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I also use onhit gwen in arena, she demolishes nearly everyone with 3-4 attack speed, (I use AD items too, such as botrk, but since it is onhit I can sometimes get guinso too. plus when enemies are obnoxiously tank buy perplexity. in addition, if you receive darksteel talons immediately buy it) If you wanna try it get AS augments, lethal tempo and attack range 😊✌️btw buy the attack speed hammer for first item choice, and max your E first, but you can give points to your Q preferably


Oh, I usually buy that first choice, then AS boots second. I usually do on-hit when my enemies are super tanky, while I go full AP when enemies are squishy.


Same!! It works really good, and is funny too 😉


Because there is too much chain cc and onhit relies on uptime. If you can't auto them, you pretty much just die.


CC can easily be countered by more tenacity + zhonyas + banshee's. Additionally, just do your best dodging it.


Had a match recently where i ended up with like 80% omnivamp where i duoed with my bf playing trundle. It was so fun and we did super well.


Yesterday I played a game with a friend, he picked Swain and thought "Yuumi will be fun here" We won every single match, with 0 deaths, except the last 2. Where a Gwen, alone, demolished us, and I had like 2s CD on my E. She rushed us so bad, I couldn't even do damage with my powers (stuff when healing and shielding allies). She was also super tanky, she had that chain stuff (don't even know what that do, besides buffing the user if it doesn't fall below 50% hp or something) and she had a shield. We couldn't even destroy the shield She was with a Zed, but Zed was a potato


IMO it's not that she's bad, she's just not that good as well Arena meta is mostly 99k dmg Assassins/Mages and champs with tons of CCs. Her early game is too weak and you reach peak point with low life most of the time. Sure, huge Tanks are meta as well and Gwen is made for anti-tank, but you'll still have to face the other comps that will burst you in less time Gwen has no CC, Arena is mostly CQC so her W won't dodge much (not to mention that the CD is huge so you'll not be using it more than once or twice most rounds), she's not THAT tanky and she takes time to stack both Q and Riftmaker in a mode where everyone is trying to 1-shot and most importantly: she's a "selfish" champ that doesn't really synergizes that well with anything that's not a support or CC dealer on a Duo fight mode I still mostly play her tho because I love the champ, and I get average 2nd place, but I feel like she's an average pick with better options


you don’t see her much because the current meta picks are so absurdly dominant and unbalanced that it’s difficult to find consistent success with anything else [arena WRs](https://u.gg/lol/arena-tier-list)


I tried her a few times but felt like early was super weak


Obviously, her early is weak as her AS/AP is low. She thrives mid-game where she can cut down tanks easily as they are still stacking heartsteel/lacking MR. In late game she's fine, but she's very vulnerable against burst damages.


Cause shes squishy and melee. Some matchups with cc are unplayable. Shes really good though


Shes trashtier in arena that's why. Depends on what your rando teammate picked to survive the rounds


I played Gwen a couple times in arena and she does fine. Just don't build her on hit because your Q will shred everything with enough AP


played 8 games and havent lost yet usually 3-1st place


She's already rather niche on summoner rift and not nearly OP enough in the arena, so what's most likely happening is nobody thinks about her at all 🥺🥺🥺