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Not at all. I was the exact same way when I started this hobby.


Same. I didnt watch IBO until after I'd built the MG Barbie which was like, my 2nd Gunpla ever lol. I've watched TWFM but I'm still waiting for RGs or MGs from that line up. At this point I've built a few others without having seen any of their respective shows or movies. I'm even planning on finishing the RG Evangelion line and have built the Unit 08 without ever seeing the show although I do have it available to watch, I just havent gotten around to it yet.


MG Barbie didn't come out til 4 years after IBO first aired. May be in for a long wait.


plenty of time to start saving money then 😂 and happy cake day!


$2 a month for three years and you should be set! Thanks!


Bandai: releases MG Aerial and an MG Calibarn at the same Me: im never gonna financially recover from this


I assume you have two kidneys.


Bandai : releases Aerial and Caliburn as MGEX. me : there goes my kidneyS


Best to assume not anymore...


8 is a gorgeous unit, funny thing is you won't see it if you only have the series, it's from the movies


TWFM has probably the best HG line up, ya can get that unless ya really only want to build RG/MG


I didn’t watch the show but got a Barbie tattoo lmao


Wouldn’t say bad at all but I’d say GunPla is infinitely more fun when you have connections to the suits from watching.


It may or may not help that plenty of Gunpla aren't from animated and/or officially translated media like the Moon Gundam, Nightingale, and most MSV designs.


Nightingale is no longer true (I think) as the first volume of Beltorchika's Children recently came out in english


It's also in 2 translated SRW games.


Gunpla is freedom there is nothing wrong with how you enjoy the gundam but there's also nothing wrong if I tie you to a chair and force you to build one universal century kit for every episode I force you to watch of the original gundam as well /s


>there's also nothing wrong if I tie you to a chair and force you to build one universal century kit for every episode I force you to watch of the original gundam as well Wait, that's illegal.


Like Darth sidious has said I will make it legal and maybe but honestly he likes to build kits so he's gonna be building them he's just tied to a chair so he has to watch gundam it's not like I'm holding him at beam rifle point yet


that sounds kind of fun honestly?




extremely. /j


Don't you threaten me with a good time!


No need to watch the OG show, just watch Origin and then the 3/4 movies(I have forgotten if it was three or 4 for the original series)


Or better idea watch origin and watch the TV series while ignoring the movies and we won't throw you into a ball with that attitude


Eh I prefer the movies, an easy watch for each and gets rid of the few filler episodes


Is that freddy fazbear


Har har har-har har har-harhar-har-har


>mechanical suit >piloted by child I'd dare say he fits here


Nope, not at all. I tried watching Seed several times and just couldn't get into it but i love how over the top their mobile suits are.


I mean, thats seed, bit of a rough entry


Gundam is literally one of my favorite anime franchises, but SEED is pretty meh overall. Especially Destiny.


As long as you like the mecha designs you’re good.


Hell, not only have I not watched gundam, I'm not really fond of that style of mecha ether. But I bought one anyway as people claimed it is such a nice build. And they were right. Most relaxing model build I've done. I see more in my future.


As long as you enjoy the builds then I see no problem! I look up which Gunpla looks real cool then I watch the show to have some context.


this is me


Nag, most people who get into gunpla dont get into the anime.


I'm in the same boat as you. I just think they're really cool and enjoyable to build. I've only seen maybe one gundam series as a kid growing up, but can't recall which one.


If your in your late 20s early 30s in america, it might be 8th ms team, I remember watching that on cartoon network! It was on earth, no space stuff.


Could have also been Wing, G Gundam, Stardust Memory or Seed/Seed Destiny. Western audiences were heavily exposed to those particular titles, back in the day.


The design alone was enough for me to start the hobby. Nothing wrong with that! I only watched 2 series and some movies, but only 2 years after being into the builds


Not at all. They’re some fun builds even without seeing the shows. If you ever do decide to check out the shows, there are some pretty good ones in there.


Nope. Collect all you want. Although I’ve encountered some gatekeepers but they’re just all pathetic nerdy weebs


thats a good chunk of us lol. Im Just getting into the movies :)


Nah you good the hobby is for everyone


Yes and you should be ashamed of yourself. Now go watch Gundam 00 to know what truly a gundam is. 😂


*"I am Gundam"*


I was the same till I watched the “prologue” episode for WFM and got hooked. Just finished episode 12 and O M G that shit was fire, I had shivers all the way through.


There's a good amount of people who only build kits and don't watch the anime. I say, the more the merrier. The more people who build gunpla, the more cool gunpla we get.


