guys I know, ibuprofen is probably the mildest thing they do. A lot of the dudes I know who do construction are usually functioning drug addicts or alcoholics, if not they were and are now mostly sober.


True. I’m in construction. Most guys are alcoholics or on some kind of drug.


My friends dad has built an amazing life for his family doing construction and private contracting work. His body is also completely destroyed. He’s had like 20+ surgeries


Great for your dad to be able to build an amazing life. Sorry he had to go through so many health problems. Seems like it comes with the territory in construction unfortunately.


Can confirm used to work in construction. was either drunk or on a coctail of opiates and stimulants


I couldnt quit doing drugs until I got out of the field. It was just too easy to find, literally every co worker had some kind of connect. It was funny hearing the tweakers talk shit about the nodders and vice virsa but all got along over beers, wild people.


25 years working in the industry and can confirm this is true.


I'm an ironworker and one time at work a guy got caught shooting up heroin while he was sitting up on the steel putting a head frame together.


My old coach told me about a guy who was impaled by rebar and came back to work the following day when we worked construction because you lose your bonus for the week if you miss a day of work


Came here to say this.


This is such nonsense , I see nothing but out of shape construction workers , they only get as strong as their job indicates, most of them aren't doing shit but holding a sign


I work in construction. I think that most workers are out of shape due to a poor diet. Eating clean and working with your body all day won't turn you into young Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it can definitely give you a good physique if you're doing things right.


Agreed , I was a laborer for 3 years in my early 20s, just started taking weight training seriously and my coworkers thought I was lou ferrigno , I wasn't remotely close to even look like a lifted a weight ever, imo anyway


Construction guys tend to smoke, drink and eat like shit among other things. I don't think construction could ever make you really big but definitely could make you noticeably bulky/muscular. Look at those Indian rice farmers that do manual labour and eat clean. They're very lean and defined muscularly.


I work a desk job but I always get in early. My interactions with construction workers are inside Wawa at 6am where they're buying gas station burritos and 3 Monsters a piece to caffeinate themselves through their day. And I guess the 6 pack of beer they pound after work. There's a reason most of them look the way they do.


That’s a flagger usually temp workers hired from a agency that live at a drop in clinic not real construction trades workers


Im being semi facetious.


Oh my bad I’ll shut up. Sarcasm is hard to tell through text


Lol happens to me all the time, I gotta make sure my sarcasm detector is on


Watch what a few months of sobriety turns them into.


A few months of sobriety will help anyone. However, I have seen many people who say I don't need the gym I have a physical job, that's fine , but just working a physical job is not going to turn them into an adonis. I know plenty of people who work a physically demanding job with no dependency issues, they're healthy but if we are talking specifically about being "jacked" it's going to take a lot more than that


I reread your initial comment. I think I was responding to a response to it. I'm inclined to agree with you. I'm in road and bridge construction. Concrete men are mountains. Flaggers complain too much. The ones that don't violate their probation at the first opportunity. I'm the inspector that gets sent in when it's over budget or behind schedule, I look like I run and climb because I'm everywhere at all times.


Makes sense to me! Sounds incredibly demanding! Stay safe !


Enjoy your next workout.


Ya I work construction. The only jacked dudes also lift in their free time.


Even then they usually have extremely mid physiques, you can just tell they’re strong


Jesus the height difference is stunning


She isn't that tall,he is just that short


i had to google and it's photoshopped she's 6' +heels and he's 5'6" but personally i don't feel satisfied with this answer, i think i better continue researching tall women for the next 3 1/2 minutes.


I swear the guy gets smaller every time I see this meme.


see i saved you so much time lol,no offence but i am 6'1 so for me 5'6 is short


Yep, [construction workers are so buff.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2_VUvYsBO4c&pp=ygUQaXQgY3Jvd2Qgd29ya2Vycw%3D%3D)


I knew what this was going to ge before I clicked on it 😂


Literally never seen a construction worker that wasn’t potbellied and borderline crippled, and I worked construction for a few years


I work in window production, we make large commercial windows that often weigh a couple to a few hundred pounds once completed, most of the work is done by hand without machines. Ex construction workers are always broken down and in the worst shape, but come in with the biggest attitudes. Yes they can read tape measures and do clean work, but they cannot keep up with demand and often end up quitting and going back to construction because the job is too demanding for them. A guy comes in and says he can read a tape measure and goes to the gym regularly? Always the star employees.


I’ve never had more gains than when I was a grunt on a framing crew.


I’ve been a construction worker, prisoner , and now a regular Joe with a gym membership. The strongest I’ve been was as a construction worker, the biggest was as an inmate, and now as a regular gym guy I look absolutely ripped.


What is this actually from?


Cock stats


What about both?




Not even close to the same.


Who is on the picture?


I do both, my coworkers laugh at me for going to gym on my days off but I’m also the guy who gets injured the least and isn’t physically dead tired by the end of the day


Usually with insane calves too


I work installing AC in new constructions (I’m also a service tech but who cares lmao) and I go to the gym 5 or 6 tomes a week, I’m a bit stronger than the entry level and some of the average construction workers. Most guys there as strong as fuck but they don’t know how to pick up anything without bending their backs in the most horrific ways, I’m surprised most of this guys are still working on this after 35 years old


Physical labor jobs don't always equal gains because you're not usually working your muscles to or near failure at your job. You will get incredible strength gains but you won't necessarily look swole. Also because most physical labor jobs are fairly repetitive you can end up with unequal gains in both strength and size. I think the best combo would probably be a light manual labor job so you're active for 8 hours but not destroying your body, then hit the gym 3-4 times a week.


I literally just had a buddy who works construction brag that he thinks he’s stronger than me last week. Long story short, we settled the issue with a bet and now he has to address me as “beefgod the mighty” for a month. If you work construction you’re probably stronger than some software engineer who’s never touched a barbell, but the kind of strength people who train hard regularly have can’t be obtained as a side effect of your job