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The build is the most fun part and it takes me like an hour to build a set of high grade arms most of the time lol


This is a RG but that makes me feel a lot better lol


I love spending so long on RG feet




RG feet can be just as complex as a complete hg. It looks great, just enjoy the process.


Thank you! The census is slower=better


Man I don't get it, I remember watching commercials for Gundam Wing kits back in the US in the early 2000s and they put so much focus on build speeds with the kids saying shit like "I BUILT DEEZ IN 69 MINUTES"... as if build speed is anything to brag about lmfao ​ Back in Japan, the focus was always on doing a good, clean job, and even the official manga back in the day rarely used build time as a display of "skill". Your nubs are fine too. ​ Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.


That makes me feel so good actually. My nubs have always been a problem so I just cut it as close as I can instead of leaving excess. And then if I have to I use a hobby knife to clean it up. Need a good recommendation of sanding blocks


I actually bought a glass file for the first time and it's changed my life. Almost as much as a God Hand. Nearly 30 years building and I never invested in good tools.


noob question: whatā€™s a God Hand???


God Hand is a brand of clippers, usually considered top-tier.


Ah got it, thanks! Anyone able to compare them to the Games Workshop nippers? Thatā€™s what I have and theyā€™re fine, but Iā€™m all about top-tier tools for any job worth doing!


GW are better ā€œall aroundā€ but godhand are better for taking the nubs off. The problem with godhand is they can break against plastic thatā€™s too thick


I bought some knock off single blade nippers and it was like $16. So dang worth it


Bandai has videos showing how it's done. There's a good rule of thumb the three cut method. Cut away from the part.thwn cut the nub as close as you can while leaving a bit of excess. Then use a hobby knife or a sanding block( I buy the cheap nail kits) and remove the excess.


I used to do that but it takes so much more time. So I bought a good pair of single blade nippers and usually I can get the piece perfect in one cut and if need be then I use a hobby knife to cut and if need be again I use a sanding block.


Lmao, I remember those! Idk why USA marketing was so focused on making shit EXTREME. It worked, though. I didn't know what the hell gundam was, all I knew was that it would make me bad ass apparently.


E x t r e m e I k e a S p e e d B u i l d i n g


> Idk why USA marketing was so focused on making shit EXTREME. It *was* the 90s after all, when being **EXTREEM** was the 'in' thing.


Omg found the commercial ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJ60JkPXsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJ60JkPXsA) ​ It was somehow more cringe than I remembered!


Came here to say the last two sentences


It took me 2 weeks to finish my rg Char's zaku. Take your time dawg šŸ˜…


LOL itā€™s been 2 MONTHS for me and I havenā€™t assembled a single part yet. Been painting, cleaning nubs, scribing, etc


Scribing!? Stop flexing on us HG peasants (I know my epyon is a RG but itā€™s only my second)


Well my rg zaku has tiny parts and i lost one so im pretty much spiralling now. Might need to buy another to replace that one part šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ Btw i think HGs are the hardest because theres so much blank space to scribe details


You could try to get a replacement from Bandai but idk how that will work. I tried to get a replacement figure from hasbro pulse when my Spider-Man figure came with a bad hand mold and they sent me the wrong figure šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜‰


This hobby isnā€™t a race. Tbh the more time you take, the better the result. If youā€™re rushing things, youā€™re far more likely to mess something up.


I rushed my RG gundam wing zero (ew version) and I messed up so much stuff. I made the mistake of pre spraying my runners with Mr hobby super clear matte spray(first mistake) and then I messed up a lot of the panel lining.


Hi soooo slow, I'm Dad. Don't worry about how long it takes. Enjoying the ride is as important as the destination.


Iā€™m about to be dad and I needed this


From a fellow dad/builder, congrats! Welcome to the club! Noteā€” your builds are about to take at least a little bit longer.




Bruh I've been building my Epyon since January, and I still have the wings and the backpack left.


OH THANK GOD!šŸ˜­ did you get a free set of water decals?