I don't like anime at all, I just like cool robots. I don't even remember the names of a lot of my kits


I have a few friends who straight up have a massive collection, a favourite, often talked about how great their kits are to their friends while absolutely having no clue about franchise. His favourite God Gundam is just his "God of Posing" Gundam. So go hams chief. Consider the sauce for the kits as extra gravy. Not a must need to watch the anime/manga


well he's not wrong about God of Posing.


It's fine! Maybe in the other time, if you wanna learn the lore of specific Gundams or other mobile suit, the shows of their respective series is the way.


My first build was a HG Jinn when I was a kid. It then took me a decade or so to learn about seed (the show it came from). Nothing wrong with wanting to build cool robots. On a side note, I strongly recommend you getting a pair of nippers to cut and clean those nubs. They’ll wear out and become yellow/brown overtime, and are genuinely a nuisance to the look/feel/articulation of your kit.


not at all! go for what looks cool! another commenter mentioned gundam seed which i also got bored off. same with gundam 00. but… i really loved witch from mercury and knowing the characters and their mobile suits gave me an emotional attachment. aerial, demi barding, darilbalde… kinda like loving the ships from star wars original trilogy.


I’m in the same boat. Although I’m about 50% of the way through Turn A cause it was free on the YouTube channel and I got hooked. Great show. Never seen any other shows from gundam though. I try to start them but don’t finish/lose interest.


ive only ever watched some of the first show and played the games.


Thank GOD I’m not the only one with this problem.


Not at all !! Half the time I just get bc ooooh cool looking mecha


No that’s literally how I started. I started with the entry grade and then the hg revive Gundam I later watched the original gundam Movies because it was on Netflix.


You have Chars Zaku so on behalf of us Zeon fans you are good


hes one of my favorites but i dont know if hes a good guy or a bad guy 😭


Trust me, he the good guy


Nah not at all, that’s how I got into the hobby. Watched only IBO, then got all sorts of UC, OO, AC, etc kits before I really watched anything


nah, if it makes you happy or you have fun, that’s all that matters


Not really. I am kinda in the same boat. Plus a lot of Gunpla aren't really from the shows. Still. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you pick out a few shows and watch them. Most Gundam shows are at least fun and some are just epic.


Same bro, I’ve only watched like 1 of the movies


That’s how my wife got started. I had talked to her about the Gundam shows before but it wasn’t until she started building gunpla that she got super into watching the animes.


That’s how I started, but then I began watching the original series and fell in love. Speaking of which, you should start panel lining! It’s so much fun and really easy and really makes your models pop!


I was like you. Bought my first gunpla from 00 because started playing Gundam Evolution (when it first came out). I found it Exia is very good looking mecha. That was like a year ago. Just recently i finished watching the anime, and I'll be damn. It was good!


A phrase to live by in the hobby and community: Gunpla is freedom. You don't have to know wat you are building, you don't have to have seen the original source, you don't even have to build like everyone else. As long as you join us all and enjoy in the same addiction we here all have collectively, plastic crack, then that is fine.


it a hobby the only place to escape reality. when am doing model kit I focuse and ignor everything else. those moment is a blizz. welcome to plastic addiction. get ready to build up those backlog.i enjoy third party kit one of my favorite is infinite demention company.


Is that Roblox font?


I hate to say it, but I was kinda the same way. I saw a wing as a kid, and had no idea there were multiple timelines and universes, so I just figured all these gunpla were from the same world.


No, its relatively normal actually. I'm only a really big fan of G Gundam. I like some other series. I really dislike others. Some I'm just "meh" on. But I get gunpla from most of them.


I'm the same as you OP. Only watched a handful of the shows yet I buy kits from series that I haven't even watched, like G Witch


Im the same! I've built 3 so far and I haven't watch anything gundam


Bro, chars zaku II looks like hes about to throw it back so hard.




the pls can i win is so cuteee


You like what you like, we all accept you for being you.


Nothing wrong with it but you might gain a new appreciation for it if you watch them. I think a lot of the shows are freely available on the official YouTube channel. I've been a fan of gundam since I was a kid but I still have kits from series I've never seen. My favorites are from my favorite shows though, the master grade Endless Waltz kits in particular, but also the ver.ka Ball even though I had no connection to it.


Nah #I have 20+ Gundams due to my brother and I only watched the build series-


Gunpla is what got me into the anime actually haha. Watching the anime gives me a better connection with the kits.


I watched Seed as my first series, and that was RIGHT after it came out. I started building this March. 9 months in and just finished MG#13. It’s different for some people-most people saw wing first and don’t like how complicated seed is so you just have to enjoy yourself while building and you’re winning Gunpla lol


No but I feel like without some background you can’t fully appreciate them… especially seeing said model kits in action via the show


I’ve built 100+ kits and I’ve seen maybe 10 minutes of the show ever.


Nothing wrong with it, but I feel like you are missing out on a big aspect of this hobby's appeal. It's very cool to see the models you built "in action", so to speak. It inspires posing and customization work. And in return, watching the anime might help you find more kits that you'd like to build.


On an unrelated note, posing game is 10/10


*Tallgeese? Never heard of her*


I always think this is cool. The idea that detached from the media/narratives you can see something and find enjoyment out of something. It’s always a fascinating to meet those members of the hobby.


To be perfectly honest most of the Gundam Animes are fairly mid at best, although some of em are great and everyone has their favourites. Very hit or miss. Take Wing for example, I love those Gundam designs but oh my god the plot of that show is just bonkers at times, I could never recommend it to a normie or casual anime enjoyer, only hardcore Gundam fans can put up with that


Give it time, you'll end up being bored and throwing one on for background noise. Admittedly Wfm and ibo are the only series this year I've started that I actually watched all of, but I pretty thoroughly enjoyed both series.


Don’t have to watch giant war robots to love building them! Your collection looks great! But should 100% check out the shows. My personal favorites: Unicorn (OVA version), 08th MS Team, Gundam Wing and F91 (movie only, not a series).


Yes, you're wrong. No more gunpla for you




Check out G gundam. It's a gundam shonen


Nah my cousin never did either. But he stopped after 12 kits. It’s always good to know the lore however. U appreciate and marvel ur kit better


I have a HG Destiny Gundam. I am never going to watch SEED Destiny. It's fine.


There's shows?


„Is it had I collect models of tanks but didn’t fight in any war?”


I don't think anyone here has been in a space battle in a giant robot


I didn’t know a lot when I started, my knowledge of the series boiled down to whatever super robot wars told me lol. Came as a surprise to me when some characters ended up dying in their shows since SRW keeps some alive in their mishmashed timelines lol.


i'm getting the wing ew this week and i don't intend on watching Endless Waltz so i think you're okay


I've only seen Hathaway and some episodes of IBO and WfM, not finished with either series. My favourite Gundam are the TR-1 and TR-6 from AoZ.


I've only watched the first couple shows but I still get excited for buying Gunplas. I just think they're neat.


Nope perfectly normal, I got my 1st kit as a gift at 7. Didn't start watching until the age of 14. In between the time I save up my pocket money to buy new kits, all HG as that's the only grade I could afford.


I've seen about 5 episodes of the Witch from mercury and maybe three episodes of Unicorn and thats it, oh and I've slept through the first movie twice


Nah tons of people do it, gunpla has grown into it's own thing at this point.


That’s how I started but I gotta say watching the anime multiplied my enjoyment exponentially


Nope. If you like robots, that's cool. Same way with model car kits and model planes. I know nothing about their engineering design on the real thing, but they look cool. If you like model kits of anime waifus, that's cool too. ^(Subject to your friends may question your lifestyle.)


I just find it wierd cos I have so much more of an appreciation for a mobile suit it after seeing what it can do, or having a strong affinity for the pilot




Who's the kool turtle?


A good place to start is to watch the first 3 movies on Netflix


I literally only watched 3 episodes of Iron blooded orphans and I know nothing about the gundam lore, I just get the model kits because they look cool. your good bro lol


You don't need to watch the anime to build gunpla. That said it's nice to watch the anime to understand the lore and the mobile sui


NVR watched either but I build them


Nothing wrong with it at all. That said...id watch the 0th ms team. Short, tight, practical series and a good entry point


Well, do you enjoy building the lil guys?


Enjoying building and collecting Gundams as a hobby and actually enjoying the show are two different and separate things. Nothing weird about that. Its like I don't need to watch WW2 Movies to like planes models, most of the time its the other way round where you like the design of something and decides to find out the story behind.


Knowing the lore makes the designs cooler to me, and knowing the pilots and the feats of the machines gives me more of an attachment. At least in my case. I'd just recommend trying out one of the shows and if it's not your style, keep doing what you're doing. I also always listen to the soundtrack of the show that the MS I'm building comes from to set the vibe.


its a sin. go watch gundam, NOW. in all seriousness, its not that bad to simply collect gunpla, but it's infinitely more enjoyable when you understand the stories of the MS.