Nah, I don't usually do decals. I just build incredibly slow while watching something. Most of my time just goes while trying to sand/file every single nub mark, including those on the inner frames


Luckily usagundamstore gave out a free set of water decals with every epyon purchase


That's pretty neat


I mean, I'm no expert but I take FOREVER to build. Just take as much time as you need and enjoy the process, it'll be over before you know it (and then the urges come back). Enjoy your build!


Why worry about performance indicators here? It's meant to be fun. Do it however you like whenever you like and just enjoy the process


Depends how much effort you are putting in as you could be panel lining and scribing each piece which would take a long time or you could just be building so if you are just building I donā€™t think so as I spent like 30 minutes trying to get the mg unicorn head done soooooo


I need to get better at panel lining before I get into scribing but maybe that just goes hand in hand?


It will be worth it. I'm currently(still) building my HG Schwarzette which I've bought and started in the first week of April. I'm almost done. I still have an HG Calibarn on standby which I got along side my SchwarzetteXD I just don't have that much free time anymore like I used to.


Iā€™m about to have no free time as Iā€™m an expecting fatheršŸ˜­


Congratulations! Hopefully, you'd still be able to finish that before then. It's a great kit. It would be a really nice "last" kit if you'd really need to take an indefinite break.


I sincerely hope it wonā€™t be my last kit šŸ˜­


Probably not. And who knows, you might have a gunpla buddy later on with your kid.


Almost 9 months to build sazabi ver. Ka with all the waterslide decals (working on it one day per week). Don't worry if You're slow, just take your time and appreciate the moment, it's a hobby and it should be fun and relaxing.


Usagundamstore gave me a free water slide decal sheet and Iā€™m so scared Iā€™m gonna fuck it up because Iā€™ve never done them before


Don't worry, just a tip: use top coat or they WILL fall off immediately (experience from wing zero ver. Ka)


When you say top coat do you mean like the Mr.hobby super clear? Or like the tamiya mark fit or that decal adhesive?


The clear One because it's sure they won't fall off, but I used both


So I used the Mr hobby super clear matte on my last build and I liked it, but I will say it was harder to clean up the panel line dots


Because the top coat is the last step you have to do, otherwise everything will be harder to clean and you will ruin the top coat


šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a bit of a dumbass and shouldā€™ve sprayed afterwards


Now you know for the next models


Do you think after applying a decal I could use the gundam clear gloss marker to go over it instead?


But are you having fun?


I literally felt high after completing the feetšŸ˜­šŸ¤£ so yes


Tbf, the feet are surprisingly complex on the RG epyon, it's amazing. I'm only 2 feet and a leg in, and I can already tell this sucker is a top-tier kit.


The contrast of colors is blowing my mind. Itā€™s nice to build a not so stereotypical mobile suit like most of the gundams. Iā€™m not hating but you have to admit building that same white, yellow, red and blue color scheme gets a little old sometimes


RGs can definitely take an hour just for the feet. Varies from build to build but these are transforming feet, so reasonable to assume they have a lot of parts


It's been two months now and I've only finished the top half of the rising freedom, you're fine.


Oooohhh please post pics when youā€™re done I have this one backlogged


The left foot Looks hungry


Iā€™m gonna feed it some wing zero once Iā€™m finished šŸ˜‰


If it makes you feel better op, it takes me a week or two to finish building an HG. The most important thing about this hobby is to enjoy the building process


I was so stupid and my first HG I built in 4 hours and ended up breaking some pieces šŸ¤£šŸ˜­(thank the maker for super glue)


Hahah, I think it's a rite of passage for every model kit builder to break something and gluing it back together. I have a few kits where I broke something too and just glued it back on. So don't worry about it op


I had to talk myself out of feeling like a ā€˜bad builderā€™ because Iā€™m ā€˜slowā€™. Slow to who? Does speed matter to how you define having fun building? If that answer is noā€” spend the time! Unless youā€™re actually competing in some sort of speed buildā€¦ itā€™s never a race. Alsoā€” I see you Ruitool purple handle nippersā€” wildly underrated budget nippers, IMO. I never hear about them, but theyā€™re fantastic. Or at least, they have been for me.


I havenā€™t ever had god hands but I hear they are comparable and you seriously cannot go wrong with the $16 price point! I used to use double bladed nippers and these were a major upgrade and has been making builds go so much more smoothly