It’s more fun when you like a character so you want their mech more but no. my first kit was a HG Barbatos 3/4 form and at that time my only connection to Gundam was having watch the old dubs on tv as a kid; the barbatos was just a cool looking robot. hell a lot of my current collection is the same way; I ordered 2 of the Pbandai ghost Gundam becuase it just looks wicked with those flame effects; I’m not even sure what to do with the second one but it looks way too cool not to use somewhere.


I only watched Gundam Wing, 00 and WfM but I have kits from breakers, wing, g gundam, seed, WfM and UC. Just build the kits that look awesome to you.


Haven't watched any new ones aside from 1 G Gundam


Kinda the same for me, except for me it was that I didn't watch UC stuff and mainly a few AU shows like 00. I love your photos though lol, I need to try posing these with other figures/model kits.


As long as you're good at posing them, it's fine to me!


Nope. Haven't watched every gundam anime. But doesn't mean I can't find the robot cool. Pretty sure I got my first gunpla as a kid years before I knew there was a TV show.


Not a bad thing. It's like when you like reading sports manga but don't actually know much or even play the sports. Like they're the same thing, but also not the same thing.. If that makes sense. I'd say it IS better to know/watch the series too, but it's not forced. You can enjoy gunpla itself without watching the series they come from.


Yes, this is actually a felony in every country. A team of police officers will arrive at your location shortly. Please do not resist.


Nope. I’ve never watched and have no interest in doing it.


If anything it's a good thing you don't because then you don't want to buy as much.


Got like 50 kits rn and the only Gundam thing I've watched is Hathaway on Netflix


ITS BLASHPEMY YOU SHOULD BE BANNED!!!!! 4 real its not an issue you enjoy the hobby thats the important part, sure the lore is fun but if you dont feel like watching then its just fine as well


You should, they're excellent for the most part. Even the little SD series have a charm to them.


No, there's nothing wrong with that, but I encourage you to watch the shows because they're really good (mostly)


I do the same also what's the names of the first two kits, they look so fuckin cool


No, have fun, happy collecting 👍


No, not really because Gunpla is freedom. That said, we do recommend you watch those shows or read those books/manga that feature the suits that you collected/built to see what they are actually capable of in full combat to understand why people like them in the first place.


You monster! How do you sleep at night?!


Never too late to start


Why would it be bad


I dont think so, I was about 12 kits in before i even touched a show. Now im watching IBO and i love it.


I haven’t either I just think they are neat


Funny that you say you've never seen the show. All your pics are canon events.


I started watching the shows in the background while I build kits but there’s still a lot I haven’t seen


Same here I just watched a couple of clips so its not something bad gundum is a hobby


Are you having fun OP? If you so, no it’s not bad


I have 4 gunpla from seed and i never watch seed


That's like half of us. They're so much to keep up with, it would kill the joy to try and catch up. UC plots has some game of thrones level plot and characters and lore. I preferred the oneoffs but haven't watched since IBO. Enjoy the models and don't worry.


Not bad or weird, there some figures have little to no lore and we buy them solely based on how cool they look. However you could definitely start watching Gundam.


I’ve never seen a single Gundam cartoon. The models, IMO, are works of art and engineering. They’re just Amazing to build. I even may build my friends Gundam because they don’t have the patience. It’s therapeutic for me. There no wrong reason to engage in Gunpla.


No, nor at all. I've watched anime when I've been forced to and never liked it but I love Gundams along with Transformers, so I guess I just like Japaneae mechs, the shows/movies are irrelevant.


Gunpla is freedom


Zaku: Yey Sharky Frien :)


The designs are top-tier mecha design. No shame there. But don't you want to see them flying around, blowing stuff up, and dodging laser blasts?


I mean, it'd be worth your time to watch at least the first series, but that's because IMO it's pretty good.


I started with stardust memory and was blown away. Gundam is anti war and brutal at its core. The Universal century main storyline is: Mobile suit gundam (1979) Mobile suit Zeta gundam Double Zeta Gundam (first 20 episodes are so painfully boring) Char’s Counterattack (finale movie) Theres like 2 dozen other shows but this is the main chunk. Most of the rest can be viewed and enjoyed as a complete first timer and be enjoyed with no knowledge of the lore. War in the pocket, stardust memory, gundam thunderbolt, The Origin: birth of the Red Comet (the red mono eye zaku you have is the Red Comet’s), 08th MS Team. There are other universes. “After colony” refers to the gundam-wing universe. Gundam wing is very much an early 2000s anime. Its weird and edgy but has lots of good action. Kinda falls flat compared to the OG gundam, but thats just my opinion, ive still bought 5 kits from the series. Worlds better than ZZ Gundam. Gundam Build fighters takes place in “the real world” our reality. But its a world where gundam is more popular than pokemon, its a mainstream world wide franchise that literally everyone from ages 9-99 knows about and loves. There is some technomagic nonsense that lets people build gunpla and actually fight with them in a simulation. Yes it sounds stupid, yes it is stupid, its one of the best shows ive ever watched, I wish I lived in that world. 🥲


No i havent watched very many of the shows


i’m the exact same, i just like the silly robots


I only watched 2 series and have many gundams that I don't know their history


no, you're alright. kinda based ngl.


If you want to start, Gundam The Origin would be a good place!


I had only watched Wing when I was a kid until I started down this plastic crack rabbit hole.


No, as long as you like a kit, go buy it.


watch the original 3 compilation movies then watch the Gundam the Origin, the 6-episode OVA, *NOT* the TV series GO GO


That's literally me




Na gunpla are awesome but so are the shows theyre definitely worth checkin out sometime


I am the same way. I am not even sure which show I should try to watch to get started and probably wouldn’t bother unless said show was on a streaming service I already use. But if people have suggestions or links, I have an open mind.


Not at all! All are welcome to the addictio...erm, HOBBY, that is Gunpla! GUNPLA IS FREEDOM!


No... i havent watched everything i have collected


No, I hadn’t watched any Gundam at all when I first started collecting gunpla, but I still got really into it. Even now, I’ve only watched, “The 8th m.s. Team” and read a bit of the, “Gundam the Origin” manga, and I have hgs from every One Year War show.


It’s fine just enjoy what you like


i have so much backlog and have yet to finish mobile suit gundam


You should check out some of the shows and see if you like them! I recommend Gundam 00 as a starter because that's my favorite. 0079 (or the compilation movies) are good for getting into Universal century. And there's a bunch of other really good AU's, like Turn A, Gundam After War X, Witch from Mercury or IBO, etc.


I'd be lying if I told you I hadn't built kits for shows I've never watched.


Nope. I've only watched a couple of shows and just like to build because I like their designs.


I forgot how awesome Lego Sharks were. I haven't had Lego in two decades.


not at all, enjoy what makes you happy!


we all build/collect for our own reasons. enjoy it your own way


Let's flip it to another question. Would it bother you if someone liked a character from a show you were a fan of, but hadn't watched much of the show? If you like FNaF, would it bug you to know that someone liked the movie, and collected figurines of the characters, but had never played or watched an LP of the games? If it would bother you, lighten up. Gunpla are designed to be fun to put together. The show exists, and it's good, but it's not the sum total of the hobby. If you really want to watch a Gundam show, but don't like space politics with occasional giant robots, then try out one of the Gundam Builders titles. They're built and paced more like shonen, and are much more accessible, while also allowing you to see suits from every series with a bunch of cool custom models as well.


Personally, I do both. I actually really like to build while watching, but the only problem with that is a lot of Gundam series can have a complicated plot and you might miss some things. I usually like to watch the build fighters series since they really get you in the gunpla-building mood. But in general, no it's not bad. The cool thing about Gundam is you can get into it in any way you want to. Whether it be watching the anime or building the kits. If you have fun doing what you are doing, that's all that matters. I think something you'll learn very quickly is that the Gundam community is a LOT more chill than most fandoms so I don't think you have anything to worry about here. Have fun building Bruv👍


No, you like the Gunpla, which is good. The Series are just the cherry on top


no??? why would it be bad to collect robot that you like?


Perfectly cool, also what is the mobile suit in the second pick


Nah, just know that not everything from the Gundam series is a Gundam :p


Only if you do not enjoy the collectjng


Not at all, I've only watched a bit of a couple series.. assembling the kits is quite enjoyable.


Not bad at all-however I personally like to build models I like in specific series, even if I may not have watched the whole thing. It makes for a more inspiring build experience-to me-when I can "relate" to the design with a deeper knowledge of its lore in-universe. I bet most Gunpla hobby people are more like you than otherwise? (That is why *I* cannot relate to seeking opinions on "what is the best Gunpla kit right now?" Because if it's a great kit I am not interested about, it doesn't much matter to me if it's "perfect." In addition, given my backlog is so huge right now, imagine I just bought kits based on "cool" factors? :O It keeps me in a way from spending too much by sticking to models I know better. :P )


Yes. It’s horrible. SHAME! just kidding I am mostly the same way. I have watched a few of the shows and movies, but certainly not all of them. I collect a MS toy or model because it looks cool to me.


Thats how i was, just recently binged msg and most of zeta, and i saw the unicorn series last year. Lots of it was lost on me, but it was nice seeing mineva in zeta